Group Catch-All Thread

True Grit: Only the crustiest mercs can do the crustiest work.
GM: Tyrannosapiens Rex
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Group Catch-All Thread

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This thread is used to keep track of things that you do not want to delete. Unlike the OOC thread, which is deleted periodically, this thread is intended to keep things around. This is NOT an active OOC chat forum.

Table of Contents:
  1. Group Structure and Charter
  2. Group Equipment
  3. Group Base
  4. Garage & Workshop
  5. Group Notable Contacts and NPC's
  6. Group XP Thread
  7. Group's Tinkerers Thread
  8. Team History
  9. Related House Rules
  10. William Summers' Room
  11. Wolf's Room
  12. John's Room
  13. Jack's Room
  14. Decision Gear
  15. Venenifer's Room
  16. Nash's Room
  17. Serrano's Room
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Archive Account
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Re: Roughnecks: Group Equipment

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Roughnecks: Group Equipment

Group Fund at MercTown State Bank

5 Ammo Belts (AP)
5 Belts (Shredder)
5 Belts (Monster Tracker)
5 Belts (Silver, Shredder)
5 Ammo Drums (C-40R)
3 Ammo Drums (C-40R, silver)
2 Ammo Drums (QST-104)
2 Ammo Drums (QST-104, silver)
2 Ammo Drums (NG-1001)
(5) Heavy Fusion Blocks
(6) WI-40 Super-Heavy Fire and Forget Missile Launchers
(21) High Explosive Grenades
(10) Blasting Caps
(41) Plasma Grenades (Wak has taken all 41)
(58) AP mini-missiles
(43) E-Clips
(70) LE-Clips
(100) NG-NM4 Claymore
(100) Silver NG-NM4 Claymore
(202) Plasma mini-missiles

2 x TW Water Cannon - Arzno, pg. 77-78

2x TW Water Rifle - Arzno, pg. 76-77

3x Metal or Ceramic MDC Full·Size "Motorized" Water Rifle - Vampire Kingdoms pg. 104

5x Additional 1 Gallon MDC Hip Water Tanks - Vampire Kingdoms pg. 104

1x Vehicle Mounted MDC Water Cannon - Vampire Kingdoms pg. 105

Case of Scotch
"Special" Map of the Cumberland River from MercTown to Knoxville - MercTown pg. 60

Universal Anti-Toxin (UAT): This is a wide-spectrum antidote that will work against 100,000 known poisons, venoms and toxins. Its components are mutable chemicals that will shift at the molecular level to neutralize harmful toxic elements. This gives the patient a +10 bonus to saves against poison. The UAT will not heal damage already done by the poison, however.

Code: Select all

[b]Universal Anti-Toxin (UAT):[/b] This is a wide-spectrum antidote that will work against 100,000 known poisons, venoms and toxins. Its components are mutable chemicals that will shift at the molecular level to neutralize harmful toxic elements. This gives the patient a +10 bonus to saves against poison. The UAT will not heal damage already done by the poison, however.

TW Food & Water Purifier x2
TW Animal Repellent

Water Well
TW Item
  • A water pump and attached catch basin
  • M.D.C.: 60
TW Characteristics:
  • TW Functions: Creates fresh, drinkable water, up to 10 gallons (37.8 liters) per activation.
  • Activation Cost: 10 P.P.E. or 20 I.S.P.
  • P.P.E. Construction Cost: 220
  • Spell Chains Needed: Energy Bolt (5) and Create Water (15)
  • Physical Requirements: A manually operated water pump with a tripod stand, an integrated catch basin, and 6 large aquamarine crystals worth at least 2,000 credits each.
  • Duration of Charge: Immediate results
  • Book Reference: p.99, WB26

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[b]Water Well[/b]
[size=85][i]TW Item[/i][list]A water pump and attached catch basin[*]M.D.C.: 60[/list][u]TW Characteristics:[/u]
[list][*]TW Functions: Creates fresh, drinkable water, up to 10 gallons (37.8 liters) per activation.
[*]Activation Cost: 10 P.P.E. or 20 I.S.P.
[*]P.P.E. Construction Cost: 220
[*]Spell Chains Needed: Energy Bolt (5) and Create Water (15)
[*]Physical Requirements: A manually operated water pump with a tripod stand, an integrated catch basin, and 6 large aquamarine crystals worth at least 2,000 credits each.
[*]Duration of Charge: Immediate results
[*]Book Reference: p.99, WB26[/list][/size]

S.D.C. wooden stake: 3D6+1 (x2 damage to vampires), max range of 600'

Code: Select all

S.D.C. wooden stake: 3D6+1 (x2 damage to vampires), max range of 600'

60 feet of extra 'thin' hose
24 feet of extra "thick' hose

9000 wood railgun rounds
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Re: Roughnecks: Group Base

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Roughnecks Operational Compound

  1. Ash
  2. John
  3. Will
  4. Jack
  5. Wolf
  6. Nash
  7. Serrano
  8. Ven's Space
  9. CO/XO's Office
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Re: Roughnecks: Group Vehicle

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Garage & Workshop

NE-ATRV3 Pathfinder All-Terrain RV
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Rear Personnel Hatches (2, 1 on each side): 100 each
  • Cargo Bay Doors &- Ramp (2 forward, 1 on each side): 180
  • *Top Mounted Large Searchlights (2 pair): 50 each
  • *Forward Headlights (2): 12 each
  • *Forward Bank of Infrared Searchlights (nose): 60
  • Observation Deck (top, middle): 200
  • Reinforced Pilot's Compartment: 120
  • Reinforced Passengers' Sleeping Compartments (12): 80 each
  • *Hover Jets (4 fore, 4 aft): 100 each
  • Main Body: 432
  • N-F40A Heavy Force Field: 220

* Requires a called shot at -1 to strike; destroying each hover jet reduces speed by 10%; if more than 5 are destroyed, it crashes & cannot fly
Statistical Data:
Maximum Speed: 240 mph maximum (132 mph over water), cruising speed is 72 mph
Range: 96 hours of continuous operation before requiring cool-down period
Flying: hover stationary from 3.5' to 80' max altitude
Underwater Capabilities: 40 mph max, 4,000' depth tolerance
Modifiers: None
Crew: 1 pilot, 1 copilot, 1 communications, 6 total in pilot's compartment; plus 24 passengers
Class: Heavy All-Terrain Personnel Hover Carrier
Dimensions: 18' high, 20' wide, 82' long, 21.5 tons
Cargo: 30' storage area, 18 ton capacity
Power System: Nuclear (25 year life)
Weapon Systems:
CR-4T Laser Turret
Cupola-mounted, just behind and accessible from the observation deck; capable of 180° rotation
  • Range: 4400'
  • Damage: 6D6 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: dual blasts only
  • Payload: unlimited

Mini-Missile Box Launcher:
Concealed, top
  • Range: 1 mile
  • Damage: varies by mini-missile type
  • Rate of Fire: 1 at a time or in volleys of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7
  • Payload: 35; automatic reload

WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher
Fixed rear mount, aft, capable of 90° rotation
  • Range: 3,000'
  • Damage:
    • Fragmentary: 4D6 M.D. to a 12' AoE
    • Armor-Piercing: 1D4x10 M.D. to a 3' AoE
    • Burst Fragmentary: 2D6x10 M.D. to a 40' AoE
    • Burst Armor-Piercing: 3D6x10 M.D. to a 8' AoE
  • Rate of Fire: single shots & 10-round bursts only
  • Payload: 200 round belt

Features of Note:
  • All standard features common to robot vehicles (p.273, R:UE)
  • Operator Souped-Up & Armored
  • Integrated N-F40A Heavy Force Field
  • PRC-5 Radio Encryption: attempts to crack the encryption suffer a -35% modifier.
  • Voice Actuated Locking System: The vehicle's access hatch is sealed by an automatic locking system. A six digit spoken code programmed to a specific voice(s) pattern is standard operating procedure. A manual key-pad is provided in case of system failure/override.
    • Book Reference: p.76-77, DB8

Vehicle Diagnostic Computer
This is a hand-held style computer sensor that when connected to a vehicle, robot or power armor suit detects mechanical, electrical and computer problems. Not only will the Diagnostic Computer locate the source of the problem, it provides the user with a holographic schematic of the malfunctioning mechanism along with specifications of the parts that need to be repaired or replaced and the common, recommended procedure to effect the repair. The Vehicle Diagnostic Computer is a valuable tool that quickly identifies problems and greatly speeds up repair time.
  • Weight: 3 lbs.
  • Accuracy: 92% for common Rifts Earth manufactured vehicles; however, accuracy drops to a mere 30% when dealing with alien or extra-dimensional vehicles.
  • Bonus: +10% to appropriate Mechanical skills.

Universal E-Clip Recharger (In the RV)
A nuclear powered, portable generator approximately the size of a suitcase that weighs 15 lbs. There arc eight ports in the unit, each of which can recharge a standard E-Clip in about one hour. It also comes with adapters to enable the device to recharge unusual and alien E-Clips such as those used by Naruni Enterprises and the Kittani. Considering the number of high-tech devices that use E-Clips as a power source, everything from jet packs and Naruni force fields to stealth suits and energy weapons, this is a tremendously valuable piece of equipment. The Universal E-Clip Recharger has an energy life of 12 years and has a power output roughly equal to most suits of power armor.

