Hangouts: paulshao80 at gmail
Character Name: Daisuke (pronounced - "DICE-kay") Hamamatsu
Call-sign: TBD by teammates
Race: Arismal (Aliens Unlimited p.100-101) (Tier 1, HU2 Alien)
O.C.C.: Arismal Defense Fleet Officer (MIA). M.O.S. Special Operations
Alignment: Principled
XP Level: 7
XP Points: 47,240 [UG 01FEB25]
Next Level @ XP: 51,801 (Use Alien Table)
Disposition: Disciplined and reliable. Honor-bound.
Insanity: Psychosis: Jekyll & Hyde (Despite his best efforts, Daisuke has always struggled with his quest for honor, discipline and self-actualization. A part of him, the dominant part, has been successful in leading a virtuous life [Principled alignment]. But there has always been a hidden darker fragment within his psyche [goes by the moniker: Kondo. Aberrant alignment] that pondered the possibility that the virtuous life was the wrong way to live. His voice is much more cavalier with life (both his own and others), and fancies himself a romantic with criminal tendencies and a growing obsession with wealth as a means toward power. With the destruction of Arismal, the walls he built to contain the darker split in his personality have weakened. Its voice will begin to guide him in subtle ways. If the genie is not put back into its bottle, it will threaten to consume him.)
I.Q.: 25 (12)
M.E.: 29 (13)
M.A.: 18
P.S.: 14
P.P.: 17
P.E.: 29 (16)
P.B.: 14 (9)
Speed: 15 [45' per action]
P.P.E.: 13
H.P.: 92 (51)
S.D.C.: 211
M.D.C. (on Rifts Earth): 303
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Description: A bit short and pudgy. This man of Hoshi descent has placid black eyes, and wears his straight black hair tied back in a short ponytail.
Racial Abilities
Nightvision: 600'
Must wear protective eye wear (sunglasses/tinted goggles) or: -4 to Initiative, -8 to strike/parry/dodge
Sensitive Hearing (20 decibels beyond normal human range)
Natural Abilities
Perception: 57% (36%) | +3% per level
Max. Carrying Weight: 130 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 260 lbs.
NOTE: L* <== Level at which power/skill was acquired.
Super Abilities (* <= Mutated)
*Swallowing Limbo (PU3)
The character possess the unique ability to generate an extra-dimensional limbo within the silhouette of his own body. The super being cannot enter the limbo himself because his own body forms the portal through which the limbo is entered. Inside this extra-dimensional space there is nothing but a black void where even time and space seem to stand still. This limbo state might be considered a dimensional bubble in between the normal dimensions. Anyone/thing forced into the swallowing limbo is stored there until the duration ends or they are released by the super being. Even when two or more people/objects occupy the limbo at the same time, they cannot interact, because there is no light to see by or atmosphere to carry sound. But any victims in the limbo will not suffocate or starve because no time passes for them. Those trapped inside just wait helplessly until they are released.
To those outside the limbo, it appears as if the individual has disappeared after touching the super being. For an instant, observers will see the super being and victim turn into an inky blackness as the victim vanishes. This is actually a brief glimpse of the inside of the swallowing limbo. A similar blackness is seen when the victims/objects are released from within the limbo. These are the only times that the inside of the Swallowing Limbo can be glimpsed.
Because it's the super being's silhouette that is the doorway to the limbo, not just his actual body, many super beings with this power use a cape or cloak to expand their silhouette and make it easier to swallow larger victims and objects.
The uses of the Swallowing Limbo are many. It can be used to swallow and protect an innocent bystander or to capture a particularly vicious villain. It's important to note that anyone held inside the swallowing limbo is completely protected from harm and is not damaged even if the super being is, himself, injured. If the super being is killed, however, everything and everyone held inside the limbo is released unharmed. For the people so captured, the time between their capture and release seems like no more than a few seconds, even if days or weeks have passed. That also means those captured in the throes of combat will come out swinging.
To those outside the limbo, it appears as if the individual has disappeared after touching the super being. For an instant, observers will see the super being and victim turn into an inky blackness as the victim vanishes. This is actually a brief glimpse of the inside of the swallowing limbo. A similar blackness is seen when the victims/objects are released from within the limbo. These are the only times that the inside of the Swallowing Limbo can be glimpsed.
Because it's the super being's silhouette that is the doorway to the limbo, not just his actual body, many super beings with this power use a cape or cloak to expand their silhouette and make it easier to swallow larger victims and objects.
The uses of the Swallowing Limbo are many. It can be used to swallow and protect an innocent bystander or to capture a particularly vicious villain. It's important to note that anyone held inside the swallowing limbo is completely protected from harm and is not damaged even if the super being is, himself, injured. If the super being is killed, however, everything and everyone held inside the limbo is released unharmed. For the people so captured, the time between their capture and release seems like no more than a few seconds, even if days or weeks have passed. That also means those captured in the throes of combat will come out swinging.
- Holding Capacity: Regardless of the size of the character's silhouette, the swallowing limbo can only hold one person per level of experience as well as 100 lbs per level of experience of nonliving objects/items.
Range: Touch, hand to hand combat only.
Duration: The act of "swallowing" a person in the limbo on the super being's body counts as one melee action and takes only a few seconds. The individual can be held in the limbo state for 30 minutes per level of experience each. However, starting at 6th level, the super being can keep as many as two victims in limbo for 1d6 days per level of experience. Time starts ticking from the moment the individual (or item) was placed in limbo. When the super being has filled up his personal capacity, he must remove people or objects from limbo if he is to be able to add anyone else.
Damage: None, the swallowing limbo just holds/contains its victims/objects. Targets successfully struck by a swallowing limbo attack must roll an M.E. based saving throw. Base save for Swallowing Limbo is 16+.
Attacks per melee: Counts as two melee attacks/actions to swallow one person/object.
Note: If this power is possessed by a Mega-Hero, the number of people he can keep in limbo is three per level as long as three months per level of experience. Weight for nonliving items is 500 lbs per level of experience.
