(rolls carried)
Diomedes can't help but think of the interminable movie marathons that Agent Apizza had subjected him to when Steiblah asked about funding, Greed. Of course, forced to damp down on his more blood thirsty desires, the tricksy, manipulative rakshasa turns towards other vices to tempt people. He needs even less than I to survive strange new worlds. He holds his hand across his mouth to keep from speaking as he watches the interplay between man and demon. Devious, very devious. Separating himself from 'clever' demons. Most likely competition he is worried about.
When Steiblah asks for his help to go to the restroom, Diomedes nods sagaciously, "Too true, your shapeshifting powers are supreme, but demon offal is nasty stuff and can't be disguised. I can see why you would need assistance, but no, I believe you can handle yourself there alone." A smirk crosses as his face as he addresses the others, "But the rest of us should avoid that lavatory for the rest of the day."
Omega Base: Plainsong
Moderators: Game Masters, AGMs
Re: Omega Base: Plainsong
((Rolls carried over))
Does his humor mean that there is a chance he may someday no longer see me as evil incarnate? Or was his joke purely for the sake of wrapping within it an insult?
Steiblah matches the rhythm of Diomedes’ nod before continuing with the “yes-and” improv, ”Your generosity knows no bounds. I will think of you and pray that I will make you proud during the visit. But should you find that my aim was not as sure as your confidence may suggest, I hope you will do me the honor of restoring the sanctity of the lavatory for the sake of the others.”Diomedes wrote: ↑Sat Nov 23, 2024 1:59 pmWhen Steiblah asks for his help to go to the restroom, Diomedes nods sagaciously, "Too true, your shapeshifting powers are supreme, but demon offal is nasty stuff and can't be disguised. I can see why you would need assistance, but no, I believe you can handle yourself there alone." A smirk crosses as his face as he addresses the others, "But the rest of us should avoid that lavatory for the rest of the day."
Does his humor mean that there is a chance he may someday no longer see me as evil incarnate? Or was his joke purely for the sake of wrapping within it an insult?