Nigel Davies-Clarke (BTS Mystic)

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Nigel Davies-Clarke
Posts: 26
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Nigel Davies-Clarke (BTS Mystic)

Post by Nigel Davies-Clarke »

Player Name: Eric/Servo
G-Mail: uncle.servo
Link to Ledger
XP Table
(Using Rifts Mystic XP Table)
1 -- 0,000 - 2,050
2 -- 2,051 - 4,100
3 -- 4,101 - 8,250
4 -- 8,251 - 16,500
5 -- 16,501 - 24,600
6 -- 24,601 - 34,700
7 -- 34,701 - 49,800
8 -- 49,801 - 69,900
9 -- 69,901 - 95,000
10 -- 95,001 - 130,100
11 -- 130,101 - 180,200
12 -- 180,20 I - 230,300
13 -- 230,301 - 280,400
14 -- 280.401 - 340,500
15 -- 340,50 I - 400,600
Character Name: Dr. Nigel Alistair Davies-Clarke
Alias: Professor, Doctor, Dr. Davies-Clarke, Dr. Nigel, Nigel
Occupation: Scholar, University Professor
O.C.C.: Modified BTS Mystic
Alignment: Unprincipled
XP Level: 3
XP Points: 5,500 (9/1/24 ~Consumer)
Next Level @ XP: 8,251

Sentiments/Supernatural: Nigel acknowledges that science can’t explain absolutely everything. There are powers beyond mortal man’s ability to comprehend throughout the known universe – and whatever may lie beyond, for that matter. Some of these powers lurk in dark corners of the universe and have bred the most terrible things. But as you can’t have shadow without light, there must surely be more benevolent powers in not-so-dark corners of the universe as well.

Sentiments/Mages & Psychics: Nigel has no issues with his fellow psychics. Psychic abilities may be exceedingly rare, certainly, but they result from subtle alterations/mutations in the brain’s chemical and physiological makeup and are nothing to be feared by the general public any more or less so than someone wielding a tool or a weapon. In other words, they’re rare but they’re natural. Magic, on the other hand, is anything but as far as he’s concerned. There are too many unknowns about magic for his liking – for example, how does he know how to use magic in the first place? How does he know how to speak incantations in a language he never learned? And who – or what – possesses the power he calls upon to use it? For someone who’s built a career on knowledge/learning, the lack of answers is what bothers him the most… followed very closely by the nagging suspicion that the answers he seeks won’t bring him any comfort.

Disposition: At first glance, Nigel comes across as playful and whimsical, if a bit capricious at times -- which hints at a more firm and slightly darker version of himself underneath. He enjoys playing the role of the ‘good but somewhat absent-minded professor’ because a.) it’s fun, b.) people tend to warm up to him a bit easier, c.) adversaries tend to underestimate his true abilities, and d.) it helps mask the pain/grief he still feels from the loss of his wife and daughter.

Insanity: None, at least none so far anyway.

I.Q.: 19 (+5% one-time bonus to all skills)
M.E.: 22 (+4 vs psionic attack; +5 vs insanity)
M.A.: 21 (65% trust/intimidate)
P.S.: 16 (+1 SDC damage)
P.P.: 12
P.E.: 14
P.B.: 8
Speed: 8

P.P.E.: 23
I.S.P.: 20
H.P.: 31
S.D.C.: 22
Age: 45 (born in 1880)
Sex: Male
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: roughly 165 pounds
Description: Nigel looks more ‘likeable hobo’ than ‘hero’ in his baggy trousers, scruffy hair, and lopsided bow tie (part of his ‘absent-minded professor’ persona; he can look a lot more professional when he wants/needs to). He also strikes a rather non-imposing figure at 5’ 8” tall and average build, but closer inspection reveals his eyes twinkle with intelligence and imagination. In other words, he’s a lot more formidable than he looks.

Natural Abilities
Perception: 36% (+3%) (double when on a ley line)
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 65%
Max. Encumbrance: 51 pounds
Max. Carrying Weight: 160 pounds
Max. Lifting Weight: 320 pounds
Max. Jumping Ability: 8 feet across, 4 feet high with a running start

(Major Psychic; save on 12+) At levels four and eight the Mystic can select one additional
ability from the Super category.
  • Sense Supernatural Evil (No ISP)
  • Opening Oneself to the Supernatural (No ISP)
  • Astral Projection (10)
  • Bio-Regeneration (self; 6)
  • Clairvoyance (4)
  • Commune with Spirits (6)
  • Exorcism (10)
  • Object Read (6)
  • Psychic Diagnosis (4)
  • Sixth Sense (2)
  • Suppress Fear (8)
  • Telepathy (4)

Spell Knowledge
Spell Strength: 13
In BTS spellcasters have the ability ritually cast any non-attack spell. This has the following limitations and benefits:
  • Takes 1d6 Minutes for 1-3 level spells, 2d6 minutes for 4-7 spells, and 2d6+6 minutes for 8-15 level spells. (Note: specifically listed ritual spells take the listed duration.)
  • Spells cost 10% less P.P.E. to cast.
  • Spells have 10% increased duration/range.
Regular casting can be done at the normal speeds and costs.

