Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Sentinel »

I will have to lay on my right side for a couple weeks and No computers or the phone usage allowed for a few more weeks after so please consider me and tracker for Sentinel and azure. To be determined July 7 is my next follow up appointment. Fargie’s I’m using text to speech on this.
Yellow Dragon Ledger
OOC Comments
Languages: N: Class-Chinese/Mandarin, English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Hindi/Urdu, Dragonese
P.P.E.: 478/478| H.P.: N/A | S.D.C.: 756/756 AR: 16 Save vs. Awe/Horror:14 (16) for words spoken and each attack against Sentinel
Spell reference at this Link

Sentinel Prime
Location: Absorbed

Ectype 1
Location: Dimension of Asgard.

Ectype 2
Location: At Occult shop in Century Station for a lead on magical resources.

Ectype 3
Location: Absorbed.

Ectype 4
Location: At Century Station primary Hospital.

Ectype 5
Location: Absorbed

Ectype 6
Location: Absorbed

Ectype 7
Location: Absorbed

Ectype 8
Location: Absorbed
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Brute »

Brute wrote: Fri May 27, 2022 10:35 am I am not sure if/when I will be able to post before June 8.

Brute (HU:CS)
Ashlynn (H4H)
Leo (Templar)
Kaedras (PW: Adventurers)
Zathark (Voi Reavers)
Rogue Trader (PW GR AGM)
Need to extend this to maybe Friday. Gonna try to post XP for PW GR today though

UPDATE: Monday at earliest. COVID.
OOC Comments
Normal Form
AR: 0
HP: 45/45
SDC: 186/186

Monstrous Form
AR: 13
HP: 40/40
SDC: 821/846

Motion detector, 20’ radius range
Predator’s hearing (+2 Initiative, 8X Normal)

Omega Suit v3.1.7
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Weight: 6 lbs
  • AR: 17
  • *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)

  • Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
  • Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
  • Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
  • Body Camera located in center of chest.
  • Anti-Tamper system
  • Wrist mounted computer - allows real-time tracking of Omega agents in the field
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by CHIMERA »

I will be out of town for the weekend, and unable to post during that time. This shouldn't affect any of the games I am in all to much, but I wanted to put myself in the tracker just in case. My absence affects the following accounts:
GM/AGM: CHIMERA (HU:CS Bravo), Grave Digger (Templar)
PCs: Juan Echo (PW: GA), Pertinax (PW: GR), and MOD (PW: VR)

I will be out from 6/9 to 6/13.
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Underguard »

Underguard wrote: Mon May 30, 2022 4:15 pm
Underguard wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 4:25 am A long overdue post.

I am having two major life changes during the month of May.

I am moving states and starting an entirely new career. The career move puts me back in higher education and degree focused while the move is largely a mental health thing. It's a stressful time for me, and I am working a lot during it as well until I move. This new job I actually have to do some preemptive training for.

My official road date is May 23rd. From May 23rd to June 6th, I may or may not be active. Every day until then is work, training and packing. So, I will still be active and my GM accounts have priority, but if I slip up a week or two here or there during this time period, that is why. I expect to be collected completely by the 6th of June.
An update; I will need until the weekend of the 4th, but I will be able to catch up. A few too many domino's fell this weekend that've created significant hurdles. o7 I'll be in touch, sorry to all.

I am finally collected enough to refocus onto PbP RPG. A few too many dominos fell that made my move more of a challenge but that's done with mostly. I will be catching up entirely during this weekend (JUN10-12). I'd like to publicly acknowledge those who helped me pick up my slack during this experience dolling and for the patience of all my players. You've been awesome and I'm glad to be back.
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Brute »

Got my posts in this week, but will be heavily involved in a move to another state over the next week or two, and will have to get my internet sorted at the new place. So I'm putting up a post just because I don't know when I will be able to post next. I'm putting in a cushion of at least 2 weeks, and will expand it if need be. NPC any of my characters if necessary. Will try to resume posting July 1-ish.

Brute (HU:CS)
Ashlynn (H4H)
Leo (Templar)
Kaedras (PW: Adventurers)
Zathark (Voi Reavers)
Rogue Trader (PW GR AGM)
OOC Comments
Normal Form
AR: 0
HP: 45/45
SDC: 186/186

Monstrous Form
AR: 13
HP: 40/40
SDC: 821/846

Motion detector, 20’ radius range
Predator’s hearing (+2 Initiative, 8X Normal)

Omega Suit v3.1.7
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Weight: 6 lbs
  • AR: 17
  • *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)

  • Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
  • Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
  • Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
  • Body Camera located in center of chest.
  • Anti-Tamper system
  • Wrist mounted computer - allows real-time tracking of Omega agents in the field
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Mierin »

Mierin wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 6:43 pm We're entering a very busy period at work, so my post rate will be slower than usual until the middle of June.

This affects:
Mierin (Spook Squad)
Brianna Clarke (UPS)
Apologies, but I'll have to extend this to the end of July as RL is just crazy atm. I will try to post when I can.
"Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?" House
"Heartless it may be, but headless it ain't. I've never claimed to be nice, just to be sensible." - Lords and Ladies

Stats & Stuff
ISP: 35/35
HP: 57/57
SDC: 96/96

Constant Effects
Sixth Sense (2)

Weapon in hand: JA-12 Rifle 10/10 shots (standard e-clip) 30/30 (long e-clip); 4D6 MD (single shot), 1D6x10+10 MD (burst) or 3D6 MD (grenade)

NE-BA-26 Armor w/Installed Naruni Super-Heavy Forcefield (FF activated)
Helmet--50/50, Arms--40/40, Legs--50/50, Main Body--900/900
Force Field: 160/160
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by CHIMERA »

I am going to be out of the country for three weeks in July. During that time I will have limited internet access and my posting will be sporadic at best. My GM duties will obviously come first and I will work with my AGM and DM to make sure that the current adventure apace. My PC's will probably need to be NPCed for the following dates: 7/6 to 7/28.