Mimic (HU2)
This formidable power enables the super being to imitate or "mimic" another person's physical and mental attributes, including psionic powers, super abilities and innate magic abilities derived from enchanted weapons, objects or bestowed. However, the Mimic cannot copy memories, skills, education, spell knowledge/spell casting or experience. Nor can the super being copy/absorb mechanical augmentation/implants such as those gained through Bionics or Robotics, nor the skills and training of Hardware or Special Training. Only the raw physical, psychic and/or extraordinary power can be imitated. Thus, while a mimic may copy a super ability, raw physical strength or psionic powers, he does not get that person's knowledge. Instead, he retains all of his own memories, goals, skill knowledge, and training.
Example: A second level mimic copies the power of a sixth level mutant with the ability of Energy Expulsion. This enables the mimic to fire energy bolts doing damage equal to his sixth level opponent because that is the level of raw power. He does not get any of the 6th level bonuses to strike, parry, or dodge which may have been developed through experience. Likewise, while the mimic has copied his opponent's entire physical structure, including P.S., P.P., P.E., P.B., Spd., S.D.C., Hit Points, and any other super abilities or psionics, the mimicking super being still thinks like himself, keeps his own I.Q., M.A., and M.E., and fights and performs skills with the experience and knowledge of a second level character.
The physical appearance and facial features of the mimic generally remain unaltered (he does not duplicate the other character's exact appearance), although unusual physical traits such as wings, odd skin color, horns, tail, natural body armor, altered physical structure, and similar physical traits will appear on the mimic. Furthermore, the mimicking super being will retain his own basic features, voice and skills. Of course he also retains his power to mimic others, however, any other super abilities he may possess are temporarily replaced by the one(s) he is duplicating. He can only use other natural powers when he is not mimicking others.
Example: A second level mimic copies the power of a sixth level mutant with the ability of Energy Expulsion. This enables the mimic to fire energy bolts doing damage equal to his sixth level opponent because that is the level of raw power. He does not get any of the 6th level bonuses to strike, parry, or dodge which may have been developed through experience. Likewise, while the mimic has copied his opponent's entire physical structure, including P.S., P.P., P.E., P.B., Spd., S.D.C., Hit Points, and any other super abilities or psionics, the mimicking super being still thinks like himself, keeps his own I.Q., M.A., and M.E., and fights and performs skills with the experience and knowledge of a second level character.
The physical appearance and facial features of the mimic generally remain unaltered (he does not duplicate the other character's exact appearance), although unusual physical traits such as wings, odd skin color, horns, tail, natural body armor, altered physical structure, and similar physical traits will appear on the mimic. Furthermore, the mimicking super being will retain his own basic features, voice and skills. Of course he also retains his power to mimic others, however, any other super abilities he may possess are temporarily replaced by the one(s) he is duplicating. He can only use other natural powers when he is not mimicking others.
- Range: Touch or anybody within 100'
- Duration: Maintained as long as mimicked person is within 100'. Once outside range, 1 minute per level before mimic fades.
- Attacks per melee: Whatever is normal for the mimic super being before any powers are duplicated; i.e. a 2nd level mimic has four attacks per melee round even when using super abilities duplicated from a 6th level super being who has six attacks per round. Only the super ability and its level of power are duplicated, including any special bonuses, abilities, and extra attacks per melee round.
The act of mimicking counts as one melee attack but can only be performed once per melee round. Other abilities or actions can be taken during that period. Each use of a superpower uses up its normal number of attacks per melee round; typically 1-2, but sometimes more.
Switching to mimic a different character's super abilities and raw physical power can be done once every melee round. So the character can switch the powers he's copying when he desires, provided more than one superhuman is within his range of influence. - Power level: The duplicated super ability or psionic power functions as if it were the mimic’s level, not the target.
The hand to hand combat, attacks per melee round, bonuses from experience, skill proficiencies, memories and expertise of the mimic are unchanged regardless of the level of "power" he duplicates. - Note: If the character whose powers he is duplicating has more than one super ability, the mimic will have them all, but he can only duplicate/mimic one individual at a time. He cannot take one power from one guy and another power from a second or third character.
- Saving Throw: None. Those being mimicked are powerless to prevent it. Note that the powers and physical essence of true supernatural beings, including vampires, spirits, entities, demons, gods, and alien intelligences, cannot be mimicked. God-like super beings and demigods are not (usually) true, supernatural gods.
*Extraordinary Intelligence (PU3)
This character is a highly intelligent and mentally flexible individual. His genius truly shines within his personal area of expertise, a category of skills which he grasps on an intuitive level. Note: The G.M. should ensure that the player selecting this super ability plays the character appropriately, as the Extraordinary I.Q. power is as much about role playing the character intelligently, as it is having a high I.Q. rating and the skill bonuses that come with it.
Bonuses: IQ to 22 + 1d6(3) = 25, and apply a +10% bonus to all known language, literacy and mathematics skills. In addition, the character is +2 to save vs mind control, possession, and illusions (including magical ones), and selects one additional Secondary skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Area of Expertise: Player selects two skills from one of the following skill categories and gets a +20% bonus added to it in addition to any other bonuses from education, training, and I.Q. bonus. (Espionage: Interrogation, Impersonation). Also, as per house rules, +4 Related skills (Find Contraband, Undercover Ops, Streetwise, I.D. Undercover Agents)
Bonuses: IQ to 22 + 1d6(3) = 25, and apply a +10% bonus to all known language, literacy and mathematics skills. In addition, the character is +2 to save vs mind control, possession, and illusions (including magical ones), and selects one additional Secondary skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Area of Expertise: Player selects two skills from one of the following skill categories and gets a +20% bonus added to it in addition to any other bonuses from education, training, and I.Q. bonus. (Espionage: Interrogation, Impersonation). Also, as per house rules, +4 Related skills (Find Contraband, Undercover Ops, Streetwise, I.D. Undercover Agents)
*Extraordinary Physical Endurance (HU2)
An extremely tough individual who can withstand a great amount of physical strain or punishment. Fatigues at one tenth the normal rate.
