Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Conner sits by keeping to himself. The big man is lost in his own thoughts. What the hell just happened back there? Was this some kind of setup? Why does always seem like there is no one you can trust? People always seem so eager to back stab one another. I know in some weird sort of way that is how people like me and the others make a living, but it still makes me sick. And what they did to that kid! I'm sick of it!
"I'M SICK OF IT!" Conner yells out as he slams his fist on the table. He throws the magazine down and hurries down stairs to his bunk. As he sits down his fists curl up into balls. Every muscle in his body tightens and then begins to shake, this in turn rakes the entire body with violent storms of tremors. His teeth feel as they are going to break as they are crushed and ground into each other. Beads of sweat build up on his forehead and tears pour off of his chin.
Conner sits by keeping to himself. The big man is lost in his own thoughts. What the hell just happened back there? Was this some kind of setup? Why does always seem like there is no one you can trust? People always seem so eager to back stab one another. I know in some weird sort of way that is how people like me and the others make a living, but it still makes me sick. And what they did to that kid! I'm sick of it!
"I'M SICK OF IT!" Conner yells out as he slams his fist on the table. He throws the magazine down and hurries down stairs to his bunk. As he sits down his fists curl up into balls. Every muscle in his body tightens and then begins to shake, this in turn rakes the entire body with violent storms of tremors. His teeth feel as they are going to break as they are crushed and ground into each other. Beads of sweat build up on his forehead and tears pour off of his chin.
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Conditions: Wearing clean fatigues, body armor and weapon belt/pistols.
Adrienne finishes making sure her Gigi is rearmed and ready to roll. Then she goes and makes sure her weapons and gear are stored. She then goes to the observation deck and talks with Shane about the setup. Adrienne finishes her talk with Shane and hears Cale's call to dinner. She goes and washes up and runs into Kat, smiling at her. "Hey baby, sounds like its dinnertime."
Conditions: Wearing clean fatigues, body armor and weapon belt/pistols.
Adrienne finishes making sure her Gigi is rearmed and ready to roll. Then she goes and makes sure her weapons and gear are stored. She then goes to the observation deck and talks with Shane about the setup. Adrienne finishes her talk with Shane and hears Cale's call to dinner. She goes and washes up and runs into Kat, smiling at her. "Hey baby, sounds like its dinnertime."
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Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Guess who's back?
Location: Shane's room
Alone with his thoughts, Shane considers a lot of information, details, and possible motives before reaching the conclusion that Mayor Grisabella Akakios and her cohorts set them up to be the fall guys for the mass-murder of the entire village of Medicine Hat. The motives for such still elude Shane, but he feels he has a rational explanation for the rest of the convoluted mess of which they seem to have found themselves at the center. Shane's belly rumbles as he finishes the maintenance of his weapons and stands back up with a head full of problems.
Conner, Cale, Adrienne
Location: Observation Deck
Event: Dinner in 10 minutes!
As Cale's tending to the last stages of the wonderful repast he has prepared, Conner sits at the conference/dinner table obviously in an agitated state before erupting seemingly out of nowhere and storming off to his own room.
(Location note: Conner is now alone in his own room)
With the meal nearing the final stages of completion, Cale shouts out the impending deadline and gets to setting the round conference table in the observation deck for dinner.
Conner rushes by Adrienne as she marches up to the observation deck and takes a seat at the conference/dinner table in her armor and fully kitted-out with weapons and accessories. Her belly's rumbling protests of neglect grow in volume and intensity as she catches a whiff of the delicious aromas wafting from Cale's make-shift kitchen.
Caradoc, Daphne, Kaitlyn, Logan, & Reaper
Location: Cargo Hold
In the cargo hold, the animated cadaver and the unearthed crypt are the center of attention.
Kaitlyn sips her coffee and watches the good doctor work, occasionally commenting or asking a question.
Caradoc reassures his re-animated patient that he's not being neglected and stands a safe distance from Logan who appears ready to open the crypt.
Daphne stands between Caradoc and Kaitlyn, ready to assist in contacting the apparition of which Logan speaks.
Reaper stands by to one side of Logan, curious to see what's going on and ready to proselytize the wonders of Minmei to any new person who might be found inside--or use her awesome powers to destroy anything evil contained within.
Logan visually inspects the burial container and notes a line of dirt which appears slightly different in color to the rest of the earth encrusting the container. Demonstrating a feat of telekinetic prowess, Logan uses his mental powers to wrench free the lid of the crypt and lift it straight up. He moves it to one side and sets it on the deck of the cargo hold so that he can approach safely and make an inspection.
(Logan: -20 I.S.P.)
Within the earth-encrusted stone capsule is an extremely decayed dead body. The bottom of the coffin is coated by a thin layer of greasy yellow material which Caradoc recognizes as "grave wax" which is often a very toxic substance rife with harmful, even deadly, contagions. Aside from the grave wax, the body within is primarily skeletal remains which Caradoc can easily tell are those of a human male. The skeletal remains are covered by the tattered remains of decayed cotton fabric and an antique pendant on a thin necklace of fine steel links. Aside from the pendant, there's not much of interest apparent in the coffin.

ShaneConditions wrote:TIME & DATE: 6:25 pm local, 17 January 110 P.A.
LEY LINE: The western half of the map has a minor ley line running through it.
WEATHER: 14°F, Dead calm, no wind, and even flurries have ceased.
EFFECTS: Naked eye visibility to 650'.
TERRAIN: Heavily wooded. The older trees in this forest creates a thick canopy obscuring the ATRV from above. It is getting darker by the minute.
Location: Shane's room
Alone with his thoughts, Shane considers a lot of information, details, and possible motives before reaching the conclusion that Mayor Grisabella Akakios and her cohorts set them up to be the fall guys for the mass-murder of the entire village of Medicine Hat. The motives for such still elude Shane, but he feels he has a rational explanation for the rest of the convoluted mess of which they seem to have found themselves at the center. Shane's belly rumbles as he finishes the maintenance of his weapons and stands back up with a head full of problems.
Conner, Cale, Adrienne
Location: Observation Deck
Event: Dinner in 10 minutes!
As Cale's tending to the last stages of the wonderful repast he has prepared, Conner sits at the conference/dinner table obviously in an agitated state before erupting seemingly out of nowhere and storming off to his own room.
(Location note: Conner is now alone in his own room)
With the meal nearing the final stages of completion, Cale shouts out the impending deadline and gets to setting the round conference table in the observation deck for dinner.
Conner rushes by Adrienne as she marches up to the observation deck and takes a seat at the conference/dinner table in her armor and fully kitted-out with weapons and accessories. Her belly's rumbling protests of neglect grow in volume and intensity as she catches a whiff of the delicious aromas wafting from Cale's make-shift kitchen.
Caradoc, Daphne, Kaitlyn, Logan, & Reaper
Location: Cargo Hold
In the cargo hold, the animated cadaver and the unearthed crypt are the center of attention.
Kaitlyn sips her coffee and watches the good doctor work, occasionally commenting or asking a question.
Caradoc reassures his re-animated patient that he's not being neglected and stands a safe distance from Logan who appears ready to open the crypt.
Daphne stands between Caradoc and Kaitlyn, ready to assist in contacting the apparition of which Logan speaks.
Reaper stands by to one side of Logan, curious to see what's going on and ready to proselytize the wonders of Minmei to any new person who might be found inside--or use her awesome powers to destroy anything evil contained within.
Logan visually inspects the burial container and notes a line of dirt which appears slightly different in color to the rest of the earth encrusting the container. Demonstrating a feat of telekinetic prowess, Logan uses his mental powers to wrench free the lid of the crypt and lift it straight up. He moves it to one side and sets it on the deck of the cargo hold so that he can approach safely and make an inspection.
(Logan: -20 I.S.P.)
Within the earth-encrusted stone capsule is an extremely decayed dead body. The bottom of the coffin is coated by a thin layer of greasy yellow material which Caradoc recognizes as "grave wax" which is often a very toxic substance rife with harmful, even deadly, contagions. Aside from the grave wax, the body within is primarily skeletal remains which Caradoc can easily tell are those of a human male. The skeletal remains are covered by the tattered remains of decayed cotton fabric and an antique pendant on a thin necklace of fine steel links. Aside from the pendant, there's not much of interest apparent in the coffin.

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 2 + 5 = 7
JIC: 21, 76%
Rolled by: Logan Sharpe on 12/3/2010 9:03:15 PM
Leaning in, Logan examines the crypt that had kept him on his toes for what seemed like days. His eyes dance around the inside, noticing some slimy yellow substance at the bottom and the decayed remains throughout. Despite all the dead-ness in the crypt, one thing does actually tickle his curiosity—the pendant. In an attempt to not come in contact with any of the rotting goodness leftover from the crypt’s occupier, Logan once again reaches deep inside his mind to lift the pendant from the decayed body. Telekinesis: 3 I.S.P. Hovering the item in front of his face for a moment, all Logan can manage is a simple, “…huh….”
Turning back to face the rest of his team, Logan whirls the object in the air and playfully dangles it in front so all can see. “A little different from your pendant aye’, Reaper? Any of you seen anything like this before?” Using the psychic-crane that is his mind, Logan gently rests the pendant on the edge of the coffin, freeing his mind from its grasp. Running a finger along the folds of steel that the pendant is made up of, Logan tries to get a better idea of what the significance of such an object is. It is interesting I’ll give it that. But for a hero such as that man to only be buried with a simple object like this…. Heh, that either means he died dead broke, or this little baby is the greatest thing he owned. Either way…I really wanna’ know what its importance is.
JIC: 21, 76%
Rolled by: Logan Sharpe on 12/3/2010 9:03:15 PM
Leaning in, Logan examines the crypt that had kept him on his toes for what seemed like days. His eyes dance around the inside, noticing some slimy yellow substance at the bottom and the decayed remains throughout. Despite all the dead-ness in the crypt, one thing does actually tickle his curiosity—the pendant. In an attempt to not come in contact with any of the rotting goodness leftover from the crypt’s occupier, Logan once again reaches deep inside his mind to lift the pendant from the decayed body. Telekinesis: 3 I.S.P. Hovering the item in front of his face for a moment, all Logan can manage is a simple, “…huh….”
Turning back to face the rest of his team, Logan whirls the object in the air and playfully dangles it in front so all can see. “A little different from your pendant aye’, Reaper? Any of you seen anything like this before?” Using the psychic-crane that is his mind, Logan gently rests the pendant on the edge of the coffin, freeing his mind from its grasp. Running a finger along the folds of steel that the pendant is made up of, Logan tries to get a better idea of what the significance of such an object is. It is interesting I’ll give it that. But for a hero such as that man to only be buried with a simple object like this…. Heh, that either means he died dead broke, or this little baby is the greatest thing he owned. Either way…I really wanna’ know what its importance is.
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 12+2=14
JIC: 15
"The corpse hasn't made a lunge at you yet Logan... so he's either very, very deceased or simply hasn't gotten to know you yet. Either way, I feel completely safe standing next to you now. I fancy a closer look."
Dr. Cai Caradoc ensures that his Medical Sensor Hand is sterilized before reaching in to perform a series of actions. He suddenly halts though and looks around before calling out to those around him first and then across the team's comm band if he doesn't have any initial positive replies, "Does anyone have a camera of sorts? I feel terribly amateur in saying I didn't remember to buy a camera eye attachment for my peepers even though I had clearly put it on my list of things to do."
If someone has a camera he'll ask that everyone wait until that person is in place and ready. If not, well, he'll just have to grimace and do without! ((Kaitlyn has one on her sheet, and appears to be the only one in the group with a camera of any sort. I am not sure if Dave can record with his eyes, TGM?))
Photograph the corpse in situ before anything else. Take shots from various angles of the head for reconstructive analysis later.
Pointedly glare at Logan for disturbing a grave without proper scientific procedure, then otherwise ignore him in pure passive aggressive glory
Take photographs and samples of clothing to determine quality in order to determine the subject's likely occupation/place in society
((This will take several hours, so the doctor would take a break to eat after taking the photographs and before beginning the evidence gathering/autopsy))
"Gentlemen, I'll be down in the hold examining the corpse for the next few hours. I will have my radio implant tuned in if you need me, but please only disturb me if you need a medical opinion or you feel that my word is required in some important decision. I need to concentrate. If any of you wish to assist, I will gladly employ you in my morbid investigation. Before you say anything, Clay, I believe Minmei's powers would be of much better use in other areas. Her singing, while beautiful, would only distract me."
After a (hopefully) pleasant dinner, Doc Caradoc will thank the chef (THANKS CALE!) and excuse himself. Doc will elect to shed his EBA and wear his lab outfit for this investigation. He will set up his portable laboratory near the corpse before beginning.
Take samples of any external signs of death (i.e. a bullet lodged in a bone, or marked discoloration etc.)
Take samples of hair and finger/toe nails if present. Take measurements of the body.
Take a sample of the grave wax from the bottom of the container with a specimen jar
Remove a tooth for carbon dating the enamel layers for C12-C14 ratio to determine how long ago the subject was likely born and died
Perform autopsy on any decayed remains of brain, lungs, heart, and stomach primarily. Liver, kidneys and other organs may require examination if no cause of death found yet.
Salvage -- 27/67% PASS (to take proper, usable samples)
Diagnosis: 05/82% PASS (determine cause of death)
Pathology -- 27/72% PASS (note and determine what if any diseases afflicted this man)
Sensory Equipment 31/62% PASS (proper radio-carbon dating procedure)
Advanced Mathematics -- 29/77% PASS (extrapolating date of birth and death from carbon dating)
Upon finishing, the doctor will compile a report and upload it to the ATRV's computers and then summarize to the group what he has found.
JIC: 15
"The corpse hasn't made a lunge at you yet Logan... so he's either very, very deceased or simply hasn't gotten to know you yet. Either way, I feel completely safe standing next to you now. I fancy a closer look."
Dr. Cai Caradoc ensures that his Medical Sensor Hand is sterilized before reaching in to perform a series of actions. He suddenly halts though and looks around before calling out to those around him first and then across the team's comm band if he doesn't have any initial positive replies, "Does anyone have a camera of sorts? I feel terribly amateur in saying I didn't remember to buy a camera eye attachment for my peepers even though I had clearly put it on my list of things to do."
If someone has a camera he'll ask that everyone wait until that person is in place and ready. If not, well, he'll just have to grimace and do without! ((Kaitlyn has one on her sheet, and appears to be the only one in the group with a camera of any sort. I am not sure if Dave can record with his eyes, TGM?))

((This will take several hours, so the doctor would take a break to eat after taking the photographs and before beginning the evidence gathering/autopsy))
"Gentlemen, I'll be down in the hold examining the corpse for the next few hours. I will have my radio implant tuned in if you need me, but please only disturb me if you need a medical opinion or you feel that my word is required in some important decision. I need to concentrate. If any of you wish to assist, I will gladly employ you in my morbid investigation. Before you say anything, Clay, I believe Minmei's powers would be of much better use in other areas. Her singing, while beautiful, would only distract me."
After a (hopefully) pleasant dinner, Doc Caradoc will thank the chef (THANKS CALE!) and excuse himself. Doc will elect to shed his EBA and wear his lab outfit for this investigation. He will set up his portable laboratory near the corpse before beginning.

Salvage -- 27/67% PASS (to take proper, usable samples)
Diagnosis: 05/82% PASS (determine cause of death)
Pathology -- 27/72% PASS (note and determine what if any diseases afflicted this man)
Sensory Equipment 31/62% PASS (proper radio-carbon dating procedure)
Advanced Mathematics -- 29/77% PASS (extrapolating date of birth and death from carbon dating)
Upon finishing, the doctor will compile a report and upload it to the ATRV's computers and then summarize to the group what he has found.
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 16 + 3 = 19
JIC: 19/8%
Location: Shane's Room then to the Observation Deck
Once dinner is done and before everyone goes about their own business, Shane will go over the information and possible motives as to why he thinks they were set up. "Okay Roughneck's, I've got a little theory about the reason we seem to be being set up." He pauses to make sure he has their attention. "Okay. Why would someone kill a bunch of innocents and then raise them? It just didn't make any sense at all. Until I thought of the recording of our fight with the raised villagers as we entered the village. And then it came to me. Who ever did this must be planning to make us the bad guys here. They need someone to take the fall. They do some suitable editing to the tape and show us blasting the seemingly alive villagers and show it to the rest of the locals and it will turn everyone else's attention to us and will allow them to do what ever they are doing. Very smart and devious, really. Now for the real problem, how do we counter it? What's our next move? Any ideas at all?"
JIC: 19/8%
Location: Shane's Room then to the Observation Deck
Shane's enhanced hearing picks up Cale's bellow and he finishes up what he is doing and heads to the Observation Deck for dinner. He grabs a seat at the table and waits for dinner to be served. The excellent meal will earn Cale a pat on the back and heartfelt thanks. He knows that a good meal goes a long way in maintaining morale after seeing horrifying situations like the one they just witnessed.Cale wrote:Bellowing out in the cook fashion. "Ten minutes till dinner is ready. Get washed up, NO ONE SITS AT MY TABLE WITH DIRTY HANDS!!!!!!! I will be checking!" With his message delivered. He heads back upstairs.
Once dinner is done and before everyone goes about their own business, Shane will go over the information and possible motives as to why he thinks they were set up. "Okay Roughneck's, I've got a little theory about the reason we seem to be being set up." He pauses to make sure he has their attention. "Okay. Why would someone kill a bunch of innocents and then raise them? It just didn't make any sense at all. Until I thought of the recording of our fight with the raised villagers as we entered the village. And then it came to me. Who ever did this must be planning to make us the bad guys here. They need someone to take the fall. They do some suitable editing to the tape and show us blasting the seemingly alive villagers and show it to the rest of the locals and it will turn everyone else's attention to us and will allow them to do what ever they are doing. Very smart and devious, really. Now for the real problem, how do we counter it? What's our next move? Any ideas at all?"