My absence affects the following accounts:
GM/AGM: CHIMERA (HU:CS Bravo), Grave Digger (Templar)
PCs: Juan Echo (PW: GA), Pertinax (PW: GR), and MOD (PW: VR)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Mungo »

I'm heading overseas until July 22. I'll post when I can, but doubt I'll be posting at my usual rate. This effects this account and Death and Gravity.
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Ash, the kid (Theros)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Ash, the kid (Theros) »

Hey Folks, TJ here, My test results came back Positive for covid, so I might be gone or unavailable for the next couple weeks, hopefully that is it. This will effect my following PbP RPG characters.

Lenok HUCS: Bravo team
Theros: Rifts: Roughnecks group

Outside of his armor's, appears to be a early teenager, despite his age. Dark red hair (Auburn) Light Blue/Grey eyes, sparse freckles on body, tall, athletic build. He has his marks of heritage on his wrists as do every True Atlantean, he wears leather bracers over them outside of his armor's. Tattoos are placed mainly on his torso, so not as visible if worn with regular clothing, along with quite a number of talismans that look like dogtags around his neck.
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Servo »

I'm off from work this week, but that also means I'll be largely away from my computer. Which is just as well as I'm struggling with inspiration (or more accurately the lack thereof) so I'm taking a powder until July 5th. Y'all try to keep from getting into too much trouble, okay?

This affects the following:
- Rufus (Templar)
- Barricade (HU:CS)
- Chef Icky (PW: Galactic Adventurers)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Servo »

Servo wrote: Mon Jun 27, 2022 11:58 am I'm off from work this week, but that also means I'll be largely away from my computer. Which is just as well as I'm struggling with inspiration (or more accurately the lack thereof) so I'm taking a powder until July 5th. Y'all try to keep from getting into too much trouble, okay?

This affects the following:
- Rufus (Templar)
- Barricade (HU:CS)
- Chef Icky (PW: Galactic Adventurers)
Extending this another week due to some RL developments... looking to be back around July 13th.
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Brute »

Brute wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 8:39 am Got my posts in this week, but will be heavily involved in a move to another state over the next week or two, and will have to get my internet sorted at the new place. So I'm putting up a post just because I don't know when I will be able to post next. I'm putting in a cushion of at least 2 weeks, and will expand it if need be. NPC any of my characters if necessary. Will try to resume posting July 1-ish.

Brute (HU:CS)
Ashlynn (H4H)
Leo (Templar)
Kaedras (PW: Adventurers)
Zathark (Voi Reavers)
Rogue Trader (PW GR AGM)
Sadly, must extend again to at least Monday.
OOC Comments
Normal Form
AR: 0
HP: 45/45
SDC: 186/186

Monstrous Form
AR: 13
HP: 40/40
SDC: 821/846

Motion detector, 20’ radius range
Predator’s hearing (+2 Initiative, 8X Normal)

Omega Suit v3.1.7
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Weight: 6 lbs
  • AR: 17
  • *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)

  • Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
  • Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
  • Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
  • Body Camera located in center of chest.
  • Anti-Tamper system
  • Wrist mounted computer - allows real-time tracking of Omega agents in the field

Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Jesper »

I have COVID and might not feel up to posting much in the next week or so. This effects Claudia (BTS), Lynn (DR) and Jesper (ATB).
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Aegis of No Retreat »

Will be travelling 7/16-7/24. Will still try to post, but in case I am unable, putting myself in tracker.

Aegis of No Retreat (GIRLS AGM)
Daisuke (H4H)
Remy (DR)
Steiblah (HU:CS)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Dhaltuun Onyxforge »

Due to medical reasons.... i am in tracker for this week and maybe next. If i can get time i will post
Dhaltuun Onyxforge ... 80&t=16028
OOC Comments
S.D.C.: 64/64
Hit Points: 49/49
P.P.E.: 115/115

Armor Worn: Mage armor
Weapon(s) Carried and Locations: WI-SR15 Sniper Rifle with Kisentite bayonet (slung over left shoulder), NEMA Automag (AMT) Pistol (on CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig), Kisentite Cutlass with silvered basket (strapped to left hip in a scabbard), Nuhr Rune Grappling Hook & Line (Tied to right hip), BigBore "Buccaneer" Breech-Lock Pistol (L-R)/TW Firebolt Pistol (R-L)(on old style baldric)

Current Conditions:

Saving Throws, Bonuses, and other handy information
Coma/Death: +14%
Magic (varies): +4
Lethal Poison (14+): +4
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +4
Insanity (12+): --
Psionic (15+): --
Possession: +2
Horror Factor: +11

Nightvision 300 feet
Sharp vision (doesn’t deteriorate with time)
Augmented P.S.
Superior endurance (fatigues at 1/4 normal rate)
Max. Encumbrance: 108 lbs
Max. Carrying Weight: 460 lbs
Max. Lifting Weight: 920 lbs
Max. Jumping Ability: Leap 5' long X 4' ft high
Swimming: can swim 69 yards/meters per round for 88 rounds

Special Abilities
Dimensional Rift Home
  • Can always find his way home from another dimension.
    Can always dimensional teleport home at the cost of a paltry 75 P.P.E.
    Only applies to himself and his familiar as well as gear carried and not anybody else (a full rift or dimensional portal is necessary to take others with him).
    Uses 1 melee action
    Rifting on same world - 1/2 ppe of dimension rift home
    Limit - must have visited location before or use communication rift
    Will appear on nexus near desired location (or stone pyramid)
    Can even use on ley line to move along it or jump to a nearby ley line
Sense Rifts
  • Range - within 90 miles +20 miles per level
    Will detect new rift if it opens along the line I am on, regardless of distance (will know where rift is as well as size)
    Can detect teleports and other dimension disturbances at 45 miles +10 miles per level
    He will also instantly know what general direction the rift is located and whether the rift is big or small.
    Note: This sensing ability specifically relates to dimensional portals/rifts and not ley nexuses and ley lines.
Dimension Sense - 49% (+5%)
  • Concentrate for 1d6+2 mins to know: type of dimension, if it supports human life, its magic Level, how it was created, if it will close soon, its frequency of opening, any dimensional monsters nearby or in portal (-10% skill), plus unusual characteristics, just by reading portal or meditating after stepping thru
    See O.C.C. description for further details
Dimensional Travel
[/list]Cost: 125 P.P.E. for familiar and caster / +25 P.P.E. per person / remains open for 1 min
When targeting a random dimension - can open anywhere / drawn to locations rich in P.P.E.
When targeting home dimension - 100% random location appearance
When targeting dimensions visited - will appear in random, but hospitable location
Can use Re-Open Gateway or Dimensional portal at 1/2 P.P.E. in ritual / takes 1d6x10+15 min / open for 1 min per level (4th lvl = 4 mins), close it at will, manipulate size at will (max 10 ft tall x 10 ft wide per level)(4th Lvl = 40 ft tall x 40 ft wide)[/list]