Level One
Range: 90ft
Duration: 4 melees per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E: Two
This magic enables the arcanist to create a cloud of dense, black smoke (30ft x 30ft x 30ft maximum size) up to ninety feet away. Victims caught in the cloud will be unable to see anything beyond the cloud, and their impaired vision allows them to see no more than three feet in the cloud (and that means only a blurry shape). While in the cloud, victims will be -5 to strike, parry, and dodge .
Range: Near self or up to 30ft away.
Duration: 12 melees (3 minutes) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Two
A small globe or sphere of true daylight is magically created. The light is bright enough to light up a 12ft area per each level of its creator's experience. Because it is daylight, it can ward off most vampires, keeping them at bay just beyond the edge of light. The creator of the globe can mentally move it along with himself, or send it up to thirty feet ahead.
The maximum speed at which the globe can travel is equal to a speed attribute of 12.
Range: 100ft
Duration: 1 melee
Saving Throw: None; but a psychic mind block will mask the presence of psychic abilities, the level of P.P.E., and possession.
P.P.E.: Two
All things, organic and inorganic, have an aura. The aura has many distinctions, and can be used to see or sense things invisible to the eye. Seeing an aura will indicate the following:
  • Estimate the general level of experience. Low (1-3), medium (4-7), high (8th and up) .
  • The presence of magic (no indication of what, or power level).
  • The presence of psychic abilities.
  • High or low base P.P.E.
  • The presence of a possessing entity.
  • The presence of an unusual human aberration, which indicates a serious illness, non-human, or mutant, but does not specify which.
Note: Can not tell one's alignment from "see aura".
Range: 200ft vision, self or others by ritual
Duration: 1 minute (4 melees) per each level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Two
The character can see forces, objects and creatures which can tum invisible or are naturally invisible . Even if the creature has no form per se, the mystic will be able to discern the vaporous image or energy sphere which is the being. This includes: ghosts, entities and the astral body.
Range: 90ft area
Duration: 2 minutes (8 melees) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None, except a psychic mind block, or a protection from magic pentacle which will prevent the spell from working on anyone in the circle. The psychic's equivalent power of sense evil is not blocked by the magic pentacle.
P.P.E.: One
The sense evil invocation will enable its spell caster to feel or sense the presence of supernatural evil. It will indicate approximately how many supernatural evil presences are within the 90ft area; one, a few (2-6), several (7-14), or many (15 or more). It can also register the intensity of the evil and pinpoint the general location of the source(s) to a particular room(s), possessed object, or person , or an approximate distance (very close, near, far, etc.).
Evil emanations from human beings are much less distinct and can not be sensed unless the source/person has an immediate evil intention.
Range: 120ft area; self only.
Duration: 2 minutes (8 melees) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Two
This magic ability enables the character to sense or feel the presence of magic. Like a Geiger counter, the individual can tell if he is near (within 20ft) or far (toward the limit of the range). The ability can also indicate whether a person or object is enchanted/under a magic spell (this does not include psychic powers), is in the process of invoking magic, or if magic is being used in the range area. Note: Arcanists and most supernatural beings do not register as magic except when actually casting a spell/using magic.

Level Two
Range: Self, or others up to 40ft away.
Duration: 5 minutes (20 melees) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Three
An enchantment that enables the enchanted person to climb with exceptional, almost inhuman, skill, speed and agility. Skill level is 98% for normal, rough, climbable surfaces; speed is equal to speed attribute. Smooth, presumably unclimbable or extremely difficult surfaces to climb normally can be scaled with a skill level of 60%. Rappelling is included.
Range: Area affect: 30ft.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Four
A magic invocation that will instantly negate any concealment spell(s) and reveal any object(s) which may have been mystically concealed. Can be directed at a specific area or individual, or made to affect an entire area of 30ft. Only the spell caster can see through the concealment.
Range: Up to 60ft away.
Duration: 3 minutes (12 melees) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Standard
P.P.E.: Four
Magic levitation enables the invoker of the magic to raise himself, or other people, or an object, straight up into the air and suspend it there (hover). Movement is limited to straight up and down; no horizontal motion is possible. Weight is restricted to 200Ibs plus 201bs per level of experience. Unwilling victims of the magic get a saving throw; a successful roll means the person is not affected by the levitation and remains planted firmly on the ground . Maximum height possible is 60ft plus 10ft per each level of experience. Targets can be affected up to 60ft away.
Range: Up to 60ft (I8.3m) away
Duration: Instant effect.
Saving Throw: Standard
P.P.E.: Four
The utterance of this arcane magic will turn/repel I to 6 animated dead per level of experience. This means that those creatures affected will tum and immediately leave the area without harming the spell caster or anyone near him. The dead turned will not come back for 24 hours . This magic only affects "animated" dead, and skeletons or corpses that are magically animated like marionettes, but will not affect vampires, zombies, or any corpse or skeleton possessed by a living entity.

Level Three
Range: Self or others by touch.
Duration: 12 melees (3 minutes) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Five
This invocation enables the person to function normally without air, whether it be underwater or in a vacuum, or in an area with little or no oxygen. Unfortunately, the magic does not protect the person from magic toxins or other types of magic, but does protect against natural and man-made gases.
Range: Self only (includes clothes and articles on one's person).
Duration: 3 minutes (12 melees) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Five
The arcanist and anything he is wearing or carrying at the time of the invocation are turned completely invisible. Any object picked up after the character has become invisible remains visible. Likewise, any item on his person that is dropped becomes visible . Neither normal nor nightvision can detect invisibility; only beings who can naturally, psychically or magically "see the invisible" are able to see an invisible person. Infrared and heat detectors can also pinpoint an invisible person.
Although the invisible person is imperceptible to the eye, he still retains physical mass. This means he can not go through walls nor can weapons pass hannlessly through him . The character still makes noise, leaves footprints, and physical and magical contacts/attacks still affect him as usual.
While invisible, the mage can talk, weave spells, walk, climb, run, open doors, carry objects, and perform other acts of physical exertion, including combat, and remain invisible. The invisibility is terminated when the magic's duration time elapses or the mage cancels the spell. Note: If cut, only the blood is visible.
Range: 60ft
Duration: 1 minute (4 melees) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Dodge
P.P.E.: Six
The telekinesis invocation temporarily empowers the arcanist with the psychic ability to move objects with thought. This power can be used to move or hurl objects, bring them to him, open doors, flick switches, press buttons, and so on.
Rules and Limitations:
  • Maximum Total Weight: 60 pounds (27kg).
  • Attacks Per Melee: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks per melee that the character may have.
  • Bonuses to Strike: +3 with telekinesis; physical and skill bonuses to strike do not apply when telekinesis is used.
  • Bonuses to Parry: +4; physical and skill bonuses to parry do not apply to telekinesis.
  • Damage from Hurled Objects:
    Small: 6 ounces to 1 lb -1D4
    Small: 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 lbs -1D6
    Medium: 3 to 4 1/2 lbs -2D4
    Medium: 5 to 100bs -3D4
    Large: 11 to 25lbs -3D6
    Large & Heavy: 26 to 60lbs -4D6
    Add 1D6 for each additional 20lbs of weight.
  • Object being manipulated must be visible.
  • Telekinesis can be combined with hand to hand combat, but does not add extra attacks per melee.
  • Influence from ley line energy doubles the amount of weight and range possible.
  • Ley Line nexus energy triples the amount of weight and range.