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 19 + 1 = 20
JIC: 18, 24%
Putting down his fork, Cale finishes chewing the mouthful he has. "Shane, I think the first thing we should do is change the radio frequency we are working on. If they are planning to use us as scapegoats, we should not let our enemies know what we were up to. Adrienne, Kaitlyn. Do you still have any of the Glitter Fangs frequencies programed into your radios? I was thinking of using Tango and Zulu channels because of the few months that we were a group those channels were never used."
JIC: 18, 24%
Making sure everyone had first helping before he starts eating, Cale will be the last at the table. Serving himself, he then digs in. Listening to Shane go through his theory and request for suggestions.Shane Knight wrote:Once dinner is done and before everyone goes about their own business, Shane will go over the information and possible motives as to why he thinks they were set up. "Okay Roughneck's, I've got a little theory about the reason we seem to be being set up." He pauses to make sure he has their attention. "Okay. Why would someone kill a bunch of innocents and then raise them? It just didn't make any sense at all. Until I thought of the recording of our fight with the raised villagers as we entered the village. And then it came to me. Who ever did this must be planning to make us the bad guys here. They need someone to take the fall. They do some suitable editing to the tape and show us blasting the seemingly alive villagers and show it to the rest of the locals and it will turn everyone else's attention to us and will allow them to do what ever they are doing. Very smart and devious, really. Now for the real problem, how do we counter it? What's our next move? Any ideas at all?"
Putting down his fork, Cale finishes chewing the mouthful he has. "Shane, I think the first thing we should do is change the radio frequency we are working on. If they are planning to use us as scapegoats, we should not let our enemies know what we were up to. Adrienne, Kaitlyn. Do you still have any of the Glitter Fangs frequencies programed into your radios? I was thinking of using Tango and Zulu channels because of the few months that we were a group those channels were never used."
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
(Rolls held over)
Turning to the others at the table, "Any other thoughts?"
Shane nods as Cale finishes his thought. "Good thought, Cale. I already had that in my to do list after dinner. Once we get back to civilization, I plan on upgrading all our radio's with those Wilk's models with the built in scramblers. I meant to get them before we left, but got busy with other things."Cale wrote:Putting down his fork, Cale finishes chewing the mouthful he has. "Shane, I think the first thing we should do is change the radio frequency we are working on. If they are planning to use us as scapegoats, we should not let our enemies know what we were up to. Adrienne, Kaitlyn. Do you still have any of the Glitter Fangs frequencies programed into your radios? I was thinking of using Tango and Zulu channels because of the few months that we were a group those channels were never used."
Turning to the others at the table, "Any other thoughts?"
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Reaper stands up and stretches a bit, "Dang that was good Cale. As for frequencies, we can always use some of the ones pre-programmed into the Cyclone. I doubt the folks here know any of the frequencies used by the UEEF. And I am sure the UEEF won't mind if I use them here. It is after all our mission to help people."
Before Cai could leave to go downstairs, "Hey Doc, I don't understand what you mean about her music being a distraction. But have you heard her little tune 'My time to be a star' it's very much a thought cleansing song."
Before Cai could leave to go downstairs, "Hey Doc, I don't understand what you mean about her music being a distraction. But have you heard her little tune 'My time to be a star' it's very much a thought cleansing song."

H.P.: 34 / 44 S.D.C.: 40 / 40 I.S.P.: 39 / 39
CA-4 M.D.C. by Location: -5% Climb / -20% skills of prowess
Helmet - 70/70 Arms (2) - 60/60 each Legs (2) - 80/80 each Main Body - 100/100
CVR-3H M.D.C. by Location: -10% to physical skills
Helmet - 50/50 Arms (2) - 35/35 each Legs (2) - 50/50 each Main Body - 120/120
Gallant H-90 (Rifle) 415/415 (single shot - does 5 round bursts)
H-260 Valiant Laser Assault Rifle 391/415 (single shot - does 3 round bursts)
MercTown Bank Account
Sense Dimensional Anomaly - 500' Duration: 10 min ISP: 4
Precognition - 60% ISP: 8
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 12+5=17
JIC: 16, 30%
Once the Doctor starts getting to work on the ‘zombie’, Logan simply smiles and heads off to let the man work in peace, “I’ll leave you too it then Doc. Oh, and call me if you need any help!” The latter is said with a half-smile as he picks up the pendant. With a wave of his hand, Logan will try and bring the rest of the group up to the observation deck with him. Rolling the new found pendant over and over in the palm of his hand, Logan finds the nearest sink and honors Cale’s wish for everyone to arrive at dinner with sparkly clean hands. Why is it that in a group called the Roughnecks, the ones that I’d hesitate to throw down against are the chef, the doctor, and the guy who plays with dolls? Speaking of which, I still owe Conner a talk about life and all that ‘ish…that’ll have to wait till after dinner though.
Reaching the observation deck, Logan offers a slight ‘jazz-hands’ motion to Cale in hopes that his hands are up to par with the rest of the group. With a plate of food in front of him, Logan does not even hesitate to wait for the others before he starts eating. To hell with manners—I get a free pass after the shit that I just witnessed. As expected, the food tastes fantastic and although Logan doesn’t make this thought audible, he gives credit where credit is due by shaking his head with a slight smile and pointing to his food as if to say, ‘you did it again you talented bastard!’ Before anyone gets to talking about the mission at hand, Logan drops the pendant on the table for all to see, “Found this in the tomb, guys. No idea what its significance is yet though.”
As the others begin to share their ideas, Logan just sits back and listens, waiting for someone to spark an idea in his mind.
JIC: 16, 30%
Once the Doctor starts getting to work on the ‘zombie’, Logan simply smiles and heads off to let the man work in peace, “I’ll leave you too it then Doc. Oh, and call me if you need any help!” The latter is said with a half-smile as he picks up the pendant. With a wave of his hand, Logan will try and bring the rest of the group up to the observation deck with him. Rolling the new found pendant over and over in the palm of his hand, Logan finds the nearest sink and honors Cale’s wish for everyone to arrive at dinner with sparkly clean hands. Why is it that in a group called the Roughnecks, the ones that I’d hesitate to throw down against are the chef, the doctor, and the guy who plays with dolls? Speaking of which, I still owe Conner a talk about life and all that ‘ish…that’ll have to wait till after dinner though.
Reaching the observation deck, Logan offers a slight ‘jazz-hands’ motion to Cale in hopes that his hands are up to par with the rest of the group. With a plate of food in front of him, Logan does not even hesitate to wait for the others before he starts eating. To hell with manners—I get a free pass after the shit that I just witnessed. As expected, the food tastes fantastic and although Logan doesn’t make this thought audible, he gives credit where credit is due by shaking his head with a slight smile and pointing to his food as if to say, ‘you did it again you talented bastard!’ Before anyone gets to talking about the mission at hand, Logan drops the pendant on the table for all to see, “Found this in the tomb, guys. No idea what its significance is yet though.”
Putting his fork down for a moment, Logan pipes up, “Before we figure out how to counter it, we should probably try to figure out who or what is setting us up. Does the group have enemies? Disgruntled ex-employees? Ex-bosses that got shafted? Old contacts out for revenge? Ex-flings? Honestly anyone at all that may have a bone to pick with the group as a whole or one of us individually?” Hmm, let’s see here…a list of people who may want me dead. Well, there is the handful of small kingdoms whose leaders I’ve killed. There are the mercenary groups I routed from the inside. There is the merchants who I mind-fucked until they only did business with my king. Ah! Speaking of which, there is my own kingdom whose king I left dead and mutilated in his own room. Yup, my money is on those bastards. “Unfortunately you guys took this mission before I came aboard so my demons shouldn’t really apply here. And even if they did…I doubt we have enough time to take a walk down that part of memory lane.”Shane wrote: "Okay Roughneck's, I've got a little theory about the reason we seem to be being set up." He pauses to make sure he has their attention. "Okay. Why would someone kill a bunch of innocents and then raise them? It just didn't make any sense at all. Until I thought of the recording of our fight with the raised villagers as we entered the village. And then it came to me. Whoever did this must be planning to make us the bad guys here. They need someone to take the fall. They do some suitable editing to the tape and show us blasting the seemingly alive villagers and show it to the rest of the locals and it will turn everyone else's attention to us and will allow them to do whatever they are doing. Very smart and devious, really. Now for the real problem, how do we counter it? What's our next move? Any ideas at all?"
As the others begin to share their ideas, Logan just sits back and listens, waiting for someone to spark an idea in his mind.
As Shane speaks, a thin smile creeps across Logan’s face, “Why not lure them in using our frequency. Think about it, if we believe they are using our frequency to find us then why not use that fact against them. Stage a setup of our own if you will. Leak a message that states where our next destination will be, however instead of them finding the entirety of our group come strolling out of the ATRV, a few of us will be waiting on the perimeter and will surprise this son of a bitch as he watches the ATRV from a far.”Shane wrote: "Good thought, Cale. I already had that in my to do list after dinner. Once we get back to civilization, I plan on upgrading all our radio's with those Wilk's models with the built in scramblers. I meant to get them before we left, but got busy with other things."
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perceptiion: 12 + 4 = 16
JIC: 19/45%
Pre-Existing conditions: Working on a cup of coffee. Dressed in her Indy Jones outfit without the jacket and Dad's 45 in a holster along with her Marine K-bar Knife.
When Adri heads up for dinner. Kat breaks with the Doc and joins her for a dinner and listens to Logans Theory.
"Well if you are right Logan. How did they know we were coming? Specifically here. Seems that would have taken alot of work. Killing off an entire village. torturing some of them. Raising the entire village. Setting up the entire scene. How long would that have taken? The idea has merit. But it seems improbable given the time element."
When the question comes up regarding the channels.
"I still have the old channels programmed for the Glitter Fangs. I would suggest we start monitoring any and all channels used up here. If we have been setup, maybe we can pickup some chatter. I don't want to get back to civilization and have an entire Posse waiting for us."
Kat will spend some time with Adri after dinner, unless there is something comes up to distract her. She quickly loses interest in the dead zombie the doc is working on in favor of a very live, warm Adri.
JIC: 19/45%
Pre-Existing conditions: Working on a cup of coffee. Dressed in her Indy Jones outfit without the jacket and Dad's 45 in a holster along with her Marine K-bar Knife.
When Adri heads up for dinner. Kat breaks with the Doc and joins her for a dinner and listens to Logans Theory.
"Well if you are right Logan. How did they know we were coming? Specifically here. Seems that would have taken alot of work. Killing off an entire village. torturing some of them. Raising the entire village. Setting up the entire scene. How long would that have taken? The idea has merit. But it seems improbable given the time element."
When the question comes up regarding the channels.
"I still have the old channels programmed for the Glitter Fangs. I would suggest we start monitoring any and all channels used up here. If we have been setup, maybe we can pickup some chatter. I don't want to get back to civilization and have an entire Posse waiting for us."
Kat will spend some time with Adri after dinner, unless there is something comes up to distract her. She quickly loses interest in the dead zombie the doc is working on in favor of a very live, warm Adri.
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 8+2=10
JIC: 14, 49%
JIC: 14, 49%
Daphne nods. "I'm inclined to go with Kaitlyn on this one. Though I have still a limited knowledge of magic besides my own abilities, I'm pretty animating the dead is ritualistic magic. This would take awhile to complete, especially if animating a whole dead town."Might be time to do some research if possible. "If we were back in New Lazlo I could research it more."Kaitlyn wrote:"Well if you are right Logan. How did they know we were coming? Specifically here. Seems that would have taken alot of work. Killing off an entire village. torturing some of them. Raising the entire village. Setting up the entire scene. How long would that have taken? The idea has merit. But it seems improbable given the time element."
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
After the outburst of pain and anger, Conner begins to calm down. He knows the others are up stairs talking about what to do next but has no desire to join them. Let them decide what we do next, it makes no difference. We kill them they kill us, it's all the same!
Once again the hate returns and he slams his fist into the wall with a resounding thud. "WHY!"
With both hands on his thighs, he looks down at his callous palms. I really thought I could do some good in this world. I thought that I could use the skills in these hands to make a difference and bring some happiness to people that had none. So far all they have brought about is death.
Conner closes his eyes and tries to clear his mind for a few seconds and then reaches out with his mind for someone, something, anything and asks. What is it that I should do?
After the outburst of pain and anger, Conner begins to calm down. He knows the others are up stairs talking about what to do next but has no desire to join them. Let them decide what we do next, it makes no difference. We kill them they kill us, it's all the same!
Once again the hate returns and he slams his fist into the wall with a resounding thud. "WHY!"
With both hands on his thighs, he looks down at his callous palms. I really thought I could do some good in this world. I thought that I could use the skills in these hands to make a difference and bring some happiness to people that had none. So far all they have brought about is death.
Conner closes his eyes and tries to clear his mind for a few seconds and then reaches out with his mind for someone, something, anything and asks. What is it that I should do?
- Archive Account
- Posts: 5332
- Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2005 3:19 pm
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Location: Observation Deck
Location: Cargo Hold at first, then Observation Deck
Kaitlyn ignores Caradoc's request and departs for the Observation deck. Dave overhears Cai as he's busy lubricating a few of his joints in the forward hold. Dave comes back and says "I can store video in my short-term memory, but it's of limited capacity. You have thirty minutes after which I have a short time in which to download the video data to another storage medium." Dave follows Cai's instructions and records enough video data to meet Cai's needs and dumps the data to the ATRV's memory banks. That done, Cai cleans up and makes his way upstairs for dinner.
(Continuity Note: A simple re-post of the stuff that was intended to come after dinner conversation will be fine. No need to reinvent the wheel.)
Everyone save for Conner is eating Cale's professionally prepared meal and discussing their current predicament and tossing ideas back and forth. Shane is playing the role of discussion moderator, while Daphne offers her own insight regarding ritualistic magic and the scene back in Medicine Hat. Caradoc and Adrienne are uncharacteristically quiet while they tear through their chow while the rest of the group offers up their own contributions to the discussion.
Downstairs, Conner is entertaining his private demons in the privacy of his own room.
TGM NOTE: The group needs a plan of action. Let's get it done so I can move you along to more fun things.
Location: Observation Deck
A mind, presumably from the pendant, speaks to Logan telepathically. Behold! Another being of like mind! Greetings, fair fellow. No, do not tell your companions about me just yet. There is a nasty predilection in the hearts of small men to destroy that which they do not understand. Having been a great man once myself, I know too well the fate that so often awaits greatness under the tender care of mediocrity. Wipe that slack look off your face lest you give us both away! Be still and quiet about me, I will reveal myself in greater depth to you in private. Do not arouse suspicion, enjoy your repast and your companions' company as you intended. The telepathic voice says no more.Running a finger along the folds of steel that the pendant is made up of, Logan tries to get a better idea of what the significance of such an object is.
Rolling the new found pendant over and over in the palm of his hand, Logan finds the nearest sink and honors Cale’s wish for everyone to arrive at dinner with sparkly clean hands.
Location: Cargo Hold at first, then Observation Deck
Kaitlyn ignores Caradoc's request and departs for the Observation deck. Dave overhears Cai as he's busy lubricating a few of his joints in the forward hold. Dave comes back and says "I can store video in my short-term memory, but it's of limited capacity. You have thirty minutes after which I have a short time in which to download the video data to another storage medium." Dave follows Cai's instructions and records enough video data to meet Cai's needs and dumps the data to the ATRV's memory banks. That done, Cai cleans up and makes his way upstairs for dinner.
(Continuity Note: A simple re-post of the stuff that was intended to come after dinner conversation will be fine. No need to reinvent the wheel.)
Everyone save for Conner is eating Cale's professionally prepared meal and discussing their current predicament and tossing ideas back and forth. Shane is playing the role of discussion moderator, while Daphne offers her own insight regarding ritualistic magic and the scene back in Medicine Hat. Caradoc and Adrienne are uncharacteristically quiet while they tear through their chow while the rest of the group offers up their own contributions to the discussion.
Downstairs, Conner is entertaining his private demons in the privacy of his own room.
TGM NOTE: The group needs a plan of action. Let's get it done so I can move you along to more fun things.
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 19 + 3 = 22
JIC: 17/65%
Location: Observation Deck.
Shane listens to the ongoing discussion and pipes up now and then when an opinion is offered.
Shane looks around the table and seeing no more discussion coming forth. Makes a decision as to their next course of action. "Alright. We'll head to Bow Island next and see if we can provoke a response from the bad guys. The townies may be hostile if my theory is correct here about them being informed we wiped out Medicine Hat. If they are hostile we are going to withdraw to a safe place without causing any villagers casualties. If anything that should give them pause as they've probably been told we are a bunch of blood thirsty killers."
"I'd really like to get an overview of Bow Village and the surrounding area's topography to look for likely areas that the bad guys could or will hide in to see what happens. I'd like for you, Daphne to cast an invisibility spell on Kaitlyn's PA and for you Kaitlyn to fly over the village and record everything you can see before we attempt to approach the village. I know that there is a finite time on the invisibility spell, so if we have to do this a couple times to get all the info before we actually approach the village that is fine. I'd rather do it right than screw things up. Plus we can monitor the village for radio chatter at the same time and gather further intel that way."
