Barracuda (Mutant Human - NAC)

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Barracuda (Mutant Human - NAC)

Post by Barracuda »

Player Name: Alex
G-Chat: dmblackhaunt
Link to Ledger: viewtopic.php?p=161462#p161462

Character Name: Prince Corwin of Lemuria
Alias: Benjamin Berry, Barracuda.
Race: Homo Sapiens Superior/Homo Mermanus
Character Class: Mutant Human
O.C.C.: None
Occupation: Diver/Salvage Expert
Alignment: Scrupulous
XP Level: 10
XP Points: 126,747 [UG 02JUN24]
Next Level @ XP: 130,101
Sentiments/Non-Humans: Defender of all life, as he himself is a mix of very unique genes.
Sentiments/Coalition: Has never heard of the Coalition States. Update: They are a simulacrum of the Nazi Party from the history of his home dimension. Bad dudes. Must be stopped.
Disposition: Kind and generous to a fault. Big puppy who doesn't know his own strength.
Insanity: Phobia: Fire; Psycho-Reliance: Mako Shark Tooth Necklace (if lost: -5% on all skills, -3 to save vs Horror Factor, -3 on initiative and -1 on all combat moves)

I.Q.: 10
M.E.: 11
M.A.: 11
P.S.: 23 (29)
P.P.: 15
P.E.: 28
P.B.: 8
Speed: 30 (150)

Stats in Blue are the result of Underwater Abilities being active.
Stats in Orange are the result of Warp Sound being active.

P.P.E.: 7
S.D.C.: 181 (241)
M.D.C./H.P.: 67
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 225 lbs.
Description: Large, muscular man with light brown skin and long flowing black hair and dark brown eyes. Wears a shark's tooth necklace at all times.
Cause of Mutation: Radiation and Genetic Aberration.

Natural Abilities
Max. Carrying Weight: 460 lbs. (580 lbs)
Max. Lifting Weight: 920 lbs. (1160 lbs)
Running Speed: 21 mph. (92.4' per action)
Swimming Speed: 105 mph. (462' per action)
Perception: 46% (61%)

Special Abilities
Swimming--90% (+1%)

Super Abilities
Energy Expulsion: Electromagnetic Pulse
The character is able to generate a pulse of powerful electromagnetic energy that can temporarily knockout electrical systems within the radius of attack, by touch or via a directed narrow beam (hits one specific item). Vulnerable electronics include clocks, burglar alarms, video monitoring systems, cameras, sensors, radar, motion detectors, electronic eyes, computers, cell phones, radios and televisions, compasses, GPS systems, generators, energy weapons and similar devices. Does not affect bionics, cybernetics, robots or power armor, though it may be able to knockout specific isolated sensors, radio communications, and energy weapons.
Success Ratio: 70% +3% per level of experience (100%), +6% if disrupted by touch (106%). A failed roll means the sensor or item flickers for a moment, but remains operational.
Range: 20 foot (6.1 m) radius around the character affecting everything in his radius, or a directed blast at one specific device with a 40 foot (12.2 m) range +5 feet (1.5 m) per level of experience (90 foot), or by touch.
Damage: Knocks out/takes offline electronic devices for 1D4x10 minutes plus five minutes per level of experience (1D4x10+50 minutes). Can also erase computer disks and magnetic tape by touch.
Duration: Instant.
Attacks per Melee: Each electromagnetic pulse counts as two melee attacks and can only be used once per melee.

Immune to Melee Attacks
This is the reverse of Immune to High Speed Kinetic Attacks, above. In this case, the super being is immune to all types of (comparatively) slow physical melee attacks, such as punches, kicks, choking, crushing, bites, and attacks from melee weapons (clubs, swords, etc.). Such attacks do absolutely no damage at all to the character. Even punches from Extraordinary or Superhuman Strength don't hurt (no damage) and even Supernatural Strength does half the usual damage. Of course, super-strong attacks or impact from a vehicle moving slower than 120 mph (192 km) may still knock the character off his feet or backward several yards/meters with the usual effect (loses initiative and one or two melee attacks/actions). Likewise, while the character may not suffer physical injury from a collapsing building, he will still get pinned by the debris and could suffocate from lack of air. Meanwhile, bullets, arrows, force bolts, debris hurled by tornado or hurricane force wind, most car crashes, energy blasts, explosions, grenade shrapnel, fire, electricity, etc., all do full damage.
Range: Self.
Duration: Constant.
Penalty: Has some loss of feeling in his skin and fingertips, -10% on all skills that require a delicate sense of touch including Palming, Forgery, Surgical skills and most Electrical and Mechanical skills.

Power Weapon
This power allows the character to extend a nimbus of energy to surround a melee weapon in his hand such as a knife, sword, mace, staff, etc., and imbue it with greater power and damage capability. At third level of experience, the character can use this ability to empower two different weapons at once, one in each hand.
Damage: Normal weapon damage +P.S. damage bonus (if any), plus an additional 1D6 points of damage at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12 and 15 (5D6). Once per melee round, the weapon can be made to fire an energy bolt that does the empowered weapon's full damage. Range: 100' per level of the super being (1000 feet). However, the weapon loses its charge for the entire next melee and strikes as a normal weapon until the following melee round when it can recharge itself.
Duration: The empowerment lasts 4 minutes per level of experience (40 minutes). The character must wait 4 minutes between uses.
Rifts Conversion Notes: This power translates point-for-point from S.D.C. to M.D.C. in an M.D.C. setting.