Level Four
Range: Touch or 10ft.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Standard (if unwanted)
P.P.E.: Seven
A unique bit of curative magic that wil1 instantly relieve minor physical disorders and illness, such as headaches, indigestion, gas, heartburn, nausea, hiccups, muscle stiffness, low fever (under 101 degrees) and similar. This invocation will also negate simple curses that inflict minor disorders .
Range: Self or others up to 60ft distance.
Duration: One minute (4 melees) per level of experience or until it is destroyed.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Seven
The magic creates a protective field of energy around the mystic , others, or an object. The maximum area of protection is about 8ft, which means it can protect a small roomful of people (about 6 to 8 individuals). The energy field appears as a semitransparent wall or bubble that shimmers with a blue-white light. The field normally provides a total protection of 60 S.D.C., but is doubled at ley lines and tripled at ley line nexuses. Armor Rating is 4.
Range: 30ft
Duration: Immediate
Saving Throw: Standard for animals.
P.P.E.: Seven
The character can invoke an enchantment that will make even a hostile predatory animal stop, tum, and leave the area without harming the mage or anybody near him. The animal will not return for hours . The enchantment can affect six animals simultaneously.

Common Skills
Highly Skilled Occupation: +4% to Language and Literacy, +10% to Basic Math.

Language: Native Tongue (English) 100% (+1%)
Literacy: Native Language (English) 95% (+2%)
Mathematics: Basic 96% (+3%)

Occupational Skills
Creative Writing 65% (+5%)
Cryptography 65% (+5%)
Forensics 75% (+5%)
History 92%/72%(+4%)
Language: Latin 79% (+3%)
Literacy: Latin 80% (+5%)
Medical Doctor 93%/83% (+4%)
Pathology 80% (+5%)
Public Speaking 65% (+5%)
Research 85% (+5%)
Technical Writing 70% (+5%)
Toxicology 80% (+5%)
Wardrobe & Grooming 77% (+4%)

Elective Skills
Anthropology 70% (+5%)
Archaeology 80%/60% (+5%) (area of special interest)
Biology 70% (+5%)
Chemistry 80% (+5%)
Chemistry: Pharmaceutical 70% (+5%)
Hand to Hand: Basic
Lore: Demons & Monsters 60% (+5%)
Lore: Paranormal & Psionics 60% (+5%)

Secondary Skills
Lore: Cults & Secret Societies 30% (+5%)
Lore: Magic Arcane 30%/50% (+5%)
Pilot Automobile 74% (+3%)
W.P. Handguns

Combat Data
HTH Type: Basic
Number of Attacks: 5
Initiative Bonus:
Strike Bonus:
Parry Bonus: +4
Dodge Bonus: +4
HTH Damage Bonus: +1
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +3
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +2
Bonus to Disarm:
- Automatic KO on natural 20
- Kick Attack does 1d8 points of damage

Weapon Proficiencies
Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike Bonus
Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost

W.P. Handguns: +1

Saving Throw Bonuses
Magic (varies): +2
Lethal Poison (14+):
Non-Lethal Poison (16+):
Insanity (12+): +5
Psionics (12+): +5
Horror Factor (varies): +4
Possession: +3
Last edited by Nigel Davies-Clarke on Mon Jul 22, 2024 9:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Nigel Davies-Clarke
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Re: Nigel Davies-Clarke (BTS Mystic)

Post by Nigel Davies-Clarke »


Carried/In Hand

Worn on Person
Dress Shoes

Leather and wood, with key lock.
• Space: Stationary Kit (Pens/Pencils, Ruler, Notepad)
• Space: Journal and pencil
• Space: Flashlight
• Space: Thermos

Doctor's Bag
Leather with brass hardware.
• 2 Spaces: Doctors tools (A variety of things used to perform basic medical procedures)
• 2 Spaces: Surgical Kit (Basic Tools needed to perform Surgery)
• Space: Medical Supplies (bandages and other such basic sundries)
• Space:
• Space:

Leather and wood, with key lock.
• Space: Additional clothing
• Space: Leather Shoes
• Space: Spare Suit.
• Space: Shaving Set
• Space: Camera
• Space: M1916 Prussian "Red 9" Mauser C96
• Space: Box of 9mm Ammo (50 rounds), 2 spare Stripper Clips
• Space: Brass Knuckles
• Space:
• Space:

Stored in Vehicle


Gear Stats

M1916 Prussian "Red 9" Mauser C96
  • Range: 660'
  • Damage: 3D6
  • Rate of Fire: Single shot
  • Payload: 10 rounds (Stripper Clip, 9mm)
  • Weight: 2.5 lbs
  • Features: None.
  • Modifiers: None.
  • Book Reference:

Brass Knuckles
  • Damage: 1D6
  • Notes: Silver Plated
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Nigel Davies-Clarke
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Re: Nigel Davies-Clarke (BTS Mystic)

Post by Nigel Davies-Clarke »


“Hmm? Oh yes, hello there. Have we met? No? Well then, it would seem introductions are in order. Doctor Nigel Alistair Davies-Clarke, new professor of medicine at the University of Virginia, at your service. It’s a pleasure. Maybe all yours, maybe all mine, but it’s definitely a pleasure for somebody somewhere.”

“You’re quite right, I’m not from ‘around here.’ I’m from Liverpool. No, no, the one in northwest England. It’s quite the cultural center, you know. A long history of artists, poets, and musicians. I wouldn’t be surprised if one day the most famous musicians in the world were ones from Liverpool. It’s where my parents met, you know – well, more like they met on the intercity rail on their way there if you want to put a fine point on it. My mother and sister still live there in Liverpool; I really should go back some day soon and visit as mum’s getting on a bit now.”

“No, I suppose I don’t strike much of an imposing figure. How astute of you to notice. So did my schoolmates growing up. They liked picking on me because they were always bigger than me. Led to many a schoolyard brawl as I never fancied turning the other cheek. Hmm? Well turning the other cheek does get old after a while, doesn’t it? Visiting the schoolmaster afterwards got old for my parents as well, so they introduced me to ‘the sweet science.’ That’s boxing. You know, pugilism. Fisticuffs. The ol’ glove game. I took to it so well that I was able to attend university on a boxing scholarship, so it turned out for the best. The skills are a bit rusty, I confess, but I’d wager my left hook is still as fearsome as ever.”