NOTE: Deck plans are to scale with statistics on the vehicle's dimensions.
Main Deck
Top Deck


Code: Select all

[b]Ex-APT Cargo Trailer Giant Cabin Backpack[/b]
[size=85][u][b]M.D.C. by Location:[/b][/u]
[list][*]* Plexiglas Windows (4): 15 each
[*]Main Body: 300/[color=#FF0000]185[/color][/list]
* Requires a called shot at -4 to strike
[u][b]Statistical Data:[/b][/u]
Speed: None under its own power; it has to be physically carried by a giant or giant robot at least 30' tall
Range: -20% to speed of towing vehicle, -10% to piloting; double modifiers on sand or snow up to 2' deep
Crew: see features
Class: Modified NG Cargo Trailer
Dimensions: 12' long, 12' wide, 20' high, 2-3 tons
Cargo: Can hold up to 3 tons of distributed cargo without damaging the interior features.
Power System: Solar
[u][b]Weapon Systems:[/b][/u]
[u]Features of Note:[/u]
This is a modified APT cargo trailer, redesigned to act as a transportable sleeping/storage unit. Solar panels on the roof power a filtered HVAC system, electrical, and interior lighting. The 1st floor holds 6 combined bunk bed/storage units - 2 on each of 3 walls. The units consist of an enclosed storage cupboard under a bed with sliding doors (allowing privacy) and internal lighting above each bed. The fourth wall holds a reinforced door, a fold-down table, a chest refrigerator/freezer, a two-port electrical outlet, and the one downstairs window. The ceiling has a single 4'X6' trap door above the front door. The 2nd floor consists of a small bedroom with 2 windows, bookcases that wall-off 2 sides to the downstairs trap door, a desk and chair, and 1 wall of floor to ceiling storage space. All storage in the cabin is lockable for travel. On the exterior of the modified trailer, opposite the door, two heavy tension chains are attached, padded in M.D.C. hide, allowing the unit to be carried like a backpack by giant robots and large humanoids. The outside of the building also has MDC dino-hide in strategic locations for the comfort of non-robot carriers.
Book Reference: p.206-207, WB34[/size]
Will's Rides
Wing Board: Turbo
Manufacturer: Tolkeen and others
Class: TW equivalent to the Hover Cycle
Crew: One Pilot
M.D.C. by Location
  • Wings (2): 100 each
  • Nose Fins (3): 30
  • Rear Hover Jets (3): 15
  • Undercarriage Hover Jets (4): 10
  • Main Body: 130

Statistical Data
  • Flight: 120 mph, double when on a ley line.
  • Max altitude is 10,000', double on a ley line. VTOL capable.
  • Activation cost: 5 P.P.E.
  • Must be regularly recharged with 90 P.P.E. every four months. (see BoM, p.336)

Combat Data
Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to dodge, +10% to piloting skill.
O.C.C. Bonuses: With a little training, pilots get the following additional bonuses: +1 on initiative, +2 to dodge, +10 to piloting skill.

"Empress" TW Collapsible Wire Horse
This unique device transforms from a ball of wire to a large animated wire frame horse
  • Wire Ball 5 M.D.C.
  • Wire Horse as per 10th level Phantom Mount and Armor of Ithan spells

  • Wire Ball - 4'' in diameter.
  • Wire Horse - 5' - 7' at the shoulder, depending on rider.
Known Effects:
  • Wire Horse: Same as Phantom Mount, buffed by Armor of Ithan and Supernatural Speed all at 10th level
    • Effect: Transform from wire ball into wire horse
    • Duration: 100 minutes
    • Cost: 30 P.P.E.
  • Climb Sheer Surfaces and Extreme Slopes
    • Effect: The horse can can climb sheer surfaces and even upside down via the spells Climb and Carpet of Adhesion.
    • Duration: constant
    • Cost: included in activation cost.
  • Rider can not be thrown
    • Effect: Localized use of the Carpet of Adhesion
    • Duration: Constant/at will
    • Cost: included in activation cost.
  • P.P.E. Storage: Device can store 60 P.P.E.
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Archive Account
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Re: Roughnecks: Group Noteable Contacts and NPC's

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Roughnecks Notable Contacts and NPC's
Dave, Alien Robot Driver
  • Dave
  • Introduced: In Morogot - Midgut
  • Special Characteristics: A tall thin Robot of Alien origin. Dave appears to have been around for a long time, picking up mannerisms from various owners. Even though he works with the Roughnecks, he is not owned by the Roughnecks and is free to go.
  • Notes: Dave is from an unknown dimension. He has spent time in the three galaxies working as an entrepreneurial courier, but is not native to that dimension. Dave was found inside the body/dimension of Morogot. When under stress, the inflection of the language which he is currently using changes--this reflects the fact that in his existence, he has mastered thousands of languages, and encountered countless linguistic variations of each (dialects).
  • Pertinent Stats: I.Q.: 10; P.S.: 20 (Robotic); SPD: 66 (45mph); Main Body M.D.C.: 120
  • Pertinent Skills: Computer Operation: 90%; Radio: Basic: 80%; Read Sensory Equipment: 70%; Pilot Hover Vehicles: 90%
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Archive Account
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Re: Roughnecks: Group History

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Roughnecks: Team History

The following set of history is compiled together from memory, and talking to several members of the Roughnecks. It is not to be super exact, but provide the basics and details for future team members.
Formation wrote:Baker on a personal mission formed the core team within a MercTown Gang War fire. While sitting in the warrens the gangs of the area ended up in a turf war. One that would bring a small group of warriors together under one roof of the Armored APC of a lone Coalition Chef. In a quick skirmish and dealing with the Greenskins the group heads off to earn money for Mercenary work.

  • Baker Henfield
  • Shane Knight
  • Conner Gunsmith
  • Cale "Knives" Stepanik
Morogot - The Innards wrote:Mission Objective: Rescue a Kidnapped Girl
Mission Pay: 1,000,000 Universal Credits
Status: Contract cancelled due to no-show of Roughnecks

The roughnecks were initially hired by Dr. Hera to rescue a kidnapped girl out west. While on route a dimensional portal sucked the roughnecks into the body of Morogot. A dimensional spanning being unaware of what was going on inside it's body.

The inhospitable atmosphere and corrosive nature of the beast, caused many trials and tribulations. The constant eerie blue glow on the inside of Morogot, was unsettling and caused mass discomfort. Weeks passed, while the crew worked tirelessly to survive, killing demons and monsters. The magic users unable to draw upon PPE from ley lines, were able to pull it from the blood/fluid of Morogot directly.

Eventually the Roughnecks were able to meet with other foreign travelers. Ones who had been stuck within Morogot for a lot longer, and had identified how to survive. The other group initially attacked, and the Roughnecks were able to capture them and their prisoner, Clay "Reaper" Torres. With the help of Reaper and his other dimensional power armor, they battled their way out of the hindgut of Morogot. In the process, losing Heinrich, Khan, and Ramien, not to mention their prisoners.

  • Baker Henfield
  • Shane Knight
  • Conner "Junkyard" Gunsmith
  • Cale "Knives" Stepanik
  • Cai Caradoc
  • Khan
  • Heinrich (KIA)
  • Sebastian Cortez
  • Malachai (MIA - presumed Dead)
  • Ramien Meltides (MIA - presumed Dead)
  • Clay "Reaper" Torres
Odach - The Land of Plant Zombies wrote:Mission Objective: Survive & Get back to Rifts Earth
Mission Pay: Salvage
Status: Success - made it back to Earth

The surviving members of the Roughnecks ended up on another planet in a different dimension. One that had plant people instead of humans. A disease killed the majority of the population, but instead of truly killing them, turned the victims into Zombies.

The Roughnecks set forth to repair Cale's ride, the Chuck Wagon. While the vehicle underwent repairs, the group sent a small task force into the city to see if there were survivors; or at least something useable for the team. While in the city, the group was attacked by Zombies and were rescued by a shifter from Rifts Earth named Shalin who took the Roughnecks back to Earth with him.

  • Baker Henfield
  • Shane Knight
  • Conner "Junkyard" Gunsmith
  • Cale "Knives" Stepanik
  • Cai Caradoc
  • Khan (Retired)
  • Sebastian (Retired)
  • Clay "Reaper" Torres
  • Shalin (Retired)
Troubles in Calgary
Troubles in Calgary wrote:Mission Objective: Investigate the town of Medicine Hat and find out why they have stopped trading with Lethbridge.
Mission Pay: 5,000,000 credits
Status: Double-Cross. It was a trap to lay blame on the Roughnecks for the destruction of the town. A Demon horde killed the town of Medicine Hat, but the Roughnecks were able to defeat the horde, and clear their names.

The Roughnecks gathered back in town. Rearmed and picked up a few more recruits to go on a mission in the great white north. The Roughnecks being tasked to find out what happened in a town called Medicine Hat. It mysteriously stopped trading with the town of Lethbridge.

The Roughnecks quickly took to their new hover APC and found trouble right away. The group rescued a Mage that was captured by necromancers. Instead of demons that most of the Roughnecks have been fighting. These were high powered necromancers that also had elemental minions. This was the first time a successful use of the 'Dreaded Minmei Attack' worked and destroyed an air elemental.

The team continued their journey into the great white north, where they found Medicine Hat burning to the ground. The Roughnecks went out to help, but instead found death and carnage. The bodies of the villagers rose up from the ground, and started shambling all over the place. Due to the Roughnecks recent journey to Odach, some immediately opened fire. The 'Zombies' were not like the ones that the Roughnecks faced before, but were defeated rather quickly. What they did not know until afterwords, that they were being spied on by one of Grisabella's men, recording the massacre of the already dead villagers.

The Roughnecks moved to Bow Island to bring the news, when they found out that they were branded as murderers. With a quick series of negotiations, and a Demon Horde at the gates. The Roughnecks fought valiantly with the defenders of Bow Island and took down Grisabella and her forces. Not before some of the members of the Roughnecks nearly died on the battlefield. Logan lost both arms, much to the Dr. Cai Cardoc's delight. Several members of the Roughnecks had near death experiences, and ended up with post traumatic stress. Then there were the additional mysteries of where to go next, a land of pastel skinned giants with strange technology. A databurst transmission intended for someone in the area. Mystical objects of the Fallen Grisabella and her entourage that scream evil incarnate. Only time will tell with what the Roughnecks would do next.

