Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

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Dark Lord
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Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Dark Lord »

This is the only legitimate reference of record for announcing expected and emergency absences from the board.

We don't require intimate details.

Just inform the community how long you expect the absence to be, and which accounts this absence will effect.

If your absence ends up being longer than initially expected, post an update to let us know.

"I don't know when" is never a valid time-frame, and such will be not be excused.
Why kill a PC when you can torture their player?
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Underguard »

Clear and Present Danger wrote: Sun Aug 15, 2021 5:19 am I am putting myself back in the tracker until the 29th. Work is proving slightly overwhelming for me. Hopefully I will have my classes and caseload set by then.

This affects:
Seamus Finch
I have spoken to Phil last Friday and he is still pretty bogged down. I am extending his tracker post til the end of September.
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM || PFRPG DM ||
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers) | Vincent Moreau (BattleTech)

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James Miller
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by James Miller »

I thought I would have time to get back into this but I miscalculated, sorry.

Please make James Miller inactive.
[ooc=Conditions]NE-CW20 Camouflage Variable Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
• Helmet: 40/40
• Arms: 20/20, 20/20
• Legs: 30/30, 30/30
• Main Body: 80/80
Modifiers: -5% to acrobatics/gymnastics, -20% for others to detect, +5% to prowl skill
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Major James Smith
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Major James Smith »

Sum of All Fears is unable to post due to internet outages.

He should be able to post by the first of October (Friday)

This affects:

Sum of all Fears (MARS/Spooks/Atlantis GM)
The Apothecary (AAPS AGM)
Wolf Whitaker (Roughnecks PC)
Keiko (H4H PC)
Raz I'Sylu Arro (PW: GR PC)
Hellhound (PW: VR PC)

This message brought to you by Major James Smith per SoAF's request
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Wi-Fi »

Will be travelling and likely doing some repair work at a house for few days. so I may not be able to post. but should be able to, this is a Just incase ost. So GMS NPC or put my characters to the background as needed. I will some instruction as needed.

This affects:
Wi-Fi (HU:CS) and Teres Barton (The Templars)
If my post is too stupidly written to read...ask me for a translation or hit me up in Hangouts.
Wi-Fi's character sheet
OOC Comments
Bonuses in green apply only when force aura is active.
PPE: 15
ISP: 70/140
HP: 30 (34 with aura)
SDC: 47 (260)
Aura: 240/260 (Aura also gives superhuman strength)
Swarm status: 5 (all healthy)
Stubby/Rover/Sparky/Nameless #1/Nameless #2
SDC: 50/50/50/50/50
SDC: 50
AR: 6

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Mace/Pepper spray Round)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
OOC Comments
• 12 attachment points
• Integrated IRMSS: 20,000 credits to recharge (R:UE, p.263)
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Flash Pack (pre-Recorded with SOS and emergency beacon flash pattern)
• Attachment: Voice recorder Pack

Omega Field Kit
Collapsible fiberglass nightstick - 1D6 Damage
(2) Dosimeter clip badge
(20) Disposable gloves
(30) Evidence bags
First Aid Kit
Fold-able gas mask
(5) Signal flares
(6) Zip ties

Shock Gloves:
• Range: Melee
• Damage: None. This gloves discharge an energy charge that short circuits the nervous system. Victims are dazed, -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 2d4 melee rounds.
A successful saving throw means the person has successfully fought off the effect and is unimpaired. Roll to save against each strike. Saving throw versus toxins.
• Rate of Fire: Single shots only, five shots total per melee
• Payload: 10/10 shots per charge (no clip)

