S.D.C.: 64/
Hit Points: 49/
P.P.E.: 115/
Armor Worn: Mage armor
Weapon(s) Carried and Locations: WI-SR15 Sniper Rifle with Kisentite bayonet (slung over left shoulder), NEMA Automag (AMT) Pistol (on CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig), Kisentite Cutlass with silvered basket (strapped to left hip in a scabbard), Nuhr Rune Grappling Hook & Line (Tied to right hip), BigBore "Buccaneer" Breech-Lock Pistol (L-R)/TW Firebolt Pistol (R-L)(on old style baldric)
Current Conditions:
Saving Throws, Bonuses, and other handy information
Coma/Death: +14%
Magic (varies): +4
Lethal Poison (14+): +4
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +4
Insanity (12+): --
Psionic (15+): --
Possession: +2
Horror Factor: +11
Nightvision 300 feet
Sharp vision (doesn’t deteriorate with time)
Augmented P.S.
Superior endurance (fatigues at 1/4 normal rate)
Max. Encumbrance: 108 lbs
Max. Carrying Weight: 460 lbs
Max. Lifting Weight: 920 lbs
Max. Jumping Ability: Leap 5' long X 4' ft high
Swimming: can swim 69 yards/meters per round for 88 rounds
Special Abilities
Dimensional Rift Home
- Can always find his way home from another dimension.
Can always dimensional teleport home at the cost of a paltry 75 P.P.E.
Only applies to himself and his familiar as well as gear carried and not anybody else (a full rift or dimensional portal is necessary to take others with him).
Uses 1 melee action
Rifting on same world - 1/2 ppe of dimension rift home
Limit - must have visited location before or use communication rift
Will appear on nexus near desired location (or stone pyramid)
Can even use on ley line to move along it or jump to a nearby ley line
Sense Rifts
- Range - within 90 miles +20 miles per level
Will detect new rift if it opens along the line I am on, regardless of distance (will know where rift is as well as size)
Can detect teleports and other dimension disturbances at 45 miles +10 miles per level
He will also instantly know what general direction the rift is located and whether the rift is big or small.
Note: This sensing ability specifically relates to dimensional portals/rifts and not ley nexuses and ley lines.
Dimension Sense - 49% (+5%)
- Concentrate for 1d6+2 mins to know: type of dimension, if it supports human life, its magic Level, how it was created, if it will close soon, its frequency of opening, any dimensional monsters nearby or in portal (-10% skill), plus unusual characteristics, just by reading portal or meditating after stepping thru
See O.C.C. description for further details
Dimensional Travel
[/list]Cost: 125 P.P.E. for familiar and caster / +25 P.P.E. per person / remains open for 1 min
When targeting a random dimension - can open anywhere / drawn to locations rich in P.P.E.
When targeting home dimension - 100% random location appearance
When targeting dimensions visited - will appear in random, but hospitable location
Can use Re-Open Gateway or Dimensional portal at 1/2 P.P.E. in ritual / takes 1d6x10+15 min / open for 1 min per level (4th lvl = 4 mins), close it at will, manipulate size at will (max 10 ft tall x 10 ft wide per level)(4th Lvl = 40 ft tall x 40 ft wide)[/list]
Communication Rift
- P.P.E.: on or within 1/2 mile of nexus - 50 P.P.E. / on or within 1/2 mile of ley line - 100 P.P.E. / anywhere else away from ley line - 200 P.P.E.
Duration: 1 min per level (4th = 4 mins)
Success ratio 34% +5% if done as ritual gives +20% success
Time to open: 1d4 rds / as ritual: takes 1d6x10+15 min
If fail but within 20% will contact correct location but not necessarily the right target
Send familiar - must return in time or trapped until a portal can be opened (x1 per 24 hrs)
Familiar Link
- Linked to – Marcella the Osprey (monsters and animals pg 158-159)
Mentally and physically linked with familiar
Familiar is linked to the shifter and obeys his every command, verbal and mental.
If the familiar is killed, the shifter will permanently lose 10 hit points; see description for full consequences.
- Battle of wills - roll above my MA +ME bonus; 3 out of 5x (if fail is subservient)
If save - roll init....if I win close rift / if fail creature appears and might attack
If beat creature - use pact
If lose to creature - the shifter might be attacked or the being escapes
Max # of Minions: 2 lesser (4 sub demons) - sub demons or imp-like minor being, poltergeists or haunting entity = 1 lesser/2 lesser beings = 1 greater