Communication Rift
  • P.P.E.: on or within 1/2 mile of nexus - 50 P.P.E. / on or within 1/2 mile of ley line - 100 P.P.E. / anywhere else away from ley line - 200 P.P.E.
    Duration: 1 min per level (4th = 4 mins)
    Success ratio 34% +5% if done as ritual gives +20% success
    Time to open: 1d4 rds / as ritual: takes 1d6x10+15 min
    If fail but within 20% will contact correct location but not necessarily the right target
    Send familiar - must return in time or trapped until a portal can be opened (x1 per 24 hrs)
Familiar Link
  • Linked to – Marcella the Osprey (monsters and animals pg 158-159)
    Mentally and physically linked with familiar
    Familiar is linked to the shifter and obeys his every command, verbal and mental.
    If the familiar is killed, the shifter will permanently lose 10 hit points; see description for full consequences.
  • Battle of wills - roll above my MA +ME bonus; 3 out of 5x (if fail is subservient)
    If save - roll init....if I win close rift / if fail creature appears and might attack
    If beat creature - use pact
    If lose to creature - the shifter might be attacked or the being escapes
    Max # of Minions: 2 lesser (4 sub demons) - sub demons or imp-like minor being, poltergeists or haunting entity = 1 lesser/2 lesser beings = 1 greater
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Dark Lord »

I am putting myself in the tracker from July 29-August 27. Some of that time I expect to be available, but for a lot of it I'll be traveling internationally and/or have unreliable internet access. I will arrange coverage for my GMing, but otherwise please NPC my characters as needed.

This affects:
Ronith (H4H)
Vheld (Spooks)
Maia (HUCS)
Dr. White (PWVR)
Why kill a PC when you can torture their player?
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Servo »

Servo wrote: Mon Jun 27, 2022 11:58 am I'm off from work this week, but that also means I'll be largely away from my computer. Which is just as well as I'm struggling with inspiration (or more accurately the lack thereof) so I'm taking a powder until July 5th. Y'all try to keep from getting into too much trouble, okay?

This affects the following:
- Rufus (Templar)
- Barricade (HU:CS)
- Chef Icky (PW: Galactic Adventurers)
So unfortunately I need one more week in the tracker as yet more stuff has come up. Not BAD stuff, thankfully, but stuff that demands the lion's share of my waking non-working (and even some working) attention. Should be back to 'normal' by next Monday 7/25.
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Armstrong »

Away until 29th July
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Brute »

Reluctantly putting myself in the tracker again - life is shit and everything sucks. Hopefully will be able to post again by August 8.

Brute (HU:CS)
Ashlynn (H4H)
Leo (Templar)
Kaedras (PW: Adventurers)
Zathark (Voi Reavers)
Rogue Trader (PW GR AGM)
OOC Comments
Normal Form
AR: 0
HP: 45/45
SDC: 186/186

Monstrous Form
AR: 13
HP: 40/40
SDC: 821/846

Motion detector, 20’ radius range
Predator’s hearing (+2 Initiative, 8X Normal)

Omega Suit v3.1.7
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Weight: 6 lbs
  • AR: 17
  • *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)

  • Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
  • Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
  • Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
  • Body Camera located in center of chest.
  • Anti-Tamper system
  • Wrist mounted computer - allows real-time tracking of Omega agents in the field
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by CHIMERA »

Traveling to rural Oregon for the next couple of weeks, and I won't be able to post as regularly as I had hoped. I should be able to keep the adventures I GM moving along, but my PC's will probably need to NPCed for the following dates: 8/11 to 8/30.

My absence affects the following accounts:
GM/AGM: CHIMERA (HU:CS Bravo), Grave Digger (Templar)
PCs: Juan Echo (PW: GA), Pertinax (PW: GR), and MOD (PW: VR)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Sum of All Fears »

I will be on a training exercise from August 13th thought September 4th. I should still have hotel connectivity. This is just incase I am unable to post during the aforementioned time frame.

This Affects:
Wolf Whitaker (Roughnecks)
Keiko (H4H)
Nyx Tempest (PWCAF: GHOSTS)
BattleTech DM / Chaos Earth DM / Megaversal Arena Coordinator

"Any problem can be solved with the judicious application of high explosives."

Other Accounts: Wolf Whitaker (Roughnecks); Keiko (H4H); Zephyr Stormbow (PF); Lynch (Spooks)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Consumer »

Next week will be one of the busiest weeks of the year for my work, and considering I've been ultra busy this week as a ramp up to it, I am going to assume I will not have time to post. It starts today 8/13 and will run till 8/22, 8/15-8/17 I may have time to get Character posts up, but I'm not gonna promise anything.

This effects:
GM Consumer (The Templar, PW: Galactic Rogues, BTS)
Drake (MARS)
Ghast (PW: Galactic Adventurers)
The Machine (PW: Void Reavers)
Edison (HU2:CS)
Birger (ATB)
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Daisuke »

Putting myself in tracker. Work has been crazy busy (complicated by a surprising positive COVID asymptomatic test). I have no symptoms, have tested negative by daily antigen and even a CVS drive-through RT-PCR test.