Underwater Abilities
This power enables the superbeing to function with incredible prowess underwater. Like a fish, he can breathe underwater, swim, and so on. This character can breathe and function on dry land like a normal person for an indefinite period of time – days, months, or years. However, he feels most comfortable, as well as most powerful, in water, i.e. rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans.
1. Abilities Include:
Breathe Underwater enables the superbeing to breathe underwater as easily as he does air on the surface.
Swimming is an automatic, instinctive ability enabling the character to swim with the skill proficiency of a competitive swimmer.
All basic swimming techniques and styles are known; skill level 80% + 1 % per level of experience (90%).
Depth Tolerance: Can survive the pressure up to 1.5 miles (2.4 km) underwater.
Extraordinary Strength Underwater: The character possesses incredible strength while underwater. Increase P.S. to 24, or if the character already has a natural P.S. of 20 or higher, add six to the P.S. The extra strength applies only when submerged in water. On dry land the superbeing's strength is his normal, natural physical strength.
S.D.C. also increases underwater; add 100 S.D.C. points.
On dry land the S.D.C. reverts to normal.
Extraordinary Speed Underwater: The character's swimming speed is the Spd. attribute x5 while underwater.
2. Bonuses Underwater:
+2 to strike.
+2 to parry.
+4 to dodge.
+ 1 extra attack per melee round.
3. Bonuses on Dry Land:
+ 1 to strike.
Add 40 points to S.D.C. (Remember, the 100 S.D.C. bonus underwater no longer applies).
Note: Aquatic aliens with this power reverse it, meaning they are an underwater creature (with whatever natural underwater abilities they normally possess) who can now function on dry land (e.g. Underwater Abilities becomes Surface/Land Abilities). Thus, change the swimming skill to running and the underwater bonuses apply to aquatic creatures when they are on land (they can breathe air, walk/crawl, etc.).

Warp Sound
This is the ability to change and distort sound waves in the vicinity of the character to disguise one's voice (can sound completely different), and produce a variety of minor effects.
Range: Self or sound waves within a range of 100 feet (30.5 m) +20 feet (6.1 m) per level of experience (300 feet), unless stated otherwise.
Damage: None.
Duration: Up to five minute per level of experience (50 minutes), triple (150 minutes) when used on one's self.
Sound Warping Abilities:
1. Amplify Sound/Booming Voice: The character can increase the loudness of his own voice or a specific sound as if turning up the sound on a stereo or television. Increase up to 70 decibels and used like a police bullhorn. The effect can be performed on another person or any type of audio equipment provided the target is within range and line of sight. Making a car stereo suddenly boom (perhaps one after another) can be an effective distraction, with everyone looking in that direction for at least the first 1D4+1 times it happens. It can also be used to drown out conversations and cause trouble.
2. Muffle Sound: Reduce the volume to as low as a soft whisper (10 decibels). The Sound Warping character can also bend sound around him to muffle his own movement to move almost completely silently. Only characters with heightened hearing might hear the character. No sound of footsteps, no rustle of clothing, breathing, etc., everything is like a soft whisper. +20% to Prowl skill.
3. Silence Sounds: The character can manipulate sound to completely mute it. This can be done on a living being (human or animal) or audio device and machine to silence them. This can, in effect, temporarily negate the power of spell casters (no sound no spell) and silence stool pigeons.
4. Disguise/Change Voice: This can be done to oneself for obvious reasons, or one specific person, for fun or confusion, provided that individual is within 100 feet (30.5 m) and in line of sight. The voice may sound high or low, male or female, mechanical, guttural, or lyrical.
5. Change Sound: In this case the sound is made to be completely different than its true nature. Thus, the roar of a revving motorcycle engine can be made to sound like a police siren, or the tinkling of bells, or the rush of the wind, or laughter, etc.
6. Parry Sonic & Sound-Based Attacks: The super being can parry and deflect sonic blasts and sound-based attacks, bending the sound waves around him. Roll just like a normal parry with a -2 penalty. In the alternative, the character can create a sort of bubble that covers a 10 foot diameter (3 m) that will warp sound around it, thus protecting those inside the bubble from sound and sonic attacks.
7. Bend and Redirect Sound Waves: The character can warp sound waves to send Signals in different directions or back from where they came. For example, an individual standing in front of the radio can't hear it because the super being has redirected the sound waves to go right or left and even around corners. Great for eavesdropping on conversations, concealing conversations and mischief.
Bonuses: The character's sense of hearing is about twice as good as a normal human's; +1 on initiative.

