Google Hangout: pwiebens
Character Name: Grant Latham
Race: Human
Alignment: Unprincipled
O.C.C.: Ley Line Rifter
XP Level: 5 (Frozen)
XP Points: 26,011 Frozen (2Oct2016--Zoe)
Next Level 6 @ XP: 25,920 (RUE p 295)
O.C.C.: Lord Magi
Apprenticeship XP Points: 4,601 (COMPLETE! 07Feb2017 - Zoe)
Apprenticeship Completion @ XP: 4,601 (FOM p 160)
XP Level: 11
XP Points: 156,127 [UG 01OCT24]
Next Level 12 @ XP: 193,201 (FOM p 160)
Sentiments/Non-Humans: As long as they pay on time, they are okay.
Sentiments/Coalition: Demand full payment prior to accepting any jobs.
Disposition: Generally happy go lucky. Don't let them see you sweat.
- Obsession: Cleanliness - Hates feeling sticky, loves the tingly feeling of being on a ley line. Will cast Cleanse multiple times a day if possible. May use it on others if he thinks they may be "unclean."
Obsession: Ley Lines/Dimensional Travel - Since his youth he has always found ley lines a place of comfort. When a ley line storm comes and everyone runs for cover, he wants to cast Ley Line Storm Defense and hang out and watch the show. Talks to the ley lines out loud. Unless he actively senses danger on the other side, or a threat coming out, will want to step through a Rift if time allows, just to look around.
I.Q.: 28
M.E.: 15
M.A.: 20
P.S.: 15
P.P.: 14
P.E.: 22
P.B.: 14
Speed: 32
P.P.E.: 710 +3d6x2 / Level (Max: 2130 for 22 min)
I.S.P.: 98 +1d6+1 / Level
H.P.: 78 +1d6 / Level
S.D.C.: 23
M.D.C.: 101
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Description: Just over average height, dirty blond hair and green eyes. Typically wears long sleeve button-up shirts with the sleeves folded, denim pants, and steel-toed work boots.
Natural Abilities
Perception: 81% (+3%)
Old Perception Bonus: +7 +1 @ 13
Charm/Impress: 15%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 60%
Skill Bonus: +14%
Spells, psionic attacks, drugs, and disease that cause confusion, dizziness, or dull the senses are half as effective (penalties and duration)
Fatigues at half normal rate
Hold Breath up to 3 minutes
Max. Encumbrance: 54 lbs.
Max. Carrying Weight: 140 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 280 lbs.
Max. Jumping Ability: 7' long, 3,5' high
Special Abilities
Turn Invisible at will (Simple)
Regenerate 2d6 H.P./S.D.C. per minute
One Additional Spell Action per round
Half Damage from magic heat and fire
Half Damage from magical cold
Double range of all spells
Double P.P.E.
Becomes a minor mega-damage creature: Hit Points and S.D.C. convert to M.D.C. (Silver and 90% pure iron weapons inflict their S.D.C. equivalent damage in M.D.C. Rune weapons and holy weapons do double damage. Suffers double damage from Ley Line Storms
See the Invisible including spirits and Astral Being
Sense Ley Line and Magic Energy (Unfrozen at 6th Level LM)
--Sense Ley Line: 94% (+5%) | 110 miles (+10 miles / Level)
--Sense Ley Line Nexus: 104% (+5%)
--Sense a Rift: Automatic | 160 miles (+10 miles / Level)
--Sense Magic in Use: 1100' (+100' / Level)
--See Magic Energy: Line of sight about 1000' | -1 APM to use in combat
Read Ley Lines (Frozen)
Ley Line Transmission: 5 people (Frozen)
Ley Line Phasing: 26 per Day (+2 / Level | 4 max per hour) (Unfrozen at 6th Level LM)
Ley Line Walking/Drifting (Frozen)
Ley Line Rejuvenation 20 H.P. and 20 S.D.C., +1D6 H.P. and +2D6 S.D.C. per Level (Unfrozen at 6th Level LM)
Ley Line Observation Ball 5 M.D.C. Range: 2500' away, Speed: Up to 44 Bonus: +3 Dodge (Frozen)
PPE Recovery: 7 per hour sleep or rest / 15 per hour meditation and is equal to an hour of sleep
Teleportation Hitchhiking: 20 P.P.E. 180' (Frozen)
Empathy (4) (RUE p. 172)
Mask P.P.E. (4) (RUE p. 174)
Mind Block (4) (RUE p. 174)
Object Read (6) (RUE p. 174)
- Impressions: 90% (+2%)
Images: 82% (+2%)
Present 72% (+2%)
Remote Viewing (10) (RUE p. 176)
Telepathy (4) (RUE p. 177)
Total Recall (2) (RUE p. 177)
Language: Dragonese/Elf -- 96%
Language: Demongogian -- 96%
Climbing/Rappelling -- 77/67%
Pilot: Hovercraft -- 89%
Wilderness Survival -- 74%
O.C.C. Skills - Lord Magi
Language: American -- 155% (+1%)
Literacy: American -- 154% (+5%)
Language: Spanish -- 114% (+3%)
Literacy: Spanish -- 114% (+5%)
Language: Japanese-- 114% (+3%)
Literacy: Japanese -- 114% (+5%)
Computer Operation -- 129% (+5%)
Find Contraband -- 105% (+4%) [Learned @ LLR 3rd level]
History: Pre Rifts -- 93/81% (+4%)
History: Post Apocalypse -- 100/95% (+4%)
Interrogation -- 104% (+5%)
Land Navigation -- 114% (+4%)
Law -- 109% (+5%)
Lore: American Indian -- 109% (+5%)
Lore: Cattle and Animals -- 114% (+5%)
Lore: D-Bee -- 134% (+5%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters -- North America -- 139% (+5%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters -- Europe -- 139% (+5%)
Lore: Dimensions -- 94% (+5%)
Lore: Faeries & Creatures of Magic -- 134% (+5%)
Lore: Geomancy & Ley Lines -- 109% (+5%)
Lore: Juicers -- 114% (+5%)
Lore: Psychics & Psionics -- 109% (+5%)
Lore: Magic -- General Knowledge 134% (+5%) Recognize Magic Circles, Runes, Etc. -- 124% (+5%) Enchantment -- 104% (+4%) Identify Magic Item: 104% (+5%)
Lore: Religion -- 109%
Lore: Vampires -- 104% (+5%)
Math: Advanced -- 129% (+5%)
Math: Basic -- 159% (+5%)
Streetwise -- 104% (+4%)
W.P. Sword -- +4 Strike, +4 Parry, +2 Thrown (+1 to strike @ 12, and 15. +1 to parry @ 13. +1 to strike when thrown @ 12; not designed for throwing.)
