Mission Notes: Kingmaker

These guys make shady people look good!
GM: Consumer

Moderators: Game Masters, AGMs

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Dimension Master
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Mission Notes: Kingmaker

Post by Consumer »

The Galactic Rogues have had a debt called in, and are tasked with delivering a pretty small package (3'x3'x3') to a contact in a different system. From there the only other task is to listen to the recipients request, acceptance of the proffered job is not required to fulfill the debt.

The Galactic Rogues having delivered the package, now listen to Vin attempt to hire them to kill a local system criminal kingpin.

Notable equipment/items
  • Data Disk with location information and a basic profile of the recipient. With a meeting location.
  • Section M; Level 98; Keratos Imports LLC.
Dramatis Persona
  • Vin Meric (Recipient of package, also person the Rogues are requested to here out.)
  • Don Simvas Formin (Head of the Albrect Crime Family; potential assassination target.)
  • Dextros System (CCW controlled system; Gateway System on outward trips to Anvil Galaxy)
    • Consists of 3
      Inhospitable, used for mining operations and occasional research bases
      , 3 Asteroid
      Many mining operations and pirate bases
      , and a Galaxy-Class Space
      Seat of local government
      , orbiting a small red dwarf sun.
    • Maybe a dozen major settlements scattered through the system.
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