Shane stands up and says, "Okay. That's the plan as it sits right now, unless any other suggestions are forth coming. We'll move up closer to Bow Island tomorrow morning early and then do some scouting. We'll try find a place to hole up a few miles away. Let's keep the radio chatter quiet until we are ready to enter the village. We scout it out first then we'll try to draw them out and hopefully we can capture one of the bad guys and find out more about their plans. We'll do our standard watch rotation, get a good night sleep people and be ready to find these bastards that did this in the morning."
JIC: 17/65%
Location: Observation Deck.
Shane listens to the ongoing discussion and pipes up now and then when an opinion is offered.
Shane replies, "I can't speak for everyone else here. But I don't have any enemies that would be coming after me to settle a score. As for the Roughneck's, this is our first actual job we were offered. Our little trip through the Morogot was the only other adventure we have been on as a group and I doubt that it would have even been aware of our presence there."Logan wrote:Putting his fork down for a moment, Logan pipes up, “Before we figure out how to counter it, we should probably try to figure out who or what is setting us up. Does the group have enemies? Disgruntled ex-employees? Ex-bosses that got shafted? Old contacts out for revenge? Ex-flings? Honestly anyone at all that may have a bone to pick with the group as a whole or one of us individually?”
Shane smiles and nods, "I like this plan, there is no way of knowing whether or not they will be showing up. We can try it though. We'll use our old radio freqs until we get to the nearest town, which should be Bow Island and have a series of new freqs to use if we get into combat."Logan wrote:As Shane speaks, a thin smile creeps across Logan’s face, “Why not lure them in using our frequency. Think about it, if we believe they are using our frequency to find us then why not use that fact against them. Stage a setup of our own if you will. Leak a message that states where our next destination will be, however instead of them finding the entirety of our group come strolling out of the ATRV, a few of us will be waiting on the perimeter and will surprise this son of a bitch as he watches the ATRV from a far.”
"They did know we were coming. Specifically here. We were hired to come here and investigate this town, right? Once they hired us they've had what? A week to prepare this. It would have taken mere minutes to wipe out that village, I don't know how long it would take to raise the dead, but if they have had this planned for a long time, I'm sure they would have had everything necessary to do it once they put their plan into motion."Kaitlyn wrote:"Well if you are right Logan. How did they know we were coming? Specifically here. Seems that would have taken alot of work. Killing off an entire village. torturing some of them. Raising the entire village. Setting up the entire scene. How long would that have taken? The idea has merit. But it seems improbable given the time element."
Shane nods and says, "That sounds like a good idea we'll have Dave and whoever is on watch monitoring the radio at all times."Kaitlyn wrote:"I still have the old channels programmed for the Glitter Fangs. I would suggest we start monitoring any and all channels used up here. If we have been setup, maybe we can pickup some chatter. I don't want to get back to civilization and have an entire Posse waiting for us."
Shane looks around the table and seeing no more discussion coming forth. Makes a decision as to their next course of action. "Alright. We'll head to Bow Island next and see if we can provoke a response from the bad guys. The townies may be hostile if my theory is correct here about them being informed we wiped out Medicine Hat. If they are hostile we are going to withdraw to a safe place without causing any villagers casualties. If anything that should give them pause as they've probably been told we are a bunch of blood thirsty killers."
"I'd really like to get an overview of Bow Village and the surrounding area's topography to look for likely areas that the bad guys could or will hide in to see what happens. I'd like for you, Daphne to cast an invisibility spell on Kaitlyn's PA and for you Kaitlyn to fly over the village and record everything you can see before we attempt to approach the village. I know that there is a finite time on the invisibility spell, so if we have to do this a couple times to get all the info before we actually approach the village that is fine. I'd rather do it right than screw things up. Plus we can monitor the village for radio chatter at the same time and gather further intel that way."
Shane stands up and says, "Okay. That's the plan as it sits right now, unless any other suggestions are forth coming. We'll move up closer to Bow Island tomorrow morning early and then do some scouting. We'll try find a place to hole up a few miles away. Let's keep the radio chatter quiet until we are ready to enter the village. We scout it out first then we'll try to draw them out and hopefully we can capture one of the bad guys and find out more about their plans. We'll do our standard watch rotation, get a good night sleep people and be ready to find these bastards that did this in the morning."
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception : 13
JIC: 11, 41%
JIC: 11, 41%
"The only group that may be after me would be the Coalition, that is if they thought that I was still alive. Being the only surviver of a Battalion that was wiped out during the Revenge tends to let them think I suffer from the same condition as my unit. And protects my family."Shane Knight wrote:Shane replies, "I can't speak for everyone else here. But I don't have any enemies that would be coming after me to settle a score. As for the Roughneck's, this is our first actual job we were offered. Our little trip through the Morogot was the only other adventure we have been on as a group and I doubt that it would have even been aware of our presence there."Logan wrote:Putting his fork down for a moment, Logan pipes up, “Before we figure out how to counter it, we should probably try to figure out who or what is setting us up. Does the group have enemies? Disgruntled ex-employees? Ex-bosses that got shafted? Old contacts out for revenge? Ex-flings? Honestly anyone at all that may have a bone to pick with the group as a whole or one of us individually?”
"Alright Boss-man, if that is how you want to play it, I'm in to the end. I'll take 3rd watch as normal." With that Cale starts cleaning up.Shane Knight wrote:Shane looks around the table and seeing no more discussion coming forth. Makes a decision as to their next course of action. "Alright. We'll head to Bow Island next and see if we can provoke a response from the bad guys. The townies may be hostile if my theory is correct here about them being informed we wiped out Medicine Hat. If they are hostile we are going to withdraw to a safe place without causing any villagers casualties. If anything that should give them pause as they've probably been told we are a bunch of blood thirsty killers."
"I'd really like to get an overview of Bow Village and the surrounding area's topography to look for likely areas that the bad guys could or will hide in to see what happens. I'd like for you, Daphne to cast an invisibility spell on Kaitlyn's PA and for you Kaitlyn to fly over the village and record everything you can see before we attempt to approach the village. I know that there is a finite time on the invisibility spell, so if we have to do this a couple times to get all the info before we actually approach the village that is fine. I'd rather do it right than screw things up. Plus we can monitor the village for radio chatter at the same time and gather further intel that way."
Shane stands up and says, "Okay. That's the plan as it sits right now, unless any other suggestions are forth coming. We'll move up closer to Bow Island tomorrow morning early and then do some scouting. We'll try find a place to hole up a few miles away. Let's keep the radio chatter quiet until we are ready to enter the village. We scout it out first then we'll try to draw them out and hopefully we can capture one of the bad guys and find out more about their plans. We'll do our standard watch rotation, get a good night sleep people and be ready to find these bastards that did this in the morning."
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
The only answer that Conner gets back is silence. Cold and empty silence. From the darkness comes a guttural growl. When he opens his eyes he is standing in the middle of an empty room with a mirror image of himself staring back. As he takes a better look at this copy of himself it lets out a massive scream. No, this is not a mirror image but a more frayed and ragged version. But there is still something there that he cannot put his finger on. Then it speaks.
“Do you really think you could do good in this world?”
Now he sees what he missed. It is a darker him. Conner shouts back. “Of course I can! I can build and repair things! I can bring light when there was none. I can…”
The image lashes back. “But is that what you worked on?! Guns and armor! Everything that you have touched was meant for destruction. And you loved it!
Conner fires back. “We had to make a living and we knew they were good.”
“You are lying to yourself. You could care less what they did after they left. All you cared about was the money.” The image snaps back.
Conner shouts back. “That was a different time, a different place. Things have changed. My eyes have been opened.”
The reflection just laughs. “After what happened to Emma you mean.” And he laughs again.
“Fair enough, that is still a sour spot for me as well.” For the first time the image has backed down.
“So why are you here? What point do you want to make? You say that I can’t help anyone, why not? I will bring those that have done wrong to justice. Yes, it will be with weapons that can rain destruction, but I won’t let that happen.”
With another hellish roar the dark twin charges back into the argument. “But what do you always asks for first? Money. You have already said it. Everyone is out to screw everyone else. Why not you? Sure, say that you did it to help them so that you sleep better at night? Do what you love most, shooting large guns, blowing shit up and then putting it back together and making shit loads of cash while you’re at it!"
Conner pleads his case once more. “There has to be purpose, a reason for what I am doing. More than just for the reason of money. The things I do must mean something. If it doesn’t then what’s the point.”
“Of course there is a point. The money, your survival. If you happen to help some people out along the way good for you, if not tuff shit for them. But let’s get to the fucking point here. We are not having this conversation about what types of jobs you take, but about how you treat the people that have committed the crimes. It’s simple. Put the gun next to their skull and pull the trigger. It’s kill or be killed out here.”
“NO! That makes me no better than them. The difference between me and them is that I don’t just kill everyone. If anyone died because of me in a fire fight it was by accident. I only wanted to disable them. They need to be alive if we are going to get any info out of them.”
The darker Conner leans back and mimics like he is jacking off while laughing. “That is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard you say. You love the feel of those giant weapons going off in your hands. The raw power being released is intoxicating. Seeing the rounds striking their targets and tearing them apart is euphoric. It’s almost as good as sex! Knowing that the thing you are shooting at is evil just makes it that much better, that much easier to enjoy.”
“No, that’s just the rush of adrenaline when in combat.” Conner fights back.
“Exactly! The rush of knowing that you are ripping them apart!” The image steps closer. “You know you would feel that way if you were doing it to those responsible for Emma’s death.” He steps closer.
“Yes! I mean no.”
“Yes you would, and you would love to do the same to the person that slaughtered that little boy as well wouldn’t you. Yes you would.” He is face to face with Conner now.
“No! Yes! No! I don’t know!” Conner’s eyes are shut and his head is pointing up.
“Yes you would. You know it and you want it. We want it, I want it.” The darker self begins to merge with Conner.
“Yes! Yes I do! I want that feeling! I want to do these things! But I can’t, that is not who I am or is it! I want it! I want it so bad it hurts! I need it! AAAAHHHH!!!!”
When Conner comes back to the real world he is calm. His eyes are clear and his body is relaxed. A single thought crosses his mind. I know what I must do and I must do it soon.
The only answer that Conner gets back is silence. Cold and empty silence. From the darkness comes a guttural growl. When he opens his eyes he is standing in the middle of an empty room with a mirror image of himself staring back. As he takes a better look at this copy of himself it lets out a massive scream. No, this is not a mirror image but a more frayed and ragged version. But there is still something there that he cannot put his finger on. Then it speaks.
“Do you really think you could do good in this world?”
Now he sees what he missed. It is a darker him. Conner shouts back. “Of course I can! I can build and repair things! I can bring light when there was none. I can…”
The image lashes back. “But is that what you worked on?! Guns and armor! Everything that you have touched was meant for destruction. And you loved it!
Conner fires back. “We had to make a living and we knew they were good.”
“You are lying to yourself. You could care less what they did after they left. All you cared about was the money.” The image snaps back.
Conner shouts back. “That was a different time, a different place. Things have changed. My eyes have been opened.”
The reflection just laughs. “After what happened to Emma you mean.” And he laughs again.
“Fair enough, that is still a sour spot for me as well.” For the first time the image has backed down.
“So why are you here? What point do you want to make? You say that I can’t help anyone, why not? I will bring those that have done wrong to justice. Yes, it will be with weapons that can rain destruction, but I won’t let that happen.”
With another hellish roar the dark twin charges back into the argument. “But what do you always asks for first? Money. You have already said it. Everyone is out to screw everyone else. Why not you? Sure, say that you did it to help them so that you sleep better at night? Do what you love most, shooting large guns, blowing shit up and then putting it back together and making shit loads of cash while you’re at it!"
Conner pleads his case once more. “There has to be purpose, a reason for what I am doing. More than just for the reason of money. The things I do must mean something. If it doesn’t then what’s the point.”
“Of course there is a point. The money, your survival. If you happen to help some people out along the way good for you, if not tuff shit for them. But let’s get to the fucking point here. We are not having this conversation about what types of jobs you take, but about how you treat the people that have committed the crimes. It’s simple. Put the gun next to their skull and pull the trigger. It’s kill or be killed out here.”
“NO! That makes me no better than them. The difference between me and them is that I don’t just kill everyone. If anyone died because of me in a fire fight it was by accident. I only wanted to disable them. They need to be alive if we are going to get any info out of them.”
The darker Conner leans back and mimics like he is jacking off while laughing. “That is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard you say. You love the feel of those giant weapons going off in your hands. The raw power being released is intoxicating. Seeing the rounds striking their targets and tearing them apart is euphoric. It’s almost as good as sex! Knowing that the thing you are shooting at is evil just makes it that much better, that much easier to enjoy.”
“No, that’s just the rush of adrenaline when in combat.” Conner fights back.
“Exactly! The rush of knowing that you are ripping them apart!” The image steps closer. “You know you would feel that way if you were doing it to those responsible for Emma’s death.” He steps closer.
“Yes! I mean no.”
“Yes you would, and you would love to do the same to the person that slaughtered that little boy as well wouldn’t you. Yes you would.” He is face to face with Conner now.
“No! Yes! No! I don’t know!” Conner’s eyes are shut and his head is pointing up.
“Yes you would. You know it and you want it. We want it, I want it.” The darker self begins to merge with Conner.
“Yes! Yes I do! I want that feeling! I want to do these things! But I can’t, that is not who I am or is it! I want it! I want it so bad it hurts! I need it! AAAAHHHH!!!!”
When Conner comes back to the real world he is calm. His eyes are clear and his body is relaxed. A single thought crosses his mind. I know what I must do and I must do it soon.
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 18+2=20
JIC: 1, 56%
JIC: 1, 56%
Daphne nods. "Not a problem Shane." Daphne thinks a second. You're crazy for suggesting this.One thought though, the invisibility spell will make her invisibile, but not soundless. So she'll have to fly high enough not to be heard. My suggestion is, send me and Logan, or just me if Logan doesn't want to go, out to the village at the same time as Kaitlyn. I'll put the spell on all three of us, and Logan and I can sneak into the village and get some surface thoughts from the people. Maybe the sound of Kaitlyn's PA will trigger some thoughts or memories of who we're looking for. "Shane Knight wrote:"I'd really like to get an overview of Bow Village and the surrounding area's topography to look for likely areas that the bad guys could or will hide in to see what happens. I'd like for you, Daphne to cast an invisibility spell on Kaitlyn's PA and for you Kaitlyn to fly over the village and record everything you can see before we attempt to approach the village. I know that there is a finite time on the invisibility spell, so if we have to do this a couple times to get all the info before we actually approach the village that is fine. I'd rather do it right than screw things up. Plus we can monitor the village for radio chatter at the same time and gather further intel that way."
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
(Rolls held over)
((OOC - If I'm wrong about Warlock Power Armour being silent. LEt me know and I'll change the post.))
"I appreciate the offer for you guys to go out there. But, Kaitlyn's PA is silent as it is mystically powered. So. It would be safer for her. I'd like to get an overview of the next village. Once we get some intel then you guys can go in on the ground while us heavy hitters sit and wait in the bushes."Daphne wrote:Daphne nods. "Not a problem Shane." Daphne thinks a second. You're crazy for suggesting this. "One thought though, the invisibility spell will make her invisibile, but not soundless. So she'll have to fly high enough not to be heard. My suggestion is, send me and Logan, or just me if Logan doesn't want to go, out to the village at the same time as Kaitlyn. I'll put the spell on all three of us, and Logan and I can sneak into the village and get some surface thoughts from the people. Maybe the sound of Kaitlyn's PA will trigger some thoughts or memories of who we're looking for."
((OOC - If I'm wrong about Warlock Power Armour being silent. LEt me know and I'll change the post.))
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 16
JIC: 15, 83%
After giving his little speech, Logan looks around for a moment and arches an eyebrow, “Hey, where the hell is Conner?” Leaning back in his chair, Logan flashes a devilish smile and screams out, “CONNER! WHERE YOU AT BUD! WE COULD USE YOUR INPUT!”
JIC: 15, 83%
Logan reels slightly as the voice enters his mind. Slowly yet gracefully he twirls the pendant in his palm so as to appear nonchalant and quickly slides the item in his pants pocket. I knew this thing was special…however, that doesn’t mean I can trust it just yet. I’ve heard too many stories of evil items that seek to corrupt their holder. My path is not on that road anymore. When Kaitlyn speaks up Logan barely has any time to defend his comment before Shane does it for him. When Shane speaks Logan tries his hardest not to give Kaitlyn an “I told you so” type of look, instead he gets up and offers to help clean any dishes with Cale, “Hey Chef, you need any help with this mess? I mean you just fed us all it’d only be right to give you a hand with the cleanup.” If Cale accepts his offer then Logan will help clean, if not he’ll go back to the discussion at hand.TGM wrote: A mind, presumably from the pendant, speaks to Logan telepathically. Behold! Another being of like mind! Greetings, fair fellow. No, do not tell your companions about me just yet. There is a nasty predilection in the hearts of small men to destroy that which they do not understand. Having been a great man once myself, I know too well the fate that so often awaits greatness under the tender care of mediocrity. Wipe that slack look off your face lest you give us both away! Be still and quiet about me, I will reveal myself in greater depth to you in private. Do not arouse suspicion, enjoy your repast and your companions' company as you intended. The telepathic voice says no more.