Personal Weapons: Close quarters Hand pistols (2-4 as needed):
OOC Comments
Nest Handgun.gif
an SDC variant based on a NG-11S "Sawed-Off"
  • Range:
    • Shotgun Shells/Slugs: 200'
    • Damage:
      • Shotgun shells:
        [8] scattershot: 4D6
      • Solid slugs: 5D6
      • Rate of Fire: Single shot only
      • Payload: three shots; reloading the gun takes three melee actions
      • Weight: 3 lbs.
      • Features:
        - Ripcord Quick reload system
        - Made of Non-Ferrous metals and Plastic/ceramics (Not magnetic materials)
        - Easy to customize, use and maintain even by novice armorers
        -top venting helps compensate for recoil by pushing down during weapon discharge
        -bottom-mounted camera and mic to record combat to identify targets after they are gone or turned into a bloody mist. also for scouting or looking under hard-to-reach spots.
        1. Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal
        camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. Cost: $350.
        (pg. 345, Main book)
        2. Wireless Microphone: This compact mic. is about the size
        and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds up to
        14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
        Cost: $500.00 (pg. 344, Main book)

        3. USB/SDD/chip style recorder and battery (encrypted)

        4. Flashlight
      • Modifiers: None,
      • Book Reference: p.208, WB33
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by CS High Command »

This affects:
CS High Command

I will be out of town for a family visit starting 10-10-21 and will be out of town until at least 10-16-21. It will likely take me a few days to get back up to speed.

(inactive accounts: Ryden, Kiska, Pieter Dravnos)
"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." (Marauders of Gor, p.10)
"Yippee-ki-yay magic lovers." Lt. John Freeman, CS110 at the Socorro Skirmish of May 110PA
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Clear and Present Danger
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Clear and Present Danger »

Hey guys- I am really sorry about my silent absence recently. I know it but strain on you. In truth I never made this choice because I felt I could get back to my regular schedule ‘in justly one or two days’. That sentiment always stayed. Just one or two days and I can get my posts in and get caught up. That obviously hasn’t been the case. While I still have them same hope it will only be a few days until I get th hang of my new profession, I am starting to believe it will be more along the lines of weeks or months. Due to that, I am going to put all of my characters into storage until I can appropriately return to my obligations here. Once again, I apologize to everyone who might have been hindered by my inaction.

This affects:
Millicent Mayeux- GIRLS
Seamus Finch- Roughnecks
Grimloq- Spook Squad
Patches- Atlantis
Clear and Present Danger: AGM for MARS and Void Reavers

TLDR: Indefinite leave
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Dark Lord
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Dark Lord »

Underguard, et al. asked me to post urgently here to say he will be unavailable until the weekend (10/22).
Why kill a PC when you can torture their player?
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Underguard »

Dark Lord wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 5:57 am Underguard, et al. asked me to post urgently here to say he will be unavailable until the weekend (10/22).
Handled and caught up, thanks for the post DL.
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM || PFRPG DM ||
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers) | Vincent Moreau (BattleTech)


Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Claudia »

Gotta go out of town for a few days (unexpected trip!), so I'm putting myself in the tracker for this week. This effects Claudia (BTS).
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Draggor »

Between the holidays and a convention right after, I will be unavailable from November 21 through December 6.

This impacts Draggor (GA)
Draggor | Ledger
M.D.C.: 1,866 / 1,866
P.P.E.: 89 / 89

The Cast:
The Hero, The Exile, The Merc, The Lustful, OG Violence, Argent Warrior, The Lost One

Events of Note
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Zzazz »

I have run into a busy week at my jobs. Can post sporadically, but will try to stay at a post per week. If I miss a post, feel free to NPC as needed.

This affects =
Dhaltuun (Templars)
Zzazz (Spook Squad)
Ramsis (PF)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Blackhaunt »

Life is kicking my ass at the moment. Family stuff, work stuff, etc. I mean to get caught up every day and can't seem to make it happen. I'm going to give myself some time off and come back to it fresh faced on the 15th of November.

This will affect:
William Summers (Roughnecks)
Minerva (MARS)
Wayne Northblade (Spook Squad)
Starchief (GA)
Barracuda (H4H)

I'll be in contact with CHIMERA who will keep Century Station running until I get back.
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Servo »

Trying to shake a sinus bug while prepping for a convention this coming weekend, so count me as 'trackered' until Monday 11/15.

This affects the following:
- Rufus (Templar)
- Barricade (HU:CS)
- Chef Icky (PW: Galactic Adventurers)
- Bonk (PFRPG)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Consumer »

Not feeling very well this week, coupled with an unusual work schedule is doing me in. Gonna throw myself into the Tracker till 11/15 just to be safe, I've informed all my GM'd groups.

