Player Name: Jim Mohan
Link to Ledger: Ledger Link
Character Name: Sean Burke
Alias: Burke to most of his work associates. Sean or Seaney boy to close family.
Occupation: Professional Driver
O.C.C.: Psychic Medium
Alignment: Unprincipled
XP Level: 3
XP Points: 9,750 (10/1/24 ~Consumer)
Next Level @ XP: 8,401
Sentiments/Supernatural: Sean is very skeptical that the supernatural exists. He is still having a hard time reconciling his own spirit guide and believes he may be going crazy. He often estimates his own abilities as an insanity or pure instinct but is slowly accepting it.
Sentiments/Mages & Psychics: Sean has a similar skeptical take on mages and psychics in spite of his own abilities. He is taking things slowly as he delves into this new world.
Disposition: Sean is talkative and friendly. He can be excitable at times but for the most part doesn't lose his temper. He is charming, easy to talk to and mostly easy going.
I.Q.: 12
M.E.: 14
M.A.: 13
P.S.: 16
P.P.: 13
P.E.: 17
P.B.: 12
Speed: 17
P.P.E.: 2
I.S.P.: 16 (x2, x4, x6, x8)
H.P.: 22
S.D.C.: 50
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 195
Description: A fair skinned man with long well kept red hair and a beard. Brown/Green Eyes. Medium Build and slightly taller than an average man.
Natural Abilities
Perception: 35% (+5%)
Charm/Impress: 10%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 25%
Max. Encumbrance: 58.5 lbs
Max. Carrying Weight: 160 lbs
Max. Lifting Weight: 320 lbs
Max. Jumping Ability: Length: 8.5ft and Height: 4.25ft
Special Abilities
Common & Additional Skills
Language: Native Tongue 90% (+1%)
Literacy: Native Language 84% (+2%)
Mathematics: Basic 78% (+3%)
Lore: Paranormal & Psionics 45% (+5%)
Lore: Superstitions 45% (+5%)
O.C.C. Skills
Automobile 80% (+3%)
Automotive Mechanics 76% (+3%)
Truck 80% (+4%)
Motorcycles & Snowmobiles 82% (+4%)
Boat: Motor 79% (+5%)
Airplanes: Propeller Types 72% (+4%)
Radio: Basic 69% (+5%)
Roadwise 48% (+4%)
W.P. Blunt
Combat Driving
Physical Labor
Hand to Hand: Basic
O.C.C. Elective Skills
General Repair & Maintenance 65% (+5%)
Navigation 50% (+5%)
Wilderness Survival 40% (+5%)
Lore: Entities & Ghosts 50% (+5%)
Prowl 35% (+5%)
Pick Locks 40% (30%+5%)
Secondary Skills (+1 @ 4, 8, and 12)
First Aid 55% (+5%)
Climb 50%/35% (+5%) MGP purchase
Swim 60%(+5%) MGP purchase
Body Building & Weightlifting
W.P. Rifles
W.P. Handguns
Combat Data
HTH Type: Basic
Number of Attacks: 4
Initiative Bonus: +1
Strike Bonus: +0
Parry Bonus: +2
Dodge Bonus: +2
HTH Damage Bonus: +1
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +2
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +2
Bonus to Disarm: +0
Other: Kick Attack, Damage 1d8
Weapon Proficiencies
Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike Bonus
Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost
W.P. Blunt: +2 to strike and parry
W.P. Rifles: +2 to strike
W.P. Handguns: +1 to strike
Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +5%
Magic (varies): +1
Lethal Poison (14+): +1
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +1
Illusions: +3
Mind Control: +1
Insanity (12+): +0
Psionics (varies): +0
Horror Factor (varies): +2 (+6 when dealing with ghosts and entities)
Sean Burke (Psychic Medium) LEVEL UP!
- Sean Burke
- Posts: 46
- Joined: Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:47 am
Sean Burke (Psychic Medium) LEVEL UP!
Last edited by Sean Burke on Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:47 am, edited 53 times in total.
- Sean Burke
- Posts: 46
- Joined: Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:47 am
Re: Sean Burke (Psychic Medium)
1924 Chevrolet Model H Truck
Carried/In Hand
Worn on Person
Button down shirt, top button open
wool trousers
heavy overcoat
holy cross necklace
Utility Belt
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, water bottle, minor items, or individual tools.
• Attachment:
• Attachment:
• Attachment:
• Attachment:
Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a paperback novel will require more than one space.
• Space: First Aid Kit
• Space: 1d4 rolls of bandages
• Space: 1d4 rolls of ace bandages
• Space: Large flashlight
• Space: small flashlight
• Space: cigarette lighter
• Space: pocket knife (1d4 damage)
• Space: 100' Rope
• Space:
• Space:
Stored in Vehicle
Wooden Baseball Bat
.38 Revolver
Stored at Home
basic wardrobe
some dress clothes
one expensive suit
Cash on Hand: $188.00
Savings: $400.00
Gear Stats
Wooden Baseball Bat
.38 Revolver
1924 Chevrolet Model H Truck
S.D.C. by Location:
• Main Body: 600
• Windshield: 10
• windows (8): 10 each.