Despite the bosses objections to Daphne’s plan, Logan decides to push the idea, “I gotta’ say I agree with both of you. True it’d be safer for Kaitlyn to go in solo, but by the same hand there are things her suit cannot do, like, as Daphne said, read the thoughts of the villagers. I can even scan the entire town with my mind before making a move in.” No autographs please I’m working. “Actually…I have another idea. This one may seem a bit outlandish but hey, we’re the Roughnecks right? From what I’ve seen so far normal just ain’t us. I say we run a little interference to keep eyes off of Kaitlyn—even though she’s invisible don’t mean she can’t be seen. What if the Doc went in under the disguise of a wandering preacher ranting and raving about the coming of the next Cataclysm! Throw a few rags on him and let him just do his own thing. After we get some eyes on him, Daphne and I will be free to do a little research of our own without problems as long as the Doc can get the majority of the town to buy into his flamboyant act. Not to mention if things go sour we would have three of us in town to come help out Cai. With three invisible Roughnecks in town and another gathering a crowd I doubt there is much we won’t be able to find out.”Daphne wrote: My suggestion is, send me and Logan, or just me if Logan doesn't want to go, out to the village at the same time as Kaitlyn. I'll put the spell on all three of us, and Logan and I can sneak into the village and get some surface thoughts from the people.
After giving his little speech, Logan looks around for a moment and arches an eyebrow, “Hey, where the hell is Conner?” Leaning back in his chair, Logan flashes a devilish smile and screams out, “CONNER! WHERE YOU AT BUD! WE COULD USE YOUR INPUT!”
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 7+2=9
JIC: 19
Dr. Cai Caradoc straightens up at dinner when Shane speaks. One has to keep up appearances, even one is half-mad. "I have a few former customers who owe me money, but they'd avoid me rather than set up something elaborate like this. And there were also a few... involuntary experiments over the years... but I assure you, each and every one of them deserved it! But this doesn't smack of personal revenge, which would discredit me in everyone's eyes. Instead, it seems to be targeted at implicating our entire group. I take it to mean we're simply the fall-guys so someone can get away scott-free, and revenge wasn't the motive."
If there is more conversation, Doc will participate. He will of course follow Shane's orders. But for the rest of the night, he will examine the coffin he and Logan acquired, and the corpse within it. The re-animated corpse strapped to the bed will have to wait until later.
JIC: 19
Dr. Cai Caradoc straightens up at dinner when Shane speaks. One has to keep up appearances, even one is half-mad. "I have a few former customers who owe me money, but they'd avoid me rather than set up something elaborate like this. And there were also a few... involuntary experiments over the years... but I assure you, each and every one of them deserved it! But this doesn't smack of personal revenge, which would discredit me in everyone's eyes. Instead, it seems to be targeted at implicating our entire group. I take it to mean we're simply the fall-guys so someone can get away scott-free, and revenge wasn't the motive."
The doc just stares at Logan as if the psychic were the half-mad one, and not the other way around. "Aren't charlatan soap-box speeches your expertise, Logan? If you want me to draw a crowd, I could just stroll up and tell them I'm giving a discount on my famous cybernetic surgery skills. I'll have the entire place groveling before me in minutes! If you insist on this dreadful charade, though, it should still be quite easy for me to convince them I'm a prophetic lunatic. I'll just mimic your usual nattering, Logan. They'll probably have me locked up or thrown out on my ear before tea time."Logan Sharpe wrote:"What if the Doc went in under the disguise of a wandering preacher ranting and raving about the coming of the next Cataclysm! Throw a few rags on him and let him just do his own thing. After we get some eyes on him, Daphne and I will be free to do a little research of our own without problems as long as the Doc can get the majority of the town to buy into his flamboyant act. Not to mention if things go sour we would have three of us in town to come help out Cai. With three invisible Roughnecks in town and another gathering a crowd I doubt there is much we won’t be able to find out.”
If there is more conversation, Doc will participate. He will of course follow Shane's orders. But for the rest of the night, he will examine the coffin he and Logan acquired, and the corpse within it. The re-animated corpse strapped to the bed will have to wait until later.
Actions After Dinner wrote:Photograph the corpse in situ before anything else. Take shots from various angles of the head for reconstructive analysis later.
Pointedly glare at Logan for disturbing a grave without proper scientific procedure, then otherwise ignore him in pure passive aggressive glory
Take photographs and samples of clothing to determine quality in order to determine the subject's likely occupation/place in society
((This will take several hours, so the doctor would take a break to eat after taking the photographs and before beginning the evidence gathering/autopsy))
Doc will elect to shed his EBA and wear his lab outfit for this investigation. He will set up his portable laboratory near the corpse before beginning.
Take samples of any external signs of death (i.e. a bullet lodged in a bone, or marked discoloration etc.)
Take samples of hair and finger/toe nails if present. Take measurements of the body.
Take a sample of the grave wax from the bottom of the container with a specimen jar
Remove a tooth for carbon dating the enamel layers for C12-C14 ratio to determine how long ago the subject was likely born and died
Perform autopsy on any decayed remains of brain, lungs, heart, and stomach primarily. Liver, kidneys and other organs may require examination if no cause of death found yet.
Salvage -- 27/67% PASS (to take proper, usable samples)
Diagnosis: 05/82% PASS (determine cause of death)
Pathology -- 27/72% PASS (note and determine what if any diseases afflicted this man)
Sensory Equipment 31/62% PASS (proper radio-carbon dating procedure)
Advanced Mathematics -- 29/77% PASS (extrapolating date of birth and death from carbon dating)
Upon finishing, the doctor will compile a report and upload it to the ATRV's computers and then summarize to the group what he has found.
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 3
JIC: 16, 39%
JIC: 16, 39%
"Thanks. I can always use some help." Rubbing his chin in thought, Cale continues on. "You know, we should start a KP routine. But that can be dealt with when we get back."Logan Sharpe wrote: “Hey Chef, you need any help with this mess? I mean you just fed us all it’d only be right to give you a hand with the cleanup.”
"Conner?? Huh??" Looking around, he notices that the groups Mechanic is not at the Table. "Damn, I must be slipping. Oh, well. I'll go get him, just leave the food on the table. Start on the dishes, Logan." With a evil grin that would be better suited on the face of most Sadistic drill instructor any one from a professional army would remember. Cale heads down stairs to find the way word Grease-monkey.Logan Sharpe wrote:“Hey, where the hell is Conner?” Leaning back in his chair, Logan flashes a devilish smile and screams out, “CONNER! WHERE YOU AT BUD! WE COULD USE YOUR INPUT!”
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Shane grins at the outlandish idea Logan proposes. "That idea does have some merit. Maybe once we actually try to enter the village. All I want Kaitlyn to do is gather some aerial intelligence before we actually go in. It would be nice to see the lay-out of the town so we can plan out our approaches and contingencies if things start to go wrong."Logan wrote:Despite the bosses objections to Daphne’s plan, Logan decides to push the idea, “I gotta’ say I agree with both of you. True it’d be safer for Kaitlyn to go in solo, but by the same hand there are things her suit cannot do, like, as Daphne said, read the thoughts of the villagers. I can even scan the entire town with my mind before making a move in.” No autographs please I’m working. “Actually…I have another idea. This one may seem a bit outlandish but hey, we’re the Roughnecks right? From what I’ve seen so far normal just ain’t us. I say we run a little interference to keep eyes off of Kaitlyn—even though she’s invisible don’t mean she can’t be seen. What if the Doc went in under the disguise of a wandering preacher ranting and raving about the coming of the next Cataclysm! Throw a few rags on him and let him just do his own thing. After we get some eyes on him, Daphne and I will be free to do a little research of our own without problems as long as the Doc can get the majority of the town to buy into his flamboyant act. Not to mention if things go sour we would have three of us in town to come help out Cai. With three invisible Roughnecks in town and another gathering a crowd I doubt there is much we won’t be able to find out.”
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Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
That night...
As Shane's post-dinner discussion comes to a close, the various members of the group finish cleaning their plates and disperse. Shane considers all the various problems and variables concerning their current dilemma as he goes through his nightly routine of personal hygiene and checking over his gear before turning in for a night of fitful sleep.
Kaitlyn & Adrienne
Kaitlyn and Adrienne retire to their own cabin for the night.
Clay follows Cai back to the rear cargo hold where the animated corpse has now fallen still. The earth-encrusted, cement coffin sits exactly as it was left with the remains of its occupant inside in the same condition as when it was left.
Conner eventually falls asleep in his room by himself. Conner's sleep that night is fitful and often interrupted by his own starting in his bed. Nonetheless, he awakens refreshed the next morning.
Daphne understands that what Shane is calling for will likely call for her using large amounts of her mystic reserves but if they're on or near a ley line, it shouldn't even pose much of a challenge. Shane puts the kabosh on Daphne's suggestion but does so in a manner which conveys the fact that he understands and appreciates her suggestion but feels other things have priority at this time. She retires to her chamber for the evening to consider the events which led up to this and her role in the future plan.
Logan gets a qualified response from Shane before he lends Cale a hand in the kitchen. Once the taskmaster of the makeshift kitchen is done with him, he takes his bone-weary self down to the lower deck to check in on the crew's resident grease monkey only to find the big guy passed out in his rack, his room a mess. Logan can sense something's off but as the mechanic is asleep and the often dangerous and unpredictable subconscious mind is dominant, he leaves well enough alone for now.
Cale starts in on his kitchen, cleaning things up while directing Logan about so as to prevent the well-intentioned rube from doing any damage. With Logan's help he also stows the kitchenware in the few crates he has up in the observation deck for just this purpose. Once done, he follows Logan down to check on Conner only to find the mechanic asleep. Cale doesn't like the look of the operator's room when he sees it. The state of the room and the apparently fitful sleep of its inhabitant reminds Cale of some of those with whom he'd served who were having troubles coping with battle stress and other personal demons.
After a pleasant dinner, Cai thanks Cale for a wonderful dinner and excuses himself. He sheds his EBA and wears his lab outfit for his investigation. He notes while doffing the EBA that he's developing some minor rashes from wearing the EBA so long and suspects that this is likely the case for the others as well. Making a mental note to talk to the others about shedding their EBA whenever it wasn't absolutely necessary, and the medical consequences of not doing so, he gets in his lab coat and heads down to the rear cargo hold where he sets up his portable laboratory near the old corpse. The new corpse appears to have returned to its natural state and is no longer animated. Cai finds that Dave's in situ photographs of the corpse from various angles are on a datapad sitting on a small shelf pulled down from a wall sconce and that Dave has deactivated himself for the time being.
Cai's lack of anthropological experience brings his analysis of the cadaver's former position in society to an unfruitful end. His efforts at carbon-dating the cadaver and its clothing are more positive and he's able to date the remains as approximately 200 years old or roughly a ninety to hundred years before the establishment of the current calendar. Cai's able to make a rather easy diagnosis of what killed this man as the man's vertebrae have been split asunder from a bladed weapon from behind between C4 and C5. Scoring marks suggest the weapon was a vibro-blade of some form. Cai's able to take a specimen of the grave wax easily enough as well as other measurements and observation of the cadaver. Once finished, the doctor drafts a report and uploads it to datapad with the in situ photographs that Dave took of the corpse.
The next morning, a few miles outside Bow Island...
Bow Island
Daphne: Your P.P.E. should now read 102, your I.S.P. is fully replenished.
ShaneConditions wrote:TIME & DATE: 7 pm local, 17 January 110 P.A.
LEY LINE: The western half of the map has a minor ley line running through it.
WEATHER: 14°F, Dead calm, no wind, and even flurries have ceased.
EFFECTS: Naked eye visibility to 650'.
TERRAIN: Heavily wooded. The older trees in this forest creates a thick canopy obscuring the ATRV from above. It is getting darker by the minute.
As Shane's post-dinner discussion comes to a close, the various members of the group finish cleaning their plates and disperse. Shane considers all the various problems and variables concerning their current dilemma as he goes through his nightly routine of personal hygiene and checking over his gear before turning in for a night of fitful sleep.
Kaitlyn & Adrienne
Kaitlyn and Adrienne retire to their own cabin for the night.
Clay follows Cai back to the rear cargo hold where the animated corpse has now fallen still. The earth-encrusted, cement coffin sits exactly as it was left with the remains of its occupant inside in the same condition as when it was left.
Conner eventually falls asleep in his room by himself. Conner's sleep that night is fitful and often interrupted by his own starting in his bed. Nonetheless, he awakens refreshed the next morning.
Daphne understands that what Shane is calling for will likely call for her using large amounts of her mystic reserves but if they're on or near a ley line, it shouldn't even pose much of a challenge. Shane puts the kabosh on Daphne's suggestion but does so in a manner which conveys the fact that he understands and appreciates her suggestion but feels other things have priority at this time. She retires to her chamber for the evening to consider the events which led up to this and her role in the future plan.
Logan gets a qualified response from Shane before he lends Cale a hand in the kitchen. Once the taskmaster of the makeshift kitchen is done with him, he takes his bone-weary self down to the lower deck to check in on the crew's resident grease monkey only to find the big guy passed out in his rack, his room a mess. Logan can sense something's off but as the mechanic is asleep and the often dangerous and unpredictable subconscious mind is dominant, he leaves well enough alone for now.
Cale starts in on his kitchen, cleaning things up while directing Logan about so as to prevent the well-intentioned rube from doing any damage. With Logan's help he also stows the kitchenware in the few crates he has up in the observation deck for just this purpose. Once done, he follows Logan down to check on Conner only to find the mechanic asleep. Cale doesn't like the look of the operator's room when he sees it. The state of the room and the apparently fitful sleep of its inhabitant reminds Cale of some of those with whom he'd served who were having troubles coping with battle stress and other personal demons.
After a pleasant dinner, Cai thanks Cale for a wonderful dinner and excuses himself. He sheds his EBA and wears his lab outfit for his investigation. He notes while doffing the EBA that he's developing some minor rashes from wearing the EBA so long and suspects that this is likely the case for the others as well. Making a mental note to talk to the others about shedding their EBA whenever it wasn't absolutely necessary, and the medical consequences of not doing so, he gets in his lab coat and heads down to the rear cargo hold where he sets up his portable laboratory near the old corpse. The new corpse appears to have returned to its natural state and is no longer animated. Cai finds that Dave's in situ photographs of the corpse from various angles are on a datapad sitting on a small shelf pulled down from a wall sconce and that Dave has deactivated himself for the time being.
Cai's lack of anthropological experience brings his analysis of the cadaver's former position in society to an unfruitful end. His efforts at carbon-dating the cadaver and its clothing are more positive and he's able to date the remains as approximately 200 years old or roughly a ninety to hundred years before the establishment of the current calendar. Cai's able to make a rather easy diagnosis of what killed this man as the man's vertebrae have been split asunder from a bladed weapon from behind between C4 and C5. Scoring marks suggest the weapon was a vibro-blade of some form. Cai's able to take a specimen of the grave wax easily enough as well as other measurements and observation of the cadaver. Once finished, the doctor drafts a report and uploads it to datapad with the in situ photographs that Dave took of the corpse.
The next morning, a few miles outside Bow Island...
Dave sights a good site from which to launch Kaitlyn's aerial reconnaissance a few miles outside of Bow Island. They are able to easily identify the settlement from miles away as the visibility is good this morning and the terrain is very flat. A uniform blanket of white creates a very dreary landscape with a stark beauty to the bright blue sky in contrast above. The lazily drifting smoke from the settlement readily identify it a good distance away. Once Dave brings the ATRV to stop among a copse of tall pines, Daphne dresses warmly and makes her way to the roof of the ATRV. Kaitlyn is in the cargo bay, camera in hand, being assisted into her W-F1 Warlock Combat Armor by Adrienne and Conner while the rest of the team gears-up just to be on the safe side. Once suited, Kaitlyn makes her way in her mystically-powered armor to the roof of the ATRV. Daphne instructs Kaitlyn that she'll have to be fast as her spell of invisibility lasts less than ten minutes. Kaitlyn and Daphne do what they've been briefed to do by Shane and within half an hour Kaitlyn's back at the ATRV with a collection of pictures of the walled town of Bow Island. It's name is certainly a misnomer as there isn't a body of water bigger than a swimming pool anywhere on the horizon.Conditions wrote:TIME & DATE: 6am local, 18 January 110 P.A.
WEATHER: 8°F, clear skies and light winds from the west at 5-10 mph.
EFFECTS: Naked eye visibility to horizon.
TERRAIN: Lightly wooded. The tall pines in this copse of trees creates a light canopy through which the ATRV can be seen from above.
Bow Island
Daphne: Your P.P.E. should now read 102, your I.S.P. is fully replenished.
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 3+5=8
JIC: 3, 99%
After a relaxing night’s sleep, Logan wakes up feeling refreshed and ready to get on with the next part of his mission. Rolling over in his bed, the psychic swings his legs off of the bed and sparks a cigarette from his pack. Taking in a deep drag, the man begins to start his day. With the carcinogen hanging on his lips Logan parts away from his casual attire and returns to the comfort of his Naruni body armor; piece by piece he slips the entirety of it on save for the gloves and the helmet, realizing that those parts are easy enough to put on when the time calls for it. As the cigarette burns down to the filter, Logan’s mind snaps back into place and he realizes that there is one piece of the puzzle that he possesses. Reaching under his pillow, the psychic pulls out the pendant that he found inside of the casket and rolls it around in his hand. If you can hear me…please don’t fuck us over out there. I ain’t saying I need your help…I mean we could always use it…just don’t fucking curse this group. These fellas don't need any troubles coming their way on my behalf. Oh and…I’m not really sure what you want from me but I’m all ears when the time comes. I don’t know about you but I could use a coffee….
((TGM, between the time spent in the ATRV and Logan’s sleep schedule – taking into account his watch shift – how many hours did he have to recover ISP? Or, how much ISP did he recover?))
Heading up to the observation deck, Logan grabs a cup of coffee if one is available and falls in line with the rest of the group. Shit…that should be me heading out there today, not Kaitlyn. Not that the chick ain’t capable but this is the reason dude’s like me are on this team. What use is my mind if I just get to shoot fire at dead things? Finding Shane, Logan asks, “Hey boss, so what are we to do while she is flying over the town? I’ve been playing around with this power of mine for a while now that allows me to peer all around the town without even being in it. I can see everything in every direction…and I mean everything. Only downfall is that I gotta’ get pretty close to the town, however I have a few tricks that should keep me safe.”