This effects:
GM Consumer (The Templar, PW: Galactic Rogues, BTS)
Drake (MARS)
James Howlett (CS 40-4th)
Ghast (PW: Galactic Adventurers)
The Machine (PW: Void Reavers)
Tolliver Trask (PFRPG)
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Dark Lord
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Dark Lord »

I have work deadlines up the yinyang for the next two weeks. Will try to keep up with everyone, but am posting here JIC. This will be effective through 11/22.

This affects
Vheld (Spooks)
Maia (HU2 CS)
Dr. White (PW: VR)
Why kill a PC when you can torture their player?

Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Claudia »

It has been a hectic week for me and the next couple of weeks will likely be crazy as well; prepping for visiting family, a memorial and Thanksgiving! I'm starting the yearly hiatus early, but I'll post when I can.

This effects Claudia (BTS).
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Major James Smith
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Major James Smith »

I will be in the tracker for the remainder of the year, returning early January.

This affects:

Major James Smith
Erebos (Atlantis)
Salomon (MARS)
Shen (AAPS)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Underguard »

Due to a heavy workload and other RL events, Kyle (Sum of All Fears) has asked he be placed into the tracker as per a hangouts conversation until January 6th, 2022.

This affects;
Sum of All Fears
The Apothecary
Wolf Whitaker
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM || PFRPG DM ||
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers) | Vincent Moreau (BattleTech)

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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Consumer »

I'm dealing with some stuff, I'll be unavailable for at least a few days.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Nurse Ratchet »

Putting myself in the tracker for the rest of the year.

We have a Covid case quarantining at home, I'm looking after the kids 24/7 and unable to post. I'll be back once things get back to normal.

This effects this account and Mungo of PW:GR.
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Brute »

Not sure if I will be able to post before January - heading out of town. This affects:

Rogue Trader (PWGR AGM)
OOC Comments
Normal Form
AR: 0
HP: 45/45
SDC: 186/186

Monstrous Form
AR: 13
HP: 40/40
SDC: 821/846

Motion detector, 20’ radius range
Predator’s hearing (+2 Initiative, 8X Normal)

Omega Suit v3.1.7
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Weight: 6 lbs
  • AR: 17
  • *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)

  • Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
  • Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
  • Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
  • Body Camera located in center of chest.
  • Anti-Tamper system
  • Wrist mounted computer - allows real-time tracking of Omega agents in the field
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Underguard »

Kyle (SoAF) needs to extend his tracker post until January 25th due to rl obligations.

This affects;
Sum of All Fears
The Apothecary
Wolf Whitaker
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM || PFRPG DM ||
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers) | Vincent Moreau (BattleTech)

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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Underguard »

I have been dealing with a chronic pain that has all but completely floored me and taking away my concentrating ability to post. Have a few Dr visits planned but this is in effect for the next two weeks (02/05/22). My focus is GM posts but I can can barely write this one right now.

This affects:
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM || PFRPG DM ||
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers) | Vincent Moreau (BattleTech)

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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by CHIMERA »

I'm about to start my busiest stretch of work for the year. I should be able to keep up with my GM/AGM responsibilities now, but I will not be able to post for my PC's with any regularity, so please NPC them until 2/14/2022.

This affects:
Juan Echo (PW: GA)
Pertinax (PW: GR)
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The Governor
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by The Governor »

On top of everything else, I tested positive for Covid this week. The symptoms haven't hit me that hard yet. I'll try and post when I can or get a text up in Discord/Hangouts.

This affects:
The Governor (DR)
Twonjym (MARS)
Murdoc (Templar)
Analoy (GIRLS)
Quince (PW:GR)
Callum (BtS)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Underguard »

Something's come up and I may be unavailable to post until the weekend.
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM || PFRPG DM ||
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers) | Vincent Moreau (BattleTech)

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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Consumer »

RL is trying to rail me from both ends; It's making posting difficult. While I could potentially post, I may not be able to for at least the next week while my work figures out what the hell it's malfunction is. So Until 2/27 I am going to be slow to post at the very least.