Also, will be travelling starting 8/20 through 9/3. I should have access to internet and intend to post, but am posting notice just in case.

This affects:
Daisuke (H4H)
Remy (DR)
Steiblah (HU2CS)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Mierin »

After 2.5 years, COVID finally caught up with me, so my posting for the next couple of weeks will be slow as I recover.

This affects
Mierin (Spook Squad)
Brianna Clarke (UPS)
"Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?" House
"Heartless it may be, but headless it ain't. I've never claimed to be nice, just to be sensible." - Lords and Ladies

Stats & Stuff
ISP: 35/35
HP: 57/57
SDC: 96/96

Constant Effects
Sixth Sense (2)

Weapon in hand: JA-12 Rifle 10/10 shots (standard e-clip) 30/30 (long e-clip); 4D6 MD (single shot), 1D6x10+10 MD (burst) or 3D6 MD (grenade)

NE-BA-26 Armor w/Installed Naruni Super-Heavy Forcefield (FF activated)
Helmet--50/50, Arms--40/40, Legs--50/50, Main Body--900/900
Force Field: 160/160
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Sicilia »

Putting myself in the tracker for about a month or so, until 9/23. I have other things I need to focus on, and it's draining my ability to put in quality posts on time for my characters. Hopefully things will be sorted by then.

This affects
Sicilia (HU2)
Phara Vin (PW: VR)
Vera Morozov (UPS)
An Italian Noodle who bites back!
Gear and Current Status
Quick Stats
I.S.P.: 44/44
H.P.: 25/45
S.D.C.: 99/99
Stone Form S.D.C.: 600/600
Omega Suit S.D.C.: 126/250

Omega Suit v3.1.7
  • Main Body: 126 / 250
  • *Body Camera: 15 / 15

Weight: 6 lbs
  • AR: 17
  • *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)

  • Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
  • Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
  • Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
  • Body Camera located in center of chest.
  • Anti-Tamper system
  • Tail mounted computer - allows real-time tracking of Omega agents in the field

APS: Stone Transformation Bonuses/Changes

-Natural A.R. 16
566 / 600 (replaces natural S.D.C. while transformed)
-Normal punches, kicks, knives, swords, clubs, bullets, and similar deal no damage regardless of strike roll
-Extraordinary, Superhuman P.S. deal quarter damage with strike roll below 17, deal full damage on 17+ strike roll
-Supernatural P.S. deals half damage with strike roll below 17, deals full damage on 17+ strike roll
-Fire, plasma, electricity, laser, energy bolts deal half damage with strike roll below 17, deal full damage on 17+ strike roll
-Impervious to cold
-Resistant to heat: 200 degrees F or below deals no damage, half damage between 201-299 degrees F, full damage at 300+ degrees F
-AP bullets, explosives rounds, grenades and light explosives deal half damage with strike roll below 17, deal full damage on 17+ strike roll
-Gas, ingested drugs, magic, and psionics have full effect
-Powerful explosions, infernos with blast-furnace like heat (300+ degrees F), hurricanes, earthquakes do full damage and do not require a strike roll
-Endure underwater pressure up to depths of 800 ft
-Function in vacuum until air supply is gone

-Weight is tripled
-P.S. increased by 16, considered Superhuman
-Can carry 200 times P.S. in pounds, can life 300 times P.S. in pounds
-Fatigues at half rate

-S.D.C. of stone (600) recovers at three times normal rate
-Radiates no heat in stone form, invisible to infrared and heat sensors
-Speed reduced by half in stone form
-Hold breath twice as long in stone form
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Nurse Ratchet
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Nurse Ratchet »

Going in the Tracker. Should be back online Sept 6th.

The affects this account and Mungo (PW:GR)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Servo »

So yeah. Tested positive for the very first time ever. I don't feel like complete and utter crud (only incomplete crud) but if I could get comfortable I feel like I could literally sleep all week. So putting myself in the tracker just to cover my backside.

This affects the following:
- Rufus (Templar)
- Barricade (HU:CS)
- Chef Icky (PW: Galactic Adventurers)
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Amber Dach
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Amber Dach »

So I tested positive. I feel like crap on and off and have been sleeping a lot. I'm putting this up in case I can't summon the energy to post.

This affects the following:
- Amber Dach
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Consumer »

Next week will be my schedule is wonky and it doesn't leave me with a lot of free time. So to save face I will be throwing myself in the tracker for the week. It starts today 9/12 and will run till 9/18. Please feel free to NPC my characters as seen fit.

This effects:
GM Consumer (The Templar, PW: Galactic Rogues, BTS)
Drake (MARS)
Ghast (PW: Galactic Adventurers)
The Machine (PW: Void Reavers)
Edison (HU2:CS)
Birger (ATB)
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Underguard »

I am going on a small vacation from 9-23 to 9-28. I expect to have a laptop and internet but we shall see.

This affects
Underguard (GIRLS, UPS, CAF)
Ronan (Spooks)
Venenifer (Roughnecks)
Exe (Galactic Advewnturers)
Glitch (Galactic Rogues)
Sam (Void Reavers)
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Amber Dach »

I am away from September 22 to September 29 and will be unavailable to post between those dates.

This affects the following:
- Amber Dach
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168

Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Jesper »

I am making an unexpected trip up to Illinois this week. I doubt I'll be able to post while traveling, but I'm caught up with posts for now. I should be back home on Oct. 2.

This will affect:
Jesper (ATB)
Claudia (BTS)
and Lynn Jacobs (DR)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Lenok »

It Dawned on me while talking in Google chat, I might want to put something in tracker just in case this hurricane hits us, OR most likely as usual a tropical storm by the time it hits us.

This might effect Lenok and Theros.

~A crazy Floridian.
Normal Human Description: A 27 year old Japanese/Caucasian male, approximately 5'10" appearing around 180 lbs, dark hair and eyes, wearing a black shirt, jeans, and boots. (when not in Omega suit) Appears to be in peak physical condition. Picture available on character sheet.