“Hmm? Yes, these ‘special talents’ of mine have been quite useful. They started manifesting themselves while I was at university. The psychic abilities – and no, I will NOT start calling them ‘mind powers;’ it’s too egotistical – came first. It was quite splendid at first, you know, being able to sense things before they happened or read someone’s thoughts. It was just like being in a Jules Verne or Andrew Lang story. The arcane abilities, now, those came a little bit later and they were more than a little bit disconcerting. Not knowing how you know how to cast spells? Speaking the incantations in a language you never learned? Not knowing whether the powers you’re calling upon are the sacred or the profane? For someone who’s built his career on knowing things, that’s a frightful amount of uncertainty, isn’t it? Still, sometimes there’s nothing for it but to cast the spell and hope for the best. Oh no, not so much as a peep of paranormal activity in either side of the family. We’ve all heard the stories, of course, and we’ve known all along that science can’t explain absolutely everything; there’d be no use for faith if it could now would it?”

“That’s a very good question: what is a university professor doing chasing down the paranormal like some muckraking sensationalist looking for headlines with which to sell newspapers? Let’s just say that there are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things! Things which act against everything we believe in and which must be fought! They must be fought by clever people who know what dangers face innocent people should we ignore the call. I know of those dangers, and I’m terribly clever. Regrettably, it appears I’m the perfect man for the job.”

• “I have my own special learning technique. It’s called keeping my eyes open and my mouth shut.”
• Birth Order: First born; oldest of three children
o Born April 1, 1880 (45 years old at introduction to game)
 Same year Liverpool was granted city status; university was established in 1881
 Was often picked on by schoolmates as he was among the shortest in his class and would rather fight than turn the other cheek.
• His parents tried to get him to focus his aggression and manage his temper through a more positive outlet, so they introduced him to boxing
 Attended the University of Liverpool in the fall of 1898 on a boxing scholarship
 Graduated with degrees in medicine, including a Ph.D. and M.D.
 Joined the University of Birmingham faculty 10 years ago (1915) as part of the medical school

o Siblings
 Brother Jamie, born in 1881
 Sister Zoe, born in 1883
 Both siblings are married with families of their own
• Zoe still lives in Liverpool, Jamie lives in Edinburgh

• Age Psionics First Manifested: 18 years old
o Outlook on Being Psychic: Pleased. Welcomes having abilities that make him special. There is no fear, regret or worry. The psychic just accepts them and uses the abilities the best he can.

• Age Magic First Manifested: 19 years old
o Outlook on Being Magical: Frightened. It's all a bit overwhelming and scary. The more the character experiences, the stranger, more troublesome, and scarier the world becomes for him. Ignorance is bliss, and those who don't know about the supernatural and paranormal are the lucky, blissful ones. For him, everything is work and worry.

• Environment Growing Up: Suburbia. Prosperous, upper-middle class city or town. Minimal ethnic diversity (Liverpool).
o Parents
 Mother was a singer/actress; father was a manager of a shipping company
 They met on the train to Liverpool from Manchester and were married in 1879
 Presumably were around 21-25 years old when Nigel was born
 Father passed away in 1920 at age 65; mother is 64 and lives with Zoe’s family
o Family History with the Paranormal: No history of psychic phenomena is known in the family, but everyone always kept an open mind about such things and held the idea that it could be true. There are, after all, many things science can't explain and which people accept on faith. This family likes to think there are still mysteries to be uncovered.

• Love life
o Nigel had a few sweethearts over the years, but the one great love of his life was his wife Elsie
 Married 7 years ago in 1918 -- he was 38; she was 29
 Elsie was the daughter of the dean of the college of arts and sciences
• She was as bright as any of the university faculty, with a strong will and opinions to match
• While most girls her age had been married for several years, and her lack of marital status was somewhat of a point of embarrassment to her parents, she was adamant that she wouldn’t tie the knot until she found ‘the right one’
• Nigel was invited to dinner after joining the University of Birmingham; he and Elsie hit it off almost immediately.
o They both loved music -- their favorite was “Somebody Stole My Gal” by Ted Weems
• Gave birth to a baby daughter (Sarah Marie) 4 years ago

• Reason for Paranormal Investigation: Tragedy. One or more people the character loved, died as the result of a paranormal or supernatural experience. (If psychic, maybe the character even had a premonition it would happen). Whatever the tragedy, the character was powerless to stop it. He's vowed on that day never to be powerless again. So he investigates the unknown and tries to help others endure, survive and triumph over the supernatural.
o Elsie and Sarah were murdered on the night of March 20th, 1924 -- the Vernal Equinox
 Current time of the campaign is just past the 1-year anniversary of their deaths
o Nigel was the dinner speaker at a university function while Elsie and Sarah were attending a party at a friend’s house.
 They were walking home when something jumped out of the shadows and ripped them to pieces
o Nigel was in mid-sentence when he felt a clairvoyant flash that they were in danger. He cut the speech short, made his apologies, and bolted out the door. He raced home as fast as he could but by the time he got there it was too late. The neighbors were already crowded around the scene. One had already called the police and Nigel could hear sirens as he arrived.
o Nigel assisted in the autopsy himself (insisted that he assist) and arrived at the conclusion that whatever was responsible was neither human nor a ‘normal’ animal.
 The coroner agreed -- as it turned out he was a member of The Illuminated Order of the Coiled Serpent and introduced him to the society. The cause of death was officially listed as 'animal attack, possibly rabid' but to this day Nigel still doesn't know exactly what it was that killed his wife and daughter (spoiler: it was a Dybbuk a.k.a. "demon ghoul").
o Nigel threw himself into researching the paranormal as part of the Order. He’s still a relative newcomer and is only an Acolyte rank, but he’s learning.
o He was just recently sent to America to investigate the deaths of several Order members, with a cover identity as a new member of the University of Virginia’s faculty.

Patrick Troughton, one of Britain’s foremost character actors, took over as the Doctor in 1966. Describing his portrayal as that of a ‘Cosmic Hobo’, Troughton brought a new lightness to the role - and much baggier trousers. Troughton swapped his predecessor’s short temper and tetchiness for quirkier antics.