Bonuses: Increase P.E. to 20 + 2d6(7) = 27. HP turns to MDC. SDC: 4d4*10(110). HP: 3d6(7) additional 1d4 per level.
Bonuses: Increase P.E. to 20 + 2d6(7) = 27. HP turns to MDC. SDC: 4d4*10(110). HP: 3d6(7) additional 1d4 per level.
*Summon & Command Small Animals (AU)
The hero or villain is able to summon animals that understand and obey him. These creatures are summoned via sheer will and appear out of nowhere as if teleported to his side. The super being must possess knowledge about the creature(s) desired and must have at least seen some kind of drawing or image of the animal to summon it. One or several small animals may be summoned (see Number of Animals), but all are the same species.
Animals summoned by the character are under his complete control and obey his every command. The creatures remain at his disposal for 8 hours per level of experience but can be sent back (they vanish) at will. Until all the creatures in a batch are sent back (vanish) or slain, the hero cannot summon more or new ones. Most heroes (and even some bad guys) are not likely to sacrifice the lives of animals unless absolutely necessary and will feed and care for them as long as they are in their company. Thus, most dismiss the animals when they are no longer necessary.
The summoned animals may be used to attack, frighten people, create a distraction, cause a diversion, create chaos, or send a warning. You want to clear a restaurant or lobby? Send in a swarm of mice, rats, bats or snakes. Likewise, the animals can be used to make a dramatic entrance, e.g. the super being appears with a burst of screeching birds or bats flying in out of nowhere at the same time he steps through a door or smashes through a window. This power is much more effective than it might seem at first blush, as most people are afraid of, and repulsed by, a wide range of animals from mice and rats to snakes and dogs. Even if the animals represent a minimal danger or inflict minimal damage, most ordinary people are squeamish about them or outright scared of them. Even seasoned fighters and superhumans will try to swat away animals flying or leaping at them, crawling on their bodies, or running toward them. It is human nature. NEVER underestimate the power of fear and superstition.
Animals summoned by the character are under his complete control and obey his every command. The creatures remain at his disposal for 8 hours per level of experience but can be sent back (they vanish) at will. Until all the creatures in a batch are sent back (vanish) or slain, the hero cannot summon more or new ones. Most heroes (and even some bad guys) are not likely to sacrifice the lives of animals unless absolutely necessary and will feed and care for them as long as they are in their company. Thus, most dismiss the animals when they are no longer necessary.
The summoned animals may be used to attack, frighten people, create a distraction, cause a diversion, create chaos, or send a warning. You want to clear a restaurant or lobby? Send in a swarm of mice, rats, bats or snakes. Likewise, the animals can be used to make a dramatic entrance, e.g. the super being appears with a burst of screeching birds or bats flying in out of nowhere at the same time he steps through a door or smashes through a window. This power is much more effective than it might seem at first blush, as most people are afraid of, and repulsed by, a wide range of animals from mice and rats to snakes and dogs. Even if the animals represent a minimal danger or inflict minimal damage, most ordinary people are squeamish about them or outright scared of them. Even seasoned fighters and superhumans will try to swat away animals flying or leaping at them, crawling on their bodies, or running toward them. It is human nature. NEVER underestimate the power of fear and superstition.
- Horror Factor of Animals: Remember, certain animals such as mice, rats and snakes are frightening or disgusting to many people. Thus, even one of them is likely to cause people to jump, scream, scatter and move out of the way. Okay, maybe not a super being and certainly not a demon, but definitely most ordinary people. This is especially effective in a crowd. Furthermore, get one or a few people screaming in terror and panic, and probably jumping or running out of the way, and most people will look in their direction and scream and run away as well even if they don’t know what they are running from. Panic and chaos grows quickly when people are screaming and running away. Add a genuinely repugnant or scary little creature, let alone a swarm of them, and you’ve captured everyone’s attention. It is likely to take 1D6+2 minutes before the situation calms down, much longer if there are a lot of the creatures (20+) and/or they are jumping on people or on the attack. The overall Horror Factor and level of distraction for such a situation is that of the animal, +1 for every 20 animals in the swarm. Adding to the confusion and chaos of animal swarms is their squealing, shrieking, howling, growling or barking.
Similarly, a cute and friendly animal such as a rabbit, squirrel, ferret, or small dog is likely to attract attention and concern for its well being. The overall Awe Factor/Cuteness and level of distraction of such an animal situation is 11 +1 for every 10 animals on the loose. Of course, any animal on the attack, no matter how cute, has a Horror Factor as above.
Horror Factor for some common animals:- +1 to H.F. for children and (noncombatant) women. +3 to H.F. for characters who have a phobia about the animal. +2 when the animal(s) is on the attack. All penalties are accumulative.
Bats of any type or size have an H.F. of 13.
Bird, small to medium, has an H.F. of 5.
Bird, predatory, such as a Hawk has an H.F. of 9.
Crows and Ravens have an H.F. of 8.
Canines, small, have an H.F. of 8.
Felines, small domesticated, have an H.F. of 7.
Frogs, Toads and other amphibians have an H.F. of 10.
Lizards of small to medium-size have an H.F. of 10.
Mice, even cute little field mice, have an H.F. of 12.
Rats, even white rats, have an H.F. of 13.
Snakes of small to medium-size have an H.F. of 12.
Snakes of large size (5 feet/1.5 m or longer) have an H.F. of 13.
Note: If you are uncertain of an animal’s H.F. use a base
of 8 for an individual animal, H.F. 10 for a group of ten or
Restrictions and Limitations: The creature summoned cannot possess human-level sentience, it must have an animal intelligence. It must be a simple, small animal like a snake, frog, toad, mouse, rat, bat, bird, squirrel, ferret, weasel, house cat, small to medium-sized dog (7-20 pounds), and similar. Cannot summon insects, large animals or magical or supernatural animals, nor fictional/mythical animals; the creature must really exist on some planet, and it must be known to the character summoning it. The animal is always an adult. If the super being is rendered unconscious, the animals rush to his fallen body and fight to protect it. However, they’ll vanish if he does not wake up within 10 minutes per level of experience.