Energy Absorption
This character is a sort of living energy sponge that can soak up, store, and harmlessly convert and release energy. This means the character is impervious to heat, fire, laser blasts, electricity and other forms of energy. The only exception is kinetic energy, meaning punches, kicks, thrown weapons, bullets, explosions, falls, and so on, which will do full damage.
1. Draining Touch: The character can drain the energy out of an item, like a car battery or energy pack, by touching it. Maximum absorption capacity is one gigawatt per level of experience (10 gigawatts). That's the rough equivalent of 10,000 car batteries or 10 e-clips (100,000/100).
2. Energy Discharge: The character can touch an electrical/energy conductor and send a power surge into the system, at least temporarily short-circuiting the system (3D4 melee rounds), if not frying it completely (01-25% chance, or G.M.'s discretion). Maximum discharge is 10,000 watts per level of experience (100,000). Not effective against M.D.C. robots, cyborgs or power armor, but great against computers, sensors, communications systems and similar electronics.
3. Energy Flash: The character can discharge a sudden energy flash that will strike everyone within the area of the discharge. Unfortunately, the character can not control or direct the energy to strike a specific target, so innocent bystanders and allies within the radius of effect will all take damage.
Range: 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience (100 feet).
Damage: 2D6 S.D.C.
Duration: Instant
Attacks Per Melee: Counts as one melee attack/action, but can only be performed once per melee round.
4. Glow: The storage of energy can be released as light. This character can glow with up to 500 watts of light (equal to a very bright light bulb). The light can be restricted to a specific part of the body, like a hand or arm, or the entire body. If the latter, looking directly at the character is difficult and attackers are -1 to strike, parry and dodge when fighting him.
Range: Self only.
5. Shoot Light Beam: The light beam is completely harmless in that it does no damage. However, it is so bright that it can be used to temporarily blind an opponent (for 1D4+1 melee rounds) if shot at the face. Blinded opponents are -8 on all melee actions for the first melee round and -6 to strike, parry and dodge for the remaining ones in which vision is impaired (sees spots and has blurred vision).
The beam can also be used as a beacon or searchlight. Maximum width of the beam is two feet (0.6 m) if both hands are put together with fingers spread wide, otherwise about 8-12 inches (around 0.3 m)
Range: 2000 feet (610 m)
Damage: None
Duration: Instant or indefinitely.
Attacks Per Melee: Each light blast counts as one melee attack or action. To maintain a continuous beam for the entire melee round (15 seconds) uses up all but one melee attack or action (i.e. can walk and use light. or use light and read, use light and do a skill, etc.).
6. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Add 1D6x10 to S.D.C.
Add 1D4 to P.E. attribute.
Impervious to energy attacks, heat and fire, laser blasts, electricity and other forms of energy.

Healing Factor
This power provides incredible recuperative abilities and immunity to disease and toxins. On Rifts Earth, the character's Hit Points (only) turn into M.D.C. and increased healing applies to the M.D.C. All other bonuses and abilities remain in place.
Bonuses: Increase P.E. to 21+1D6, add 50 points to S.D.C., +20% to save vs coma/death, +3 to save vs psionics and horror factor, +8 to save vs insanity.
The Healing Factor:
Recovers 3 S.D.C. every 10 minutes (18 per hour)
Recovers one M.D.C./hit point every 15 minutes (4 per hour).
Special superhealing: Can instantly regenerate 4D6 M.D.C./hit points two times per day (24 hour period).
Does not fatigue, whatsoever!
Resistant to fire and cold; does half damage.
Resistant to drugs, toxins, and poisons. When the character doesn't save against them, their effects (duration, penalties and symptoms) and damage are a mere one third normal.
No scarring when healed.
Broken bones heal completely, without any sign of having ever been broken, at a rate 10 times faster than normal. This means a leg fractured in several places will be completely healed in about 8-10 days instead of 11-15 weeks.

Education Level: High School Graduate

Common Skills
Pilot: Automobile--78% (+2%)
Mathematics: Basic--90% (+5%)
Language: English--98%
Literacy: English--95% (+5%)

Conversion Skills
Language: Japanese--78% (+3%, 7th Level)
Pilot: Boat: Motor, Race and Hydrofoil--90% (+5%, 7th Level)
Pilot: Boat: Sail Type--95% (+5%, 7th Level)
Pilot: Motorcycle--84% (+4%, 7th Level)
Navigation-- 70% (+5%, 7th Level)
Sensory Equipment-- 60% (+5%, 7th Level)
W.P. Energy Pistol (7th Level)
W.P. Harpoon and Spear Gun (7th Level)
History: Pre-Rifts-- 56%/48% (+4%, 7th Level)
Mythology-- 60% (+5%, 7th Level)
Penalties: -20% when using 20th Century skills in high-tech areas like: Medical, Science, Electrical, Mechanical, Robotics, Bionics, and Computer

Scholastic Skills
Basic Electronics--70% (+5%)
Computer Operations--90% (+5%)
Computer Programming--80% (+5%)
Radio: Basic--95% (+5%)
**Sense of Balance--78% (+2%)
**Walk Tightrope or High Wire--87% (+3%)
**Climb Rope--88% (+2%)