The second Doctor’s trademark was his recorder, which he would tootle on in times of stress. The instrument was actually Troughton’s own.

Troughton considered various ways to approach the role, to differentiate his portrayal from Hartnell's amiable-yet-tetchy patriarch. Troughton's early thoughts about how he might play the Doctor included a "tough sea captain", and a piratical figure in blackface and turban.[13] Doctor Who creator Sydney Newman suggested that the Doctor could be a "cosmic hobo" in the mould of Charlie Chaplin, and this was the interpretation eventually chosen.[14] Troughton was the first Doctor to have his face appear in the opening titles of the show. In one serial, The Enemy of the World, Troughton played two parts: as the protagonist (The Doctor) and the antagonist (Salamander).[15]

The Second Doctor was very different to his predecessor. A more playful, whimsical air disguised dark undercurrents and a sharp mind. And as the Doctor changed, so did the adventures. Trips into earth's history gave way to besieged Moonbases, Martian Ice Warriors and Space Pirates. Not to mention the heyday of the emotionless Cybermen, whom the Doctor froze into their ancient tombs once more. It wasn't until he was put on trial by his own people - The Time Lords - for interference, that the Second Doctor was forced to regenerate. ... le-quotes/ ... to-live-by ... can-slang/ ... 8b88c9870f
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Nigel Davies-Clarke
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Re: Nigel Davies-Clarke (BTS Mystic)

Post by Nigel Davies-Clarke »

Psionics Expanded Descriptions
  1. Sense Supernatural Evil (No ISP)
  2. Opening Oneself to the Supernatural (No ISP)
  3. Range: Self.
    Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience.
    I.S.P.: 10

    Through intense concentration/meditation (4d4 minutes of preparation) the psychic can free his mind, or inner self, from his physical body. This psychic inner self is the Astral Body, a whitish, transparent, ghost-like image of the character's physical form. A long silver thread or cord connects the Astral Body with its physical self.

    If the cord is severed the character is likely to die of sudden shock as body and soul are tom asunder. There is only a 01-30% chance the Astral Self can locate its physical body without the silver umbilical cord (roll best 2 out of 3; two failures means the Astral Traveler is lost and cannot return to his body and dies within 48 hours).

    The physical body lapses into a coma-like trance when the Astral Self has left it. In this state the body is completely helpless. It cannot walk, move or think. It is completely catatonic.

    The hazards are threefold. First, if the physical body is killed, the Astral Body is forever lost and will die, fade away, within six hours. Second, if the Astral Body gets lost or captured while in the Astral Plane, the body will begin to waste away and die. (Note: One minute of our time is equal to one week in the Astral Plane.) Third, the Astral Body is vulnerable to psychic attacks and attacks from ghosts, Entities and creatures of the Astral Plane.

    There are two types of Astral Projection: Sending the Astral Body into the Physical World and Sending the Astral Body into the Astral Plane (a different dimension). In both cases the human coexists in two different forms (the inert physical body and the alert spirit or Astral form), only the environment changes. Visits to the Astral Plane are the most dangerous.

    Astral Projection from the physical body into the material world creates a ghostly specter of the Astral Self which can be seen only by other psychics, young children under 13 years old, animals and most supernatural creatures. While in Astral form the character automatically gains the ability to float, fly (mach one/670 mph/1072 km maximum), see the invisible, pass through solid objects, impervious to physical harm (including cold, heat and energy), see other Astral Beings and the invisible, as well as see and hear as usual. The Astral Body cannot, however, communicate with people in the physical world except through Telepathy or Empathy, nor speak to, smell or touch
    anything on the material plane. The Astral Self is little more than a mute, ghostly observer. Of course, this is a great way to locate invisible supernatural Entities, as well as spy on other humans
    on the material plane (although limited by short sprints; see duration).

    Traveling in Astral form has its own very special dangers. While the character can see the invisible and other Astral Travelers, they can also see him. This makes him susceptible to their psychic and Astral form attacks, for two Astral Travelers can lock into hand to hand combat as if they were physical beings. The most vulnerable target is the silver cord which is the Astral Traveler's lifeline to the physical world. Fortunately, the cord has an Astral S.D.C. which is two times that of the person's physical Hit Points and S.D.C. combined! The thread-like silver cord is a difficult target to hit; attackers are -6 to strike. The Astral Body also has twice the Hit Points and S.D. C. of the physical body combined. This means if the character has 18 Hit Points and 28 S.D.C. both the Astral Body and its silver cord have 92 Astral S.D.C. each. Remember, magic and psychic influence have full effect on the Astral Body. This includes Exorcism, which will force the Astral Traveler to leave the immediate area (400 foot/122 m radius) and not return for 24 hours. The Astral Traveler has the same number of attacks per melee, bonuses, hand to hand, skills, knowledge and psychic powers that he or she has in the material plane.

    Entering the Astral Plane is like entering the Twilight Zone. After a minute of concentration, the Astral Gateway appears as a bright patch of shimmering, white light. Once the Astral Traveler passes through it, he will find himself in an endless expanse of white light, and rolling, white clouds. There is no up or down, no bottom or top; no north or south, no land or air or sea, just endless, slowly swirling white. Time, too, is a different or altered state, for what would seem to be a week in the Astral Plane is barely one minute in the physical world. Time and space twisted and distorted, the Astral Traveler can fly from one end of the Earth to the other in the blink of an eye, by hopping through the Astral Plane. While this may sound wonderful, the Astral Plane has its share of monsters, madmen and dangers. First, the distortion of place and time makes it extremely difficult to find the material world and return to your dormant, physical body. Even trying to follow the silver cord can lead to nowhere when in the Astral Plane.

    Being attacked by strange creatures is a constant threat in the Astral Plane. Entities, Astral energy beings and elemental creatures of magic live in the Astral Plane or travel through it. These beings are usually hostile, evil forces. While the Astral Body cannot touch or communicate with the material world, it is quite solid to other inhabitants of the Astral Plane. The Astral Body is also vulnerable to magic and psychic powers, as well as physical assault by Astral beings and other Astral Travelers.