((Basically I’m talking about Psychic Omni-Sight, RUE pg. 181, just trying to make it make sense IC’ly. Hence Logan saying he’s been “playing around with it”. To me it doesn’t make sense for powers to just appear with him with each new level
JIC: 3, 99%

After a relaxing night’s sleep, Logan wakes up feeling refreshed and ready to get on with the next part of his mission. Rolling over in his bed, the psychic swings his legs off of the bed and sparks a cigarette from his pack. Taking in a deep drag, the man begins to start his day. With the carcinogen hanging on his lips Logan parts away from his casual attire and returns to the comfort of his Naruni body armor; piece by piece he slips the entirety of it on save for the gloves and the helmet, realizing that those parts are easy enough to put on when the time calls for it. As the cigarette burns down to the filter, Logan’s mind snaps back into place and he realizes that there is one piece of the puzzle that he possesses. Reaching under his pillow, the psychic pulls out the pendant that he found inside of the casket and rolls it around in his hand. If you can hear me…please don’t fuck us over out there. I ain’t saying I need your help…I mean we could always use it…just don’t fucking curse this group. These fellas don't need any troubles coming their way on my behalf. Oh and…I’m not really sure what you want from me but I’m all ears when the time comes. I don’t know about you but I could use a coffee….
((TGM, between the time spent in the ATRV and Logan’s sleep schedule – taking into account his watch shift – how many hours did he have to recover ISP? Or, how much ISP did he recover?))
Heading up to the observation deck, Logan grabs a cup of coffee if one is available and falls in line with the rest of the group. Shit…that should be me heading out there today, not Kaitlyn. Not that the chick ain’t capable but this is the reason dude’s like me are on this team. What use is my mind if I just get to shoot fire at dead things? Finding Shane, Logan asks, “Hey boss, so what are we to do while she is flying over the town? I’ve been playing around with this power of mine for a while now that allows me to peer all around the town without even being in it. I can see everything in every direction…and I mean everything. Only downfall is that I gotta’ get pretty close to the town, however I have a few tricks that should keep me safe.”
((Basically I’m talking about Psychic Omni-Sight, RUE pg. 181, just trying to make it make sense IC’ly. Hence Logan saying he’s been “playing around with it”. To me it doesn’t make sense for powers to just appear with him with each new level

Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
JIC: 7%/27
Perception: 12+6 = 18
Pre-existing Conditions: Warlock Armor, no sniper rifle or sword as this was a recon mission. Sensors active. Location = Cargo Hold
Kaitlyn hovers and lands softly in the cargo hold. Once she is secured, she removes her helmet, but not the rest of her warlock armor and heads to Shane. She tosses the camera to Shane. Rather matter of factly she follows that up with a statement.
"Damned if I know what the hell they call this an island. Nothing much bigger then a mud puddle out there for water Shane. Anyways, there are the pictures. So what's next?"
She will grab a cup of coffee while waiting on Shane.
Perception: 12+6 = 18
Pre-existing Conditions: Warlock Armor, no sniper rifle or sword as this was a recon mission. Sensors active. Location = Cargo Hold
Kaitlyn hovers and lands softly in the cargo hold. Once she is secured, she removes her helmet, but not the rest of her warlock armor and heads to Shane. She tosses the camera to Shane. Rather matter of factly she follows that up with a statement.
"Damned if I know what the hell they call this an island. Nothing much bigger then a mud puddle out there for water Shane. Anyways, there are the pictures. So what's next?"
She will grab a cup of coffee while waiting on Shane.
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 8+3=11
JIC: 6
Conner wakes up with a calm he has not had in a long time. Time to get to work. He dresses in warm winter clothing and heads up stairs to see if anyone else is awake. Before moving up to the top deck he checks in with Dave. "What's going on my metal friend? How are the systems running? The ship and yourself." While he is talking he looks over the read outs to see for himself. If Dave has no problems to report about the ATRV he heads upstairs, he will gladly take a cup of joe if there is any ready.
"So what did I miss? Have we come up with a plan?" After being informed of the plan Conner heads downstairs helps Kaitlyn suit up and then suits up himself in regular armor. He inspects his weapons to make sure everything is in place and ready to go. From there it is a waiting game until the next move.
Sensory equipment:88%@79%
Weapon engineering:29%@69%
JIC: 6
Conner wakes up with a calm he has not had in a long time. Time to get to work. He dresses in warm winter clothing and heads up stairs to see if anyone else is awake. Before moving up to the top deck he checks in with Dave. "What's going on my metal friend? How are the systems running? The ship and yourself." While he is talking he looks over the read outs to see for himself. If Dave has no problems to report about the ATRV he heads upstairs, he will gladly take a cup of joe if there is any ready.
"So what did I miss? Have we come up with a plan?" After being informed of the plan Conner heads downstairs helps Kaitlyn suit up and then suits up himself in regular armor. He inspects his weapons to make sure everything is in place and ready to go. From there it is a waiting game until the next move.
Sensory equipment:88%@79%
Weapon engineering:29%@69%
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
JIC: 14, 70%
Letting Dave drive, Cale rides shotgun and mans the sensors. When the ATRV is parked, he runs the sensors in passive mode so if anyone looking for them would have to be on top of them. "Shane, sensors on passive mode right now. It will give up a heads up if someone is inbound"
TGM CLARIFICATION: Passive sensors mean you're not "pinging" at all. You'll only see if someone "pings" you. In other words, you'll see their radar emissions but you have none of your own. If they're not using active radar/sensors then you'll pick up zilch.
JIC: 14, 70%
Looking over Conner's room, Cale shakes his head to clear the bad memories away. Muttering to his self, he vows to keep a better watch on his friend. "Seen way too much of this. When we get back to MercTown, I'm flat out telling Shane no jobs for at least 2 months. Some of us have had no down time since we got togeter."The Game Master wrote:Cale
Cale starts in on his kitchen, cleaning things up while directing Logan about so as to prevent the well-intentioned rube from doing any damage. With Logan's help he also stows the kitchenware in the few crates he has up in the observation deck for just this purpose. Once done, he follows Logan down to check on Conner only to find the mechanic asleep. Cale doesn't like the look of the operator's room when he sees it. The state of the room and the apparently fitful sleep of its inhabitant reminds Cale of some of those with whom he'd served who were having troubles coping with battle stress and other personal demons.
Sensory Equipment (60% / 20%)The Game Master wrote: The next morning, a few miles outside Bow Island...Dave sights a good site from which to launch Kaitlyn's aerial reconnaissance a few miles outside of Bow Island. They are able to easily identify the settlement from miles away as the visibility is good this morning and the terrain is very flat. A uniform blanket of white creates a very dreary landscape with a stark beauty to the bright blue sky in contrast above. The lazily drifting smoke from the settlement readily identify it a good distance away. Once Dave brings the ATRV to stop among a copse of tall pines, Daphne dresses warmly and makes her way to the roof of the ATRV. Kaitlyn is in the cargo bay, camera in hand, being assisted into her W-F1 Warlock Combat Armor by Adrienne and Conner while the rest of the team gears-up just to be on the safe side. Once suited, Kaitlyn makes her way in her mystically-powered armor to the roof of the ATRV. Daphne instructs Kaitlyn that she'll have to be fast as her spell of invisibility lasts less than ten minutes. Kaitlyn and Daphne do what they've been briefed to do by Shane and within half an hour Kaitlyn's back at the ATRV with a collection of pictures of the walled town of Bow Island. It's name is certainly a misnomer as there isn't a body of water bigger than a swimming pool anywhere on the horizon.Conditions wrote:TIME & DATE: 6am local, 18 January 110 P.A.
LEY LINE: The western half of the map has a minor ley line running through it.
WEATHER: 8°F, clear skies and light winds from the west at 5-10 mph.
EFFECTS: Naked eye visibility to horizon.
TERRAIN: Lightly wooded. The tall pines in this copse of trees creates a light canopy through which the ATRV can be seen from above.
Letting Dave drive, Cale rides shotgun and mans the sensors. When the ATRV is parked, he runs the sensors in passive mode so if anyone looking for them would have to be on top of them. "Shane, sensors on passive mode right now. It will give up a heads up if someone is inbound"
TGM CLARIFICATION: Passive sensors mean you're not "pinging" at all. You'll only see if someone "pings" you. In other words, you'll see their radar emissions but you have none of your own. If they're not using active radar/sensors then you'll pick up zilch.
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Condition: Body armor, standard gear per signature.
After helping get Kat in her armor and watching her go, Adrienne looks at Shane. "My Gigi was made for espionage and scouting as well, so that's an alternative too. It has a full sensor array and thermal. It can also go underwater. I do have the Narnui camouflage body armor too that could be used should you want a ground check."
Condition: Body armor, standard gear per signature.
After helping get Kat in her armor and watching her go, Adrienne looks at Shane. "My Gigi was made for espionage and scouting as well, so that's an alternative too. It has a full sensor array and thermal. It can also go underwater. I do have the Narnui camouflage body armor too that could be used should you want a ground check."
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: NAT 1
Dr. Cai Caradoc reminds everyone in the morning to stay out of their suits when not combat is not imminent. Disease and discomfort will give them good reason should they choose to ignore his warning. He is wearing his doctor's attire having taken a sponge-bath. His armor is getting a good airing-out for now. No need to scare the patients...
When Kaitlyn gets ready for her jaunt, he says out loud, "Be on the lookout for charlatans peddling mystical doodads. Our animated corpse has lost its mojo and is now sans animated and so very much still a damning corpse. That means that the little evidence we had that we didn't kill all those villagers in Medicine Hat is now perfect evidence against us, unless we can get some disinterested third party to confirm its oh-so-recently-animated state. Some well-respected mage's (cough-cough -- oxymoron -- cough) declaration would probably be the best we can hope for right now. Well, that and recovering the video that spy made of us. Without that, the evidence is almost laughable."
After his suggestions, Doc sidles up to Logan and attempts to look bored. "So what do you plan to do with that corpse in the coffin? I looked it over but it's just some dead guy from a few hundred years ago. Got himself killed with a vibro-blade to the back. There's worse ways to go. Like if we get caught in this little charade. We'll probably all be tortured. We might want to get rid of both corpses before we're accused of necromancy on top of slaughtering an entire village. Now I don't have a lick of magic in my bones, but Daphne isn't so lucky. Everyone loves a good scapegoat. Besides, we don't have to be necromancers... just accused of selling to them. What do you say, spook?"
Doc looks out the viewports as an after-thought, looking for a medical clinic or --god forbid in these sticks -- an actual cybernetics lab.
Dr. Cai Caradoc reminds everyone in the morning to stay out of their suits when not combat is not imminent. Disease and discomfort will give them good reason should they choose to ignore his warning. He is wearing his doctor's attire having taken a sponge-bath. His armor is getting a good airing-out for now. No need to scare the patients...
When Kaitlyn gets ready for her jaunt, he says out loud, "Be on the lookout for charlatans peddling mystical doodads. Our animated corpse has lost its mojo and is now sans animated and so very much still a damning corpse. That means that the little evidence we had that we didn't kill all those villagers in Medicine Hat is now perfect evidence against us, unless we can get some disinterested third party to confirm its oh-so-recently-animated state. Some well-respected mage's (cough-cough -- oxymoron -- cough) declaration would probably be the best we can hope for right now. Well, that and recovering the video that spy made of us. Without that, the evidence is almost laughable."
After his suggestions, Doc sidles up to Logan and attempts to look bored. "So what do you plan to do with that corpse in the coffin? I looked it over but it's just some dead guy from a few hundred years ago. Got himself killed with a vibro-blade to the back. There's worse ways to go. Like if we get caught in this little charade. We'll probably all be tortured. We might want to get rid of both corpses before we're accused of necromancy on top of slaughtering an entire village. Now I don't have a lick of magic in my bones, but Daphne isn't so lucky. Everyone loves a good scapegoat. Besides, we don't have to be necromancers... just accused of selling to them. What do you say, spook?"
Doc looks out the viewports as an after-thought, looking for a medical clinic or --god forbid in these sticks -- an actual cybernetics lab.
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 12 + 3 = 15
JIC: 8/39%
Intelligence: 17% of 64%
Location: Observation Deck.
Shane comments to everyone as he looks at the pictures of the town. "It's more of a fortress than Medicine Hat was. Yeah.... I really don't like the look of things if we go inside. It'll be really tight quarters and fighting in towns is never a good thing if it comes down to that. I'd like to keep the ARTV back as far as possible and away from the Ley Line to minimize any damage they could do to it. Okay, let's get some chatter going on the old frequencies and see if that provokes any response from the village or our unknown threat." Shane continues, "We'll send a small team that can gather info. I'm thinking maybe Daphne and Logan to gather intel and Kaitlyn and Reaper for bodyguards. I don't think you should go into the town unless you feel it is safe. Use your best judgment. Myself and Adrienne will hang back in our PA's and keep out of sight so we can respond to any threats. This location here will be our rally point if you get separated or we come under attack. Only return fire enough to get away and don't try to kill anyone if you can avoid it. So, what do you think?"
JIC: 8/39%
Intelligence: 17% of 64%
Location: Observation Deck.
As Shane grabs the camera, he gives Kaitlyn a wink and a smile. "Good job, Kaitlyn. Next we will see what we have and figure out our approach." He heads inside and checks out the pictures.Kaitlyn wrote:Kaitlyn hovers and lands softly in the cargo hold. Once she is secured, she removes her helmet, but not the rest of her warlock armor and heads to Shane. She tosses the camera to Shane. Rather matter of factly she follows that up with a statement.
"Damned if I know what the hell they call this an island. Nothing much bigger then a mud puddle out there for water Shane. Anyways, there are the pictures. So what's next?"
Shane comments to everyone as he looks at the pictures of the town. "It's more of a fortress than Medicine Hat was. Yeah.... I really don't like the look of things if we go inside. It'll be really tight quarters and fighting in towns is never a good thing if it comes down to that. I'd like to keep the ARTV back as far as possible and away from the Ley Line to minimize any damage they could do to it. Okay, let's get some chatter going on the old frequencies and see if that provokes any response from the village or our unknown threat." Shane continues, "We'll send a small team that can gather info. I'm thinking maybe Daphne and Logan to gather intel and Kaitlyn and Reaper for bodyguards. I don't think you should go into the town unless you feel it is safe. Use your best judgment. Myself and Adrienne will hang back in our PA's and keep out of sight so we can respond to any threats. This location here will be our rally point if you get separated or we come under attack. Only return fire enough to get away and don't try to kill anyone if you can avoid it. So, what do you think?"
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 20(Nat!)+1 = 21
Initiative: 5+5=10
JIC d20 / d100: 15 / 50%
Skill: History - Pre-Rifts: Base: 32/24 Rolled: 10 PASS
Rolled by: Reaper on 1/14/2011 11:22:37 AM
Reaper stays quite for a long time listening to Shane and the others. He looks at the diagram of Bow Island, and it resembles something from his history. "This town, it looks kind of like a castle. If it is a Pre-rifts castle, sometimes they put in escape tunnels and hidden entrances, in case of a siege." He scratches the growth on his chin, "If possible, we may want to look for a possible entrance point in the outlying area's."
"As for the body guard mission Shane, do you want me to bring my Cyclone? Or should we all go on foot, which might be the better choice for a more subtle approach."
Initiative: 5+5=10
JIC d20 / d100: 15 / 50%
Skill: History - Pre-Rifts: Base: 32/24 Rolled: 10 PASS
Rolled by: Reaper on 1/14/2011 11:22:37 AM
Reaper stays quite for a long time listening to Shane and the others. He looks at the diagram of Bow Island, and it resembles something from his history. "This town, it looks kind of like a castle. If it is a Pre-rifts castle, sometimes they put in escape tunnels and hidden entrances, in case of a siege." He scratches the growth on his chin, "If possible, we may want to look for a possible entrance point in the outlying area's."
"As for the body guard mission Shane, do you want me to bring my Cyclone? Or should we all go on foot, which might be the better choice for a more subtle approach."

H.P.: 34 / 44 S.D.C.: 40 / 40 I.S.P.: 39 / 39
CA-4 M.D.C. by Location: -5% Climb / -20% skills of prowess
Helmet - 70/70 Arms (2) - 60/60 each Legs (2) - 80/80 each Main Body - 100/100
CVR-3H M.D.C. by Location: -10% to physical skills
Helmet - 50/50 Arms (2) - 35/35 each Legs (2) - 50/50 each Main Body - 120/120
Gallant H-90 (Rifle) 415/415 (single shot - does 5 round bursts)
H-260 Valiant Laser Assault Rifle 391/415 (single shot - does 3 round bursts)
MercTown Bank Account
Sense Dimensional Anomaly - 500' Duration: 10 min ISP: 4
Precognition - 60% ISP: 8
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 17+2=19
JIC: 1, 67%
JIC: 1, 67%
Bodyguards? What does he think I am, some helpless teenaged princess from upper Chi-Town?"I think we'll be better off going in pairs instead of a whole group. Scout the town from two sides, if we're just gathering intel without being noticed that is. If not we might as well walk straight into town."Shane wrote:"We'll send a small team that can gather info. I'm thinking maybe Daphne and Logan to gather intel and Kaitlyn and Reaper for bodyguards. I don't think you should go into the town unless you feel it is safe. Use your best judgment...So, what do you think?"