**Work Parallel Bars & Rings--87% (+3%)
**Back Flip--88% (+2%)


Secondary Skills
Hand to Hand: Expert
Body Building & Weight Lifting
Prowl--80%/100% (+5%)
W.P. Staff
W.P. Paired Weapons (Blunt)
W.P. Sword
Art--80% (+5%)
Sewing--85% (+5%)
Fishing--75% (+5%, 8th Level)
Basic Mechanics--50% (+5%, 5th Level)
Salvage--55% (+5%, 5th Level)
Barter--34% (+4%, 2nd Level)
Language: Dragonese 53% (+3%, 2nd Level)
W.P. Paired Weapons
W.P. Net (4th Level)
W.P. Spear (4th Level)
W.P. Forked (4th Level)

  • Barter: 34%

Code: Select all

Barter: [roll]1d100[/roll]/34%

  • Appraise Goods
  • Anthropology/Archaeology
  • Find Contraband
  • Invoke Trust/Charm & Impress
  • Any Lore skill
  • Research
  • Roadwise/Streetwise

Combat Data
HTH Type: Expert
Number of Attacks: 7 (8)
Initiative Bonus: +3
Strike Bonus: +3 (+4)
Parry Bonus: +6 (+8)
Dodge Bonus: +6 (+10)
HTH Damage Bonus: +11 (+17)
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +7
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +4
Bonus to Disarm: +3
Karate Kick: 2D4
Crescent Kick: 2D4+2
Tripping/Leg Hook: (Knockdown, cannot be parried)
Body Block/Tackle: 1D4 (Knockdown and -1 APM)
Body Throw/Flip
Crush/Squeeze: 1D4
Pin/Incapacitate: 18-20
Critical Strike: 18-20
Knockout: Natural 20.

Weapon Proficiencies
Staff--+4 to strike, +3 to parry, +2 to strike when thrown. +1 to strike at level 13. +1 to parry at levels 11, and 14. +1 to strike when thrown at level 15; not designed for throwing.
Sword--+4 to strike and parry, +2 to strike when thrown. +1 to strike at levels 12, and 15. +1 to parry at level 13. +1 to strike when thrown at level 12; not designed for throwing.
Energy Pistol (7th Level)--+4 to strike +1 to strike at levels 9, 11, 13, and 15.
Harpoon and Spear Gun (7th Level)--+3 to strike +1 to strike at levels 10, and 15.
Paired Weapons: Blunt
Paired Weapons
Net (4th Level)--+1 to strike and entangle, +2 to parry +1 to strike and entangle at levels 5, 8, 11, and 15. +1 to parry at levels 6, 9, and 12.
Spear (4th Level, rifle equipped with bayonet falls into this category, as do tridents) --+2 to strike and parry, +1 to strike when thrown +1 to strike and parry at levels 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 6, 10, and 14. Maximum throwing range: 150 feet
Forked (4th Level)--+2 to strike and entangle, +2 to parry, +1 to strike when thrown +1 to Strike or Entangle at levels 5, 8, 11, and 13. +1 to parry at levels 6, 10, and 13. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 10 and 15; not really designed for throwing.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +46%
Magic/Poison: +7
Psionics: +3
Horror Factor: +3
Insanity: +8
Last edited by Barracuda on Fri Oct 08, 2021 1:10 pm, edited 23 times in total.
Benjamin "Barracuda" Berry, Lord of the Bay
SDC: 121/121
HP: 23/23
Critical Strike: 18-20

Amulet of Protection Against The Supernatural: +2 vs. Horror Factor and Possession
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Post by Barracuda »


Barracuda's Room at the Heroes Haven

Allocate your items into the categories listed in green!

Non-Secure Universal Card: 431,000 credits (Zoe 4-13-17)
Non-Secure Universal Card: 375, 000 credits (Zoe 15-04-18)
Secure Universal Card: 86,000 credits (Zoe 11AUG22)

Carried/In Hand
King Tide
Striker (Clockwork Wolf)

Worn on Person
Wave Strider Armor
Pair of boot cut jeans
Black Solid T-Shirt
Pair of sneakers
Diver's Watch
Pendant Chain (M.D.C.: 5)
Protection Against the Supernatural Amulet
Talisman of Invulnerability
Talisman of Sustain
Talisman of Cleanse
Talisman of Armor of Ithan

Utility Belt
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Njord’s Passion
• Attachment: Pouch: 1 E-clip, 1 LE-clip
• Attachment: Pouch: Waterproof Compass, Waterproof 8x22 Monocular
• Attachment: Pouch: Waterproof Flashlight

The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: Wilk's PRC-5 Secure Walkie-Talkie
• Space: Barracuda Costume
• Space: Wilk's Remi 136 "Big Man"
• Space: KEP-Special Energy Pump Pistol
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:

Stored in Vehicle
Amphib Body Armor

Gear Stats

Wave Strider Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 55 (can only be hit with a Called Shot at -3 to strike)
  • Arms: 35 each
  • Hands: 18 each (can only be hit with a Called Shot at -3 to strike)
  • Legs: 45 each
  • Main Body: 87