    The energy which composes the Astral Plane is responsive to thoughts and desires, so the strongest Astral Beings can mentally or magically control what a small area might look like. This means that the Astral Plane is made up of thousands or even millions of tiny "Astral Kingdoms" adrift within the vast whiteness. Exactly what these kingdoms look like is up to the creatures who created them. Some may look like a modern city, others castles or forests, while still others, a frightening landscape. Perhaps this is where legends of visitations to Heaven and Hell originate? It is always wise to avoid an Astral Kingdom, because only the most powerful Entities and Astral Beings
    can create and maintain them.

    To return from the Astral Plane to the physical body, roll on the following table: Each roll will determine the Astral Traveler's state of mind and sense of direction. The percentile dice can be rolled up to three times per melee round (15 seconds). The player must roll "definitely certain" to successfully return. The player may keep trying until he succeeds or time elapses.

    Location of the Physical Body
    Roll Percentile Dice to Return from the Astral Plane:

    01-30%: Hopelessly Lost (roll again).
    31-50%: Uncertain, Confused (roll again).
    51-76%: Fairly certain of location; on the right track (roll again).
    77-00%: Definitely certain of location. (Whew! Made it back).

    Astral travel with a partner is a much safer way to travel, because if one can find his body, he can lead the other character back to the physical plane with him.

    Note: Traveling on the material plane in Astral form is infinitely easier than the Astral Plane. To find the physical body the character need only return to where he left it. If it has been moved or hidden, the Astral Self can sense its location with a 01-60% efficiency (roll once per melee round, one success means he knows where it is).
  4. Range: Self.
    Duration: Permanent.
    I.S.P.: 6
    Saving Throw: None.

    This is the ability to mentally heal oneself of disease, poison, or physical damage. Unfortunately, this ability can not be used to help others. The process requires one full minute of concentration, meaning the character cannot use any other psionic power during that time. Bio-Regeneration does not restore missing limbs, but it does restore 2D6 Hit Points or 3D6 physical S.D.C. points per minute. In addition, when cuts and scrapes are healed through Bio-Regeneration there is no scarring. This power can be used as often as once every two minutes (every eight melee rounds).

    Note: Recovering more than half of one's Hit Points or S.D.C. this way in Jess than an hour takes a toll on the character, causing some weakness for ld4+2 hours: reduce the P.S., P.E. and Spd attributes reduced by 30%. Adjust attribute bonuses accordingly.
  5. Range: Self; although the vision could pertain to people or places thousands of miles away.
    Duration: Two melee rounds (30 seconds) per level of experience.
    I.S.P.: 6
    Base Skill: 60% +2% per level of experience. A failed roll means the psychic received no insight whatsoever.

    Clairvoyance is the ability to glean information about people, places and events beyond what the normal five senses can provide. It can also be used on places of power and objects that are
    magical, cursed or possessed or inhabited by supernatural forces. The difference between Clairvoyance and Precognition, is that Clairvoyance almost always deals with the here and now,
    what has happened in the past to bring us to our present situation, what's happening now, and what's about to happen within the next few minutes. Precognition always deals with the future.

    Any one of the following Clairvoyant abilities/focuses can be used when Clairvoyance is activated. When that ability/focus is done, the power ends and the psychic has to spend more I.S.P. to work a different Clairvoyant focus. Note: Sometimes the power doesn't work (must roll under Base Skill) and other times there's nothing bad or troublesome to be revealed or anything going on to know.

    Clairvoyant Awareness. Knowing the telephone is about to ring, that someone is at the door, guessing a number someone else is thinking, knowing where to look to find something (misplaced
    car keys, notebook, pen, a clue perhaps), or that the police are waiting down the street, tum left here to avoid a traffic jam, slow down because the car in front of you is about to suddenly swerve or brake, don't let the Fire Walker use the power of "X" because it will have devastating results, put that item away before someone breaks it (and someone will within 2D6 melee rounds), or finding yourself worried about a particular danger or monster or problem are ALL Clairvoyant flashes of
    insight. There is no reason the character should have known or considered them as likely to happen except that his E.S.P. radar is working on full power. This is what happens when the psychic activates the Clairvoyance ability to focus on himself and what he is doing at the moment. Bonuses: It also provides the following bonuses: +2 to Perception Rolls, +2 on initiative, and +1 to parry, dodge, roll with impact and pull punch.

    A Clairvoyant Reading on a Person: Looking at a specific person with the intent of getting a "read on him" gives the psychic vague yet impressive knowledge about the individual's past and current state of mind. The Reading, for example, reveals if the character is currently or has been recently ill and whether the illness was insignificant (a cold, minor injury) or serious (sick in bed for days with the flu, or worse). In addition, the Reading will reveal if the subject has had a hard or easy life, been successful or not, wealthy or poor, and whether that is about to soon change. The psychic can also tell if the subject of the reading is basically a good, selfish or evil person, if he misses a loved one who has died anytime in his life, if a loved one has died in the last year, if the person is in love or recently broke up, if he is worried or troubled about something (though not exactly what), and if he is considering something contrary to his alignment or nature (commit a crime out of desperation or blackmail, commit suicide, etc.) or if he is possessed (though the psychic may not let on that he or she knows the subject is possessed).

    A Clairvoyant Reading of a Location: The Psychic just knows things about the place. That it is, or is not, the place where so and so was killed or something bad happened. That the victim was killed someplace else and the body left at this location, or that the place has been used (or not) for magical rituals or blood sacrifice, or a place where a dimensional portal has been opened. The psychic can also sense if there has been a history of violence or tragedy at the location or whether it is a happy place full of "good vibes." Physically going from room to room, or place to place within a given location, the psychic can tell if the "vibe" changes from happy to sad, or good to evil in a specific room/place. He can also tell if there has been recent (within the last six months) physical changes and sense if there is a secret door or hiding place in the room. He may also feel if something is wrong and that he (and his teammates) should be careful, prepared for trouble or leave. This "bad feeling" could indicate impending trouble from a foe or monster or something more mundane (but potentially problematic) like the owner coming home or the authorities showing up to question their activity, or ticket or arrest them.

    "Bad feelings" might also inspire the character to use another psychic ability, like Presence Sense or See the Invisible, or Sense Magic, etc. It should also ready him for combat and to draw a weapon or slow down and look around with much, much, more care and attention. Bonuses: Taking a "bad feeling" seriously gives the psychic the following bonuses: +3 to Perception Rolls, +1 on initiative, and +1 to parry, dodge, roll with impact and pull punch. Note: It is the G.M. who should alert the character that he has a "bad feeling" about this or that.