  • Shane Knight
  • Conner "Junkyard" Gunsmith
  • Cale "Knives" Stepanik
  • Cai Caradoc
  • Clay "Reaper" Torres
  • Logan Sharpe
  • Jacob McCandles (Retired)
  • Kaitlyn Rogers (Retired)
  • Adrienne (Retired)
  • Daphne Ouriana (Retired)
  • Ailith
  • Sir Benjamin Payne
  • William Summers
Lazlo wrote:Mission Objective: Rest, Rearm, Recoup. Also destroy evil artifacts picked up from the defeat of Grisabella
Mission Pay: N/A
Status: Successful

After the defeat of Grisabella, the Roughnecks repaired what they could in Bow Island and headed to Lazlo on a mission personal to Shane. The team needed more intelligence on what they were going up against, and in the process also needed to rearm before tackling another Mercenary team from MercTown.

While in Lazlo, Conner was able to destroy an evil artifact with the help of Lorelei Stark. She befriended the team, and agreed to help on the next mission.

  • Shane Knight
  • Conner "Junkyard" Gunsmith
  • Cale "Knives" Stepanik
  • Cai Caradoc
  • Clay "Reaper" Torres
  • Logan Sharpe
  • Ailith (Retired)
  • Sir Benjamin Payne (Retired)
  • William Summers
  • John Walker
  • Lorelei Stark
Robotech Factory
Robotech Factory wrote:Mission Objective: Verify location of a secret facility, and neutralize opposing mercenary team (Explorers Inc).
Mission Pay: Unspecified - Salvage, was primary income.
Status: Success*

The Roughnecks proceeded to the facility that the other team was at. Quickly they made it into the facility, and realized that it was quite large. Reaper found the facility to be rather similar to technology he has seen before, but was not quite sure. As the team progressed they realized that it was definitely extraterrestrial, and upside down.

As they progressed further into the facility, they found giant robots defending the facility. The team was able to disable the robots, and progress when Reaper identified Inorganics in the mix. With all the clues at Reaper's fingertips, he identified the facility as part of a famed 'Robotech Factory Satellite'.

While inside the Robotech Factory the battle at the core was raging hard. The facility started to fold, and brought the Roughnecks and the target team Explorers Inc to another planet, Eylor.

*It's a technical success due to the fact the facility is no longer in Explorers Inc's hand. But it is not in the hands of the Roughnecks either. Alternate objective is technically a success, as it has taken Explorers Inc. off planet, and thus neutralized. EI Personnel Neutralized: Dundee (Grackletooth), Swampwater (Human/Mystic), Jenny Jeffries (Human/Technowizard)

  • Shane Knight (MIA)
  • Conner "Junkyard" Gunsmith
  • Cale "Knives" Stepanik
  • Cai Caradoc
  • Clay "Reaper" Torres
  • Logan Sharpe
  • William Summers
  • John Walker
  • Lorelei Stark
Eylor wrote:Mission Objective: Get the hell off Eylor
Mission Pay: Unspecified - Salvage, was primary income.
Status: Success

The Roughnecks and the members of Explorers Inc, decided on a plan of action. Through various communication attempts with the planet Eylor, and precognitive visions, the two teams decided that the best course of action was to move against the Dark Pyramid, vs. the Lit Pyramid to find what they need to get off the planet.

While formulating the plan, and exploring their immediate surroundings, the residents of the planet Eylor decided to investigate the two new parts of the Robotech Factory. The creatures that came to visit were the floating eyes of a Splugorth Slave Barge. After trying to capture, and eventually destroying the eye's both teams knew that company would be arriving soon.

Packing the teams up, they created a plan on using a modified "Protoculture Emulator" a design that Reaper brought back from his home dimension, placing these Emulators on the backs of Robots patched together within the Robotech Factory, they set them off to the "Lit Pyramid". The Invid that were occupying the other portion of the factory went after the protoculture, and the protoculture went to the Splugorth Minions. While this plan succeeded, some of the splugorth minions broke away and followed the two teams. The two teams set up an ambush, they fought valiantly, with no loss of life of their own. While defeating a splugorth slave barge, power lord, and conservator.

The Dark Pyramid was a menacing site. The magical protection on it was immense. The teams quickly decided that possibly an alternative approach would be needed. With some scouting they were able to find a hidden passage, a maintenance hatch on some remote guns. One of the members of Explorers Inc defeated the sentries that lead to a giant creature (Kreewarr Carapace Metztla) guarding the inner sanctum. Going through the roof, various team members were able to get by before it started to lunge and get ticked off at the new guests.

A battle raged, Cale was bitten into and the creature's head was blown off by Reaper and Conner. The fight was vicious and brutal, and the team fled down the tunnels behind the large but massively fast creature. Defeating a magical barrier, Logan disturbed a magical line protecting what laid beneath. Instead of freeing the planet Eylor from the Splugorth, the teams released llyncryth the Splugorth Alien Intelligence, and former ruler of Eylor. Once he was free, he quickly fled to a pocket dimension with both teams...

  • Conner "Junkyard" Gunsmith (status unknown)
  • Cale "Knives" Stepanik
  • Cai Caradoc
  • Clay "Reaper" Torres
  • Logan Sharpe
  • William Summers
  • John Walker (status unknown)
  • Lorelei Stark (status unknown)
  • Wakiza Blackhoof
llyncryth wrote:Mission Objective: Going Home
Mission Pay: Unspecified - Going Home.
Status: Success

llyncryth the Former Ruler of Eylor whisked the two teams away to his private dimension. He was pleased that he was rescued by such, "Seemingly weak and pitiful mortals." llyncryth was interested in various aspects of the two groups. The fact there were practitioners of magic, psionics, and technology. He was pleased to see that some of the 'Old' races (Rahu-Men, Dwarves, and Elves) had survived and were still strong. As a reward to both teams, he offered to send them back home to Rifts Earth, but in turn wanted to see some sort of technological device that he was unfamiliar with. Several members provided various items (Wilks Laser Sword, Flashlight, Bio-Spleen, Cigarette Lighter, and a Holo-Pendant).

Wakiza was exceptionally concerned about the untold millions, if not billions, that would suffer and die due to the release of such an evil and powerful creature. He considered attacking it immediately, but the creature mentioned his nemesis, Splyncryth, who Wak recognized as the ruler of Atlantis and the largest slaver on Earth. At that moment he made a life altering decision and decided to work with this being of pure evil in order to rid the world of Splyncryth. Therefore, Wak struck a bargain with it, so Rifts Earth could potentially be free from Alien domination later. Secretly he offered his service to the Splugorth, if only to remove Splynncryth from Rifts Earth.

  • Conner "Junkyard" Gunsmith (status unknown)
  • Cale "Knives" Stepanik
  • Cai Caradoc
  • Clay "Reaper" Torres
  • Logan Sharpe
  • William Summers
  • John Walker (status unknown)
  • Lorelei Stark (status unknown)
  • Wakiza Blackhoof
Isria's Revenge wrote:Mission Objective:
Mission Pay:
Quick summary: Roughneck are contracted, along with several other prominent MT merc groups (Spooks and MARS) to deal with a threat and cult.

Cult ultimately is trying to bring the intelligence Nxla to earth to destroy it or something like that. All the groups go about tackling the issue as best they can. The crew become intermingled for better team work. They are able to prevent several rituals. During the battle Will Summers is killed, but quickly revived by Vheld from Spooks.

Once everyone regrouped at Stormspire the groups are given the location of a final ritual being used. Lahz's father seemed to have a lot of information about the rituals. Once the plan was set everyone rolled out.

Final battle was much easier then it would have seemed. At least at first. All the groups took care of the ritual quite easily. However one group came late. Apparently they used a rift and it got hijacked by Nxla. And it came across summoned some demons and the real fight ensued. Still seemed like we were winning as Lahz's father was swallowed up by the rift. And one of the MARS crew sacrificed himself to help push the entity back to where it came from. Anyway. Day saved and money paid. 1.5ish mil per person.

First job after Nxla was a rescue. Some guy's daughter got caught up in some kind of cult. Seems we have a type. End of the day we were dealing with vampires. Didn't know it at the time, but we figured it out quickly. First place we were sent was some nothing town on a river. Came across a man named Jameson. Come to find out he happened to be involved in the kidnapping of the girl. A little interrogation and death for the man the roughnecks found that the kidnappers were using a warehouse in MT as a way station for the kidnaped people. The roughnecks hustled their way to the warehouse. They were able to secure a child left in an attempt to stall and kill the roughnecks, by having them in the warehouse when it exploded.

After a short discussion with the MT Defenders, the roughnecks headed after the kidnappers. And what they found was odd. They found a mirror town to the one they just left. Even with it's own Jameson, alive and well. During their information gathering they were ambushed by technological vampires. The crew did well in taking them out, but were still subject to the building collapsing on them.

With Jameson in custody other of Jameson's lackys showed up and discussions ensued. Followed quickly by a small scuffle and the towns people coming out in droves to beat on the farmhands and Jameson. Come to find out these vampires were immune to sunlight. The roughnecks assault the compound where the main vampires' have been hiding. A dragon and Atlantean join the roughnecks through a rift in the middle of the fight. They fight their way into the depths and finally are able to finish off the vampires and rescue the girl.
10 mil total pay day.
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Archive Account
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Re: Roughnecks: Special House Rules

Post by Archive Account »

Special Rules

Official Airlock Policy:
  • No more than four at a time through the airlock, it's just not realistic.
  • Airlock takes three actions to cycle, ergo if Cale starts the cycle on action 1 no one can access the airlock on actions 2 and 3.