• Doors (2): 100 each
• Wheels (4): 50 each.
Statistical Data:
Maximum Speed: 65 mph
Range: 200 miles
Crew: 1
Class: Automobile
Dimensions: [Height: 5'11", Width: 5', Length: 11.5', Weight: 2700 lbs]
Cargo: up to 3,000 lbs.
Power System: Combustion Engine.
Features of Note: None.
1924 Chevrolet Model H Truck
Carried/In Hand
Worn on Person
Button down shirt, top button open
wool trousers
heavy overcoat
holy cross necklace
Utility Belt
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, water bottle, minor items, or individual tools.
• Attachment:
• Attachment:
• Attachment:
• Attachment:
Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a paperback novel will require more than one space.
• Space: First Aid Kit
• Space: 1d4 rolls of bandages
• Space: 1d4 rolls of ace bandages
• Space: Large flashlight
• Space: small flashlight
• Space: cigarette lighter
• Space: pocket knife (1d4 damage)
• Space: 100' Rope
• Space:
• Space:
Stored in Vehicle
Wooden Baseball Bat
.38 Revolver
Stored at Home
basic wardrobe
some dress clothes
one expensive suit
Cash on Hand: $188.00
Savings: $400.00
Gear Stats
Wooden Baseball Bat
- Range: Close Combat
- Damage: 1D8
- Weight: 2 lbs
- Features: None
- Modifiers: None
.38 Revolver
- Range: 135'
- Damage: 2D6
- Rate of Fire: Single Shot
- Payload: 6
- Weight: 3.5 lbs
- Features: None
- Modifiers: None
1924 Chevrolet Model H Truck
S.D.C. by Location:
• Main Body: 600
• Windshield: 10
• windows (8): 10 each.
• Doors (2): 100 each
• Wheels (4): 50 each.
Statistical Data:
Maximum Speed: 65 mph
Range: 200 miles
Crew: 1
Class: Automobile
Dimensions: [Height: 5'11", Width: 5', Length: 11.5', Weight: 2700 lbs]
Cargo: up to 3,000 lbs.
Power System: Combustion Engine.
Features of Note: None.
- Attachments
- Tow truck.jpg (12.07 KiB) Viewed 2784 times
Last edited by Sean Burke on Mon Jul 24, 2023 7:21 am, edited 7 times in total.
- Sean Burke
- Posts: 46
- Joined: Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:47 am
Re: Sean Burke (Psychic Medium)
Background Story
Sean was a first generation Irish American. The third son of Irish immigrants, he was born in small cabin in the Appalachian Mountains in West Virginia. His parents, Ulster Protestant emigrants, left Ireland during the Great Famine in search of a new start. Sean’s father found work in the lumber industry while his mother tended the home, children, and their personal gardens.
Sean’s education was limited to evening home schooling which his mother attended to. His early childhood days were spent tending to the house choir with his mother until he was old enough to join his father. From 12 years he spent most of the day working in the logging camps. He learned very quickly the meaning of hard work. Around his 18th birthday Sean was presented with an opportunity for new employment outside of the logging camps. He was offered a position delivering lumber to neighboring towns and city after it was processed in the sawmills.
As a driver, Sean quickly learned the roads. He enjoyed the solitude between stops were he could enjoy the scenery in peace. His father did not appreciate the job, he saw it as a lazy man’s way of making money. At around 20 years old, the logging business dried up. With the forests depleted there was little work left. The timber that was processed was from the second cutting of the trees. Delivers slowed and so did Sean’s hours.
A thing happened. On January 17,1920 the Eighteenth Amendment went into affect. America banned the sale and import of alcohol across the whole country. Although Sean’s parents were very happy with the ban, Sean was not. It did open the door for a new opportunity. No stranger to the locals or the roads, Sean was offered a job driving shipments of alcohol at night. With the decline of hours at the sawmill he quickly accepted the opportunity.
Sean was able to get himself a small room of his own in town now. His parents were disappointed he moved out and could not figure out how he could afford to do so on a driver’s salary. His 2 older brothers and 3 younger sisters remained home with his mother and father. Having a room of his own, spending money and being in town brought Sean great joy. He felt independent. It also allowed him to deal with his affliction.
When Sean was 13, he was afflicted with visions. A man would present himself to Sean. Noone else could see this man. The man called himself Henry. Sean would often tell his mother and father about Henry and the things he told him. They believed the man to be a figment of Sean’s imagination. As time went by, Sean’s father became frustrated, and concern grew that Sean might have a psychological issue. It an attempt to “cure” Sean his father would beat him anytime he mentioned Henry. This quickly solved the problem of Sean saying anything to anyone about Henry, but it did not make Henry go away.