    A Clairvoyant Flash of Insight about Others: The psychic can use Clairvoyance to get a flash of insight about someone he knows or some event that is happening right now or which he is about to participate in soon (later that same day), or a place he plans on visiting soon (later that same day). The psychic enjoys a +10% bonus if he has in his hand a personal belonging of the individual (a ring or other jewelry, a favorite book, handkerchief, necktie, or even a gift the psychic received from the person) or something which came from the place. A flash of insight can be a sudden feeling that somebody is in need (" ... something's wrong. lt's .. .it's .. .Janet! I've got to go see her!"). It can also be a sudden realization about the meaning of a clue, or a sudden idea, or an inexplicable feeling about something, such as fire, or a break-in, or vandalism or an accident. The feeling is so strong that the psychic's heart may start to race and adrenaline pump to drive home the sense of urgency or importance. Again it may inspire the character to take immediate action rather than wait till later as he had originally intended, or to be prepared for trouble (+ l on initiative, + 1 to dodge) or be more cautious and alert (+2 on Perception Rolls). Not every situation is trouble, and the insight may also show that everything is fine, the person or people are safe, or happy, or that everything is coming along just fine, he and his comrades are on the right track - the psychic just knows it. Similarly, the character may get a bad or good feeling about something he or one of his teammates is doing, or about to do (within 20 minutes).

    A Clairvoyant Vision is like seeing a brief snippet of film from a movie or a dream. Often all the details are not clear, or they are so very, very focused and limited that it's hard to see the larger event or picture. For example, that vision might be the screaming face of a stranger, or a tattoo or emblem without any context, or a hand smashing through the window of a door and undoing the lock and the door opening -- end of vision. The psychic may recognize the door as his home or office or buddy's place, etc., or not. Likewise, he may get a vision of someone following a friend or lurking in the shadows waiting to do… what?! The psychic doesn't know, but the image is accompanied by a bad feeling or sensation of dread or fear or opportunity (a chance to get the lurker), if only he can figure out where the location is or find the friend/victim before trouble strikes.

    The Problem with Visions. Clairvoyant visions the psychic gets while he is awake or remembers from his dreams, are usually inconclusive. Meaning they either offer something out of context or he can't tell if the feeling or vision shows the present/now, the immediate future (under an hour), or the near future (two to 48 hours from now), but the potential danger or opportunity is there if he can take advantage of it (warn that person, set a trap, etc.). For example, "the psychic is asleep or in a Clairvoyant Trance, thinking about his friend Janet. Suddenly, the mind is flooded with an image of Janet rushing down a crowded street. It's dusky, like morning, twilight or evening. She seems very upset. The traffic light changes to amber. Janet races into the street, ignoring the light. It turns red. There's a car, squeal of tires, Janet screams. The image ends. Is Janet hurt? Did she get out of the way? Has she been killed? Unknown. But the danger is clear. There are also other hints of information: The time of day, Janet seeming upset, rushing, the weather conditions, etc. The clairvoyant glimpse relays information, but it's not clear. The psychic has no way of knowing without trying to contact or find Janet. Of course, he has the advantage of recognizing the potential danger as it begins to unfold and may be able to avoid it, stop it, or change the outcome, assuming it's not already too late.

    A clairvoyant vision may also be a peculiar noise/sound, a face, or a specific image, like a particular door, object or monster. Thinking about Janet and seeing the face of a demon could indicate that she may be attacked by such a creature. Rushing to her side and staying with her might delay the attack, cause the creature to give up, or when it attacks, Janet, the Clairvoyant and allies are prepared for it and they fight it off or destroy it.

    Game Masters: Be careful of revealing too much. Use the examples provided as a guide. Remember, these are brief glimpses about the present, past or possible future, not a motion picture or an event written in stone. Current events and intervention can change the future, or at least the outcome of the events.

    The Clairvoyant State of Mind. To perform this psi-ability, the character must put himself into a Clairvoyant state of mind. A sort of pseudo-trance in which he opens himself to psychic vibrations, emotion and paranormal energy. While in this state of awareness, the psychic can NOT engage in any other activities, combat or use any other psychic ability. To do so breaks the Clairvoyance and feelings and images instantly stop. It takes 2D4 melee rounds (30-120 seconds) of concentration before the character can use Clairvoyance. Remember, a failed base skill roll means nothing happens, but still bums up the 6 I.S.P. and time. Note: While in a Clairvoyant state, the psychic is completely open to Telepathic and Empathic communication from outside sources (other psychics, ghosts, etc.). Also see Object Read.
  6. Range: Self.
    Duration: Two minutes per level of experience.
    I.S.P.: 6
    Saving Throw: Standard.

    Using this power, a psychic can "feel" (not see) the presence of spirits. The term "spirit" includes Entities (including Haunting, Syphons, Tectonic and Possessing ones), invisible Astral Travelers/Astral Beings, the splintered life essence of a god or Alien Intelligence, the mysterious Indian Spirits, a spirit or demon (or god) possessing a familiar or Witch, and imprisoned souls and life essences in magic weapons, medallions and similar magical prisons.

    The psychic can ask the spirit questions by speaking aloud, though the creature often understands the question only on an empathic or intuitive level. Only the psychic hears the answer (unless he's using a Group Trance) and the answer can be in words or powerful emotions (he suddenly feels its hate, fear, anger, sorrow, etc., instead of a verbal response). It is important to note that the spirit is under no obligation to answer truthfully or to answer at all. Angry and uncooperative spirits may lie, pretend to be somebody else, lash out at the psychic with its own psi-abilities or cause mischief. Likewise, the psychic can NOT "feel" or sense the creature's alignment, or magic energy, nor can he use any of his other psionic powers while he is in communion with the spirit. Furthermore, the spirit may break off communication at any time, although the psychic can still "feel" if it is within the immediate area (30 foot/9 m radius). The psychic can also break contact at any time, but when he does so, he can no longer tell if the spirit is still hanging about.
  7. Range: Immediate area, touch or within 8 feet (2.4 m).
    Duration: Instant, if successful.
    Requirements: 30 minutes of preparation by the Psychic Healer and 6D6 minutes spent with the possessed person or animal. Note: Can only exorcize the living and mortal beings.
    I.S.P.: 10

    The psychic can perform a Rite of Exorcism that uses psychic energy to expel the loathsome supernatural being from its mortal host body.