Class: Wave Strider Light, Commercial, Amphibious Body Armor.
Size: Adds 3 inches to the user's height; 9 inches counting the head crest, which can be retracted or folded to lie close to the back of the skull.
Weight: 19 lbs
  • Breathe Underwater: The Wave Strider suit enables humans and other air-breathers to breathe underwater for an indefinite period of time.
  • Depth Gauge and Compass: A depth gauge and compass are built into the suit to assist in navigation. They are installed in the helmet and can be seen by the wearer at all times.
  • Depth Tolerance: 2.5 miles (4 km).
  • Enhanced Swimming: +10% to Swimming skill while wearing the suit.
  • Flotation System: Normally the armor is kept neutrally buoyant to allow for underwater swimming, but the user can increase the buoyancy and use the suit like a life preserver to float on the surface of water.
  • Resistant to Cold: Suffers one-third damage.
  • Wave Striding: The boots of the Wave Strider armor are enchanted to enhance the surface tension of the water when willed to do so.
    When activated, they allow the wearer to magically walk or run on top of a body of water. Waves greater than three feet (0.9 m) slow the wearer down 20%, waves up to 9 feet (2.7 m) reduce speed by half, waves 10-20 feet (3 to 6.1 m) by 75%, and larger, more violent waves make walking on the surface of water impossible (float only).
  • Webbed Fingers and Membrane: Assist in swimming; see Enhanced Swimming, above.
  • Regeneration: 2D6 MD every 24 hours

Book Reference:
WB 32 pg. 129

Amphib Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 70
  • Arms: 60 each
  • Legs: 80 each
  • Main Body: 100

Weight: 20 lbs.
Modifiers: -25% to physical skills (-5% only for Amphibs)
  • Non-environmental

Book Reference: p.101, WB7

Wilk's Remi 136 "Big Man"
  • Range: 600'
  • Damage: 3D6 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: single shots only
  • Payload: 15 shots per E-clip; 30 per LE-clip
  • Weight: 3 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.208, WB14

KEP-Special Energy Pump Pistol
  • Range: 200'
  • Damage: 5D6 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: single shots only
  • Payload: 10 shots per E-clip, 20 per LE-clip
  • Weight: 4 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.137, WB2

Talisman of Armor of Ithan
Magic Features
  • Armor of Ithan
  • Duration: 5 minutes
  • M.D.C.: 50 (1/2 damage from magical fire, cold, and lightning)
  • Charges: 3

Book Reference: p.150, BoM

Talisman of Cleanse
Magic Features
  • Cleanse
  • Charges: 3

Book Reference: p.150, BoM

Talisman of Sustain
Magic Features
  • Sustain
  • Require no food, water, or breath, need only 2 hours of sleep/night. Can survive almost all environmental conditions
  • Duration: 5 days
  • Charges: 3

Book Reference: p.150, BoM

Talisman of Invulnerability
Magic Features
  • Invulnerability
  • M.D.C.: 50
  • Impervious to cold, disease, drugs, gases, energy, poison, and toxins
  • +10 vs magic, psionics, & horror factor
  • Duration: 5 melees
  • Charges: 3

Book Reference: p.150, BoM

Protection Against the Supernatural Amulet
Uncommon Amulet
Magic Effect:
  • +2 to save vs Horror Factor and +2 to save vs possession

Curse: (if any)
History: (if any)

Wilk's PRC-5 Secure Walkie-Talkie
  • M.D.C.: 2
  • Range: 10 miles
  • Weight: 1 lb.
  • Features: 96 hours before recharge required
  • Modifiers: -25% to crack encryption
  • Book Reference: p.106, MercOps

King Tide
  • Range: close combat
  • Damage: 2D6+8
  • Weight: 7 lbs.
  • Features: Dwarven Crafted Trident
  • Modifiers: +2 to strike, +2 to parry
  • Book Reference: NA, custom-made

Njord’s Passion
Very Rare Enchanted Net
Damage: None
Features: superb craftsmanship & balance
Modifiers: +3 to parry, +3 to entangle, +3 to disarm
Magic Features
  • Wielder is impervious to underwater pressure (unique)
  • Indestructible

Curse: None
History: Lost to the annals of history

Striker: Clockwork Wolf (Patron Item)
Unique Magical Construct
Alignment: animalistic automaton; effectively aberrant
Disposition: akin to that of a highly loyal canine companion; affectionate, playful, protective, and somewhat obedient
I.Q.: 10 (High animal intelligence)
M.E.: N/A
M.A.: 16
P.S.: 20 (Robotic)
P.P.: 20
P.E.: N/A
P.B.: 16
Speed: 60
Physical Data
A.R.: 16
M/S.D.C.: 150
P.P.E.: 50
Dimensions: 3' high, 5' long, 1.5' wide, 300 lbs.
Power System: Unknown
Average Life Span: Unknown, possibly eternal with proper maintenance & upkeep
Natural Abilities
  • Invoke Trust or Intimidate: 60%
  • Charm/Impress: 30%
  • Leap to 10' high or across, double with a running start
  • Max Carry Weight: 500 lbs.
  • See Aura (100')

Combat Stats:
  • Attacks per Melee: 3
  • Modifiers: +4 to initiative, +6 to strike, +4 to dodge
  • Bite: 2D6
  • Restrained Attack:: 2D6+5
  • Melee Attack: 1 M.D.