A large animal such as a wolf, lion or horse is not possible; no one animal can weigh more than 20 pounds (9 kg) and all of the animals summoned must be the same variety.
Number of Animals: The smaller and more lightweight the animal, the more the character can summon. The super being can summon creatures that have a combined weight of 30 pounds, +5 pounds per level of experience. For example, a character with a limit of 40 pounds could summon 40-80 mice (depending on the type and size of the mouse species) or small bats or small birds like sparrows, as they are likely to weigh 8 to 16 ounces each. Rats are larger and typically weigh one or two pounds, so only 20-40 rats, medium-sized bats or robin-sized birds could be summoned. Larger animals like ferrets, weasels, squirrels, rabbits, crows or hawks would be limited to 4-8 animals, 2-4 small dogs or house cats, and so on. With experience, the number of small animals that can be summoned increases.
Range: The creatures appear next to the super being or up to 15 feet away per level of experience. The commanding range is limited to the sound of the summoning character’s voice. That’s typically 100-300 feet, but it could be half that depending on the level of ambient noise.
Duration: The time it takes for the initial summoning is as follows: Uses up one melee attack if the creatures are on the same continent; it appears in 3 seconds. Uses up two melee attacks if the creatures are on a different continent, and four melee attacks if they are somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy. Uses two full melee rounds (30 seconds) if the animals must come from another dimension. The creatures remain until dismissed, killed or duration runs out, whichever comes first.
Damage: Damage listed is per single animal or per groups of 10 animals for swarming attacks(i.e. double damage for 20 animals, triple for 30, and so on).- Small Toothless Animals: The bite of many small animals such as frogs and toads may nip and sting but not usually break the skin or inflict real damage (does half an S.D.C. point of damage). Still, they have a Horror Factor and cause fear, panic, and distraction. Note, this does not include poisonous frogs and toads.
Very Small Animals: Small animals like mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, moles, tiny lizards, garter snakes, the peck of a sparrow and similar small birds and animal bites do only one point of damage. Damage from a group of 10 such animals is 1D6 points per melee round. However, they will also climb up pant legs, crawl into clothing, get into hair and so on, causing most people besieged by a group of 10 or more to brush or pull them off, bat them away, and otherwise try to avoid contact. Even professional fighters and superhumans will be bothered and distracted by a swarm or flock of 10 or more.
Small Animals and Rodents: Rats, bats, squirrels, rabbits, ferrets, weasels, and similar small, aggressive animals do 1D4 damage from a bite. A group of 10 such animals does 3D6 points of damage per melee round (not all are biting through clothing, armor, or even at the same time).
Same applies for pecking and clawing attacks from small and medium-sized birds. Flying animals tend to go for the face and eyes.
Large Bird: 1D4 damage from bite/peck from a large bird like a raven/crow. Tend to go for the face and eyes. Has three attacks per melee round.
Hawk & Other Small Birds of Prey: 1D4+1 from bite, 1D6 from claw attack. Tend to go for the face and eyes. Has four attacks per melee round.
House Cats: 1D4 damage from bite or claw attack. Has four attacks per melee round.
Small Dogs: 1D6 damage from a bite, one point of damage from a (probably inadvertent) claw attack. Has three attacks per melee round.
Note: Also see distraction penalties under Horror Factor.
Note: The character who summons the animals cannot see what the animals see or know what they know, they just follow his commands like a trained dog. - +1 to H.F. for children and (noncombatant) women. +3 to H.F. for characters who have a phobia about the animal. +2 when the animal(s) is on the attack. All penalties are accumulative.
Instant Wardrobe (PU1)
By generating a strange sort of inter-dimensional field just around the outside of his own body, the character is able to make his clothing and a small number of personal effects dimensional teleport from his body to a sort of dimensional limbo. The character can store one set of clothing and a modest number of carried effects in the limbo per level of experience, and exchange what he is wearing in and out of limbo as needed. Thus allowing the costumed hero (or villain) to instantly (in one melee action) change his clothing and equipment as needed. For example: The character Battleforce at level four can store four sets of gear and costumes and uses instant wardrobe as follows:
Note: When the character uses his Instant Wardrobe power, the clothing and any items the character is currently wearing switch with those in the limbo he activates.
- 1: This limbo stores his normal hero costume.
2: In the next limbo he stores his underwater diving gear.
3: The third limbo holds his heavy battle armor.
4: The last limbo holds his tuxedo for nights on the town.
Note: When the character uses his Instant Wardrobe power, the clothing and any items the character is currently wearing switch with those in the limbo he activates.
- Range: Self/clothes
- Duration: Instant. Clothes/armor/items do not age
- Limitations: 20 lbs +5 lbs. per level
Instant Weapon (PU1)
Similar to Instant Wardrobe, only the character can stash two small weapons (knives, short sword, mace, hand axe, pistols, and similar) or one large weapon (sword, pole arm, battle axe, rifle, bazooka, etc.) along with a few extra ammo clips, a box or two of extra rounds, holsters, or carrying case, and similar, directly related items. The character can store one set of weapons and accompanying gear in the limbo per every other level of experience, and call them forth, right into his hand, ready for action (if pre-loaded and primed for action when stowed).
Because weapons are heavier than clothing, fewer limbos can be made. One at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15.
Note: Tools and other types of gear may also be stored in weapon limbo.
Because weapons are heavier than clothing, fewer limbos can be made. One at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15.
Note: Tools and other types of gear may also be stored in weapon limbo.