    A completely successful Exorcism frees the victim of the supernatural force that controlled him, and sends it back to its own non-earthly realm.

    A partially successful Exorcism will drive the evil force out of the possessed person or animal, but does not send the damnable thing back to its own dimension. Thus, it can try to possess the Psychic Healer or flee to wander the Earth in search of a new victim. An Exorcism can only be used on living people and animals whose bodies are inhabited by a supernatural entity or other type of invasive spirit, not symbiotic organisms or psychic possession.

    Roll to determine success for an Exorcism at the end of the time period. First, roll to see if the being has been expelled from its victim's body. Success Ratio: 28% +7% per each additional level of experience. Success Ratio Bonus: +3% for every M.E. attribute point of the Healer that is above 20 (i.e., M.E. 21 = +3%, M.E. 22 = +6%, M.E. 23 = +9%, and so on).

    Second, roll to see if the thing is forced back into its own dimension. Success Ratio: 21% +7% per each additional level of the psychic's experience. A failed roll means the creature can remain in our dimension, but it must leave the area and cannot possess the same individual for at least six months. Note: The chance of a successful Exorcism when dealing with a Dark God or Alien Intelligence is reduced by half, as is the success ratio for sending the being back to its own dimension.

    During the Exorcism the possessing force can use whatever powers it may have, as well as physical attacks or any special psychic abilities of its host body. Fortunately, the Rite of Exorcism weakens the creature, reducing its number of attacks per melee by half. It is wise to always have one or more assistants to help defend against the being's attacks and actions. Sedating the physical host body will immobilize it, but will not prevent psychic attacks or the creature's use of its own natural powers (if any). Too many assistants or spectators can be a liability, for the creature may attempt to flee by possessing one of them. An Exorcism can be attempted on the same individual as often as the healer desires.
  8. Object Read (6)
  9. Range: Touch or within 3 feet (0.9 m).
    Duration: Immediate knowledge.
    I.S.P.: 4
    Saving Throw: None; except for the Nega-Psychic who gets a standard save plus any applicable bonuses.

    The Psychic Healer can sense physical trauma/damage and pain, external and internal injury, poisoning, disease and possession with absolute clarity. This pinpoint accuracy enables the psychic to suggest treatment or to conduct psychic surgery or other healing. Note: The Psychic Healer needs to spend two minutes on preparatory meditation with the patient nearby before he can make a diagnosis.
  10. Range: 90 feet (27.4 m).
    Duration: Until the danger passes or happens. Bonuses apply only to the first melee round of the attack from the source of the sensed danger.
    I.S.P.: 2
    Saving Throw: None.

    The Sixth Sense is a power that gives the psychic a clairvoyant flash of imminent danger to himself or somebody near him (within 90 feet/27 .4 m). The character will not know what the danger is or where it will come from, nor who it will be directed at when in a group. All he knows is that something life threatening will happen within the next 60 seconds (4 melee rounds)! The Sixth Sense is triggered automatically, without the consent of the psychic, whenever his life is in great peril or the life of somebody he greatly cares about (friend, partner, loved one, etc.). The Sixth Sense is only triggered by an unexpected, life threatening event (a trap or ambush is within 90 feet/27.4 m; a flash flood is rushing his way, etc.) that is already set into motion and will happen in a matter of seconds. The power can not be called upon at will to sense for traps or ambush. Instead, it works like an automatic reflex. If the character has used all his I.S.P. the Sixth Sense is temporarily rendered inoperative.

    Bonuses: The sudden flash of insight provides the following bonuses. All bonuses apply only to the first, initial melee (15 seconds) when the attack/danger actually happens/occurs. Bonuses are lost in subsequent melee rounds after the danger is revealed. +6 on initiative roll, +4 on Perception Rolls, +2 to parry, + 3 to dodge and the character cannot be surprised by a sneak attack from behind.
  11. Range: Self or others by touch.
    Duration: One minute per level of experience.
    I.S.P.: 8

    This power temporarily suppresses the chemical and psychological components of fear in the recipient. As a result, the character is unable to feel fear or is barely frightened even if intellectually he realizes he is in grave danger, or is facing a terrifying monster or situation. This enables the character to think rationally and take calm, calculated action, rather than respond with the typical "fight or flight" reactions of those who are scared. While this power is activated, the character automatically succeeds on any roll to resist Horror Factor, even if magically induced. This power can be used on the psychic himself or on one or two others.
  12. Range: Read surface thoughts up to 60 feet (18.3 m) away, or two-way telepathic communication - 40 feet (2.7 m) per level of experience.
    Duration: 2 minutes per level of experience.
    I.S.P.: 4
    Saving Throw: Conditional. When a character suspects he is being telepathically probed he can resist, getting the standard saving throw. Mind Blocks will completely prevent telepathic probes, Thought-Reading or communications as long as the block is up.

    The power of Telepathy allows the psychic to eavesdrop on what another person is thinking at a particular moment. This is done by focusing on that one individual and picking up on his or her surface thoughts. Surface thoughts are those thoughts and musings uppermost in a target's mind. A deep probe into memory is not possible. Although the psychic can read the thoughts of several people, he can only do so by focusing on one person at a time. Simultaneous, multiple mind reading is impossible for the character.

    Limited Telepathic communication is also possible. The Telepath can send a directed thought message to one person at a time. The message must be as brief and clear as possible. Like, "John, I need you immediately. Hurry!" or "Stop! Don't do that." "Come here," "Look out" or "Press the green button." However, two-way telepathic communication is not possible except between two characters both with Telepathic abilities.
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Re: Nigel Davies-Clarke (BTS Mystic) Level Up!

Post by Servo »

Level-Up Dice Rolls

Level 2 ISP increase: 1d6+1: [5]+1 = 6
Level 3 ISP increase: 1d6+1: [3]+1 = 4

Level 2 PPE increase: 2d6: [4, 1] = 5
Level 3 PPE increase: 2d6: [5, 1] = 6

Level 2 HP increase: 1d6: [5] = 5
Level 3 HP increase: 1d6: [6] = 6
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