W.P. Staff -- +4 Strike, +2 Thrown, +3 Parry (+1 to strike @ 13. +1 to parry @ 11, and 14. +1 to strike when thrown @ 15; not designed for throwing.)
Hand to Hand: Basic (Replaced with Tai-Jutsu/Ninjutsu)
O.C.C. Related Skills - Frozen Ley Line Rifter
Appraise Goods (Professional) -- 83%
- Specialization: Magic Items
Radio Basic -- 79%
Research -- 79%
O.C.C. Related Skills - Lord Magi(+1 skill @ 12)
Anthropology -- 59% (+5%) [Learned @LM 9th Level]
Pilot Robots and Power Armor -- 105% (+3%)
Mecha Combat Elite: Ground-Based Power Armor (Warlock Combat Armor)
Weapon Systems -- 104% (+5%) [Learned @LM 3rd Level]
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons +4 Strike (+1 to Strike 13.[Learned @LM 6th Level]
Secondary Skills(+2 skill @ 12)
Athletics General
Barter -- 56% (+4%) [Learned @LM 9th Level]
Cooking -- 99% (+5%) [Learned @LLR 4th Level]
Gemology -- 79% (+5%) Learned @LM 3rd Level
Horsemanship: Exotic Animals 69%/59% (+5%) Learned @LM 6th Level
Navigation -- 121% (+5%)
Sensory Equipment -- 109% (+5%)
Wardrobe and Grooming -- 70% (+4%) Learned @LM 6th Level
Whittling & Sculpture -- 84% (+5%) Learned @LM 3rd Level
W.P. Energy Pistol -- +6 Strike +1 @ 13, 15
W.P. Energy Rifle -- +1 Strike +1 to strike @ 12, 14, 8, 16, 18, and 20 Learned @LM 9th Level[/size]
W.P. Sub-Machine Gun -- +4 Strike +1 @ 12, 15
E.P. Purchased Skills
HTH Ninjitsu/Tai-Jutsu (15th Level)
Pilot: Tanks & APCs 54% (+4%) (Learned at @ LM 10th Level)
Combat Data
HTH Type: Ninjitsu/Tai-Jutsu
Number of Attacks: 10 (11 with Magic)
Initiative Bonus: +6
Strike Bonus: +4 (+8 w/Back Flips/Cartwheel)
Parry Bonus: +4
Dodge Bonus: +2
HTH Damage Bonus: +6
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +3
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +7
Bonus to Disarm: +1
Maintain Balance: +2
- Back Flip (Attack w- Axe/Snap/Backhand, Defensive, Escape)
Body Block/Tackle: 1d4 S.D.C.
Body Flip/Throw: 1d6 S.D.C +Lose Init and 1 melee attack
Cartwheel Attack (w- Axe/Wheel/Knife
Hand Attacks: Knife Hand: 2d4 S.D.C., Palm Strike: 2d4 S.D.C.
Holds (Arm, Body, Leg, Neck)
Kick Attacks: Axe Kick: 2d6 S.D.C., Backward Sweep (No Damage - Knock Down + Loss Init and 1 melee attack), Drop Kick (w-Kick/Snap, Crescent), Kick Attack: 2d4 S.D.C., Snap Kick: 1d6 S.D.C., Tripping/Leg Hook (No Damage - Knock Down + Lose Init and 1 melee attack), Round House: 3d6 S.D.C., Jump Kick
Knee and Elbow Strikes: 1d6 S.D.C.
Leap Attack
Paired Weapons
Critical Strike on natural 18-20, or from behind
Death Blow on natural 20
Weapon Proficiencies
Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike Bonus
Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost
W.P. Energy Pistol +6 Strike
W.P. Energy Rifle +1 Strike
W.P. Sub-machine gun +3 Strike
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons +3 Strike
W.P. Sword +4 Strike, +4 Parry, +2 Thrown
W.P. Staff +4 Strike, +4 Parry, +1 Thrown
Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +19%
Magic (varies): +7 (+1 @ 13)
Lethal Poison (14+): +4
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +4
Insanity (12+): +0
Psionics (12+): +0
Horror Factor: +5 (+1 @ 12, 14)
Possession: Impervious
Mind Control: +6 (+1 @ 12, 15)
Curses: +2
Illusions: +2