- Range: Self/weapons
- Duration: Instant. Items do not age
- Limitations: 50 lbs. +10 lbs. per level
PP Portal (AU)
The super being is able to create a small tear (or portal) in space-time and can slip through it at will. This provides for instantaneous teleportation over short distances. The Portal appears both in front of the super being as well as some distance away at the desired destination. This type of transportation is very useful, but has its limitations. The entrance and exit Portals both appear at the same time, one where the portal-maker is standing and one at the destination point. The second Portal, which is his destination, must be within line of sight, so not only can the character who made it see where the exit Portal is located, but so might an observant opponent. The entrance Portal always appears in front of the Portal-maker, and while it can be kept open to transport others from one location to another, it cannot be opened up under an opponent to cause him to appear elsewhere, nor can the Portal be used to transport someone into a solid object. Otherwise the Portal can be kept open as long as desired until the Portal-maker enters it. Thus, the Portal-maker must always be the last to go through the Portal. A split second after he steps through it, he appears outside the second Portal and the Portal closes at both ends. If the Portal-maker is rendered unconscious the Portal disappears instantly. As far as the end destination, if the Portal-maker can see it, he can create a Portal to it. It takes only one second to step through one Portal and exit from the other. The instant the Portal-maker steps through the Portal at the other end, the Portal closes behind him as if it were never there. The Portal can be made as large as 10 feet in diameter per level of experience.
As the super being gains more experience he can do more with the Portal. Starting at level three, the Portal can be used to go through walls. The Portal creates an opening on one side of a wall, with the exit portal directly on the other side of the wall. The Portal maker steps in one and exits on the opposite side of the wall. This can be a little dangerous as the character cannot see what's on the other side and could literally step into trouble.
At level six, the Portal-maker can create a Portal to his home or base of operation/lair even if he can't see it and it is hundreds of miles away; up to 100 miles per level of experience. This can be done twice per day at level 6, and increases to four times per day at level 10, and six times per day at level thirteen.
At level nine, the Portal-maker can create a Portal that is not a straight-line visible location. He can create a Portal from where he is to a location he sees on a camera, television, computer monitor, or even cell phone. It must be a live feed and an actual place, not a drawing or virtual world. The location can be up to 500 miles away per level of experience. This can be done three times per day at level nine, and increases to six times per day at level twelve.
As the super being gains more experience he can do more with the Portal. Starting at level three, the Portal can be used to go through walls. The Portal creates an opening on one side of a wall, with the exit portal directly on the other side of the wall. The Portal maker steps in one and exits on the opposite side of the wall. This can be a little dangerous as the character cannot see what's on the other side and could literally step into trouble.
At level six, the Portal-maker can create a Portal to his home or base of operation/lair even if he can't see it and it is hundreds of miles away; up to 100 miles per level of experience. This can be done twice per day at level 6, and increases to four times per day at level 10, and six times per day at level thirteen.
At level nine, the Portal-maker can create a Portal that is not a straight-line visible location. He can create a Portal from where he is to a location he sees on a camera, television, computer monitor, or even cell phone. It must be a live feed and an actual place, not a drawing or virtual world. The location can be up to 500 miles away per level of experience. This can be done three times per day at level nine, and increases to six times per day at level twelve.
- Range: Line of sight, except as noted. If the Portal-maker can see it from where he stands, he can make a teleportation Portal to it. The size of the Portal can be manipulated as desired with a maximum of 10 foot diameter per level of experience.
Duration: The Portal remains open until the Portal-maker goes through it, until he chooses to close it (after others have gone through without him) or until he is rendered unconscious or killed.
Attacks per Melee: opening the dual Portal counts as one melee attack/action.
*PP Copy Animal Attributes (PU1)
This is a bizarre power in that it gives the super being the super ability equivalents of a particular animal based on its primary animalistic nature and abilities. These super abilities are not permanent and only a single type of animal can be mimicked at a time, and for a limited period. The character is able to mimic the super ability equivalent powers of any one animal that comes into range. The abilities gained from an animal are both general and limited.
Range: Self, any animal within 600 feet; line of sight (must be able to see the critter he is mimicking)
Duration: The character can maintain the powers of one specific animal for ten minutes per level of experience before it fades and he has to find that animal again or mimic the powers of a different one. Note: Can mimic the powers of a mutant animal too, including special abilities and powers, but only for one minute per level of experience. This power copies, not steals, the mutant animal's abilities.
Limitations: He can change his powers from animal to animal within range, as often as he likes, but each change in powers use up two melee actions/attacks.
Attributes Gained: Remember, the character only gains the equivalent "powers" of one animal at a time. Below is a list of common and notable animals for easy reference. Game Masters may want to work up some additional ones.
Range: Self, any animal within 600 feet; line of sight (must be able to see the critter he is mimicking)
Duration: The character can maintain the powers of one specific animal for ten minutes per level of experience before it fades and he has to find that animal again or mimic the powers of a different one. Note: Can mimic the powers of a mutant animal too, including special abilities and powers, but only for one minute per level of experience. This power copies, not steals, the mutant animal's abilities.
Limitations: He can change his powers from animal to animal within range, as often as he likes, but each change in powers use up two melee actions/attacks.
Attributes Gained: Remember, the character only gains the equivalent "powers" of one animal at a time. Below is a list of common and notable animals for easy reference. Game Masters may want to work up some additional ones.
- Amphibians: Frogs and Toads: Amphibious (Major power) or Enhanced Leaping, Hold Breath and Underwater Abilities.
Apes: Large: Gorillas and Orangutan: Extraordinary P.E., Heavyweight, Superhuman P.S.