Official Winged Flight Policy:
  • Launching and Landing cost 1 action, that's it.
  • Acceleration is done via common sense and costs no additional actions.

Official Servo-Rig Donning Policy:
  • Without assistance: 1D4+1 melees
  • With 1 person helping: 1 full melee round
  • With 2 people helping: 1D4 melee actions
  • Any further assistance will only cause confusion and delay matters.
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William Summers
Diamond Level Patron
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Jan 23, 2011 3:32 am
Location: Roughnecks - PC

Roughnecks: William Summers' Specific Gear

Post by William Summers »

William's Room (Storage)
Battler Helmet: 45 M.D.C.
Scrap Armor: 90 M.D.C.

TW Infiltrado Armor (Obtained from Barry's Goods - 10/14/2014)
TW Modified NE-BA-20 "Stalker" Partial Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 40
  • Arms: 25 each
  • Legs: 35 each
  • Main Body: 55
Special Features
  • Thermo-Kinetic (thermal and kinetic attacks do 25% less damage)
  • Short range radio in helmet (Range: 5 miles)
Integrated Weapons
  • Forearm-Mounted Retractable Silver-Plated Vibro-Blades (1 each forearm): +1d6 M.D. to Punch Damage
TW Modifications
  • Cost: 20 PPE
    Duration: 5 minutes
    • Shadow Meld, Invisibility: Simple, Invisibility to Sensors, Stealthwalk, Erase Trail
    • As per the above spells, user becomes invisible to the naked eye and modern technology, can meld into darkness as per the Shadow Meld spell, movement is completely silent and leaves no trail.

  • Cost: 20 PPE
  • Duration: 10 minutes
    • See Invisible, Nightvision, See Aura, Infrared, Farseeing all at 2 miles.
    • Eavesdrop: As per spell 200'
    • Identify Plants/Fruit 70%, Identify Tracks 85%, Track 50%, Locate Traps and Mines 94%, Land Navigation 92%
    • Speak, Understand and Read all Languages

  • Cost: 15 PPE
  • Duration: 120 minutes
    • User does not fatigue, is resistant to heat and cold and can breathe w/o air
    • Climb as per the spell Climb
    • Swim as per the spell Swim as a Fish: Superior
    • Leap 5' per PS point (Will: 145')

  • Cost: 30 PPE
  • Duration: 10 melee rounds
    • 50 MDC Energy Field
    • Wearer is endowed with supernatural PS of 30 and PE of 24
      • Restrained Punch: 5D6 SDC
      • Full Strength Punch: 3D6 MD
      • Power Punch: 6D6 MD
      • Carry: 1500 lbs
      • Lift: 3000 lbs
    • Speed is increased by 50% (Will: Speed: 52. 23' per action)
    • Impervious to all Energy Attacks, Cold, Fire, Drugs, Poison, Disease, Mind Control, Possession, Illusion, Pain, Horror Factor
    • Additional Saving Throw bonuses: +7 vs the vampire's bite, +11 vs magic, +11 vs psionics
    • Against Most Foes: +4 attacks per melee, +4 to initiative, +4 to strike, + 3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +4 to pull punch, +2 to disarm, +2 to roll, +1 to strike with guns
    • Against the Undead: an additional +4 to strike, +6 to parry, +5 to dodge, +7 to save vs the vampire's bite
    • Wearer may use Paired Weapons
    • Critical Strike (or Automatic Staking) on natural 18-20 (HtH only)
    • Once effect wears off user is exhausted: APM, Combat Bonuses, Speed, and Skill Performance all reduced by half for 1d4 minutes.

NE-BA-50 “Raider” Heavy Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 80
  • Arms: 55 each
  • Legs: 80 each
  • Main Body: 140/-63

Weight: 30 lbs.
Modifiers: -20% to physical skills
  • Naruni Thermo-Kinetic Armor (p.35-36, DB8)

Book Reference: p.40, DB8
Melee Weapons
Draining Blade
  • Damage: 4D6 M.D.
  • Activation Cost: 5 PPE or 10 ISP
  • Duration: 30 minutes per activation
  • Features: Every time the target is hit, they must save vs magic or suffer a Life Drain, as per the 7th level spell. A failed save means the victim loses half his hit points and S.D.C., plus speed is reduced by half, the character loses one melee attack, and suffers -10% on skill performance. This attack will affect targets in body armor or power armor, but not anything bigger. M.D. creatures only suffer the 4D6 M.D. The weakness will last for 10 melee rounds, after which the victim begins to regain their hit points and S.D.C. as is normal for their healing ability.
TW Flaming Sword
  • Range: Close combat
  • Damage: 4D6
  • Weight: 2 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers:

TW Characteristics:
  • TW Functions: [insert bulleted sub-list, if needed]
  • Activation Cost: 14 P.P.E. or 28 I.S.P.
  • Device Level: Five
  • P.P.E. Construction Cost: 275
  • Spell Chains Needed: Primary Spell: Fire Bolt (7). Secondary Spells: Impervious to Fire (5) and Circle of flame (10)
  • Physical Requirements: Unlisted
  • Duration of Charge: 10 minutes per activation
  • Construction Time: 5 days and 15 hours
  • Construction Cost: Unlisted
  • Book Reference: p.137, R:UE

Lightning Axe
  • Range: Close Combat or 200' when thrown
  • Damage: 2D6 M.D. as axe or electrical surge.
  • Weight: unlisted
  • Features: none
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike in hand to hand combat or when thrown
    TW Characteristics:
  • TW Functions:
    Electrical Surge: When chopped into an object, Lightning Axe can send an electrical surge through it. Double damage if object is a machine (not applicable to body or power armor).
    01-45% chance of frying following electronic systems:
    • 01-20% Fries communications system. No radio or video recording, receiving or transmitting capabilities.
    • 21-40% Fries primary sensor systems (radar and sensor scanners are dead). Is there a secondary, backup system? If not, these sensors are good.
    • 41-50% Fries optic systems! Manned sight only. Reduce bonuses to strike and piloting skill accordingly. May require an outside observer to direct.
    • 51-60% Fries computer systems, including combat and targeting systems. Bonuses and capabilities from those systems are gone. Adjust appropriately.
    • 61-70% Locomotion function impaired (loses one or more thrusters. Leg or wheel freezes up, and so on). Reduce speed and dodge by half. Non-combat machines lose (cannot find) one part/function of itself. If a computer, it cannot find a particular drive (gone), or loses a chunk of memory, and similar.
    • 71-80% One secondary weapon (or capability if non-combat machine) is lost.
    • 81-90% One main weapon (or capability if a non-combat machine) is lost.
    • 91-00% Fire in the pilot compartment! Duration: 2D4 melee rounds. Half APM and piloting skill, all combat bonuses are negated; unmodified die rolls only!
  • Activation Cost: 12 P.P.E. Or 21 I.S.P.
  • Device Level: unlisted
  • P.P.E. Construction Cost: 130 P.P.E.
  • Spell Chains Needed: Call Lightning (15) and Electric Arc (8 P.P.E.) spells.
  • Physical Requirements: unlisted
  • Duration of Charge: 1 melee round per level of activator
  • Construction Time: unlisted
  • Construction Cost: unlisted
  • Book Reference: p. 319, BoM

Survival Knife
• • Damage: 1D8

Sacrificial Dagger
Rare Enchanted Bone Dagger
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Magic Features
  • Additional Damage: One die of damage is added to the weapon's normal damage.
  • Indestructible: Cannot be destroyed by any means, save alchemy.
Curse: None
History: (if any)
Ranged Weapons
Armstrong "Bolter" TW Sniping Rifle
• Range: 2200' (670.6m)
• Damage: 3d6+2 MD
• Rate of Fire: One shot per action
• Payload: 2 bolts per charge.
• Recharge Cost: 10 P.P.E.
• Modifiers: +3 to strike in addition to W.P. and other bonuses.
• Weight: 5 lbs

MP-3 MageFire Bolt Pistol
  • Range: 500'
  • Damage: 3D6+3 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 8 shots per charge
  • Weight: 4 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: None

TW Characteristics:
  • TW Functions:
  • Activation Cost: 12 P.P.E. to recharge
  • Book Reference: p.146, MercOps

TW "Horde-Buster" Rifle
  • Range: 1100'
  • Damage: 1d6*10 or 1d6 per projectile
  • Rate of Fire: 1 blast per action
  • Payload: 5 blasts
  • Recharge Cost: 20 PPE
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike
Magic Features
    • Rifle fires 10 fiery projectiles per blast
    • Projectiles can be directed at one target or up to ten multiple targets
    • Each projectile can strike up to 3 additional targets (as per spell)
TW Swarm Recurve Bow
  • Range: 1500'
  • Damage:
    • Normal Arrow: 1D6
    • M.D.C. Arrow: 1D6 M.D.
    • Swarm Volley: 6D6 M.D. per volley of 6 bolts
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or in volleys 6 bolts
  • Payload: One arrow at a time
  • Activation Cost: Swarm arrows require 3 P.P.E. or 6 I.S.P. to activate and multiply into a volley of 6.
  • Duration of Charge: instant
  • Weight: 6 lbs., 1 lb. per bolt
  • Features:
    • Device Level: unlisted
    • P.P.E. Construction Cost: unlisted
    • Construction Time: unlisted
    • Spell Chain Needed: unlisted
  • Modifiers: +2 to strike
  • Book Reference: p.142, MercOps
Acid Grenades (9)

Flare: Globe of Daylight
Range: Starts at 200 feet, descends to 20 feet.
Duration: 3D4 minutes
  • The Flare forces vampires to the edge of its light, holding them at bay and preventing them from entering the lighted area.
  • Does not injure vampires when shot into them, but will still create globe.
  • Globe is stationary.