Daphne giggles. "Yeah and sometimes the enemy used to crawl up through the shitter, but that ain't gonna happen here." She says as she dusts off her shoulders.Reaper wrote:"This town, it looks kind of like a castle. If it is a Pre-rifts castle, sometimes they put in escape tunnels and hidden entrances, in case of a siege."
- Archive Account
- Posts: 5332
- Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2005 3:19 pm
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
ShaneConditions wrote:TIME & DATE: 6:30am local, 18 January 110 P.A.
WEATHER: 9°F, clear skies and light winds from the west at 5-10 mph.
EFFECTS: Naked eye visibility to horizon.
TERRAIN: Lightly wooded. The tall pines in this copse of trees creates a light canopy through which the ATRV can be seen from above.
Shane heads to the observation deck upstairs and checks out the pictures.
Shane comments to everyone as he looks at the pictures of the town. He states some observations about the town, posits some ideas, and then solicits feedback from the rest of the team.
Kaitlyn heads up the stairs to the observation deck, grabs a cup of coffee, and enjoys Cale's brew while waiting on Shane. It occurs to her that perhaps the residents named the town such because it's an island of civilization in an ocean of rolling prairies and open wilderness.
Conner checks his weapons and suits up. He then crosses to the cargo bay and checks in with Dave who is lubing his actuators in the cargo hold. "What's going on my metal friend? How are the systems running? The ship and yourself."
Dave looks up from lubricating his ankle actuators. "I'm doin' well this mornin' fough I must profess that the bloody cold wevver is causin' some of me actuators ter seize a bit. The bloody ATRV is just not so bad, right, there's still a wee more shimmy in the rear than optimal but uvverwise it is doin' well." Everything jibes with what Dave's telling him (in a strange American accent he's never heard before) and he rubs elbows with Kaitlyn on the way to get coffee from upstairs where he joins the others and nurses the strong brew Cale's made this morning.
Cale's alone in the cockpit but has the door open and takes some measure of satisfaction when he hears that the traffic up and down the stairs to the observation deck speaks well of his coffee. He informs Shane that radar is in passive mode and will pick up any incoming radar signals that may bounce off of the ATRV. With his own cup of coffee warming his hands, Cale sits back and watches the sensors.
Daphne offers up her own perspective in response to Shane's soliciting of opinions.
(Make corrections to your sig/status as I stated in my last GM post. Ignore TGM at your peril.)
Adrienne consults with Shane in the cargo bay and lends him her suggestions as he looks over the photographs.
Clay provides Shane with his own suggestions as the group leader looks over the photographs.
Dr. Cai Caradoc reminds everyone in the morning to stay out of their suits when not combat is not imminent. Disease and discomfort will give them good reason should they choose to ignore his warning. He is wearing his doctor's attire having taken a sponge-bath. His armor is getting a good airing-out for now. He chats with Logan some about the corpses and their situation and casts his eyes about the landscape in hopes of seeing a medical establishment of some kind. Hi hopes are dashed. This is a far cry from civilization.
Logan seems lost in thought as Shane and the others speak about what to do from here. His dreams last night had been fraught with terrible images of mayhem and slaughter on a scale he'd never witnessed and rarely imagined. The intelligence in the pendant
hadn't yet reconnected with him and for some reason that kind of troubled him. Near the end of the discussion he does pipe-up and add a suggestion for Shane.
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Initiative: 4 + 5 = 9
Perception: 19+1=20
Charm/Impress 15% / 20%
"So boss," he directs his question to Shane. "How do you want to go with this?"
Perception: 19+1=20
Charm/Impress 15% / 20%
"Hey sister, I may not be from around here. But I do know folks who have something to protect, usually have a way of getting out when the shit hits the fan. It may be in the sewer, or an escape tunnel, but their skins tend to be more important to them, unless they are a bug or brainwashed for their cause." Clay stands up and straightens his UEEF uniform a bit. Before Daphne starts to protest, "Wait on a minute there princess, let me finish. Your mystical hoo haw." He begins to start waving his arms in a bad imitation of what he thinks Mage's do. "Is quite useful and powerful. But if you aren't open to suggestions, then there is no way you could survive going toe to toe with a swarm of Invid, Bioroids, or forty foot tall Alien's bent on human destruction." With that Clay walks away and grabs more coffee stands over there a minute, and walks back.Daphne wrote:Daphne giggles. "Yeah and sometimes the enemy used to crawl up through the shitter, but that ain't gonna happen here." She says as she dusts off her shoulders.
"So boss," he directs his question to Shane. "How do you want to go with this?"

H.P.: 34 / 44 S.D.C.: 40 / 40 I.S.P.: 39 / 39
CA-4 M.D.C. by Location: -5% Climb / -20% skills of prowess
Helmet - 70/70 Arms (2) - 60/60 each Legs (2) - 80/80 each Main Body - 100/100
CVR-3H M.D.C. by Location: -10% to physical skills
Helmet - 50/50 Arms (2) - 35/35 each Legs (2) - 50/50 each Main Body - 120/120
Gallant H-90 (Rifle) 415/415 (single shot - does 5 round bursts)
H-260 Valiant Laser Assault Rifle 391/415 (single shot - does 3 round bursts)
MercTown Bank Account
Sense Dimensional Anomaly - 500' Duration: 10 min ISP: 4
Precognition - 60% ISP: 8
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 19
JIC: 14
Having heard the plan to send a small team in first, Dr. Cai Caradoc determines his best use would be in performing a medical examination on the oh-so-recently-but-no-longer-animated zombie still strapped to a bunk. "Be careful out there, you clumsy oafs. Or rather, don't. Coming to me with broken and missing limbs would just be delightful, come to think of it. You'll find me ready to go when you come to your senses and need my services. I'll be listening in on the radio while I work."
And that's just fine with me. I enjoy my time with corpses. The dead are often more intelligent than the living. They have the wisdom to subject themselves to my deft hands without protest nor complaint. And they aren't such cry babies under the knife.
((TGM, the below actions will no doubt take longer than your next post. They will serve as a good guide for me to copy/paste from though until events decree a change in action on my part))
Doc will elect to wear his lab outfit for this investigation. He will set up his portable laboratory near the corpse before beginning. Just to be safe, he keeps the corpse strapped down, even though it has shown no indication of re-animating. Better safe than sorry!
Photograph the no longer active zombie. Take shots from various angles of the head for reconstructive analysis later.
Take photographs and samples of clothing to determine quality in order to determine the subject's likely occupation/place in society.
Search body/clothing for items, catalog them and place them in labeled bags. Find Contraband -- 97/54% FAIL, Salvage -- 06/67% PASS
((This will take several hours, so the doctor would take a break to eat after taking the photographs and before beginning the autopsy))
Take samples of any external signs of death (i.e. a bullet lodged in a bone, or marked discoloration etc.)
Take samples of hair and finger/toe nails if present. Take measurements of the body.
Take a blood sample.
Remove and catalog stomach contents.
Remove a tooth for carbon dating the enamel layers for C12-C14 ratio to determine how long ago the subject was likely born and died
Perform autopsy on any decayed remains of brain, lungs, heart, and stomach primarily. Liver, kidneys and other organs may require examination if no cause/time of death found yet.
Salvage -- 97/67% FAIL (to take proper, usable samples)
Diagnosis: 90/82% FAIL (determine cause of death)
Pathology -- 74/72% FAIL (note and determine what if any diseases afflicted this man)
Sensory Equipment 08/62% PASS (proper equipment use for blood/stomach contents/dating analysis)
Advanced Mathematics -- 39/77% PASS (extrapolating date of birth and death from evidence)
((These are terrible rolls, and the doctor will likely re-attempt some examination later if still possible))
JIC: 14
Having heard the plan to send a small team in first, Dr. Cai Caradoc determines his best use would be in performing a medical examination on the oh-so-recently-but-no-longer-animated zombie still strapped to a bunk. "Be careful out there, you clumsy oafs. Or rather, don't. Coming to me with broken and missing limbs would just be delightful, come to think of it. You'll find me ready to go when you come to your senses and need my services. I'll be listening in on the radio while I work."
And that's just fine with me. I enjoy my time with corpses. The dead are often more intelligent than the living. They have the wisdom to subject themselves to my deft hands without protest nor complaint. And they aren't such cry babies under the knife.
((TGM, the below actions will no doubt take longer than your next post. They will serve as a good guide for me to copy/paste from though until events decree a change in action on my part))
Doc will elect to wear his lab outfit for this investigation. He will set up his portable laboratory near the corpse before beginning. Just to be safe, he keeps the corpse strapped down, even though it has shown no indication of re-animating. Better safe than sorry!

((This will take several hours, so the doctor would take a break to eat after taking the photographs and before beginning the autopsy))

Salvage -- 97/67% FAIL (to take proper, usable samples)
Diagnosis: 90/82% FAIL (determine cause of death)
Pathology -- 74/72% FAIL (note and determine what if any diseases afflicted this man)
Sensory Equipment 08/62% PASS (proper equipment use for blood/stomach contents/dating analysis)
Advanced Mathematics -- 39/77% PASS (extrapolating date of birth and death from evidence)
((These are terrible rolls, and the doctor will likely re-attempt some examination later if still possible))
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 3+5=8
JIC: 11, 48%
Logan smiles when Shane states that he and Daphne should perform a little recon on Bow Island. “Consider it done, boss,” the psychic states with a smirk and a half-salute. Walking back to his room, Logan throws on his helmet and slings his energy rifle over his shoulder. Same shit different toilet, eh? Let’s be smarter this time though, kid. No getting gang-raped by zombies this time around. With that in mind he heads back to where the rest of the group is standing and slides on the final piece to his armor. Turning to the crew ready to set out into Bow Island, Logan speaks with enthusiasm, “I’m ready whenever you all are…let’s get his show on the road!”
When Reaper starts sounding off towards Daphne, Logan can’t help but smile and take one last shot to poke fun at his new found friend, “Hey Reap, remind me to teach you how to flirt once we’re back in MercTown…that was just sad.” As he heads towards the airlock, Logan shouts back at the Doc, “Don’t’ miss me too much when I’m gone now you hear? Last thing we need while we’re out there is a lonely Cyber-Doc howling over the loudspeakers for us to come back!” With that the psychic heads out of the airlock and back into the wilderness, waiting for his teammates to join him before moving any farther.
((Bland post but its been a rough week for me. I'll get back in the groove with my next one.))
JIC: 11, 48%
Logan smiles when Shane states that he and Daphne should perform a little recon on Bow Island. “Consider it done, boss,” the psychic states with a smirk and a half-salute. Walking back to his room, Logan throws on his helmet and slings his energy rifle over his shoulder. Same shit different toilet, eh? Let’s be smarter this time though, kid. No getting gang-raped by zombies this time around. With that in mind he heads back to where the rest of the group is standing and slides on the final piece to his armor. Turning to the crew ready to set out into Bow Island, Logan speaks with enthusiasm, “I’m ready whenever you all are…let’s get his show on the road!”
When Reaper starts sounding off towards Daphne, Logan can’t help but smile and take one last shot to poke fun at his new found friend, “Hey Reap, remind me to teach you how to flirt once we’re back in MercTown…that was just sad.” As he heads towards the airlock, Logan shouts back at the Doc, “Don’t’ miss me too much when I’m gone now you hear? Last thing we need while we’re out there is a lonely Cyber-Doc howling over the loudspeakers for us to come back!” With that the psychic heads out of the airlock and back into the wilderness, waiting for his teammates to join him before moving any farther.
((Bland post but its been a rough week for me. I'll get back in the groove with my next one.))
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 13 + 4 = 17
JIC: 9/44%
Pre-Exisiting Conditions: Removed armor and is back in civies sucking on a cup of coffee, her father's 45 in her shoulder rig as always and visible.
To Shane:
"You know Shane, Adri and I have thermal Camo armor. We have done alot of scouting before and I think Daph is right. Couple of Power Armors walking around would not exactly be subtle. Two small teams can cover alot more ground as well. Just a suggestion."
She smiles and finishes her coffee waiting on Shane for final decisions.
JIC: 9/44%
Pre-Exisiting Conditions: Removed armor and is back in civies sucking on a cup of coffee, her father's 45 in her shoulder rig as always and visible.
To Shane:
"You know Shane, Adri and I have thermal Camo armor. We have done alot of scouting before and I think Daph is right. Couple of Power Armors walking around would not exactly be subtle. Two small teams can cover alot more ground as well. Just a suggestion."
She smiles and finishes her coffee waiting on Shane for final decisions.
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Conner just sits back and listens to the plans being laid out. After Shane has given everyone else their orders he pipes up. "So you just want me to stay here on stand by? I don't have a problem with it if you do." From there he turns to Cale. "So what do you want be today? The wheel man or the door gunner?"
He looks over at Logan after he took the jab at Caradoc. "Oh don't worry yourself about Cai. I will be here to protect our world famous and the the most talented Cyberdoc ever."
Whatever station Cale wants Conner will head back down to the cargo hold and start to rig up a safety harness for the gunner.
Conner just sits back and listens to the plans being laid out. After Shane has given everyone else their orders he pipes up. "So you just want me to stay here on stand by? I don't have a problem with it if you do." From there he turns to Cale. "So what do you want be today? The wheel man or the door gunner?"
He looks over at Logan after he took the jab at Caradoc. "Oh don't worry yourself about Cai. I will be here to protect our world famous and the the most talented Cyberdoc ever."
Whatever station Cale wants Conner will head back down to the cargo hold and start to rig up a safety harness for the gunner.
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 13 + 3 = 16
JIC: 20/30%
Intelligence: 1% of 64%
Robot & Power Armour: 69% of 76%
Navigation: 3% of 65%
Location: Observation Deck.
Shane listens to the chatter going on around the table and quickly figures out that everyone doesn't understand that his purpose of the aerial photographs. "I think you all misunderstood my purpose for the photos. It was only to get a lay of the land and to see what kind of defences they have. If this village was wide open with no walls like Medicine Hat was, I'd be all for sneaking around and gathering intel that way. But with the walls and layout of this place that isn't going to work. We aren't looking for weaknesses for attacking this village, so sneaking in the back door isn't what we are looking for either and it is just going make things go worse for us if they do find us in there. ELINT isn't doing much for us either, as Dave hasn't picked up any radio broadcasts from them yet, that I'm aware of. There really isn't anywhere to hide, so we are going to have to approach the village from the main gate. And that leaves whoever is out their awfully exposed in front of their walls."
A light bulb goes off in Shane's head and thinks to himself. I've got it! He smiles a little as he says, "I think I have the plan. We don't I just buzz the town and see how they react. If they try to light me up they are going to be hostile. If not, they will probably talk with us. My PA is agile and meant to avoid radar contact. I'll take a round about route to go over the town and go over it from West to East. I didn't use my PA in Medicine Hat so it won't be on the video if they have been shown it. If they don't blow me out of the sky, and are willing to talk, I'll call the rest of you in. Gear up for possible action. I'm going to go get ready. Cale look after things here."
Shane exits the observation deck and goes to one of the side exits of the ARTV. He heads outside to relieve himself before entering his quarters and getting into his flight suit. He moves to the storage bay where he looks over his Sidewinder before suiting up in it. Once he is ready he gets into the airlock and cycles through. He powers up his main engine and his force-field before heading away from the ARTV at a low speed and stays in a terrain following mode for a couple of miles before circling around to the west of the village. He'll take a few deep breaths before speeding up to 150 mph and heading out over the village. Once he is in visual range of the town folk, he'll scan the town for activity and at the first sign of attack will punch the engine up to max power and get out of there. If no attack comes, he'll land outside the gate and wait to be approached.
((OOC - Going in in full defensive mode.))
Number of Attacks: 8
Dodge (+15): 17, 7, 6, 3, 19, 3, 16, and 12.
JIC: 20/30%
Intelligence: 1% of 64%
Robot & Power Armour: 69% of 76%
Navigation: 3% of 65%
Location: Observation Deck.
Shane listens to the chatter going on around the table and quickly figures out that everyone doesn't understand that his purpose of the aerial photographs. "I think you all misunderstood my purpose for the photos. It was only to get a lay of the land and to see what kind of defences they have. If this village was wide open with no walls like Medicine Hat was, I'd be all for sneaking around and gathering intel that way. But with the walls and layout of this place that isn't going to work. We aren't looking for weaknesses for attacking this village, so sneaking in the back door isn't what we are looking for either and it is just going make things go worse for us if they do find us in there. ELINT isn't doing much for us either, as Dave hasn't picked up any radio broadcasts from them yet, that I'm aware of. There really isn't anywhere to hide, so we are going to have to approach the village from the main gate. And that leaves whoever is out their awfully exposed in front of their walls."
A light bulb goes off in Shane's head and thinks to himself. I've got it! He smiles a little as he says, "I think I have the plan. We don't I just buzz the town and see how they react. If they try to light me up they are going to be hostile. If not, they will probably talk with us. My PA is agile and meant to avoid radar contact. I'll take a round about route to go over the town and go over it from West to East. I didn't use my PA in Medicine Hat so it won't be on the video if they have been shown it. If they don't blow me out of the sky, and are willing to talk, I'll call the rest of you in. Gear up for possible action. I'm going to go get ready. Cale look after things here."
Shane exits the observation deck and goes to one of the side exits of the ARTV. He heads outside to relieve himself before entering his quarters and getting into his flight suit. He moves to the storage bay where he looks over his Sidewinder before suiting up in it. Once he is ready he gets into the airlock and cycles through. He powers up his main engine and his force-field before heading away from the ARTV at a low speed and stays in a terrain following mode for a couple of miles before circling around to the west of the village. He'll take a few deep breaths before speeding up to 150 mph and heading out over the village. Once he is in visual range of the town folk, he'll scan the town for activity and at the first sign of attack will punch the engine up to max power and get out of there. If no attack comes, he'll land outside the gate and wait to be approached.