Dragon form Appearance: 30 ft long in 15' tall, Weight: 8,000 lbs. Violet Serpentine winged dragon, wearing some sort of Uniform (Omega suit) / Horror factor: 17, Picture available on character sheet.
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by CHIMERA »

Due to a family emergency, my posting abilities will be limited for the next week, 10/2/2022 - 10/9/2022.
I aim to get my GM posts up by tonight and all end of quad activities wrapped up soon, but I probably won't be able to post for my PC's this week.

My absence affects the following accounts:
GM/AGM: CHIMERA (HU:CS Bravo), Grave Digger (Templar)
PCs: Juan Echo (PW: GA), Pertinax (PW: GR), and MOD (PW: VR)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Servo »

Need a few days, so let's invoke the right of self-trackerization effective last night (10/4) through one week from today (10/12).

This affects the following:
- Rufus (Templar)
- Barricade (HU:CS)
- Chef Icky (PW: Galactic Adventurers)
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John Altfeld
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by John Altfeld »

Going to Ireland, so putting myself into the tracker until October 22.

This affects:
Susan Lee
John Altfeld
Definitely Not a God. Yet.
P.P.E.: 16/16
H.P./M.D.C.: 148/148
Pebble M.D.C.: 300/300
Growth M.D.C.: +15/+150/+525/+1,290/15/150/510/1,290
Important Combat Stats
Number of Attacks: 10
Initiative Bonus: +13
Strike Bonus: +8 (+8/+8/+10/+10)
Parry Bonus: +12(+12/+12/+14/+14) +2 with sword/staff
Dodge Bonus: +17 (+19/+19/+15/+15)
Auto-Dodge Bonus: +5 (+5/+5/+1/+1)
Bonus to Disarm: +3
Supernatural Strength Punch Damage: 3d6(5d6)+12/5d6(6d6)+12/1d6x10+22(+32)/1d6x10+72(+82)
Juicer Football Body Block/Tackle: Knocks one's opponent to the ground (90% chance if target is smaller than attacker, 60% if the same weight, 50% if target is up to 50% larger, 20% if 100% larger, no chance if target is over 100% larger).
Immunities and Damage Reduction
Immune to:
• Cold
• Radiation
• Suffocation (can breathe without air)
• Depressurization
• Ocean depths/pressure (unlimited)
• Vampire bite/can't be turned undead
• Blindness and Darkness (except in smoke/sandstorm/fog that fouls Radar power)
• Fatigue (Never tires)
• Small bits of flying debris

Reduced Damage From:
• Magic Cold - Half Damage
• Heat/Fire - Half Damage
• Poison/Toxins/Drugs - Duration, penalties and symptoms are 1/3 normal
Enhanced Sight Effects
• Radar 1100'
• See the invisible
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Brute »

My kid is sick, and We've got an upcoming out-of-state trip next week, so I'm putting myself in the tracker until Monday October 17.

This affects:

For Rogue Trader, I will endeavor to get XP done for Galactic Rogues and get the GM poll posted.
OOC Comments
Normal Form
AR: 0
HP: 45/45
SDC: 186/186

Monstrous Form
AR: 13
HP: 40/40
SDC: 821/846

Motion detector, 20’ radius range
Predator’s hearing (+2 Initiative, 8X Normal)

Omega Suit v3.1.7
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Weight: 6 lbs
  • AR: 17
  • *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)

  • Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
  • Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
  • Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
  • Body Camera located in center of chest.
  • Anti-Tamper system
  • Wrist mounted computer - allows real-time tracking of Omega agents in the field
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Dhaltuun Onyxforge »

Hi all,
Due to RL crap, i am putting myself in tracker,. Hopefully only for a week but cant promise
Dhaltuun Onyxforge ... 80&t=16028
OOC Comments
S.D.C.: 64/64
Hit Points: 49/49
P.P.E.: 115/115

Armor Worn: Mage armor
Weapon(s) Carried and Locations: WI-SR15 Sniper Rifle with Kisentite bayonet (slung over left shoulder), NEMA Automag (AMT) Pistol (on CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig), Kisentite Cutlass with silvered basket (strapped to left hip in a scabbard), Nuhr Rune Grappling Hook & Line (Tied to right hip), BigBore "Buccaneer" Breech-Lock Pistol (L-R)/TW Firebolt Pistol (R-L)(on old style baldric)

Current Conditions:

Saving Throws, Bonuses, and other handy information
Coma/Death: +14%
Magic (varies): +4
Lethal Poison (14+): +4
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +4
Insanity (12+): --
Psionic (15+): --
Possession: +2
Horror Factor: +11

Nightvision 300 feet
Sharp vision (doesn’t deteriorate with time)
Augmented P.S.
Superior endurance (fatigues at 1/4 normal rate)
Max. Encumbrance: 108 lbs
Max. Carrying Weight: 460 lbs
Max. Lifting Weight: 920 lbs
Max. Jumping Ability: Leap 5' long X 4' ft high
Swimming: can swim 69 yards/meters per round for 88 rounds