As Sean got older, other strange things would happen to him. He would see “ghosts”, smell strange things, and even tell when someone was about to die. He did his best to ignore the phenomenon and always remained silent about it. He was concerned that he may be losing his mind. Over the years he learned how to deal with it and balance life against strangeness.
Sean spent his free time studying and looking for others that might be experiencing the same things. Often when presenting the idea to others he would be laughed at. Never would he admit that it was his own affliction. On rare occasions he would meet people who could offer advise. It was from these people he learned to hone some of his abilities.
To this day, Sean is still not convinced that his affliction are psychic powers. He still often worries himself that the things he sees aren’t truly there.
Sean was a first generation Irish American. The third son of Irish immigrants, he was born in small cabin in the Appalachian Mountains in West Virginia. His parents, Ulster Protestant emigrants, left Ireland during the Great Famine in search of a new start. Sean’s father found work in the lumber industry while his mother tended the home, children, and their personal gardens.
Sean’s education was limited to evening home schooling which his mother attended to. His early childhood days were spent tending to the house choir with his mother until he was old enough to join his father. From 12 years he spent most of the day working in the logging camps. He learned very quickly the meaning of hard work. Around his 18th birthday Sean was presented with an opportunity for new employment outside of the logging camps. He was offered a position delivering lumber to neighboring towns and city after it was processed in the sawmills.
As a driver, Sean quickly learned the roads. He enjoyed the solitude between stops were he could enjoy the scenery in peace. His father did not appreciate the job, he saw it as a lazy man’s way of making money. At around 20 years old, the logging business dried up. With the forests depleted there was little work left. The timber that was processed was from the second cutting of the trees. Delivers slowed and so did Sean’s hours.
A thing happened. On January 17,1920 the Eighteenth Amendment went into affect. America banned the sale and import of alcohol across the whole country. Although Sean’s parents were very happy with the ban, Sean was not. It did open the door for a new opportunity. No stranger to the locals or the roads, Sean was offered a job driving shipments of alcohol at night. With the decline of hours at the sawmill he quickly accepted the opportunity.
Sean was able to get himself a small room of his own in town now. His parents were disappointed he moved out and could not figure out how he could afford to do so on a driver’s salary. His 2 older brothers and 3 younger sisters remained home with his mother and father. Having a room of his own, spending money and being in town brought Sean great joy. He felt independent. It also allowed him to deal with his affliction.
When Sean was 13, he was afflicted with visions. A man would present himself to Sean. Noone else could see this man. The man called himself Henry. Sean would often tell his mother and father about Henry and the things he told him. They believed the man to be a figment of Sean’s imagination. As time went by, Sean’s father became frustrated, and concern grew that Sean might have a psychological issue. It an attempt to “cure” Sean his father would beat him anytime he mentioned Henry. This quickly solved the problem of Sean saying anything to anyone about Henry, but it did not make Henry go away.
As Sean got older, other strange things would happen to him. He would see “ghosts”, smell strange things, and even tell when someone was about to die. He did his best to ignore the phenomenon and always remained silent about it. He was concerned that he may be losing his mind. Over the years he learned how to deal with it and balance life against strangeness.
Sean spent his free time studying and looking for others that might be experiencing the same things. Often when presenting the idea to others he would be laughed at. Never would he admit that it was his own affliction. On rare occasions he would meet people who could offer advise. It was from these people he learned to hone some of his abilities.
To this day, Sean is still not convinced that his affliction are psychic powers. He still often worries himself that the things he sees aren’t truly there.
Last edited by Sean Burke on Thu Jul 20, 2023 7:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Sean Burke
- Posts: 46
- Joined: Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:47 am
Re: Sean Burke (Psychic Medium)
Henry - Sean's Sprit Guide
HP: 9
PPE: 11
ISP: None
Gender: Male
Kinship to Sean: No blood ties, that either are currently aware of
Age: 34
Cause of Death: War
Nationality: American
Time Line: American Revolution
Personality Traits: Pragmatic and Reserved, stoic even
HP: 9
PPE: 11
ISP: None
Gender: Male
Kinship to Sean: No blood ties, that either are currently aware of
Age: 34
Cause of Death: War
Nationality: American
Time Line: American Revolution
Personality Traits: Pragmatic and Reserved, stoic even
- Sean Burke
- Posts: 46
- Joined: Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:47 am
Re: Sean Burke (Psychic Medium) Level Up (10/03/2023)
Level up Scrap sheet
Level 2
HP +1d6 1d6
ISP +2
Level 3
HP +1d6 1d6
ISP +2
Updated Skill percentages
Updated Hand to hand
Level 2
HP +1d6 1d6
ISP +2
Level 3
HP +1d6 1d6
ISP +2
Updated Skill percentages
Updated Hand to hand