Saving Throw Bonuses
  • Immune to (non-physical) psionics
  • Immune to toxins of all types
  • Requires no air or nourishment
  • +8 vs Horror Factor

Skill Equivalents
  • Prowl--90%
  • Track by Smell--90%
  • Swim--50%

Features of Note:
  • A.R. is only applicable in S.D.C. dimensions
  • Sturdy Construct: S.D.C. translates to M.D.C. in mega-damage dimensions
  • P.P.E. is only accessible to owner
  • Cannot be a familiar, only a companion
  • Magically understands all languages, but cannot communicate aside from body language
  • Regenerates 1D6 M/S.D.C. per day

History: Shifters and Xenobiologists alike have cataloged these curious extra-dimensional mechanical constructs across the megaverse from obscure pocket dimensions to the the sprawl of the Three Galaxies. Their origins are a complete mystery, but master Dwarven techno-wizards of the UWW take credit for these seemingly living works of extraordinary craftsmanship and artistic skill. While incredibly rare to find, the behavior of these automatons is universally identical and they are the finest and most loyal of any possible companion.
Last edited by Barracuda on Fri Aug 21, 2015 7:55 am, edited 14 times in total.
Benjamin "Barracuda" Berry, Lord of the Bay
SDC: 121/121
HP: 23/23
Critical Strike: 18-20

Amulet of Protection Against The Supernatural: +2 vs. Horror Factor and Possession
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Diamond Level Patron
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Joined: Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:14 am
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Post by Barracuda »

Background Story
Born in 1978 as the illegitimate love-child of the amphibious Queen Regnant of an underwater kingdom and an electrically powered but surface-dwelling hero, Prince Corwin of Lemuria was an outcast from the day he was born due to his impure royal blood. He royal family sent him by dolphin days after his birth to find his own way through his exile. He washed up in Santa Cruz, California and was found by surfers there with a Mako Shark Tooth Necklace wrapped around him and a golden medallion. They dubbed him the miracle baby and he was raised in an orphanage where he was given the name Benjamin. He stayed there until the age of 9, when he was adopted by Julian and Katherine Berry, a family that ran a small boat tour company.

He had no trouble at all acclimating to family life and spent much of his time with his new family. He tried his hardest in school despite getting only average grades. He found that he took to sports more than learning however and tried a little bit of everything. He took some self-defense classes, worked on his flexibility and balance and later on, tried out for football, basketball and soccer. He did well at all of it. Everything was great until one day in the Summer of 1996 when on a family boat ride along the coast an unannounced storm hit. Visibility was next to zero and the storm had taken off the ship's antenna, so no call for help was possible. The father tried his hardest to get the ship back to shore, but the storm wouldn't let them turn around. It turned out that it was no natural storm. The villain Tempest accompanied with the villain Rad-Out landed on the boat and demanded that the contents of the safe on-board be handed over to them or it would be destroyed. Benjamin was 17 at this time and had a fiery spirit inside of him. Thinking that with his athletic prowess, he could just push them both overboard, he charged at Rad-Out. He wasn't fast enough however, as he got blasted with a heavy beam of radiation and was tossed overboard.

When Benjamin came to, he was floating in a sea of clear blue with water filling his lungs. He panicked and started trying to make his way to the surface. Instead, he found himself moving through the water at a superhuman rate, his lungs never protesting the amount of water in them. Exploring this new-found ability, he found his ship quickly. However, upon discovering his family he realized that everyone was punished for his stupidity, the money was taken anyway, his father had been killed (by Tempest placing a small storm inside of his heart), and his mother was barely hanging on by a thread. After getting his mother back to land, he was waiting by her hospital bed when her life support equipment started to flicker every time he looked at it. Realizing that his body was going through drastic changes, he had to leave the room for her safety. As he grabbed the door handle, it began to crackle with energy and as he released, he heard a scream from the other side of the door. With the door finally open, he saw the hospital janitor getting up off of the ground slowly. He had been knocked over by something that had seared a hole in the chest of his shirt. When the man began yelling at him, his voice sounded like a house of mirrors! Loud and then quiet, male and then female, squeaky and then bassy. Before he could figure it out, the janitor whacked him in the face with a broom handle as hard as he could...but to no avail. Ben didn't feel it one bit. Barely even noticed as he stumbled out of the door and ran for the water. The one thing that felt right at this point. Diving in, he felt a calm wash over his mind, reeling in all of the clashing abilities that were wreaking havok with his mental state. After swimming for hours, he decided to use his abilities to guard his city against those who would take advantage of those who couldn't defend themselves, no matter what the cost. Barracuda was born.