Special Abilities
Dimensional Rift Home
  • Can always find his way home from another dimension.
    Can always dimensional teleport home at the cost of a paltry 75 P.P.E.
    Only applies to himself and his familiar as well as gear carried and not anybody else (a full rift or dimensional portal is necessary to take others with him).
    Uses 1 melee action
    Rifting on same world - 1/2 ppe of dimension rift home
    Limit - must have visited location before or use communication rift
    Will appear on nexus near desired location (or stone pyramid)
    Can even use on ley line to move along it or jump to a nearby ley line
Sense Rifts
  • Range - within 90 miles +20 miles per level
    Will detect new rift if it opens along the line I am on, regardless of distance (will know where rift is as well as size)
    Can detect teleports and other dimension disturbances at 45 miles +10 miles per level
    He will also instantly know what general direction the rift is located and whether the rift is big or small.
    Note: This sensing ability specifically relates to dimensional portals/rifts and not ley nexuses and ley lines.
Dimension Sense - 49% (+5%)
  • Concentrate for 1d6+2 mins to know: type of dimension, if it supports human life, its magic Level, how it was created, if it will close soon, its frequency of opening, any dimensional monsters nearby or in portal (-10% skill), plus unusual characteristics, just by reading portal or meditating after stepping thru
    See O.C.C. description for further details
Dimensional Travel
[/list]Cost: 125 P.P.E. for familiar and caster / +25 P.P.E. per person / remains open for 1 min
When targeting a random dimension - can open anywhere / drawn to locations rich in P.P.E.
When targeting home dimension - 100% random location appearance
When targeting dimensions visited - will appear in random, but hospitable location
Can use Re-Open Gateway or Dimensional portal at 1/2 P.P.E. in ritual / takes 1d6x10+15 min / open for 1 min per level (4th lvl = 4 mins), close it at will, manipulate size at will (max 10 ft tall x 10 ft wide per level)(4th Lvl = 40 ft tall x 40 ft wide)[/list]

Communication Rift
  • P.P.E.: on or within 1/2 mile of nexus - 50 P.P.E. / on or within 1/2 mile of ley line - 100 P.P.E. / anywhere else away from ley line - 200 P.P.E.
    Duration: 1 min per level (4th = 4 mins)
    Success ratio 34% +5% if done as ritual gives +20% success
    Time to open: 1d4 rds / as ritual: takes 1d6x10+15 min
    If fail but within 20% will contact correct location but not necessarily the right target
    Send familiar - must return in time or trapped until a portal can be opened (x1 per 24 hrs)
Familiar Link
  • Linked to – Marcella the Osprey (monsters and animals pg 158-159)
    Mentally and physically linked with familiar
    Familiar is linked to the shifter and obeys his every command, verbal and mental.
    If the familiar is killed, the shifter will permanently lose 10 hit points; see description for full consequences.
  • Battle of wills - roll above my MA +ME bonus; 3 out of 5x (if fail is subservient)
    If save - roll init....if I win close rift / if fail creature appears and might attack
    If beat creature - use pact
    If lose to creature - the shifter might be attacked or the being escapes
    Max # of Minions: 2 lesser (4 sub demons) - sub demons or imp-like minor being, poltergeists or haunting entity = 1 lesser/2 lesser beings = 1 greater
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Nathan Cooper
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Nathan Cooper »

Hi everyone,

I'm going to be putting myself in the tracker as I'm starting a new job and the onboarding is going to be a bit hectic. I'm going to say until the 5th of November. Sorry about the inconvenience.

Characters affected:

Jack O'Connell
Josh Murphy
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Amber Dach
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Amber Dach »

I am away on vacation from October 27 to November 16 and will be unavailable to post between those dates.

This affects the following:
- Amber Dach
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Servo »

Got to prep for an upcoming con (unfortunately, same weekend as EUcon) so won't be able to focus much on my intrepid trio of characters until I'm on the other side of it... so pulling a CYA and sticking my butt in the tracker until Monday 11/14.

This affects the following:
- Rufus (Templar)
- Barricade (HU:CS)
- Chef Icky (PW: Galactic Adventurers)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Brute »

Life and everything related to it is chaos right now, and sucks hard. Gotta put myself in the tracker.

I don't know at this point how or when shit is going to resolve but optimistically Im giving myself a return date of Dec. 1.

This affects
And any duties that might pop up for Rogue Trader.

Sorry y'all.
Last edited by Brute on Tue Dec 06, 2022 6:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
OOC Comments
Normal Form
AR: 0
HP: 45/45
SDC: 186/186

Monstrous Form
AR: 13
HP: 40/40
SDC: 821/846

Motion detector, 20’ radius range
Predator’s hearing (+2 Initiative, 8X Normal)

Omega Suit v3.1.7
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Weight: 6 lbs
  • AR: 17
  • *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)

  • Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
  • Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
  • Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
  • Body Camera located in center of chest.
  • Anti-Tamper system
  • Wrist mounted computer - allows real-time tracking of Omega agents in the field
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Dhaltuun Onyxforge
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Dhaltuun Onyxforge »

I am in tracker as of today for a day or two... got called in to work for an emergency. This affects dhaltuun (Templars) and Ramsis (PF)
Dhaltuun Onyxforge ... 80&t=16028
OOC Comments
S.D.C.: 64/64
Hit Points: 49/49
P.P.E.: 115/115

Armor Worn: Mage armor
Weapon(s) Carried and Locations: WI-SR15 Sniper Rifle with Kisentite bayonet (slung over left shoulder), NEMA Automag (AMT) Pistol (on CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig), Kisentite Cutlass with silvered basket (strapped to left hip in a scabbard), Nuhr Rune Grappling Hook & Line (Tied to right hip), BigBore "Buccaneer" Breech-Lock Pistol (L-R)/TW Firebolt Pistol (R-L)(on old style baldric)

Current Conditions:

Saving Throws, Bonuses, and other handy information
Coma/Death: +14%
Magic (varies): +4
Lethal Poison (14+): +4
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +4
Insanity (12+): --
Psionic (15+): --
Possession: +2
Horror Factor: +11

Nightvision 300 feet
Sharp vision (doesn’t deteriorate with time)
Augmented P.S.
Superior endurance (fatigues at 1/4 normal rate)
Max. Encumbrance: 108 lbs
Max. Carrying Weight: 460 lbs
Max. Lifting Weight: 920 lbs
Max. Jumping Ability: Leap 5' long X 4' ft high
Swimming: can swim 69 yards/meters per round for 88 rounds