Code: Select all

[b]Flare: Globe of Daylight[/b]
[b]Range:[/b] Starts at 200 feet, descends to 20 feet.
[b]Duration:[/b] 3D4 minutes
[b]Effects:[/b] [list]The Flare forces vampires to the edge of its light, holding them at bay and preventing them from entering the lighted area.
[*]Does not injure vampires when shot into them, but will still create globe.
[*]Globe is stationary.[/list]

Flare: Storm
Range: 2000 feet high, 100 foot diameter.
Duration: 1D6 minutes.
  • 4D6x10 Hit Point Damage per half melee round to Vampires.
    Effects:Creates a rain storm overhead.
  • Does not injure vampires when shot into them or create storm.

Code: Select all

[b]Flare: Storm[/b]
[b]Range:[/b] 2000 feet high, 100 foot diameter.
[b]Duration:[/b] 1D6 minutes.
[b]Damage:[/b] [list]4D6x10 Hit Point Damage per [b]half[/b] melee round to Vampires.
[b]Effects:[/b]Creates a rain storm overhead.
[*]Does not injure vampires when shot into them or create storm.[/list]

Flash Freeze Grenades (10)

MageFire TW Flashfire Grenade (23)
  • Range: P.S. >20: 100', P.S. 20+: 200', SN P.S.: 300'
  • Damage: 5D6 M.D. to 2' AoE
  • Payload: Single use TW item
  • Weight: .5 lb.
  • Features: after pin is pulled, user has five seconds to throw it before it detonates

TW Characteristics:
  • TW Functions: concentrated fire blast of incredibly bright, white fire
  • Book Reference: p.150, MercOps

MageFire TW Seeker Bat Grenade (25)
  • Range: P.S. >20: 100', P.S. 20+: 200', SN P.S.: 300'
  • Damage: 3D6+6 M.D.
  • Payload: Single use TW item; unleashes a 3rd level strength () spell effect
  • Weight: .5 lb.
  • Features: after pin is pulled, user has five seconds to throw it before it detonates

TW Characteristics:
  • TW Functions: pursues target at 40 mph; +2 to strike (self-guided)
  • Book Reference: p.151, MercOps

MageFire TW Void Grenade (7)
  • Range: P.S. >20: 100', P.S. 20+: 200', SN P.S.: 300'
  • Damage: per TW function, 5' AoE
  • Payload: Single use TW item; unleashes a 3rd level strength (Bottomless Pit) spell effect
  • Weight: 1 lb.
  • Features: after pin is pulled, user has five seconds to throw it before it detonates

TW Characteristics:
  • TW Functions: Victim is removed from scene; when victim reappears, disoriented for 1D4+1 melee rounds (-1 APM, and -50% to Spd, combat bonuses, and skills)
  • Book Reference: p.151-152, MercOps

NG High Explosive Grenade (23)
  • Range: 120' thrown
  • Damage: 3D4 M.D. to a 6' AoE

NG Plasma Grenade (12)
  • Range: 120' thrown
  • Damage: 4D6 M.D. to a 12' AoE

NG Smoke Grenade (24)
  • Range: 120' thrown
  • Damage: creates a smoke screen that covers a 40' AoE

Silver Bullets (1872)

TW Swarm Arrows (100)
Canvas: Linen Stretched (3)
Ceremonial Robes
Clothing Set
Compass (+10% to Land Navigation skill)
Elementum is a series of four different magical drugs, each one tailored to a specific type of Elemental Magic. Each element has very different properties, and can produce random Warlock spells as a side effect. Elementum is sold as a brightly colored, powdery or leafy substance, yellow for air, green for earth, red for fire and blue for water. It is smoked like tobacco, and makes vivid clouds of the corresponding color when exhaled.
Each type of Elementum has a different range of magical side effects. For game purposes, consider each instance of the side effect as a single casting of the corresponding spell named, at first level strength and with no bonuses. Three spells are listed for each Elementum and they "go off' in the order they are listed or as indicated in the table. Roll 1D6 on the following table for each dose of Elementum consumed. + 1 to the roll for fresh/strong batches, -1 for an old, stale or watered down batch. Unmodified roll for a typical drug off the shelf.
Here's how the + or works: If + 1 is the case and a 3 was rolled, + 1 makes it #4, and so on. If a #6 was rolled, + 1 makes it 7, which means all the effects of #6 with all three magic spell side effects occurring, and the buzz/drug high lasts 50% longer.
If -1 is the case and a 3 was rolled, -1 makes it #2, and six is not possible. If #1 was rolled, -1 makes it 0, which means all the effects of #1, but reduce the sensation by two-thirds.
  1. Weak buzz, reduce duration of the sensation by half and there is NO magic spell effect.
  2. First magic spell effect only.
  3. Second magic spell effect only.
  4. Third magic spell effect only.
  5. The first two of the three side effects occur, one a few minutes after the other. Both times the effect is likely to be stronger than level one (roll 1D4 to determine the level of potency).
  6. All three side effects occur in random order 1D4 minutes apart at level 1D4+1 potency. The user does not know which side effect to expect next.
Duration of Magic Spells: As per the usual effect of the spell.
Duration of the Drug High (Bonuses and Penalties): 4D6+ 12 minutes unless stated otherwise.
Cost: Elementum typically sells for about 200-400 credits per "dose." The price can be up to twice as much for a well enchanted or particularly fresh and potent batch.
Air creates an energetic, talkative condition in the user who feels alert, energetic and sharp.
Bonuses: + 1 to Perception Rolls, +1 on initiative, +1 to dodge, and +2% on skill performance.
Penalties: Feels antsy, nervous and cannot sleep or remain still; becomes a bit claustrophobic when confined indoors in rooms that are smaller than 400 square feet (37 sq m), which makes him -2 on Perception Rolls and initiative, -2 to dodge, and -5% on skill performance while in confined areas, unless it involves an effort to leave. Penalties and bonuses last for the duration of the drug high.
Spell Side Effects: Silence, Create Mild Wind, Cloak of Darkness.
Elementum is a series of four different magical drugs, each one tailored to a specific type of Elemental Magic. Each element has very different properties, and can produce random Warlock spells as a side effect. Elementum is sold as a brightly colored, powdery or leafy substance, yellow for air, green for earth, red for fire and blue for water. It is smoked like tobacco, and makes vivid clouds of the corresponding color when exhaled.
Each type of Elementum has a different range of magical side effects. For game purposes, consider each instance of the side effect as a single casting of the corresponding spell named, at first level strength and with no bonuses. Three spells are listed for each Elementum and they "go off' in the order they are listed or as indicated in the table. Roll 1D6 on the following table for each dose of Elementum consumed. + 1 to the roll for fresh/strong batches, -1 for an old, stale or watered down batch. Unmodified roll for a typical drug off the shelf.
Here's how the + or works: If + 1 is the case and a 3 was rolled, + 1 makes it #4, and so on. If a #6 was rolled, + 1 makes it 7, which means all the effects of #6 with all three magic spell side effects occurring, and the buzz/drug high lasts 50% longer.
If -1 is the case and a 3 was rolled, -1 makes it #2, and six is not possible. If #1 was rolled, -1 makes it 0, which means all the effects of #1, but reduce the sensation by two-thirds.
  1. Weak buzz, reduce duration of the sensation by half and there is NO magic spell effect.
  2. First magic spell effect only.
  3. Second magic spell effect only.
  4. Third magic spell effect only.
  5. The first two of the three side effects occur, one a few minutes after the other. Both times the effect is likely to be stronger than level one (roll 1D4 to determine the level of potency).
  6. All three side effects occur in random order 1D4 minutes apart at level 1D4+1 potency. The user does not know which side effect to expect next.
Duration of Magic Spells: As per the usual effect of the spell.
Duration of the Drug High (Bonuses and Penalties): 4D6+ 12 minutes unless stated otherwise.
Cost: Elementum typically sells for about 200-400 credits per "dose." The price can be up to twice as much for a well enchanted or particularly fresh and potent batch.
Earth is calm and sleepy, but strong, producing a somewhat meditative state of introspective self-awareness. Users on Earth will find themselves drawn to nature, forests, and animals, and become lost in deep thought and conversation. They will seek respite from technology, bright lights and crowded areas and often have deeply reflective experiences.
Bonuses: +5% on all nature related skills, +5 to P.S. attribute (temporary), +2 to save vs poison and disease, and +2 to save vs Horror Factor. Penalties: -2 to Perception Rolls unless it involves nature, then it's +2, -1 on initiative, -5% on skill performance and reduce Spd by 20%. Penalties and bonuses last for the duration of the drug high.
Spell Side Effects: Chameleon, Dowsing, Grow Plants.