((OOC - Going in in full defensive mode.))
Number of Attacks: 8
Dodge (+15): 17, 7, 6, 3, 19, 3, 16, and 12.
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
((rolls carried over))
Clay scowls at Logan's remark about flirting. Once Shane is done talking he follows Logan out, "Hey Logan, that wasn't some sort of mating ritual. I may have been off on what Shane wanted, but I am pretty sure I am right." He stretches a bit in the cold air that is outside. "Anyways, I am going to suit up, and get ready if Shane needs us to come in guns a blazing."
As Clay gets back into the ATRV, I wasn't flirting was I? She isn't even my type, and she didn't even like talking about Minmei! Oh well, who knows. His mind starts to drift off as he gets into his quarters and starts to get dressed in his CVR armor.
Once done, he heads to the holding area where Shane's SAMAS is stored and helps him get into it. "Okay boss, I'm going to shadow you on the ground. I'll have my sniper rifle available. Just say Minmei over the Comm's and I'll come in hot."
Clay scowls at Logan's remark about flirting. Once Shane is done talking he follows Logan out, "Hey Logan, that wasn't some sort of mating ritual. I may have been off on what Shane wanted, but I am pretty sure I am right." He stretches a bit in the cold air that is outside. "Anyways, I am going to suit up, and get ready if Shane needs us to come in guns a blazing."
As Clay gets back into the ATRV, I wasn't flirting was I? She isn't even my type, and she didn't even like talking about Minmei! Oh well, who knows. His mind starts to drift off as he gets into his quarters and starts to get dressed in his CVR armor.
Once done, he heads to the holding area where Shane's SAMAS is stored and helps him get into it. "Okay boss, I'm going to shadow you on the ground. I'll have my sniper rifle available. Just say Minmei over the Comm's and I'll come in hot."

H.P.: 34 / 44 S.D.C.: 40 / 40 I.S.P.: 39 / 39
CA-4 M.D.C. by Location: -5% Climb / -20% skills of prowess
Helmet - 70/70 Arms (2) - 60/60 each Legs (2) - 80/80 each Main Body - 100/100
CVR-3H M.D.C. by Location: -10% to physical skills
Helmet - 50/50 Arms (2) - 35/35 each Legs (2) - 50/50 each Main Body - 120/120
Gallant H-90 (Rifle) 415/415 (single shot - does 5 round bursts)
H-260 Valiant Laser Assault Rifle 391/415 (single shot - does 3 round bursts)
MercTown Bank Account
Sense Dimensional Anomaly - 500' Duration: 10 min ISP: 4
Precognition - 60% ISP: 8
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Conner stands there with a confused look on his face. "So that is what you wanted to do. Sorry, I was taking it in wrong. I now know what I need to do now."
I think I will take the wheel and have Cale be the gunner. I am pretty sure I am the best pilot of this beast. First off I need to get the rig up for Cale.
When he gets back into the hold he starts to look around again. Ok lets see here. My servo-rig! The support arm can be locked away behind him and the metal frame is perfect for steading him for side to side movement. One more rope coming off the back of the waist of it and it will keep him inside. Perfect! Now all I need is some rope and clips to tie it all together. With the rig built he finds point on the door and on the floor to hook the rig up to.
Jury-Rig: 24%, 18%, 06%, 63%, 07%@ 84%
Now that is ready to go he finds Cale and informs him what he has planned for the cook. "There you are. I am going to take the pilot seat on this and you can be the door man. I will have Dave in the back-up seat just in case I need to get back there for support and we can have Cai on the sensors. Ok, so I have made a safety harness for you out my servo-rig. It has three points tied to the ATRV to keep you locked in place. Now if you want you can use any of my heavy guns, they all hook up to the servo arm. If not, it just locks up out of the way and you can just use your rifle."
Once Cale is hooked up and ready to go he makes his way up to the cockpit with his triple threat rifle and jumps into the pilot seat. "Alright Dave. Lets get this bird ready to fly."
He runs over the checklist with Dave and then calls out to everyone over the radio. "For all those not fly with us today on Roughneck air would you please exit the craft and step away. For those of us staying please be ready for lift off. Doc, when you are ready please make your way up to the cockpit." When he is ready he dusts off and takes it up to tree top level and holds.
Pilot: Hovercraft: 33%@94%
Conner stands there with a confused look on his face. "So that is what you wanted to do. Sorry, I was taking it in wrong. I now know what I need to do now."
I think I will take the wheel and have Cale be the gunner. I am pretty sure I am the best pilot of this beast. First off I need to get the rig up for Cale.
When he gets back into the hold he starts to look around again. Ok lets see here. My servo-rig! The support arm can be locked away behind him and the metal frame is perfect for steading him for side to side movement. One more rope coming off the back of the waist of it and it will keep him inside. Perfect! Now all I need is some rope and clips to tie it all together. With the rig built he finds point on the door and on the floor to hook the rig up to.
Jury-Rig: 24%, 18%, 06%, 63%, 07%@ 84%
Now that is ready to go he finds Cale and informs him what he has planned for the cook. "There you are. I am going to take the pilot seat on this and you can be the door man. I will have Dave in the back-up seat just in case I need to get back there for support and we can have Cai on the sensors. Ok, so I have made a safety harness for you out my servo-rig. It has three points tied to the ATRV to keep you locked in place. Now if you want you can use any of my heavy guns, they all hook up to the servo arm. If not, it just locks up out of the way and you can just use your rifle."
Once Cale is hooked up and ready to go he makes his way up to the cockpit with his triple threat rifle and jumps into the pilot seat. "Alright Dave. Lets get this bird ready to fly."
He runs over the checklist with Dave and then calls out to everyone over the radio. "For all those not fly with us today on Roughneck air would you please exit the craft and step away. For those of us staying please be ready for lift off. Doc, when you are ready please make your way up to the cockpit." When he is ready he dusts off and takes it up to tree top level and holds.
Pilot: Hovercraft: 33%@94%
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 13
JIC: 15, 75%
And with that, Cale lets Conner strap him in.
JIC: 15, 75%
Following the excited Operator, Cale listens with increasing interest of the plan. "Connor, if I remember my training videos correctly, I'm going to need use your Vulcan Mini-gun. Door-gunners normally took that position because they felt inadequate. I don't own any weapons that would make the grade."Conner Gunsmith wrote:Now that is ready to go he finds Cale and informs him what he has planned for the cook. "There you are. I am going to take the pilot seat on this and you can be the door man. I will have Dave in the back-up seat just in case I need to get back there for support and we can have Cai on the sensors. Ok, so I have made a safety harness for you out my servo-rig. It has three points tied to the ATRV to keep you locked in place. Now if you want you can use any of my heavy guns, they all hook up to the servo arm. If not, it just locks up out of the way and you can just use your rifle."
And with that, Cale lets Conner strap him in.
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Condition: Gear loaded onto Gigi.
Adrienne awakens after spending the night in her cabin with Kaitlyn. After cleaning up and putting on fresh clothes. She eats breakfast and then returns to her cabin to pack her gear. She talks to Kaitlyn, "It's time I headed back to Merctown, this job isn't for me anymore my dear. If you want to come with me you can, but you're welcome to stay. I will see you again." *kisses her goodbye*
On her way back to her Gigi, she stops to give a hug to Cale, Connor and anyone else in the ATVR who will accept one. Before Shane goes on his patrol, she stops him and says, "The death and destruction at Medicine Hat has brought many memories up and I feel I need a break from all the carnage. I think I need to go back to Merctown and take a break from mercenary work for awhile. Thank you for the work and the companionship. If you come back to Merctown, feel free to look me up anytime."
Adrienne then finishes loading up her Gigi and departs heading back to Merctown.
Condition: Gear loaded onto Gigi.
Adrienne awakens after spending the night in her cabin with Kaitlyn. After cleaning up and putting on fresh clothes. She eats breakfast and then returns to her cabin to pack her gear. She talks to Kaitlyn, "It's time I headed back to Merctown, this job isn't for me anymore my dear. If you want to come with me you can, but you're welcome to stay. I will see you again." *kisses her goodbye*
On her way back to her Gigi, she stops to give a hug to Cale, Connor and anyone else in the ATVR who will accept one. Before Shane goes on his patrol, she stops him and says, "The death and destruction at Medicine Hat has brought many memories up and I feel I need a break from all the carnage. I think I need to go back to Merctown and take a break from mercenary work for awhile. Thank you for the work and the companionship. If you come back to Merctown, feel free to look me up anytime."
Adrienne then finishes loading up her Gigi and departs heading back to Merctown.
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Kat about jumps out of her skin at Adri's announcement.
"Oh hell girl, your arn't going anywhere without me. We have been together three years now and nothing and no one is going to change that."
*She will quickly say her goodbyes and load what little gear she has with her and will leave with Adri for Merctown.*
ooc: Not a forever goodbye guys. See OOC post and give feedback....Thanks and all kinds of hugs and kisses
"Oh hell girl, your arn't going anywhere without me. We have been together three years now and nothing and no one is going to change that."
*She will quickly say her goodbyes and load what little gear she has with her and will leave with Adri for Merctown.*
ooc: Not a forever goodbye guys. See OOC post and give feedback....Thanks and all kinds of hugs and kisses
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 10+5=15 (Looking mainly for spots to hide in on his approach & entry points for Bow Island)
JIC: 7, 52%
Outside of the ATRV, Logan waits for both Shane and Reaper to exit the vehicle with their power armor suits. Giving them a quick nod, the psychic sends a message over the radio, “Good luck out there, boys, make sure to get back safe. Shane, I’m going to advance as close as I can with a little psychic help to try and get a layout of this place. Reap, keep us alive out here bud. See ya’ when I see ya’!” With that, Logan activates his psychic powers to keep him safe from prying eyes and heads out towards Bow Island, careful to be on the lookout for any potential threats. Psionic Invisibility: 10 I.S.P., 4 minutes
Detect Ambush: 05/35% PASS!
Prowl: 24/47% PASS!
Land Navigation: 82/58% FAIL! (Looking for a covered route to the walls)
Logan will advance as far as he can up to the walls up Bow Island before he assumes his cover will be blown. If he can get within 100ft of the wall safely, Logan will advance all the way up to the walls of the city. On his approach, Logan will utilize any natural cover that he can, knowing full well that he is only invisible up to a certain point and that until that point he can be seen easily. Once there, he will find a safe place to lay down and do some psychic investigating. Psychic Omni-Sight: 15 I.S.P., 500ft radius, 20 minutes. Alright kid, keep your head down and your eyes peeled…who knows what’s going to unfold out here.
If Logan cannot get close enough to make ample use of Psychic Omni-Sight (more than 250ft away) he will simply go prone and relay any information he can find back to all of the Roughnecks. Also, if at any time people start firing at either him or the other two men in the field, Logan will erect a Psychic Forcefield in front of whomever to protect them.
Dodges if needed: (+6 not included): 6, 15, 4, nat 1!, 9, & 2
Total I.S.P.: 25
JIC: 7, 52%
Outside of the ATRV, Logan waits for both Shane and Reaper to exit the vehicle with their power armor suits. Giving them a quick nod, the psychic sends a message over the radio, “Good luck out there, boys, make sure to get back safe. Shane, I’m going to advance as close as I can with a little psychic help to try and get a layout of this place. Reap, keep us alive out here bud. See ya’ when I see ya’!” With that, Logan activates his psychic powers to keep him safe from prying eyes and heads out towards Bow Island, careful to be on the lookout for any potential threats. Psionic Invisibility: 10 I.S.P., 4 minutes
Detect Ambush: 05/35% PASS!
Prowl: 24/47% PASS!
Land Navigation: 82/58% FAIL! (Looking for a covered route to the walls)
Logan will advance as far as he can up to the walls up Bow Island before he assumes his cover will be blown. If he can get within 100ft of the wall safely, Logan will advance all the way up to the walls of the city. On his approach, Logan will utilize any natural cover that he can, knowing full well that he is only invisible up to a certain point and that until that point he can be seen easily. Once there, he will find a safe place to lay down and do some psychic investigating. Psychic Omni-Sight: 15 I.S.P., 500ft radius, 20 minutes. Alright kid, keep your head down and your eyes peeled…who knows what’s going to unfold out here.
If Logan cannot get close enough to make ample use of Psychic Omni-Sight (more than 250ft away) he will simply go prone and relay any information he can find back to all of the Roughnecks. Also, if at any time people start firing at either him or the other two men in the field, Logan will erect a Psychic Forcefield in front of whomever to protect them.
Dodges if needed: (+6 not included): 6, 15, 4, nat 1!, 9, & 2
Total I.S.P.: 25
- Archive Account
- Posts: 5332
- Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2005 3:19 pm
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Shane & Reaper
Shane and Clay suit-up and as Shane walks his SAMAS through the airlock opposite Cale, Clay follows close behind, driving his Cyclone off the side of the resting ATRV and into the deep drift of snow outside. Shane takes to the air even as the two of them watch Logan start to sprint across the snowy fields. Clay and Shane feel the chill of the bitter cold morning air bite their faces and secure their visors. Shane lifts off in a roaring whine of turbofan thrusters and begins circling to gain altitude. Knowing that Shane will quickly outpace him, Clay revs up the Cyclone and quietly starts toward the walled town with a flurry of snow billowing behind him like a ship's wake. By the time Clay gets to within a half mile of the town, he uses discretion and switches to battloid mode and starts hopping strategically across the terrain, taking every effort to draw as little attention as possible. Meanwhile, Shane is able to gain the five hundred or so feet of altitude he feels is relatively safe for low-altitude flying in unknown circumstances and blasts off for the town's walls. He sweeps over the town at high-speed with his eyes peeled and thanks the stars that Cale's coffee has him bright and alert this morning. Each of the four bastions within the town walls has a large, mounted weapon and they all just opened fire on him. He's not certain, but Shane thinks that three of them are projectile weapons like rail guns or something similar. The fourth launched a short-range missile which he had to fly into a corkscrew to avoid. The fog or chimney smoke that's now hanging over the town makes a lot of what Kaitlyn likely saw magically hard to identify with great clarity. When the gunfire erupts, Clay is about a quarter-mile outside the town's thirty-foot tall walls.
Logan waits for both Shane and Reaper to exit the vehicle with their power armor suits. Once outside the ATRV, he makes his way through the copse of trees and across the rolling plains until he's within eyesight of the walled town. As he comes within visual range, he pauses and collects his thoughts. Focusing his mind as he's trained himself to do, Logan begins to run for the walled town--he had never been a particularly strong runner and he knew he had a limited time in which to get to some sort of cover before the psychic shroud of obfuscation wore off and revealed his presence. He does fine for the first few minutes of running but soon starts to flag and by the time he finally nears a small ravine near the wall he knows he doesn't have the endurance, psychic or physical, to maintain his exertions. Without time to inspect the ravine, he clambers down into it and presses his back to the earthen grade panting. His psionic invisibility drops as he catches his breath. He can see the rapid puffs of his breath in the frigid air. Even through the freezing cold and his running nose, he catches the scent of the powerful stench almost immediately. He is ankle deep in human refuse and filth. This ravine is almost certainly the town's sewage channel.
Cai references the photographs taken by Dave earlier and determines them to be sufficient for his purposes. Cai's lack of anthropological experience brings his analysis of the cadaver's former position in society to an unfruitful end. Cai's able to make a rather easy diagnosis of what killed this man as the man's forehead displays a rather prominent burn-hole in the forehead consistent of a precision laser weapon. Cai takes blood, tissue, gastronomic, and keratin samples as well as measurements of the cadaver. His efforts at carbon-dating the cadaver are conclusive and he's able to date the cadaver as being roughly in his mid-thirties. For some strange reason, the internal organs show signs of serious damage. Investigating this anomaly further, his inspection reveals that there had been massive internal hemorrhaging prior to death and that the laser blast had occurred postmortem. The internal hemorrhaging from the vital organs is consistent with the ingestion of a powerful toxin. From the extensive damage, it is likely the toxin had accrued in the body over a period of time somewhere on the order of two to three days at the end of which the subject likely died an hours-long, excruciatingly painful death.
(This analysis will consume all Cai's time from his waking until 7:15 am)
Cale is no sooner strapped into the servo-harness than he realizes just how frakkin' cold it is outside. He trudges upstairs wearing the ungainly servo-rig, prepares a fresh pot of coffee, steals a mighty 20 oz. thermos worth from the still-brewing java, and heads back down to hang out the side-door. His view is stark in its beauty. His vision is framed by snow-covered pines and through the frame of trees is a long, lowly rolling field of white. At least a mile in the distance the snow-covered stone walls of a town peek out from the horizon and are back-lit by the rising sun. A light fog or perhaps woodsmoke drifts lazily above the town. He enjoys the view and his fresh, bold-flavored coffee as he eyes the progress of his teammates.
Conner & Dave
Conner makes his way up to the cockpit, sets his rifle to one side of the driver's seat, and gets settled. "Alright Dave. Lets get this bird ready to fly."
Dave doesn't even stop working the controls in preparation for hover when he asks "I'll keep this hyar bird as yo' call it primed an' ready t'go. Shall we maintain radiashun silence as fine, Conner?"