Special Abilities
Dimensional Rift Home
  • Can always find his way home from another dimension.
    Can always dimensional teleport home at the cost of a paltry 75 P.P.E.
    Only applies to himself and his familiar as well as gear carried and not anybody else (a full rift or dimensional portal is necessary to take others with him).
    Uses 1 melee action
    Rifting on same world - 1/2 ppe of dimension rift home
    Limit - must have visited location before or use communication rift
    Will appear on nexus near desired location (or stone pyramid)
    Can even use on ley line to move along it or jump to a nearby ley line
Sense Rifts
  • Range - within 90 miles +20 miles per level
    Will detect new rift if it opens along the line I am on, regardless of distance (will know where rift is as well as size)
    Can detect teleports and other dimension disturbances at 45 miles +10 miles per level
    He will also instantly know what general direction the rift is located and whether the rift is big or small.
    Note: This sensing ability specifically relates to dimensional portals/rifts and not ley nexuses and ley lines.
Dimension Sense - 49% (+5%)
  • Concentrate for 1d6+2 mins to know: type of dimension, if it supports human life, its magic Level, how it was created, if it will close soon, its frequency of opening, any dimensional monsters nearby or in portal (-10% skill), plus unusual characteristics, just by reading portal or meditating after stepping thru
    See O.C.C. description for further details
Dimensional Travel
[/list]Cost: 125 P.P.E. for familiar and caster / +25 P.P.E. per person / remains open for 1 min
When targeting a random dimension - can open anywhere / drawn to locations rich in P.P.E.
When targeting home dimension - 100% random location appearance
When targeting dimensions visited - will appear in random, but hospitable location
Can use Re-Open Gateway or Dimensional portal at 1/2 P.P.E. in ritual / takes 1d6x10+15 min / open for 1 min per level (4th lvl = 4 mins), close it at will, manipulate size at will (max 10 ft tall x 10 ft wide per level)(4th Lvl = 40 ft tall x 40 ft wide)[/list]

Communication Rift
  • P.P.E.: on or within 1/2 mile of nexus - 50 P.P.E. / on or within 1/2 mile of ley line - 100 P.P.E. / anywhere else away from ley line - 200 P.P.E.
    Duration: 1 min per level (4th = 4 mins)
    Success ratio 34% +5% if done as ritual gives +20% success
    Time to open: 1d4 rds / as ritual: takes 1d6x10+15 min
    If fail but within 20% will contact correct location but not necessarily the right target
    Send familiar - must return in time or trapped until a portal can be opened (x1 per 24 hrs)
Familiar Link
  • Linked to – Marcella the Osprey (monsters and animals pg 158-159)
    Mentally and physically linked with familiar
    Familiar is linked to the shifter and obeys his every command, verbal and mental.
    If the familiar is killed, the shifter will permanently lose 10 hit points; see description for full consequences.
  • Battle of wills - roll above my MA +ME bonus; 3 out of 5x (if fail is subservient)
    If save - roll init....if I win close rift / if fail creature appears and might attack
    If beat creature - use pact
    If lose to creature - the shifter might be attacked or the being escapes
    Max # of Minions: 2 lesser (4 sub demons) - sub demons or imp-like minor being, poltergeists or haunting entity = 1 lesser/2 lesser beings = 1 greater
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Mierin »

RL is very hectic atm, so my post rate will be slower than usual until the end of Nov.

This affects:
Mierin (Spook Squad)
Brianna Clarke (UPS)
"Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?" House
"Heartless it may be, but headless it ain't. I've never claimed to be nice, just to be sensible." - Lords and Ladies

Stats & Stuff
ISP: 35/35
HP: 57/57
SDC: 96/96

Constant Effects
Sixth Sense (2)

Weapon in hand: JA-12 Rifle 10/10 shots (standard e-clip) 30/30 (long e-clip); 4D6 MD (single shot), 1D6x10+10 MD (burst) or 3D6 MD (grenade)

NE-BA-26 Armor w/Installed Naruni Super-Heavy Forcefield (FF activated)
Helmet--50/50, Arms--40/40, Legs--50/50, Main Body--900/900
Force Field: 160/160
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Dhaltuun Onyxforge »

hi all, i apologize for another trip to the tracker. I just moved and my new landlord gave me a job oppurtunity. I just found on monday that i work on tuesday. i will try for a post, but not sure what condition i will be in. This is a heads up for Templars and PF.

This will affectr Dhaltuun and Ramsis
Dhaltuun Onyxforge ... 80&t=16028
OOC Comments
S.D.C.: 64/64
Hit Points: 49/49
P.P.E.: 115/115

Armor Worn: Mage armor
Weapon(s) Carried and Locations: WI-SR15 Sniper Rifle with Kisentite bayonet (slung over left shoulder), NEMA Automag (AMT) Pistol (on CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig), Kisentite Cutlass with silvered basket (strapped to left hip in a scabbard), Nuhr Rune Grappling Hook & Line (Tied to right hip), BigBore "Buccaneer" Breech-Lock Pistol (L-R)/TW Firebolt Pistol (R-L)(on old style baldric)

Current Conditions:

Saving Throws, Bonuses, and other handy information
Coma/Death: +14%
Magic (varies): +4
Lethal Poison (14+): +4
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +4
Insanity (12+): --
Psionic (15+): --
Possession: +2
Horror Factor: +11

Nightvision 300 feet
Sharp vision (doesn’t deteriorate with time)
Augmented P.S.
Superior endurance (fatigues at 1/4 normal rate)
Max. Encumbrance: 108 lbs
Max. Carrying Weight: 460 lbs
Max. Lifting Weight: 920 lbs
Max. Jumping Ability: Leap 5' long X 4' ft high
Swimming: can swim 69 yards/meters per round for 88 rounds