Elementum is a series of four different magical drugs, each one tailored to a specific type of Elemental Magic. Each element has very different properties, and can produce random Warlock spells as a side effect. Elementum is sold as a brightly colored, powdery or leafy substance, yellow for air, green for earth, red for fire and blue for water. It is smoked like tobacco, and makes vivid clouds of the corresponding color when exhaled.
Each type of Elementum has a different range of magical side effects. For game purposes, consider each instance of the side effect as a single casting of the corresponding spell named, at first level strength and with no bonuses. Three spells are listed for each Elementum and they "go off' in the order they are listed or as indicated in the table. Roll 1D6 on the following table for each dose of Elementum consumed. + 1 to the roll for fresh/strong batches, -1 for an old, stale or watered down batch. Unmodified roll for a typical drug off the shelf.
Here's how the + or works: If + 1 is the case and a 3 was rolled, + 1 makes it #4, and so on. If a #6 was rolled, + 1 makes it 7, which means all the effects of #6 with all three magic spell side effects occurring, and the buzz/drug high lasts 50% longer.
If -1 is the case and a 3 was rolled, -1 makes it #2, and six is not possible. If #1 was rolled, -1 makes it 0, which means all the effects of #1, but reduce the sensation by two-thirds.
  1. Weak buzz, reduce duration of the sensation by half and there is NO magic spell effect.
  2. First magic spell effect only.
  3. Second magic spell effect only.
  4. Third magic spell effect only.
  5. The first two of the three side effects occur, one a few minutes after the other. Both times the effect is likely to be stronger than level one (roll 1D4 to determine the level of potency).
  6. All three side effects occur in random order 1D4 minutes apart at level 1D4+1 potency. The user does not know which side effect to expect next.
Duration of Magic Spells: As per the usual effect of the spell.
Duration of the Drug High (Bonuses and Penalties): 4D6+ 12 minutes unless stated otherwise.
Cost: Elementum typically sells for about 200-400 credits per "dose." The price can be up to twice as much for a well enchanted or particularly fresh and potent batch.
Fire Elementum creates an inner heat and burning desire. The character will want things with a deep yearning, and the drug is reputed to double a person's sexual prowess. The character is also given to hot emotions, instilling the drug user with a sense of physical power and aggression. Fire Elementum makes the user bold, short-tempered and quick to action. The character is likely to seek out action, adventure or physical contests like arm wrestling, boxing, racing and tests of strength and skill. Those high on Fire are much more likely to get involved in bar fights, resist arrest or attempt brazen acts.
Bonuses: +5% on all skills used in a contest or display of prowess/ability. + 1 on initiative, + 1 to strike and disarm, +5 to Spd attribute (temporary). Bonuses last for the duration of the drug high.
Penalties: -2 to Perception Rolls unless it involves winning a contest, -5% on skill performance, feels tired and worn out, and is -1 on all combat bonuses for 2D6x10 minutes after the drug high wears off.
Spell Side Effects: Blinding Flash, Cloud of Smoke, Fuel Flames.
Elementum is a series of four different magical drugs, each one tailored to a specific type of Elemental Magic. Each element has very different properties, and can produce random Warlock spells as a side effect. Elementum is sold as a brightly colored, powdery or leafy substance, yellow for air, green for earth, red for fire and blue for water. It is smoked like tobacco, and makes vivid clouds of the corresponding color when exhaled.
Each type of Elementum has a different range of magical side effects. For game purposes, consider each instance of the side effect as a single casting of the corresponding spell named, at first level strength and with no bonuses. Three spells are listed for each Elementum and they "go off' in the order they are listed or as indicated in the table. Roll 1D6 on the following table for each dose of Elementum consumed. + 1 to the roll for fresh/strong batches, -1 for an old, stale or watered down batch. Unmodified roll for a typical drug off the shelf.
Here's how the + or works: If + 1 is the case and a 3 was rolled, + 1 makes it #4, and so on. If a #6 was rolled, + 1 makes it 7, which means all the effects of #6 with all three magic spell side effects occurring, and the buzz/drug high lasts 50% longer.
If -1 is the case and a 3 was rolled, -1 makes it #2, and six is not possible. If #1 was rolled, -1 makes it 0, which means all the effects of #1, but reduce the sensation by two-thirds.
  1. Weak buzz, reduce duration of the sensation by half and there is NO magic spell effect.
  2. First magic spell effect only.
  3. Second magic spell effect only.
  4. Third magic spell effect only.
  5. The first two of the three side effects occur, one a few minutes after the other. Both times the effect is likely to be stronger than level one (roll 1D4 to determine the level of potency).
  6. All three side effects occur in random order 1D4 minutes apart at level 1D4+1 potency. The user does not know which side effect to expect next.
Duration of Magic Spells: As per the usual effect of the spell.
Duration of the Drug High (Bonuses and Penalties): 4D6+ 12 minutes unless stated otherwise.
Cost: Elementum typically sells for about 200-400 credits per "dose." The price can be up to twice as much for a well enchanted or particularly fresh and potent batch.
Water produces a feeling of peace and serenity, but has the sensation that he is moving through water and his movements are slow and may mimic the kind of movement one would have under water. Water Elementum also distances the user from his own perceptions, making heat, cold, pain and other conditions seem far away. Users of Water Elementum are somewhat tranquilized and may have difficulty holding up a conversation or committing to a specific course of action.
Bonuses: +3 to dodge (the character just flows out of the way of danger), +2 to roll with impact, + 1 to save vs mind control and possession, and +4 to save vs Horror Factor.
Penalties: -2 to Perception Rolls and initiative, -1 attack per melee, -10% on skill performance and things take twice as long to do, and reduce Spd by 20%. Penalties and bonuses last for the duration of the drug high.
Spell Side Effects: Color Water, Create Fog, Swim as a Fish.
Ergot Fungus (8)
Flare: Parachute (2) (single use item; 2 lbs, 1,000' altitude max, illuminates 250' AoE for 4 melees)
Holy Water: Bottled (10)
Jars of Acrylic Paint (12) (16 oz., varying colors)
Paintbrush: Small (5)

Portable Tool Kit
  • General purpose tool kit in a carrying case includes:
    • Electric screwdriver, socket wrench, 36 impact & conventional tools
  • Weight: 12 lbs.

Code: Select all

[b]Portable Tool Kit[/b]
[list][*]General purpose tool kit in a carrying case includes:
[list][*]Electric screwdriver, socket wrench, 36 impact & conventional tools[/list]
[*]Weight: 12 lbs.[/list]

Rations (3 weeks)
Red Clover Flowers (39)
Stake: Wooden (6)
Strong Cord (50')
Last edited by William Summers on Fri Aug 28, 2015 11:28 am, edited 3 times in total.
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John Altfeld
Diamond Level Patron
Posts: 460
Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2017 4:48 am

Re: Group Catch-All Thread

Post by John Altfeld »

John's Room (Storage)
OOC Comments

Code: Select all

 Telescopic gun sight
Passive Nightvision Goggles
Padlock [size=85](-40% modifier, 5 M.D.C.)
(90) Basic MREs

JA-11 Juicer Assassin's Energy Rifle
  • Range:
    • Laser: 4,000'
    • Ion: 1,600"
    • 7.62mm: 2,000'
  • Damage:
    • Laser: 2d6/4d6 M.D.
    • Ion: 3d6 M.D.
    • 7.62mm: 5d6
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 30 shots per LE-clip, 30 additional shots w/E-canister, 7.62mm rounds are breach loaded
  • Weight: 6.5 lbs.
  • Features: laser targeting system & telescopic and infrared scope (2 mile)
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike on aimed shots
  • Book Reference: p.270, R:UE
Last edited by John Altfeld on Wed Sep 18, 2019 6:23 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Jack Killian
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Re: Group Catch-All Thread

Post by Jack Killian »

Jack's Room (Storage)

BigBore "Big Boss" Magnum Revolver
  • Range: 200'
  • Damage: 2D4 M.D.+knockdown
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 4 shells
  • Weight: 4 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers:
    • P.S. 22+ required to fire or -2 strike & knockdown
    • Augmented P.S. 20+ required to fire 1-handed
  • Book Reference: p.138, Black Market

Code: Select all

[b]BigBore "Big Boss" Magnum Revolver[/b]
[size=85][list][*]Range: 200'
[*]Damage: 2D4 M.D.+[url=]knockdown[/url]
[*]Rate of Fire: Single shots only
[*]Payload: 4 shells
[*]Weight: 4 lbs.
[*]Features: None
[list][*]P.S. 22+ required to fire or -2 strike & [url=]knockdown[/url]
[*]Augmented P.S. 20+ required to fire 1-handed[/list]
[*]Book Reference: p.138, Black Market[/list][/size]
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Archive Account
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Decision Gear

Post by Archive Account »

Decision Gear
All gear listed here is up for grabs. Post in chat or OOC what you've claimed. Everything else will be sold between adventures and funds split between each active shareholding member with one share put into the Group Fund.

Big T-Rex note: This will not happen automatically. You have to at least dedicate one or more salesmen and make availability rolls in reverse to find a decent buyer. This will affect the salesmen's availability for tinkering, spell study, etc.

8-person Hard Dome Shelter (10 M.D.C.; 200 lbs.)

Code: Select all

8-person Hard Dome Shelter [size=85](10 M.D.C.; 200 lbs.)[/size]

Laser Gyro Navigating (LGN) Aid
  • E-clip powered, 96 hours of use
  • Computerized map & compass gives exact position in latitude & longitude, precise time, altitude & rate of travel
  • Modifiers: +20% to Land Navigation skill

Code: Select all

[b]Laser Gyro Navigating (LGN) Aid[/b]
[list][*]E-clip powered, 96 hours of use
[*]Computerized map & compass gives exact position in latitude & longitude, precise time, altitude & rate of travel
[*]Modifiers: +20% to Land Navigation skill[/list]

TW Animal Repellent x2
TW Lantern Poles x3
TW Watchguard Poles

CN-1 Net-Gun
  • Range: 40'
  • Damage: none
    • Takes two melees to cut free with M.D. blades
    • Entanglement: 1d4 minutes for normal person, 3d4 minutes for animals, 1-2 melees for those with supernatural P.S.
  • Rate of Fire: One-shot weapon
  • Payload: one net canister; propellant enough for 6 shots before recharge is required
  • Weight: 10 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.51, WB13

Code: Select all

[b]CN-1 Net-Gun[/b]
[size=85][list][*]Range: 40'
[*]Damage: none
[list][*]Takes two melees to cut free with M.D. blades
[*]Entanglement: 1d4 minutes for normal person, 3d4 minutes for animals, 1-2 melees for those with supernatural P.S.[/list]
[*]Rate of Fire: One-shot weapon
[*]Payload: one net canister; propellant enough for 6 shots before recharge is required
[*]Weight: 10 lbs.
[*]Features: None
[*]Modifiers: None
[*]Book Reference: p.51, WB13[/list][/size]