This effects:
GM Consumer (The Templar, PW: Galactic Rogues, BTS)
Drake (MARS)
James Howlett (CS 40-4th)
Ghast (PW: Galactic Adventurers)
The Machine (PW: Void Reavers)
Tolliver Trask (PFRPG)
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Nurse Ratchet
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Nurse Ratchet »

I'm out for a week, I'll be on holidays with the family.

Accounts affected: Death & Gravity, Mungo (PW: GR)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Underguard »

I seem to have caught something this weekend that floored me for most of it and into this week. Putting myself in the tracker, but I should be able to catch up things over the next couple days if all goes well.
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM || PFRPG DM ||
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers) | Vincent Moreau (BattleTech)

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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Consumer »

So again I put myself in the Tracker, this time is for the annual hell week that is the build up to the most horrible tradition of St. Patrick's Day. I will be swamped at work, as well as with some RL stuff in preparation for an event I am attending that weekend. So I will place myself in the tracker until 3/21. As of the moment I am sure I am caught up on all character posts and will be hammering out a BTS GM post tonight. Please NPC me if you need to.

This effects:
GM Consumer (The Templar, PW: Galactic Rogues, BTS)
Drake (MARS)
James Howlett (CS 40-4th)
Ghast (PW: Galactic Adventurers)
The Machine (PW: Void Reavers)
Tolliver Trask (PFRPG)
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Sentinel »

Sentinel HUCS
Azure PF

My laptop seems to be broken during my trip. Took 30 minutes to boot and 20 to get into windows then another 30 for task manager. I can’t get it to even see my tether so no internet either so I couldn’t even post if I could write something. I’m out of town for two weeks and have to look into a repair or find a new laptop which I’m loath to do without first getting a chance to opening it up. I suspect the CPU has come off heat spreader as the cpu is up and down on utilization which screams over heating and throttling. My wife didn’t bring her laptop this time either. So I’m SOL. I’m gonna have to go into tracker for now. Sorry for the delay.

I guess til Mar 25th when I get home to my desktop. I’ll see if hotel at coast has a computer in lobby tomorrow when I get there.
Yellow Dragon Ledger
OOC Comments
Languages: N: Class-Chinese/Mandarin, English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Hindi/Urdu, Dragonese
P.P.E.: 478/478| H.P.: N/A | S.D.C.: 756/756 AR: 16 Save vs. Awe/Horror:14 (16) for words spoken and each attack against Sentinel
Spell reference at this Link

Sentinel Prime
Location: Absorbed

Ectype 1
Location: Dimension of Asgard.

Ectype 2
Location: At Occult shop in Century Station for a lead on magical resources.

Ectype 3
Location: Absorbed.

Ectype 4
Location: At Century Station primary Hospital.

Ectype 5
Location: Absorbed

Ectype 6
Location: Absorbed

Ectype 7
Location: Absorbed

Ectype 8
Location: Absorbed
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Blackhaunt »

I will be away from March 17th-March 24th.

This will affect:
William Summers (Roughnecks)
Minerva (MARS)
Wayne Northblade (Spook Squad)
Starchief (GA)
Barracuda (H4H)

GM posts will happen shortly upon my return.
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Draggor »

I will be away from April 13 through April 22

This will affect:
Draggor (GA)
Grey T. Rush (VR)
Draggor | Ledger
M.D.C.: 1,866 / 1,866
P.P.E.: 89 / 89

The Cast:
The Hero, The Exile, The Merc, The Lustful, OG Violence, Argent Warrior, The Lost One

Events of Note
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Dhaltuun Onyxforge
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Dhaltuun Onyxforge »

RL has beat me down once again. I am off for a while .... not sure but will be back by end of April I hope.