Bats: Flight: Winged (hero actually grows wings), Lunar Strength, Sonar
Bears: Heavyweight, Superhuman P.S., Claws, and Hibernation & Stasis Field
Birds and Owls: Flight: Winged (hero actually grows wings), Animal Brother (for that species only, and the character has no familiar) and, in the case of the owl, Heightened Sense of Hearing and Supervision: Nightvision
Birds: Parrots, Crows, and Myna Birds: Flight: Winged (hero actually grows wings), Extraordinary M.A., and Warp Sound
Birds of Prey: Eagles, Falcons and Hawks: Extraordinary P.P., Flight: Winged (hero actually grows wings), and Supervision: Advanced Sight
Bull, Buffalo, Water Buffalo and Moose: Heavyweight, Indestructible Bones, Adrenaline Surge, and Extraordinary Speed
Cats: Domestic: Lightning Reflexes, Claws and Nightvision
Cats: Small Predatory Felines: Bobcats and Ocelots: Extraordinary P.P., Lightning Reflexes, Claws and Nightstalking
Cats: Large: Lions, Tigers and Leopards: Extraordinary P.P., Superhuman P.S., Energy Claws, and Nightstalking - the Leopard (only) also gets Enhanced Leaping and Supervision: Nightvision
Cattle: Animal Brother (for that species only and he has no familiar), Extraordinary P.E., Extraordinary Speed
Cheetahs, Gazelles and Ostriches: Extraordinary P.P., and Sonic Speed (major power)
Crocodiles, Alligators and Monitors: Extraordinary P.S., Hardened Skin, and Underwater Abilities
Deer and Antelope: Animal Brother (for that species only and he has no familiar), Enhanced Leaping and Extraordinary Speed
Dogs: Domestic: Animal Brother (for that species only and he has no familiar), Extraordinary Speed, Heightened Sense of Hearing, Heightened Sense of Smell
Dogs: Wild: Coyotes, Jackals and Wolves: Animal Brother (for that species only and he has no familiar), Extraordinary Speed, Heightened Sense of Hearing, Heightened Sense of Smell and Extraordinary P.E. or Feral
Dolphins, Whales and Manatees: Sonar, Underwater Abilities, Hold Breath, Superhuman P.S.
Elephants, Hippos and Rhinos: Extraordinary P.E., Hardened Skin and Supernatural P.S. (Major Power)
Fish, Sharks and Rays: Underwater Abilities, Wave Rider, Extraordinary P.S., and Heightened Sense of Smell
Foxes: Heightened Sense of Hearing, Super Burrowing and Criminal Intuition or Extraordinary Speed
Horses: Animal Brother (for that species only and he has no familiar), Enhanced Leaping, Extraordinary P.E., Extraordinary Speed, and Heightened Sense of Balance
Hyena: Animal Brother (for that species only and he has no familiar), Heightened Sense of Hearing, Heightened Sense of Smell, and Extraordinary P.E. or Heavyweight
Kangaroo and Rabbits: Enhanced Leaping and Extraordinary Speed
Mole: Super Burrowing, Nightvision, and Impervious to Magic or Impervious to Shadows and Darkness
Monkeys, Lemurs and Chimps: Adhesion, Swing Line, Extraordinary P.P., and Heightened Sense of Hearing, plus the Climbing skill at 94%
Octopus and Squid: Multiple Limbs or Tentacles of Hair, Extraordinary P.S., and Underwater Abilities
Porcupines, Hedgehogs and Skunks: Quills & Spines or Stench (for skunks) and Supervision: Nightvision
Rats, Mice and Rodents: Heightened Sense of Hearing, Heightened Sense of Smell, Super Burrowing, and Nightvision, plus the Climbing skill at 80%
Reptiles: Snakes and Lizards: Venomous Attack, Heightened Sense of Smell and Heightened Sense of Taste, plus has the Climbing skill at 88%
Squirrels (all types): Enhanced Leaping, Heightened Sense of Hearing, Heightened Sense of Awareness, and Heightened Sense of Balance, plus Climbing at 90%
Turtles, Tortoises and Armadillos: Extraordinary P.E., Extraordinary P.S., and Hardened Skin
Wolverines, Badgers and Weasels: Heightened Sense of Smell, Supervision: Nightvision, Feral and Super Burrowing
Tardigrade: Swimming 98%, Immune to Cold, Breathe Under Water, Vulnerable to Heat, Ability to Pause Metabolism
PP Warp Sound (PU1)
This is the ability to change and distort sound waves in the vicinity of the character to disguise one's voice (can sound completely different), and produce a variety of minor effects.
- Range: Self or sound waves within a range of 100 feet + 20 ft per level of experience, unless stated otherwise.
Damage: None.
Duration: Up to five minutes per level of experience. Triple when used on one's self.
- 1. Amplify Sound/Booming Voice: The character can increase the loudness of his own voice or a specific sound as if turning up the sound on a stereo or television. Increase up to 70 decibels and used like a police bullhorn. The effect can be performed on another person or any type of audio equipment provided the target is within range and line of sight. Making a car stereo suddenly boom (perhaps one after another) can be an effective distraction, with everyone looking in that direction for at least the first 1D4+1 times it happens. It can also be used to drown out conversations and cause trouble.
2. Muffle Sound: Reduce the volume to as low as a soft whisper (10 decibels). The Sound Warping character can also bend sound around him to muffle his own movement to move almost completely silently. Only characters with heightened hearing might hear the character. No sound of footsteps, no rustle of clothing, breathing, etc. everything is like a soft whisper. +20% to Prowl skill.
3. Silence Sounds: The character can manipulate sound to completely mute it. This can be done on a living being (human or animal) or audio device and machine to silence them. This can, in effect, temporarily negate the power of spell casters (no sound no spell) and silence stool pigeons.
4. Disguise/Change Voice: This can be done to oneself for obvious reasons, or one specific person, for fun or confusion, provided that individual is within 100 feet and in line of sight. The voice may sound high or low, male or female, mechanical, gutteral, or lyrical.
5. Change Sound: In this case the sound is made to be completely different than its true nature. Thus the roar of a revving motorcycle engine can be made to sound like a police siren, or the tinkling of bells, or the rush of wind, or laughter, etc.
6. Parry Sonic & Sound-based attacks: The superbeing can parry and deflect sonic blasts and sound-based attacks, bending the sound waves around him. Roll just like a normal parry with -2 penalty.
In the alternative, the character can create a sort of bubble that covers a 10 foot diameter that will warp sound around it, thus protecting those inside the bubble from sound and sonic attacks.
7. Bend and redirect Sound Waves: The character can warp sound waves to send signals in different directions or back where they came from. For example, an individual is standing in front of the radio can't hear it because the superbeing has redirected the sound waves to go right or left and even around corners. Great for eavesdropping on conversations, concealing conversations and mischief.
Bonuses: The character's sense of hearing is about twice as good as a normal human's; +1 initiative.