CP-40 Pulse Laser Rifle
  • Range: 2000'
  • Damage:
    • Low-power shot: 3d6
    • Low-power burst: 1d6x10
    • Single shot: 2D6 M.D.
    • Burst: 6D6 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-shot bursts only
  • Payload:
    • E-Clip: 21 shots
    • LE-Clip: 30 shots
    • E-Canister: adds 60 shots to overall payload
    • Note: 30 low power shots = 1 M.D. shot
  • Weight: 9 lbs.; 4 lbs. for an E-canister
  • Features: Passive nightvision scope (2,000'), laser targeting
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike on an aimed shot
  • Book Reference: p.92, WB11

Code: Select all

[b]CP-40 Pulse Laser Rifle[/b]
[size=85][list][*]Range: 2000'
[list][*]Low-power shot: 3d6
[*]Low-power burst: 1d6x10 
[*]Single shot: 2D6 M.D.
[*]Burst: 6D6 M.D.[/list]
[*]Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-shot bursts only
[list][*]E-Clip: 21 shots
[*]LE-Clip: 30 shots
[*]E-Canister: adds 60 shots to overall payload
[*]Note: 30 low power shots = 1 M.D. shot[/list]
[*]Weight: 9 lbs.; 4 lbs. for an E-canister
[*]Features: Passive nightvision scope (2,000'), laser targeting
[*]Modifiers: +1 to strike on an aimed shot
[*]Book Reference: p.92, WB11[/list][/size]

IP-12 Ion Pistol
  • Range: 500'
  • Damage: 3D6 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
  • Weight: 3 lbs.
  • Features: Balanced
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike
  • Book Reference: p.144-145, Black Market

Code: Select all

[b]IP-12 Ion Pistol[/b]
[size=85][list][*]Range: 500'
[*]Damage: 3D6 M.D.
[*]Rate of Fire: Single shots only
[*]Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
[*]Weight: 3 lbs.
[*]Features: Balanced
[*]Modifiers: +1 to strike
[*]Book Reference: p.144-145, Black Market[/list][/size]

JA-11 Juicer Assassin's Energy Rifle
  • Range:
    • Laser: 4,000'
    • Ion: 1,600'
    • 7.62mm: 2,000'
  • Damage:
    • Laser: 2D6/4D6 M.D.
    • Ion: 3D6 M.D.
    • 7.62mm: 5D6
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 30 shots per LE-clip, 30 additional shots w/E-canister, 7.62mm rounds are breach loaded
  • Weight: 6.5 lbs.
  • Features: laser targeting system & telescopic and infrared scope (2 mile)
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike on aimed shots
  • Book Reference: p.270, R:UE

Code: Select all

[b]JA-11 Juicer Assassin's Energy Rifle[/b]
[list][*]Laser: 4,000'
[*]Ion: 1,600'
[*]7.62mm: 2,000'[/list]
[list][*]Laser: 2D6/4D6 M.D.
[*]Ion: 3D6 M.D.
[*]7.62mm: 5D6[/list]
[*]Rate of Fire: Single shots only
[*]Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 30 shots per LE-clip, 30 additional shots w/E-canister, 7.62mm rounds are breach loaded
[*]Weight: 6.5 lbs.
[*]Features: laser targeting system & telescopic and infrared scope (2 mile)
[*]Modifiers: +1 to strike on aimed shots
[*]Book Reference: p.270, R:UE[/list][/size]

L-20 Pulse Rifle
  • Range: 1,600'
  • Damage: 2D6 M.D. or 6D6 M.D. burst
  • Rate of Fire: single shots & 3-shot bursts only
  • Payload: 40 shots per E-Clip or 50 per LE-Clip
  • Weight: 7 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.270, R:UE

Code: Select all

[b]L-20 Pulse Rifle[/b]
[size=85][list][*]Range: 1,600'
[*]Damage: 2D6 M.D. or 6D6 M.D. burst
[*]Rate of Fire: single shots & 3-shot bursts only
[*]Payload: 40 shots per E-Clip or 50 per LE-Clip
[*]Weight: 7 lbs.
[*]Features: None
[*]Modifiers: None
[*]Book Reference: p.270, R:UE[/list]

NG-101 Rail Gun Block I
  • Range: 4,000'
  • Damage: 6D6 M.D. per burst
  • Rate of Fire: 30-round bursts only
  • Payload: 300-round belt
  • Weight: 128 lbs.
    • Power Pack: 80 lbs.
    • Ammo-Belt: 25 lbs.
    • Case of six belts: 160 lbs.
  • Features:
  • Modifiers:
  • Book Reference: p.209, WB33

Code: Select all

[b]NG-101 Rail Gun Block I[/b]
[size=85][list][*]Range: 4,000'
[*]Damage: 6D6 M.D. per burst
[*]Rate of Fire: 30-round bursts only
[*]Payload: 300-round belt
[*]Weight: 128 lbs.
[list][*]Power Pack: 80 lbs.
[*]Ammo-Belt: 25 lbs.
[*]Case of six belts: 160 lbs.[/list]
[*]Book Reference: p.209, WB33[/list][/size]

NG-57 Heavy-Duty Ion Blaster
  • Range: 500'
  • Damage: 2D4 M.D. or 3D6 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip
  • Weight: 5 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.199, WB33

Code: Select all

[b]NG-57 Heavy-Duty Ion Blaster[/b]
[size=85][list][*]Range: 500'
[*]Damage: 2D4 M.D. or 3D6 M.D.
[*]Rate of Fire: Single shots only
[*]Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip
[*]Weight: 5 lbs.
[*]Features: None
[*]Modifiers: None
[*]Book Reference: p.199, WB33[/list][/size]

NG-L5 Laser Rifle
  • Range: 1,600'
  • Damage: 3D6 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 10 shots per E-clip or 20 shots per LE-Clip
  • Weight: Block One: 14 lbs. Block Two: 12 lbs., Block III: 10 lbs.
  • Features: W.P. Energy Rifle
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.192, WB33

Code: Select all

[b]NG-L5 Laser Rifle[/b]
[size=85][list][*]Range: 1,600'
[*]Damage: 3D6 M.D. 
[*]Rate of Fire: Single shots only
[*]Payload: 10 shots per E-clip or 20 shots per LE-Clip 
[*]Weight: Block One: 14 lbs. Block Two: 12 lbs., Block III: 10 lbs.
[*]Features: W.P. Energy Rifle
[*]Modifiers: None
[*]Book Reference: p.192, WB33[/list][/size]

Skorblade Short Sword
  • Damage: 1D8 M.D.
  • Weight: 3 lbs.
  • Features: excellent balance and craftsmanship
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike and parry
  • Book Reference: p.152, MercOps

Code: Select all

[b]Skorblade Short Sword[/b]
[size=85][list][*]Damage: 1D8 M.D.
[*]Weight: 3 lbs.
[*]Features: excellent balance and craftsmanship
[*]Modifiers: +1 to strike and parry
[*]Book Reference: p.152, MercOps[/list][/size]

  • Damage: 2D6 M.D.
  • Payload: 1 E-Clip will last for approximately 1 hour of use
  • Weight: 3 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.259, R:UE

Code: Select all

[size=85][list][*]Damage: 2D6 M.D.
[*]Payload: 1 E-Clip will last for approximately 1 hour of use
[*]Weight: 3 lbs.
[*]Features: None
[*]Modifiers: None
[*]Book Reference: p.259, R:UE[/list][/size]

Xiticix Spear
  • Damage: 1D6+3 M.D. as a stabbing, slashing or thrown weapon + Supernatural P.S. punching damage, but only 1D4 M.D. + P.S. punch damage as a blunt weapon.
  • Weight: 10-12 lbs (4.5 to 5.4 kg).
  • Range: A hand-held melee weapon that can be thrown effectively (by Xiticix) up to 300 feet away. 120 feet by most strong characters (bionic or robot P.S. of 21 or higher) and only about 60 feet for most humans and DBees.
  • Modifiers: + I to disarm and +2 to parry. +3 to strike when thrown.
  • Book Reference: p79, WB23

Code: Select all

[b]Xiticix Spear[/b]
[size=85][list][*][b]Damage:[/b] 1D6+3 M.D. as a stabbing, slashing or thrown weapon + Supernatural P.S. punching damage, but only 1D4 M.D. + P.S. punch damage as a blunt weapon.
[*][b]Weight: [/b]10-12 lbs (4.5 to 5.4 kg).
[*][b]Range:[/b] A hand-held melee weapon that can be thrown effectively (by Xiticix) up to 300 feet  away. 120 feet by most strong characters (bionic or robot P.S. of 21 or higher) and only about 60 feet for most humans and DBees.
[*][b]Modifiers:[/b] + I to disarm and +2 to parry. +3 to strike when thrown.
[*][b]Book Reference:[/b] p79, WB23[/list][/size]
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Ash, the kid (Theros)
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Re: Group Catch-All Thread

Post by Ash, the kid (Theros) »

Theros's (Storage)
DS-2 TW Exploratory Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 30
  • Arms: 25 each
  • Legs: 30 each
  • Main Body: 45

Weight: 15 lbs.
Modifiers: -10% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons when targeting sight engaged
  • Fully Environmental Body Armor; with a 8 hour independent oxygen supply.
  • HUD; Allows Wearer to view 6 info screens while still being able to see what is going on in front of them.
  • Built-In Radio Transceiver (10 mile range)
  • Multi-Optic Scanner
    • Digital targeting sight overlay, passive nightvision, infrared: 1600'
    • Thermal-imaging: 800'
    • Telescopic monocular lens: 10,000'

TW Features:
  • Magic Force Field
    • M.D.C.: 60
    • Duration: 10 Minutes per activation
    • P.P.E. Cost: 15 P.P.E. or 30 I.S.P.
  • Superhuman Strength
    • Effect: P.S. increase to 30, P.E. increase to 24, both become supernatural; carry 1,500 lbs. & lift twice that amount
    • Duration: 5 minutes
    • P.P.E. Cost: 10 P.P.E. or 20 I.S.P.
  • Flight System
    • Effect: allows wearer to fly at speeds up to 75 mph; 5,000' max altitude (+2 to dodge while flying)
    • Duration: 1 hour per activation
    • P.P.E. Cost: 25 P.P.E. or 50 I.S.P.
  • Swimming System
    • Effect: allows wearer to swim with ease; base swimming skill is 96% & swim 100x their P.S. in yards without tiring, 600' max depth (+1 to parry and +1 to dodge while in the water)
    • Duration: 30 minutes
    • P.P.E. Cost: 10 P.P.E. or 20 I.S.P.