    This Player is:

    1) Dhaltuun (Templars)
    2) Ramsis (PF)

    - Ya Blik
Dhaltuun Onyxforge ... 80&t=16028
OOC Comments
S.D.C.: 64/64
Hit Points: 49/49
P.P.E.: 115/115

Armor Worn: Mage armor
Weapon(s) Carried and Locations: WI-SR15 Sniper Rifle with Kisentite bayonet (slung over left shoulder), NEMA Automag (AMT) Pistol (on CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig), Kisentite Cutlass with silvered basket (strapped to left hip in a scabbard), Nuhr Rune Grappling Hook & Line (Tied to right hip), BigBore "Buccaneer" Breech-Lock Pistol (L-R)/TW Firebolt Pistol (R-L)(on old style baldric)

Current Conditions:

Saving Throws, Bonuses, and other handy information
Coma/Death: +14%
Magic (varies): +4
Lethal Poison (14+): +4
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +4
Insanity (12+): --
Psionic (15+): --
Possession: +2
Horror Factor: +11

Nightvision 300 feet
Sharp vision (doesn’t deteriorate with time)
Augmented P.S.
Superior endurance (fatigues at 1/4 normal rate)
Max. Encumbrance: 108 lbs
Max. Carrying Weight: 460 lbs
Max. Lifting Weight: 920 lbs
Max. Jumping Ability: Leap 5' long X 4' ft high
Swimming: can swim 69 yards/meters per round for 88 rounds

Special Abilities
Dimensional Rift Home
  • Can always find his way home from another dimension.
    Can always dimensional teleport home at the cost of a paltry 75 P.P.E.
    Only applies to himself and his familiar as well as gear carried and not anybody else (a full rift or dimensional portal is necessary to take others with him).
    Uses 1 melee action
    Rifting on same world - 1/2 ppe of dimension rift home
    Limit - must have visited location before or use communication rift
    Will appear on nexus near desired location (or stone pyramid)
    Can even use on ley line to move along it or jump to a nearby ley line
Sense Rifts
  • Range - within 90 miles +20 miles per level
    Will detect new rift if it opens along the line I am on, regardless of distance (will know where rift is as well as size)
    Can detect teleports and other dimension disturbances at 45 miles +10 miles per level
    He will also instantly know what general direction the rift is located and whether the rift is big or small.
    Note: This sensing ability specifically relates to dimensional portals/rifts and not ley nexuses and ley lines.
Dimension Sense - 49% (+5%)
  • Concentrate for 1d6+2 mins to know: type of dimension, if it supports human life, its magic Level, how it was created, if it will close soon, its frequency of opening, any dimensional monsters nearby or in portal (-10% skill), plus unusual characteristics, just by reading portal or meditating after stepping thru
    See O.C.C. description for further details
Dimensional Travel
[/list]Cost: 125 P.P.E. for familiar and caster / +25 P.P.E. per person / remains open for 1 min
When targeting a random dimension - can open anywhere / drawn to locations rich in P.P.E.
When targeting home dimension - 100% random location appearance
When targeting dimensions visited - will appear in random, but hospitable location
Can use Re-Open Gateway or Dimensional portal at 1/2 P.P.E. in ritual / takes 1d6x10+15 min / open for 1 min per level (4th lvl = 4 mins), close it at will, manipulate size at will (max 10 ft tall x 10 ft wide per level)(4th Lvl = 40 ft tall x 40 ft wide)[/list]

Communication Rift
  • P.P.E.: on or within 1/2 mile of nexus - 50 P.P.E. / on or within 1/2 mile of ley line - 100 P.P.E. / anywhere else away from ley line - 200 P.P.E.
    Duration: 1 min per level (4th = 4 mins)
    Success ratio 34% +5% if done as ritual gives +20% success
    Time to open: 1d4 rds / as ritual: takes 1d6x10+15 min
    If fail but within 20% will contact correct location but not necessarily the right target
    Send familiar - must return in time or trapped until a portal can be opened (x1 per 24 hrs)
Familiar Link
  • Linked to – Marcella the Osprey (monsters and animals pg 158-159)
    Mentally and physically linked with familiar
    Familiar is linked to the shifter and obeys his every command, verbal and mental.
    If the familiar is killed, the shifter will permanently lose 10 hit points; see description for full consequences.
  • Battle of wills - roll above my MA +ME bonus; 3 out of 5x (if fail is subservient)
    If save - roll init....if I win close rift / if fail creature appears and might attack
    If beat creature - use pact
    If lose to creature - the shifter might be attacked or the being escapes
    Max # of Minions: 2 lesser (4 sub demons) - sub demons or imp-like minor being, poltergeists or haunting entity = 1 lesser/2 lesser beings = 1 greater
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by The Governor »

I'm having a hard time right now and I'm finding hard to get posts up.
I'm trying to get caught up in the next couple weeks.
My GM account will come first.