Special Abilities
Dimensional Rift Home
  • Can always find his way home from another dimension.
    Can always dimensional teleport home at the cost of a paltry 75 P.P.E.
    Only applies to himself and his familiar as well as gear carried and not anybody else (a full rift or dimensional portal is necessary to take others with him).
    Uses 1 melee action
    Rifting on same world - 1/2 ppe of dimension rift home
    Limit - must have visited location before or use communication rift
    Will appear on nexus near desired location (or stone pyramid)
    Can even use on ley line to move along it or jump to a nearby ley line
Sense Rifts
  • Range - within 90 miles +20 miles per level
    Will detect new rift if it opens along the line I am on, regardless of distance (will know where rift is as well as size)
    Can detect teleports and other dimension disturbances at 45 miles +10 miles per level
    He will also instantly know what general direction the rift is located and whether the rift is big or small.
    Note: This sensing ability specifically relates to dimensional portals/rifts and not ley nexuses and ley lines.
Dimension Sense - 49% (+5%)
  • Concentrate for 1d6+2 mins to know: type of dimension, if it supports human life, its magic Level, how it was created, if it will close soon, its frequency of opening, any dimensional monsters nearby or in portal (-10% skill), plus unusual characteristics, just by reading portal or meditating after stepping thru
    See O.C.C. description for further details
Dimensional Travel
[/list]Cost: 125 P.P.E. for familiar and caster / +25 P.P.E. per person / remains open for 1 min
When targeting a random dimension - can open anywhere / drawn to locations rich in P.P.E.
When targeting home dimension - 100% random location appearance
When targeting dimensions visited - will appear in random, but hospitable location
Can use Re-Open Gateway or Dimensional portal at 1/2 P.P.E. in ritual / takes 1d6x10+15 min / open for 1 min per level (4th lvl = 4 mins), close it at will, manipulate size at will (max 10 ft tall x 10 ft wide per level)(4th Lvl = 40 ft tall x 40 ft wide)[/list]

Communication Rift
  • P.P.E.: on or within 1/2 mile of nexus - 50 P.P.E. / on or within 1/2 mile of ley line - 100 P.P.E. / anywhere else away from ley line - 200 P.P.E.
    Duration: 1 min per level (4th = 4 mins)
    Success ratio 34% +5% if done as ritual gives +20% success
    Time to open: 1d4 rds / as ritual: takes 1d6x10+15 min
    If fail but within 20% will contact correct location but not necessarily the right target
    Send familiar - must return in time or trapped until a portal can be opened (x1 per 24 hrs)
Familiar Link
  • Linked to – Marcella the Osprey (monsters and animals pg 158-159)
    Mentally and physically linked with familiar
    Familiar is linked to the shifter and obeys his every command, verbal and mental.
    If the familiar is killed, the shifter will permanently lose 10 hit points; see description for full consequences.
  • Battle of wills - roll above my MA +ME bonus; 3 out of 5x (if fail is subservient)
    If save - roll init....if I win close rift / if fail creature appears and might attack
    If beat creature - use pact
    If lose to creature - the shifter might be attacked or the being escapes
    Max # of Minions: 2 lesser (4 sub demons) - sub demons or imp-like minor being, poltergeists or haunting entity = 1 lesser/2 lesser beings = 1 greater
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by SNAFU »

I will be posting slow (and have been). Picked up a second job as did my wife. It's been a challenge. Apologies to my players and thank you for bearing with me. Still trying to figure out a good schedule.

This affects
Ecks in UPS.
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Draggor »

I will be out from Nov 29 thru Dec 6. Con time!
Draggor | Ledger
M.D.C.: 1,866 / 1,866
P.P.E.: 89 / 89

The Cast:
The Hero, The Exile, The Merc, The Lustful, OG Violence, Argent Warrior, The Lost One

Events of Note
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Sum of All Fears »

I'm making this post to place myself in the tracker until 3 Jan 2023. Work has become my primary focus and my travel for work has increased.

I should have posted this earlier, but was unable to work constraints.

This effects the following accounts:

Kieko (H4H)
Wolf Whitaker (Roughnecks)
Nyx Tempest (PW:CW)
BattleTech DM / Chaos Earth DM / Megaversal Arena Coordinator

"Any problem can be solved with the judicious application of high explosives."

Other Accounts: Wolf Whitaker (Roughnecks); Keiko (H4H); Zephyr Stormbow (PF); Lynch (Spooks)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Bryke »

I can't post until Thursday. I have finals.

This affects:

Bryke (PhaseWorld)
Qwintius (CAF)
OOC Comments
Natural Abilities
Doesn't breathe air and are immune to radiation and normal heat, fire, cold, gases and disease. Can see in total darkness and have eagle-like normal vision.
Phased bodies: Prometheans are in a permanent state of “phase.” Damage from any M.D. source becomes S.D.C. and any damage from an S.D.C. source is halved.
Phased Teleportation: Prometheans can “step out of phase” and travel at incredible speeds in an intangible state. Concentration takes one melee round and is the only action that can be performed during that round. Range: One mile per level of experience. Chance of Success: 50% +4%/lvl| 83%
Sense Dimensional Anomalies: Can automatically detect rifts, dimensional envelopes and pockets, fourth-dimensional and Two-dimensional beings, astral travelers and the invisible energy essence of alien-intelligence's and entities. Range: One mile (1.6) or line of sight, whichever is less.
Ley Line Phasing: Equal to the ley line walker ability.

PPE: 233/302
ISP: 119/185
SDC: 634/634 (All damage from MD sources converted to SDC)
HP: 186/186



I am telecommunicating
I am speaking Trade 4
I am thinking


Call Names/Nicknames:
Bryke, Wraith
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Brute »

Brute wrote: Fri Oct 28, 2022 4:16 am Life and everything related to it is chaos right now, and sucks hard. Gotta put myself in the tracker.

I don't know at this point how or when shit is going to resolve but optimistically Im giving myself a return date of Dec. 1.

This affects
And any duties that might pop up for Rogue Trader.

Sorry y'all.
Extending to Jan 3.
OOC Comments
Normal Form
AR: 0
HP: 45/45
SDC: 186/186

Monstrous Form
AR: 13
HP: 40/40
SDC: 821/846

Motion detector, 20’ radius range
Predator’s hearing (+2 Initiative, 8X Normal)

Omega Suit v3.1.7
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Weight: 6 lbs
  • AR: 17
  • *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)

  • Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
  • Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
  • Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
  • Body Camera located in center of chest.
  • Anti-Tamper system
  • Wrist mounted computer - allows real-time tracking of Omega agents in the field
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