PP Extraordinary ME (HU2:CB1)
A very mentally stable and strong personality that is difficult to suppress or break. This guy has a will of iron.
- Increase M.E. to 21 +2d4 (27)
- +1 to save vs illusions
- +6 to save vs Horror Factor, possession, all mind altering magic and drugs. Needs a 12 or higher to save vs psionic attack.
L2 PP Heightened Sense of Recall (PU1)
This character has a remarkable type of photographic memory when it comes to remembering factual data (events, names, dates, numbers, etc.). Remembers most things he has read, heard, seen or experienced. Specific blocks of information can be recalled at will and in perfect detail if learned recently (within the last three months), otherwise roll on the table below.
Range of recollection:
Range of recollection:
- 01-66% Remembers every detail, much of it word for word.
67-90% Details are forgotten, but the full essence of the ideas and most important details are clear.
91-00% Can only recall the most basic concepts and general ideas and intention, no solid or exact details.
L4 PP Multi-tasking (PU1)
The character can use his right and left hands with equal skill and dexterity, but this is much more than simple ambidexterity. This character is able to completely split his mind, using the right and left halves of the brain to concentrate on two separate topics simultaneously. This means that the character can read a book while doing his taxes, he can polish the car while doing a crossword puzzle or he can engage in a gunfight while searching through a criminal's secret files.
The way this works is that the character can, if the situation is right, engage in a full set of melee attacks while simultaneously performing a non-combat skill or melee action (things like searching files or reading the information off a computer, grabbing an object while shooting, etc.). To be able to do this, one set of actions cannot interfere with the other, so no hand to hand combat while reading, but a gunfight while reading would be okay. Plus both sets of actions must occur within the same field of vision, so no doing stuff behind your head, or speaking to someone while spell casting or using a vocal/mouth super ability. Otherwise, two contradictory related actions cancel each other out and the skill or action failes while the shooting becomes wild or fisticuffs are done without benefit of the character's usual bonuses.
The way this works is that the character can, if the situation is right, engage in a full set of melee attacks while simultaneously performing a non-combat skill or melee action (things like searching files or reading the information off a computer, grabbing an object while shooting, etc.). To be able to do this, one set of actions cannot interfere with the other, so no hand to hand combat while reading, but a gunfight while reading would be okay. Plus both sets of actions must occur within the same field of vision, so no doing stuff behind your head, or speaking to someone while spell casting or using a vocal/mouth super ability. Otherwise, two contradictory related actions cancel each other out and the skill or action failes while the shooting becomes wild or fisticuffs are done without benefit of the character's usual bonuses.
- Automatically gets the Paired Weapons skill, is ambidextrous (+1 extra attack per melee round), and the usual bonuses apply to combat even when he's doing two separate tasks.
L4 PP Immortality (HU2)
The character who possesses this ability does not age and is immune to disease and sickness. Although he can still be killed by weapons and violence, he will not die a natural death. Once he reaches physical maturity (for humans that's roughly 20 years old), the body stops aging and will retain its youthful appearance and physical attributes forever. No wrinkles will appear, no loss of muscle tone, no hardening of the arteries, no heart attacks, etc. Nothing associated with aging, illness, or natural death will ever affect the character.
Bonuses & Abilities:
Bonuses & Abilities:
- Immune to all diseases, sickness, and radiation.
- Natural toxic gases and poisons do only one third their normal damage and effects last only one third as long. Man-made poisons, drugs, chemicals and toxins last half as long and are half as effective and damaging.
- Heals twice as fast, without scarring. Limbs and appendages that are amputated do not regenerate. Can recover from damage as excessive as 50 Hit Points, +10 HP per experience level, below zero, provided he has not been decapitated or the brain or heart completely destroyed.
- +3 vs HF, +5 vs possession, +2d6(7) HP, +2d4x10(20) SDC, +1d6(5) PB, +1d4(2) ME, +1d4(2) PE. HP and SDC are combined for MDC (CB1 p.49)
L6 Control the Void (PU3)
This power enables the super being to manipulate and mimic the conditions of outer space. This means the charater only has influence over outer space when actually in space. He or she is far less powerful in an atmosphere.
1. Special Resistance (at all times and in all environments): Can see all spectrums of light, resistant to heat and fire (they do half damage; magic fire does full damage), resistant to laser attacks (they do half damage), and is impervious to radiation, cold and pressure.
2. Star Blast: A powerful bolt of searing energy that can be used in space or any environment. However, range and damage are half anywhere other than in outer space (spaceship, space station, on a planet, etc.).
Damage: 1D6*10 in space (5D6 elsewhere)
Range: 1000 feet +100 feet per level
Duration: Instant.
Attacks per Melee: Each blast counts as one melee attack.
Bonuses: +1 to strike on an aimed shot.
3. Bolt of Cold: A blast of black energy that is so cold it actually burns when it hits.
Range: 500 feet
Damage: 3D6 +1D6 per level
Duration: Instant.
Attacks per Melee: Each blast counts as one melee attack.
Bonuses: +2 to strike on an aimed shot.
4. Radiation Heat Blast: This ability can be used in space or any environment.
Range: 100 feet +20 feet per level
Damage: 3D6 from one hand or eye, or 6D6 damage by a simultaneous attack from both hands or eyes. The victim exposed to the radiation heat blast must roll percentile dice. A roll of 01-30% means they have radiation sickness (see pg. 268 HU2 for effects, penalties and duration of the radiation sickness).
Duration: Instant
Attacks per Melee: Whether one or two simultaneous blasts, it counts as one melee attack/action.
Bonuses: +3 to strike on an Aimed shot, +1 to strike if shooting wild.
Control Over Space, the following can only be done when in space!
5. Protection from Space: The character can negate all of the harmful conditions of space (i.e. negate the cold, stop harmful radiation, create a pocket of air, etc.) around himself and/or inside a crippled spaceship or a 15 foot diameter bubble around others. This can be maintained for as long as the character consciously desires to keep it in place.