T-42 Commando Scout
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 50
  • Arms: 40 each
  • Legs: 50 each
  • Main Body: 70

Weight: 12 lbs.
Modifiers: +1 to strike with ranged weapons when laser targeting active
  • All features standard to Triax environmental armor (p.34, WB5)
  • Passive Nightvision: 2000'
  • Telescopic sight: 3000', x6 magnification
  • Light Filters (reduce glare)
  • Mini-computer
  • Laser-targeting in HUD
  • Colors: Light green, dark green, light grey, medium grey, tan, black, white or camouflage

Book Reference: p.38, WB5

Talisman of Armor
TW Armor Amulet
  • M.D.C.: 100
  • Magic Features
    • Duration: 10 minutes per activation.
    • Charges: 3 times per day.

Code: Select all

[b]Talisman of Armor[/b]
[size=85][i]TW Armor Amulet[/i]
[list]M.D.C.: 100
[*][u]Magic Features[/u]
[list]Duration: 10 minutes per activation.
[*]Charges: 3 times per day.[/list][/list][/size]

Melee Weapons
Skorblade Short Sword
  • Damage: 1D8 M.D.
  • Weight: 3 lbs.
  • Features: excellent balance and craftsmanship
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike and parry
  • Book Reference: p.152, MercOps

Code: Select all

[b]Skorblade Short Sword[/b]
[size=85][list][*]Damage: 1D8 M.D.
[*]Weight: 3 lbs.
[*]Features: excellent balance and craftsmanship
[*]Modifiers: +1 to strike and parry
[*]Book Reference: p.152, MercOps[/list][/size]

Xiticix Hooked Short Sword
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6 M.D.
  • Weight: 10 lbs.
  • Features: Weapon damage is added to user's own augmented, robotic, or supernatural melee damage
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike; +2 to parry; +3 to disarm
  • Book Reference: p.78, WB23

Code: Select all

[b]Xiticix Hooked Short Sword[/b]
[size=85][list][*]Range: Close Combat
[*]Damage: 1D6 M.D.
[*]Weight: 10 lbs.
[*]Features: Weapon damage is added to user's own augmented, robotic, or supernatural melee damage
[*]Modifiers: +1 to strike; +2 to parry; +3 to disarm
[*]Book Reference: p.78, WB23[/list][/size]
Ranged Weapons

Slaver's Net Gun
Just as the name suggests, this weapon of Splugorthian techno-wizardry launches a magic net to ensnare its opponent; same stats as the magic spell. The gun is the large, bulky weapon depicted on the Rifts Main Book cover — the figure on the right.
  • Range: 180'
  • Damage: None
  • Rate of Fire: Two shots per melee.
  • Duration: Up to 20 minutes.
  • Payload: 20 nets per charge; must be magically recharged at about 8000 credits.

Code: Select all

[b]Slaver's Net Gun[/b]
[size=85][i]Just as the name suggests, this weapon of Splugorthian techno-wizardry launches a magic net to ensnare its opponent; same stats as the magic spell. The gun is the large, bulky weapon depicted on the Rifts Main Book cover — the figure on the right.[/i]
[list]Range: 180'
[*]Damage: None
[*]Rate of Fire: Two shots per melee.
[*]Duration: Up to 20 minutes.
[*]Payload: 20 nets per charge; must be magically recharged at about 8000 credits.[/list][/size]

Outside of his armor's, appears to be a early teenager, despite his age. Dark red hair (Auburn) Light Blue/Grey eyes, sparse freckles on body, tall, athletic build. He has his marks of heritage on his wrists as do every True Atlantean, he wears leather bracers over them outside of his armor's. Tattoos are placed mainly on his torso, so not as visible if worn with regular clothing, along with quite a number of talismans that look like dogtags around his neck.
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Wolf Whitaker
Diamond Level Patron
Posts: 255
Joined: Wed Jul 24, 2019 2:24 pm

Re: Group Catch-All Thread

Post by Wolf Whitaker »

Wolf's Room #5

• 2x Bottles of wine
• Fancy Western Clothes
• 300x NE-003PC
• 96x NE-002PC
Model 1860 Colt .44 Revolver Silver 4/6
Model 1860 Colt .44 Revolver Empty
• Flashlight
• 600x .44 cal Mag rounds (Conventional SDC)
• Secure NGMI Card
• Secure Universal Card
WI-SR15 15mm Sniper Rifle x2
• 19,500x 10mm WI-2E
• 24,500x .44 Mag WI-2E
• 7,030x 13mm WI-2E
• 18,500x 15mm Mag WI-2E
• 10,000x 15mm Silver Rounds
• 5,000x 13mm Silver Rounds

WI-SR15 15mm Sniper Rifle
  • Range: 2,600'
  • Damage:
    • Single 15mm shot: 1D8x10
    • 3-round 15mm burst: 1 M.D.
    • 10-round 15mm burst: 1D4 M.D.
    • WI-10 Light Ramjet: 1 M.D.
    • WI-10 Light Ramjet 5-round burst 1D4 M.D.
    • WI-10 Light Ramjet 10-round burst: 2D4 M.D.
    • WI-20 Heavy Ramjet: 1D4 M.D.
    • WI-20 Heavy Ramjet 5-round burst: 4D4 M.D.
    • WI-20 Heavy Ramjet 10-round burst: 1D4x10 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots & 5 and 10-round bursts only
  • Payload: 50-round banana magazine
  • Weight: 21 lbs.
  • Features:
    • Bipod
    • Telescopic sight w/passive nightvision scope (3000')
  • Modifiers: Can only be fired from a prone position, supported on its bipod, otherwise requires P.S. 20+
  • Book Reference: p.99-100, MercOps

Code: Select all

[b]WI-SR15 15mm Sniper Rifle[/b]
[size=85][list][*]Range: 2,600'
[list][*]Single 15mm shot: 1D8x10
[*]3-round 15mm burst: 1 M.D.
[*]10-round 15mm burst: 1D4 M.D.
[*]WI-10 Light Ramjet: 1 M.D.
[*]WI-10 Light Ramjet 5-round burst 1D4 M.D.
[*]WI-10 Light Ramjet 10-round burst: 2D4 M.D.
[*]WI-20 Heavy Ramjet: 1D4 M.D.
[*]WI-20 Heavy Ramjet 5-round burst: 4D4 M.D.
[*]WI-20 Heavy Ramjet 10-round burst: 1D4x10 M.D.[/list]
[*]Rate of Fire: Single shots & 5 and 10-round bursts only
[*]Payload: 50-round banana magazine
[*]Weight: 21 lbs.
[*]Telescopic sight w/passive nightvision scope (3000')[/list]
[*]Modifiers: Can only be fired from a prone position, supported on its bipod, otherwise requires P.S. 20+
[*]Book Reference: p.99-100, MercOps[/list][/size]

Model 1860 Colt .44 Revolver
  • Range: 130'
  • Damage: 5D6
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 6 round cylinder
  • Weight: 3 lbs.
  • Features: none
  • Modifiers: Full round to reload unless Gunslinger, Lawman or Bounty Hunter, in which case is half a round to reload.
  • Book Reference: p.212, WB14
Wolf Whitaker

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Venenifer's Room

Post by Venenifer »

Venenifer's Room #8
Melee Weapons
Skorblade Short Sword
  • Damage: 1D8 M.D.
  • Weight: 3 lbs.
  • Features: excellent balance and craftsmanship
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike and parry
  • Book Reference: p.152, MercOps

Code: Select all

[b]Skorblade Short Sword[/b]
[size=85][list][*]Damage: 1D8 M.D.
[*]Weight: 3 lbs.
[*]Features: excellent balance and craftsmanship
[*]Modifiers: +1 to strike and parry
[*]Book Reference: p.152, MercOps[/list][/size]
Ranged Weapons
Venenifer, the Royal Frilled Dragon

P.P.E.: 136 | I.S.P.: 152 | Natural A.R.: 13 | Personal MDC: 630 | Barding MDC: 630D/315H
(+ 1 on all other saving throws not listed here) )
Coma/Death: 28%
Magic (varies): +6
Lethal Poison (14+): +6
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +6
Insanity (12+): +11
Psionics (varies): +9
Mind Control (varies): +3
Horror Factor (varies): +6

HF/Awe: 11/13 when frills flared. | Nightvision 200ft | See Invisible at Will | Shadow Meld at Will | Half Damage Fire/Plasma/Cold | Impervious to all forms of Paralysis | Bio-Regen: 1d4*10 MDC/minute | Sense Ley Lines, Nexuses, Pyramids and Dragons within 20 miles | Visually see past other dragon's illusions within 4,000ft

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Nash's Room

Post by Nash »

Nash's Room
Melee Weapons
Ranged Weapons
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Serrano's Room

Post by Serrano »

Serrano's Room
Melee Weapons
Ranged Weapons
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