He had many adventures, but none so great as his trip to the deep sea nation of Lemuria. When his adoptive mother was on her deathbed, she let him in on a secret. That his abilities underwater were more than likely from birth. She told him where he had been found and about the medallion they found him with and the necklace that he still hadn't taken off. After his mother's death, he went back to his parent's house and found a book full of clippings of his adventures, both undersea and on land. In it, there was the golden medallion his mother mentioned. There was a book name and page number tacked next to it in her scrapbook. The book was called "Mysteries of the Deep" and it was next to the scrapbook. The book was old with yellowing pages, but in great condition otherwise. Flipping to the appropriate page, he found an entry on an ancient sunken kingdom called Lemuria. It told of a highly advanced race of water-dwelling humanoids like himself located in the middle of the Indian Ocean. It took him weeks to decide, but he took a journey, by plane and boat to get to Jakarta, Indonesia. From there, he asked around about Lemuria for months to no avail. He was laughed at, assaulted and ignored until an old mysterious man finally gave him a clue as to Lemuria's whereabouts in the Indian Ocean. Once he was back on track, he swam like a fish possessed as deep and fast as he could to find this sunken city that had been eluding him for months now. It was more impressive than he could have ever hoped for. A gargantuan domed city with spiraling arcologies and LOTS of people living there. Upon reaching the outer rim of the dome, he was stopped by armed guards who kept staring at his necklace, repeating the same phrase in a different language over and over again. No matter how loud he tried to make the sound, he couldn't understand it. One of them knew enough English to say "Come with me" and they brought him to the royal throne room in front of the queen. Knowing enough to bow in front of a queen, Barracuda was surprised when she had him stand and approach the throne. Once in front of her, she had him spin around so she could inspect him. When he was facing her again, she said in English as clear as day "Welcome home...Son". Over the course of 3 months, she taught him about his heritage, his father, his TRUE name, why he was sent away and what it meant for him to come back. He fought alongside the Lemurian army and saw things he had never even dreamed existed before. At the end of the 3 months, he was given an option: Stay in Lemuria and be its next ruler and King or leave immediately and never come back. Not being the type of person who takes on large burdens such as that, Barracuda decided that he could do more as a hero to his small city than as the ruler of a large nation. He gave his newly found and disappointed birth mother a kiss and swam back to his city of Santa Cruz, always wondering what could have been.

A few years later in 1998, as Barracuda, Lord of the Bay was battling a cruel magician named Dolgroth, the magician opened a portal, obviously to escape. Not willing to let the fight go, Barracuda leapt through the portal as it closed, only to find the villain nowhere in sight and himself a stranger in a strange land.
Benjamin "Barracuda" Berry, Lord of the Bay
SDC: 121/121
HP: 23/23
Critical Strike: 18-20

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Important NPCs from Barracuda's Past

Post by Barracuda »

Cuda's former girlfriend, Kona

Kona was once a student in marine biology, and former girlfriend of Barracuda's back in their native dimension. While pursuing a villain (fill in the blank as you wish), he was away from the Hawaiian islands which she called home for an extended period. When he returned, he heard news that she was involved in an accident at a marine industrial waste site (she was quite the environmental activist), and hadn't been seen in a few weeks. Some months thereafter, Barracuda's confrontation with Dolgroth landed him on Rifts Earth.
Benjamin "Barracuda" Berry, Lord of the Bay
SDC: 121/121
HP: 23/23
Critical Strike: 18-20

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Re: Barracuda (Mutant Human)

Post by Archive Account »

Dude. I JUST realized that Barracuda has never received his conversion skills.

Conversion for High-Tech Characters (p.39 RCB1). All skill gained at 3rd Level & All skills from R:UE
-10% Penalty when using skills to operate in unfamiliar, high-tech Rifts science & engineering fields.
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Re: Barracuda (Mutant Human) LEVEL UP!

Post by Barracuda »

HP: [dice]0[/dice]

Level 8 HP: [dice]1[/dice]

Level 9 HP: [dice]2[/dice]
Benjamin "Barracuda" Berry, Lord of the Bay
SDC: 121/121
HP: 23/23
Critical Strike: 18-20

Amulet of Protection Against The Supernatural: +2 vs. Horror Factor and Possession
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Re: Barracuda (Mutant Human)

Post by Barracuda »