This affects:
The Governor (DR)
Twonjym (MARS)
Murdoc (Templar)
Analoy (GIRLS)
Quince (PW:GR)
Callum (BtS)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Daisuke »

Will be traveling 4/8 - 4/18. Should have intermittent internet and will try to keep up with posts. But just in case I don't, going in tracker.

This will affect:
Aegis of No Retreat (GIRLS AGM)
Daisuke (H4H)
Remy (DR)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Underguard »

I need to go into the tracker until this Friday. I will do posts tomorrow as I am able but Friday will be my catch up date. I am also moving and starting a new job at the end of May but I will post again for that
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM || PFRPG DM ||
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers) | Vincent Moreau (BattleTech)

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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Shazbut »

Covid positive and alternating between various symptoms while I try and beat this wretched thing :drunken: Not expecting to cease posting as am convinced HU2 is the cure. Slightly delirious atm so expect …. absolutely no change in post quality. Apologies.

More manure from the fertile mind of,

Natural Abilities
  • Feel vibrations 72% accuracy. Cannot be snuck upon or caught by surprise from a nearby opponent. Range 45ft. (13.6m).
  • Impervious to radiation that is normally deadly to humans.
  • Can see ultraviolet light.
  • Radiates low levels of radiation.
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Brute »

Gonna be out of town Monday - Wednesday next week (May 2-4). Not sure about WI Fi/internet where I'm going. Not sure I'll be able to post.ill post if I can but don't hold up gm posts for me - npc if necessary.

Brute (HU:CS)
Ashlynn (H4H)
Leo (Templar)
Kaedras (PW: Adventurers)
Zathark (Voi Reavers)
Rogue Trader (PW GR AGM)
OOC Comments
Normal Form
AR: 0
HP: 45/45
SDC: 186/186

Monstrous Form
AR: 13
HP: 40/40
SDC: 821/846

Motion detector, 20’ radius range
Predator’s hearing (+2 Initiative, 8X Normal)

Omega Suit v3.1.7
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Weight: 6 lbs
  • AR: 17
  • *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)

  • Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
  • Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
  • Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
  • Body Camera located in center of chest.
  • Anti-Tamper system
  • Wrist mounted computer - allows real-time tracking of Omega agents in the field
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Underguard »

A long overdue post.

I am having two major life changes during the month of May.

I am moving states and starting an entirely new career. The career move puts me back in higher education and degree focused while the move is largely a mental health thing. It's a stressful time for me, and I am working a lot during it as well until I move. This new job I actually have to do some preemptive training for.

My official road date is May 23rd. From May 23rd to June 6th, I may or may not be active. Every day until then is work, training and packing. So, I will still be active and my GM accounts have priority, but if I slip up a week or two here or there during this time period, that is why. I expect to be collected completely by the 6th of June.
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM || PFRPG DM ||
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers) | Vincent Moreau (BattleTech)

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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Mierin »

We're entering a very busy period at work, so my post rate will be slower than usual until the middle of June.

This affects:
Mierin (Spook Squad)
Brianna Clarke (UPS)
"Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?" House
"Heartless it may be, but headless it ain't. I've never claimed to be nice, just to be sensible." - Lords and Ladies

Stats & Stuff
ISP: 35/35
HP: 57/57
SDC: 96/96

Constant Effects
Sixth Sense (2)

Weapon in hand: JA-12 Rifle 10/10 shots (standard e-clip) 30/30 (long e-clip); 4D6 MD (single shot), 1D6x10+10 MD (burst) or 3D6 MD (grenade)

NE-BA-26 Armor w/Installed Naruni Super-Heavy Forcefield (FF activated)
Helmet--50/50, Arms--40/40, Legs--50/50, Main Body--900/900
Force Field: 160/160
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Brute »

Brute wrote: Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:01 pm Gonna be out of town Monday - Wednesday next week (May 2-4). Not sure about WI Fi/internet where I'm going. Not sure I'll be able to post.ill post if I can but don't hold up gm posts for me - npc if necessary.