William & Sir Benjamin Payne
You're each scrubbing your faces with a wash cloth and cold water brought up by the inn's maid when you hear the familiar sound of heavy weapons fire following shortly after the distinctive sound of a SAMAS' engines roaring over the town. You arrived at this town late in the day yesterday and decided not to chance the fickle weather of the northwest and so spent last night here, sharing a room in this plain but serviceable inn. There was some commotion as the mayor of a neighboring village reported to the townsfolk that another nearby village had been slaughtered by high-tech raiders. Her bodyguards didn't say much and some villagers gave her and her bodyguards a wide berth, but most of this town seemed upset at the news of a neighboring village being wiped out. As a result there wasn't much in the way of lively conversation at either of the two drinking holes in town either.
Adrienne and Kaitlyn suit-up and depart for MercTown after saying their farewells. Daphne decides this isn't this gig she was hoping for it to be either and departs in their shadow. Just like that, the Roughnecks become a total sausagefest. A fact not lost on Clay as he watches the three women leave, two by power armor, one via magical flight.Conditions wrote:TIME & DATE: 7:00 am local, 18 January 110 P.A.
WEATHER: 11°F, clear skies and light winds from the west at 5-10 mph.
EFFECTS: Naked eye visibility to horizon.
TERRAIN: Lightly wooded. The tall pines in this copse of trees creates a light canopy through which the ATRV can be seen from above.
ATRV LOCATION: 1.25 miles east of Bow Island
Shane & Reaper
Shane and Clay suit-up and as Shane walks his SAMAS through the airlock opposite Cale, Clay follows close behind, driving his Cyclone off the side of the resting ATRV and into the deep drift of snow outside. Shane takes to the air even as the two of them watch Logan start to sprint across the snowy fields. Clay and Shane feel the chill of the bitter cold morning air bite their faces and secure their visors. Shane lifts off in a roaring whine of turbofan thrusters and begins circling to gain altitude. Knowing that Shane will quickly outpace him, Clay revs up the Cyclone and quietly starts toward the walled town with a flurry of snow billowing behind him like a ship's wake. By the time Clay gets to within a half mile of the town, he uses discretion and switches to battloid mode and starts hopping strategically across the terrain, taking every effort to draw as little attention as possible. Meanwhile, Shane is able to gain the five hundred or so feet of altitude he feels is relatively safe for low-altitude flying in unknown circumstances and blasts off for the town's walls. He sweeps over the town at high-speed with his eyes peeled and thanks the stars that Cale's coffee has him bright and alert this morning. Each of the four bastions within the town walls has a large, mounted weapon and they all just opened fire on him. He's not certain, but Shane thinks that three of them are projectile weapons like rail guns or something similar. The fourth launched a short-range missile which he had to fly into a corkscrew to avoid. The fog or chimney smoke that's now hanging over the town makes a lot of what Kaitlyn likely saw magically hard to identify with great clarity. When the gunfire erupts, Clay is about a quarter-mile outside the town's thirty-foot tall walls.
Logan waits for both Shane and Reaper to exit the vehicle with their power armor suits. Once outside the ATRV, he makes his way through the copse of trees and across the rolling plains until he's within eyesight of the walled town. As he comes within visual range, he pauses and collects his thoughts. Focusing his mind as he's trained himself to do, Logan begins to run for the walled town--he had never been a particularly strong runner and he knew he had a limited time in which to get to some sort of cover before the psychic shroud of obfuscation wore off and revealed his presence. He does fine for the first few minutes of running but soon starts to flag and by the time he finally nears a small ravine near the wall he knows he doesn't have the endurance, psychic or physical, to maintain his exertions. Without time to inspect the ravine, he clambers down into it and presses his back to the earthen grade panting. His psionic invisibility drops as he catches his breath. He can see the rapid puffs of his breath in the frigid air. Even through the freezing cold and his running nose, he catches the scent of the powerful stench almost immediately. He is ankle deep in human refuse and filth. This ravine is almost certainly the town's sewage channel.
Cai references the photographs taken by Dave earlier and determines them to be sufficient for his purposes. Cai's lack of anthropological experience brings his analysis of the cadaver's former position in society to an unfruitful end. Cai's able to make a rather easy diagnosis of what killed this man as the man's forehead displays a rather prominent burn-hole in the forehead consistent of a precision laser weapon. Cai takes blood, tissue, gastronomic, and keratin samples as well as measurements of the cadaver. His efforts at carbon-dating the cadaver are conclusive and he's able to date the cadaver as being roughly in his mid-thirties. For some strange reason, the internal organs show signs of serious damage. Investigating this anomaly further, his inspection reveals that there had been massive internal hemorrhaging prior to death and that the laser blast had occurred postmortem. The internal hemorrhaging from the vital organs is consistent with the ingestion of a powerful toxin. From the extensive damage, it is likely the toxin had accrued in the body over a period of time somewhere on the order of two to three days at the end of which the subject likely died an hours-long, excruciatingly painful death.
(This analysis will consume all Cai's time from his waking until 7:15 am)
Cale is no sooner strapped into the servo-harness than he realizes just how frakkin' cold it is outside. He trudges upstairs wearing the ungainly servo-rig, prepares a fresh pot of coffee, steals a mighty 20 oz. thermos worth from the still-brewing java, and heads back down to hang out the side-door. His view is stark in its beauty. His vision is framed by snow-covered pines and through the frame of trees is a long, lowly rolling field of white. At least a mile in the distance the snow-covered stone walls of a town peek out from the horizon and are back-lit by the rising sun. A light fog or perhaps woodsmoke drifts lazily above the town. He enjoys the view and his fresh, bold-flavored coffee as he eyes the progress of his teammates.
Conner & Dave
Conner makes his way up to the cockpit, sets his rifle to one side of the driver's seat, and gets settled. "Alright Dave. Lets get this bird ready to fly."
Dave doesn't even stop working the controls in preparation for hover when he asks "I'll keep this hyar bird as yo' call it primed an' ready t'go. Shall we maintain radiashun silence as fine, Conner?"
William & Sir Benjamin Payne
You're each scrubbing your faces with a wash cloth and cold water brought up by the inn's maid when you hear the familiar sound of heavy weapons fire following shortly after the distinctive sound of a SAMAS' engines roaring over the town. You arrived at this town late in the day yesterday and decided not to chance the fickle weather of the northwest and so spent last night here, sharing a room in this plain but serviceable inn. There was some commotion as the mayor of a neighboring village reported to the townsfolk that another nearby village had been slaughtered by high-tech raiders. Her bodyguards didn't say much and some villagers gave her and her bodyguards a wide berth, but most of this town seemed upset at the news of a neighboring village being wiped out. As a result there wasn't much in the way of lively conversation at either of the two drinking holes in town either.
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 16+5=21 (Looking for signs of ambush/baddies)
JIC: 2, 80%
Hearing the gunfire above, Logan signals his radio to all of the Roughnecks, “SHANE IS UNDER FIRE, I REPEAT SHANE IS UNDER FIRE! BOW ISLAND HAS FIRED UPON US!” Switching his radio over to Shane’s private channel, Logan continues, “Shane are you hit!? What’s your situation looking like?” Shit! Shit! Shit! This cannot be good…these people are daring us to wage war on them! Drawing his rifle from off of his shoulder, Logan tries to see if he can get a clear shot off at one of the towers. With his finger hugging the trigger a more practical thought dawns on him, even if I can fire off a few shots it won’t do any good. However, I could probably follow this sewage channel back to its starting point and find my way inside the city that way. Shane…I hope you can get out of their safe, pal. With his rifle in hand, Logan begins to make his way through the sewage treatment path, conscious the whole time of what he is stepping in and the terrible smell he is going to drag with him back to the ATRV. “Heh, I hope the ATRV has a good hose….”
Following the trail of sewage back to its source, Logan finds a tiny opening barely large enough to fit a man through ((confirmed with TGM via YIM)). Shouldering his rifle once more, Logan thanks the Gods that he is wearing his armor and activates his psionic invisibility once more before crawling through the hole. Psionic Invisibility: 10 I.S.P., 4 minutes Once through, Logan will hold his rifle once more but with absolutely no intention of shooting at or harming anyone inside. Scanning the area, Logan will only advance as far as he can without being seen by anyone else. If he comes across anything of note, Logan will take the time to inspect it but won’t spend too much time in one area unless it comes off as extremely important. If at any time during his search his invisibility runs out he will cast it again. His goal here is to make it into the fresh air once more and he will advance as far as he can to get this done.
Detect Ambush: 23/35% PASS!
Prowl: 94/47% FAIL!
Auto-Parry (+6 not included): 17, 2, 11, 4, nat 1, & 12
Dodge Rolls (+6 not included): 6, 13, 13, 11, 5, & 2
JIC: 2, 80%
Hearing the gunfire above, Logan signals his radio to all of the Roughnecks, “SHANE IS UNDER FIRE, I REPEAT SHANE IS UNDER FIRE! BOW ISLAND HAS FIRED UPON US!” Switching his radio over to Shane’s private channel, Logan continues, “Shane are you hit!? What’s your situation looking like?” Shit! Shit! Shit! This cannot be good…these people are daring us to wage war on them! Drawing his rifle from off of his shoulder, Logan tries to see if he can get a clear shot off at one of the towers. With his finger hugging the trigger a more practical thought dawns on him, even if I can fire off a few shots it won’t do any good. However, I could probably follow this sewage channel back to its starting point and find my way inside the city that way. Shane…I hope you can get out of their safe, pal. With his rifle in hand, Logan begins to make his way through the sewage treatment path, conscious the whole time of what he is stepping in and the terrible smell he is going to drag with him back to the ATRV. “Heh, I hope the ATRV has a good hose….”
Following the trail of sewage back to its source, Logan finds a tiny opening barely large enough to fit a man through ((confirmed with TGM via YIM)). Shouldering his rifle once more, Logan thanks the Gods that he is wearing his armor and activates his psionic invisibility once more before crawling through the hole. Psionic Invisibility: 10 I.S.P., 4 minutes Once through, Logan will hold his rifle once more but with absolutely no intention of shooting at or harming anyone inside. Scanning the area, Logan will only advance as far as he can without being seen by anyone else. If he comes across anything of note, Logan will take the time to inspect it but won’t spend too much time in one area unless it comes off as extremely important. If at any time during his search his invisibility runs out he will cast it again. His goal here is to make it into the fresh air once more and he will advance as far as he can to get this done.
Detect Ambush: 23/35% PASS!
Prowl: 94/47% FAIL!
Auto-Parry (+6 not included): 17, 2, 11, 4, nat 1, & 12
Dodge Rolls (+6 not included): 6, 13, 13, 11, 5, & 2
Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perc: 12+3= 15The Game Master wrote: William & Sir Benjamin Payne
You're each scrubbing your faces with a wash cloth and cold water brought up by the inn's maid when you hear the familiar sound of heavy weapons fire following shortly after the distinctive sound of a SAMAS' engines roaring over the town. You arrived at this town late in the day yesterday and decided not to chance the fickle weather of the northwest and so spent last night here, sharing a room in this plain but serviceable inn. There was some commotion as the mayor of a neighboring village reported to the townsfolk that another nearby village had been slaughtered by high-tech raiders. Her bodyguards didn't say much and some villagers gave her and her bodyguards a wide berth, but most of this town seemed upset at the news of a neighboring village being wiped out. As a result there wasn't much in the way of lively conversation at either of the two drinking holes in town either.
Jic: 5, 10%
Sir Benjamin Payne now knows torment. "That little escapade at the gates of Merctown was nothing compared to spending an entire night with another person, in the same room with me, while I have no armour to hide my face." Even though they had spent a lot of time traveling together Ben had not been this close with William. There was always firewood to gather or scouting to be done and leaving your armour on until the moment your head hit the bedroll at night made sense on the road. Even with the fact that William seemed to almost follow the knight wherever he went, Ben was successful at keeping his face hidden. The few times that William brought up questions about why Ben hid his face, the cyber knight was able to change the subject or make some other excuse to avoid the question. Here at the inn was a much more difficult situation for Ben. He kept his hood up most of the night and had to fight to avoid eye contact with his roommate. The evening had been a bad one for Sir Ben as the thought of his new friend accidentally gazing on his horrid face preoccupied him at all times. "I know I need to find a way to exist with others but I had hoped this part of it would get easier." The fact that William was clearly a warrior made the situation just bearable enough for Ben to take the risk.
Ben slept very little the whole night and was up several hours before dawn. The big knight just laid with his back to the bed where William slept until the sun came up. Sir Ben then rose and put on his large cloak and began his morning meditations. The anxiety in Ben's body made it difficult to reach his meditative trance and just as he did reach it the knight heard the unmistakeable sounds of heavy weapons fire. Reacting in an instant, the knight was on his feet and strapping on his armour. Once fully equipped Ben was out the door without even a backward glance to see if his partner was behind him. "Great job Ben. Just leave the one person who is willing to work with you." The knight was about to turn back when he heard William's footsteps leaving the room right behind him. The knight breathed a sigh of relief, "Well at least we are on the same page when it comes to this sort of situation."
Hearing the power armour overhead immediately made Ben think of the high-tech raiders and the village massacre everyone had been talking about since they arrived in Bow Island. The knight turned to William as they stepped outside the inn, "It will be a cold day in hell before I let anyone massacre innocents while I draw breath." Still, there was that nagging voice in his mind that told him his job as cyber knight was to first establish who the enemy was. After a few more steps toward where the weapon fire seemed to be coming from Ben turned to William again, "These townsfolk must be on edge due to the recent events. Perhaps you and I can offer our service in ascertaining if these new players are in fact attempting to attack this settlement?" Ben is reminded of the strong walls and towers he had seen the previous day. "I doubt small time bandits would attack such a fortified position."
Last edited by Sir Benjamin Payne on Fri Jan 28, 2011 10:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- William Summers
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Re: Trouble in Calgary part 4: Intrigue
Perception: 16+1=17The Game Master wrote:William & Sir Benjamin Payne
You're each scrubbing your faces with a wash cloth and cold water brought up by the inn's maid when you hear the familiar sound of heavy weapons fire following shortly after the distinctive sound of a SAMAS' engines roaring over the town. You arrived at this town late in the day yesterday and decided not to chance the fickle weather of the northwest and so spent last night here, sharing a room in this plain but serviceable inn. There was some commotion as the mayor of a neighboring village reported to the townsfolk that another nearby village had been slaughtered by high-tech raiders. Her bodyguards didn't say much and some villagers gave her and her bodyguards a wide berth, but most of this town seemed upset at the news of a neighboring village being wiped out. As a result there wasn't much in the way of lively conversation at either of the two drinking holes in town either.
JIC: 14/61%
Splashing water over his face, William thinks about his adventures so far and the many people he had met up with in his quest for...well he didn't know what just yet. There was the young lady who's answer to every problem was a bullet to the kneecap. There was the short in stature but incredibly tall in spirit dwarf he had battled alongside. The teleporter...well, best not to think about the teleporter. But none of them had been so strange, so stoic, so silent as Sir Benjamin. That was about all he knew about him. Besides the fact that he was gigantic, always wore his helmet and that he had been to the Northwest. Because that's where they met and where they currently were. The two had met when Ben found William and his previous traveling companion in a one sided battle against a small pack of Loaks. With his companion wounded and his body reacting at around 47%, it was looking like this might be it. That was when Ben showed up. William watched, impressed as Ben started tossing the attackers left and right with his mind. And those were the lucky ones. Out of thin air, he created a sword composed of energy and turned the tide of that battle in a matter of moments. Unfortunately, William's companion did not live to see the end of the battle. After a proper burial, Ben talked to William about his quest to travel the world and rid it of evil doers. William was already dedicated to traveling, being displaced from Dweomer and battling evil was what he had trained for his entire life. He accepted and they began their travels together.
Which led them to now.
Thinking the same thing upon hearing the noise from outside, William gets himself armored up and rushes after Ben. "Excellent! After last night's exciting conversation, I don't think I can take anymore silence. Let's go see what that..." Looking up from strapping on his utility belt over his armor, he sees that Sir Payne is already out the door. "Hurry! Catch up!" William slings his blade over his back and grabs his helmet before dashing out after Ben.Sir Benjamin Payne wrote:Ben slept very little the whole night and was up several hours before dawn. The big knight just laid with his back to the bed where William slept until the sun came up. Sir Ben then rose and put on his large cloak and began his morning meditations. The anxiety in Ben's body made it difficult to reach his meditative trance and just as he did reach it the knight heard the unmistakeable sounds of heavy weapons fire. Reacting in an instant, the knight was on his feet and strapping on his armour. Once fully equipped Ben was out the door without even a backward glance to see if his partner was behind him. "Great job Ben. Just leave the one person who is willing to work with you." The knight was about to turn back when he heard William's footsteps leaving the room right behind him. The knight breathed a sigh of relief, "Well at least we are on the same page when it comes to this sort of situation."
"So, you want to ask questions first and strike later? That's very knightly of you, Sir Payne. I'm most definitely in agreement." William cracks his neck and knuckles before continuing. "And in the event that they are attacking, I'm sure that the two of us are more than up for it." The cold making his breath visible, William looks up at the sky. "Well, did you want to check in with the locals first or just head out there? I doubt we have much time, honestly."Sir Benjamin Payne wrote:Hearing the power armour overhead immediately made Ben think of the high-tech raiders and the village massacre everyone had been talking about since they arrived in Bow Island. The knight turned to William as they stepped outside the inn, "It will be a cold day in hell before I let anyone massacre innocents while I draw breath." Still, there was that nagging voice in his mind that told him his job as cyber knight was to first establish who the enemy was. After a few more steps toward where the weapon fire seemed to be coming from Ben turned to William again, "These townsfolk must be on edge due to the recent events. Perhaps you and I can offer our service in ascertaining if these new players are in fact attempting to attack this settlement?" Ben is reminded of the strong walls and towers he had seen the previous day. "I doubt small time bandits would attack such a fortified position."
The Man in Black