EP Powers 9-29-17
Energy Absorption
This character is a sort of living energy sponge that can soak up, store, and harmlessly convert and release energy. This means the character is impervious to heat, fire, laser blasts, electricity and other forms of energy. The only exception is kinetic energy, meaning punches, kicks, thrown weapons, bullets, explosions, falls, and so on, which will do full damage.
1. Draining Touch: The character can drain the energy out of an item, like a car battery or energy pack, by touching it. Maximum absorption capacity is one gigawatt per level of experience (7 gigawatts). That's the rough equivalent of 10,000 car batteries or 10 e-clips (70,000/70).
2. Energy Discharge: The character can touch an electrical/energy conductor and send a power surge into the system, at least temporarily short-circuiting the system (3D4 melee rounds),
if not frying it completely (01-25% chance, or G.M.'s discretion). Maximum discharge is 10,000 watts per level of experience (70,000). Not effective against M.D.C. robots, cyborgs or power armor, but great against computers, sensors, communications systems and similar electronics.
3. Energy Flash: The character can discharge a sudden energy flash that will strike everyone within the area of the discharge. Unfortunately, the character can not control or direct the energy to strike a specific target, so innocent bystanders and allies within the radius of effect will all take damage.
Range: 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience (70 feet).
Damage: 2D6 S.D.C.
Duration: Instant
Attacks Per Melee: Counts as one melee attack/action, but can only be performed once per melee round.
4. Glow: The storage of energy can be released as light. This character can glow with up to 500 watts of light (equal to a very bright light bulb). The light can be restricted to a specific part of the body, like a hand or arm, or the entire body. If the latter, looking directly at the character is difficult and attackers are -1 to strike, parry and dodge when fighting him.
Range: Self only.
5. Shoot Light Beam: The light beam is completely harmless in that it does no damage. However, it is so bright that it can be used to temporarily blind an opponent (for 1D4+1 melee rounds) if shot at the face. Blinded opponents are -8 on all melee actions for the first melee round and -6 to strike, parry and dodge for the remaining ones in which vision is impaired (sees spots and has blurred vision).
The beam can also be used as a beacon or searchlight. Maximum width of the beam is two feet (0.6 m) if both hands are put together with fingers spread wide, otherwise about 8-12 inches (around 0.3 m)
Range: 2000 feet (610 m)
Damage: None
Duration: Instant or indefinitely.
Attacks Per Melee: Each light blast counts as one melee attack or action. To maintain a continuous beam for the entire melee round (15 seconds) uses up all but one melee attack or action (i.e. can walk and use light. or use light and read, use light and do a skill, etc.).
6. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Add 1D6x10 to S.D.C.
Add 1D4 to P.E. attribute.
Impervious to energy attacks, heat and fire, laser blasts, electricity and other forms of energy.

Healing Factor
This power provides incredible recuperative abilities and immunity to disease and toxins. On Rifts Earth, the character's Hit Points (only) turn into M.D.C. and increased healing applies to the M.D.C. All other bonuses and abilities remain in place.
Bonuses: Increase P.E. to 21+1D6, add 50 points to S.D.C., +20% to save vs coma/death, +3 to save vs psionics and horror factor, +8 to save vs insanity.
The Healing Factor:
Recovers 3 S.D.C. every 10 minutes (18 per hour)
Recovers one M.D.C./hit point every 15 minutes (4 per hour).
Special superhealing: Can instantly regenerate 4D6 M.D.C./hit points two times per day (24 hour period).
Does not fatigue, whatsoever!
Resistant to fire and cold; does half damage.
Resistant to drugs, toxins, and poisons. When the character doesn't save against them, their effects (duration, penalties and symptoms) and damage are a mere one third normal.
No scarring when healed.
Broken bones heal completely, without any sign of having ever been broken, at a rate 10 times faster than normal. This means a leg fractured in several places will be completely healed in about 8-10 days instead of 11-15 weeks.
Healing Factor Rolls:
PE: [dice]0[/dice]

Energy Absorption Rolls
  • SDC: [dice]1[/dice]
  • PE: [dice]2[/dice]
Benjamin "Barracuda" Berry, Lord of the Bay
SDC: 121/121
HP: 23/23
Critical Strike: 18-20

Amulet of Protection Against The Supernatural: +2 vs. Horror Factor and Possession
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Barracuda's XP and Post Template

Post by Barracuda »

Experience Table
1 0000-2,050
2 2,051-4,100
3 4,101-8,250
4 8,251-16,500
5 16,501-24,600
6 24,601-34,700
7 34,701-49,800
8 49,801-69,900
9 69,901-95,000
10 95,001-130,100
11 130,101-180,200
12 180,201-230,300
13 230,301-280,400
14 280,401-340,500
15 340,501-400,600

Code: Select all

Perception: [roll]1d100[/roll]/46% [color=#0000FF][i](61% underwater)[/i][/color]
JIC: [roll]1d20[/roll]/[roll]1d100[/roll]
Last edited by Barracuda on Sat Oct 09, 2021 9:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Benjamin "Barracuda" Berry, Lord of the Bay
SDC: 121/121
HP: 23/23
Critical Strike: 18-20

Amulet of Protection Against The Supernatural: +2 vs. Horror Factor and Possession
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Post by Barracuda »

Level Up: 10
HP/MDC: 1d6: [6] = 6
Benjamin "Barracuda" Berry, Lord of the Bay
SDC: 121/121
HP: 23/23
Critical Strike: 18-20

Amulet of Protection Against The Supernatural: +2 vs. Horror Factor and Possession
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Barracuda's Gallery

Post by Barracuda »

Benjamin "Barracuda" Berry, Lord of the Bay
SDC: 121/121
HP: 23/23
Critical Strike: 18-20

Amulet of Protection Against The Supernatural: +2 vs. Horror Factor and Possession
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