Brute (HU:CS)
Ashlynn (H4H)
Leo (Templar)
Kaedras (PW: Adventurers)
Zathark (Voi Reavers)
Rogue Trader (PW GR AGM)
Extending this until Monday May 9.
OOC Comments
Normal Form
AR: 0
HP: 45/45
SDC: 186/186

Monstrous Form
AR: 13
HP: 40/40
SDC: 821/846

Motion detector, 20’ radius range
Predator’s hearing (+2 Initiative, 8X Normal)

Omega Suit v3.1.7
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Weight: 6 lbs
  • AR: 17
  • *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)

  • Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
  • Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
  • Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
  • Body Camera located in center of chest.
  • Anti-Tamper system
  • Wrist mounted computer - allows real-time tracking of Omega agents in the field
Michael Oscars

Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Michael Oscars »

I think I'm going to have to leave the explorers Unlimited dead reign campaign. This most likely will be permanent.

Accounts affected;
Michael Oscars (Dead Reign)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Virginia »

Due to various reasons I will not be able to continue playing anymore. I had an interesting and fun BTS adventure, and wish everyone all the best here at PbP RPG.

Account affected:
Virginia Revel (BTS)
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The Governor
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by The Governor »

Still dealing with lots of RL stuff.
My first priority is my GM spot.

Also, I will be AFK from June 8th to the 18th.

After that I plan to get caught back up on all my characters that have fallen behind (or make some tough calls to trim back.)

This affects:
The Governor (DR)
Kaster (AtB)
Murdoc (Templar)
Analoy (GIRLS)
Quince (PW:GR)
Callum (BtS)
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Archive Account
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Archive Account »

I'll be totally unavailable from Friday through Monday as we'll be out camping in the boondocks of Texas.
Lynn Jacobs

Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Lynn Jacobs »

Augur wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 5:56 am I'll be totally unavailable from Friday through Monday as we'll be out camping in the boondocks of Texas.
And I'm the one dragging Lloyd out! I'm caught up with my posts, but just in case, my characters are: Lynn (DR), Claudia (BTS) and Jesper (ATB).
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Brute »

I am not sure if/when I will be able to post before June 8.

Brute (HU:CS)
Ashlynn (H4H)
Leo (Templar)
Kaedras (PW: Adventurers)
Zathark (Voi Reavers)
Rogue Trader (PW GR AGM)
OOC Comments
Normal Form
AR: 0
HP: 45/45
SDC: 186/186

Monstrous Form
AR: 13
HP: 40/40
SDC: 821/846

Motion detector, 20’ radius range
Predator’s hearing (+2 Initiative, 8X Normal)

Omega Suit v3.1.7
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Weight: 6 lbs
  • AR: 17
  • *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)

  • Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
  • Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
  • Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
  • Body Camera located in center of chest.
  • Anti-Tamper system
  • Wrist mounted computer - allows real-time tracking of Omega agents in the field
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Location: CAF, UPS and GIRLS GM - nphilip90s/ScytheNP#2513

Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Underguard »

Underguard wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 4:25 am A long overdue post.

I am having two major life changes during the month of May.

I am moving states and starting an entirely new career. The career move puts me back in higher education and degree focused while the move is largely a mental health thing. It's a stressful time for me, and I am working a lot during it as well until I move. This new job I actually have to do some preemptive training for.

My official road date is May 23rd. From May 23rd to June 6th, I may or may not be active. Every day until then is work, training and packing. So, I will still be active and my GM accounts have priority, but if I slip up a week or two here or there during this time period, that is why. I expect to be collected completely by the 6th of June.
An update; I will need until the weekend of the 4th, but I will be able to catch up. A few too many domino's fell this weekend that've created significant hurdles. o7 I'll be in touch, sorry to all.
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM || PFRPG DM ||
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers) | Vincent Moreau (BattleTech)

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