Flawless Sense of Direction and Distance in Space:
This ability works to a range of one light year per level of experience. The character can look at a planet and using this power, will be able to tell how far away it is and how long it will take to get there using different forms of conveyance; +10% bonus to all navigation skills.
Gravity Well and Gateway Activation: The character can use gravity wells, black holes and interstellar Gateways (without the necessary codes or equipment) to jump from one location to another. The character must see the gravity well or Gateway he wishes to activate, either through a viewport, magnetic wall, or from outside the spacecraft. The activation requires a melee round of concentration, but any size well can be opened/activated. Once the well is open, the character and/or another spacecraft can fly through to another part of the galaxy. The opening lasts only a few seconds and closes 1D4 seconds after he enters the portal. This ability can also be used to ease the trip through a dimensional siphon or black hole, reducing the damage by half; however, such rigorous testing of this power requires the character's total concentration; no melee attacks or actions can be taken while inside a siphon or black hole.
6. Meteor Shower: The character can create one small, soccer ball-sized meteor per level of experience and hurl them at a single target, one at a time or in volleys of two or more.
Range: Up to 6000 feet
Damage: Each one does 5D6 points of damage.
Duration: Instant.
Attacks per Melee: One at a time or a volley of two or more count as one melee attack.
Note: In the alternative, the character can direct an existing meteor weighing up to one ton per level of his experience to avoid hitting him, or to change its course, pick up speed and be directed to hit a specific target. In this case, range is doubled and the meteor does 2D4*10 damage per ton!
1. Special Resistance (at all times and in all environments): Can see all spectrums of light, resistant to heat and fire (they do half damage; magic fire does full damage), resistant to laser attacks (they do half damage), and is impervious to radiation, cold and pressure.
2. Star Blast: A powerful bolt of searing energy that can be used in space or any environment. However, range and damage are half anywhere other than in outer space (spaceship, space station, on a planet, etc.).
Damage: 1D6*10 in space (5D6 elsewhere)
Range: 1000 feet +100 feet per level
Duration: Instant.
Attacks per Melee: Each blast counts as one melee attack.
Bonuses: +1 to strike on an aimed shot.
3. Bolt of Cold: A blast of black energy that is so cold it actually burns when it hits.
Range: 500 feet
Damage: 3D6 +1D6 per level
Duration: Instant.
Attacks per Melee: Each blast counts as one melee attack.
Bonuses: +2 to strike on an aimed shot.
4. Radiation Heat Blast: This ability can be used in space or any environment.
Range: 100 feet +20 feet per level
Damage: 3D6 from one hand or eye, or 6D6 damage by a simultaneous attack from both hands or eyes. The victim exposed to the radiation heat blast must roll percentile dice. A roll of 01-30% means they have radiation sickness (see pg. 268 HU2 for effects, penalties and duration of the radiation sickness).
Duration: Instant
Attacks per Melee: Whether one or two simultaneous blasts, it counts as one melee attack/action.
Bonuses: +3 to strike on an Aimed shot, +1 to strike if shooting wild.
Control Over Space, the following can only be done when in space!
5. Protection from Space: The character can negate all of the harmful conditions of space (i.e. negate the cold, stop harmful radiation, create a pocket of air, etc.) around himself and/or inside a crippled spaceship or a 15 foot diameter bubble around others. This can be maintained for as long as the character consciously desires to keep it in place.
Flawless Sense of Direction and Distance in Space:
This ability works to a range of one light year per level of experience. The character can look at a planet and using this power, will be able to tell how far away it is and how long it will take to get there using different forms of conveyance; +10% bonus to all navigation skills.
Gravity Well and Gateway Activation: The character can use gravity wells, black holes and interstellar Gateways (without the necessary codes or equipment) to jump from one location to another. The character must see the gravity well or Gateway he wishes to activate, either through a viewport, magnetic wall, or from outside the spacecraft. The activation requires a melee round of concentration, but any size well can be opened/activated. Once the well is open, the character and/or another spacecraft can fly through to another part of the galaxy. The opening lasts only a few seconds and closes 1D4 seconds after he enters the portal. This ability can also be used to ease the trip through a dimensional siphon or black hole, reducing the damage by half; however, such rigorous testing of this power requires the character's total concentration; no melee attacks or actions can be taken while inside a siphon or black hole.
6. Meteor Shower: The character can create one small, soccer ball-sized meteor per level of experience and hurl them at a single target, one at a time or in volleys of two or more.
Range: Up to 6000 feet
Damage: Each one does 5D6 points of damage.
Duration: Instant.
Attacks per Melee: One at a time or a volley of two or more count as one melee attack.
Note: In the alternative, the character can direct an existing meteor weighing up to one ton per level of his experience to avoid hitting him, or to change its course, pick up speed and be directed to hit a specific target. In this case, range is doubled and the meteor does 2D4*10 damage per ton!
M.O.S. Skills
Prowl -- 91% (+5%)
Detect Ambush -- 86% (+5%)
Climbing -- 101% (+5%)
Depressurization Training
Pilot: Small Military Spacecraft -- 115% (+4%)
Zero Gravity Combat: Elite
W.P. Rifle
W.P. Handgun
W.P. Blunt
Hand to Hand: Commando
Other Skills
Field Armorer -- 101% (+5%)
-- Basic Mechanics 91% (+5%)
Demolitions -- 107% (+3%)
Demolitions Disposal -- 107% (+3%)
Military Parachuting -- 101% (+5%)
Intelligence -- 81% (+4%)
Detect Concealment -- 81% (+5%)
Tracking -- 81% (+5%)
Wilderness Survival -- 91% (+5%)
Pilot: Personal Anti-Gravity Transportation -- 96% (+5%)
Pilot: Horsemanship -- 99% (+4%)
Forced March
-- Sense of Balance -- 97% (+3)
-- Work Parallel Bars & Rings -- 107% (+3)
-- Back Flip -- 110% (+2)
-- Climb Rope/Rappel -- 100% (+2)
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Heavy
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons & Rail Guns
Secondary Skills
Pilot: Robot -- 76% (+5%)
Business & Finance -- 81% (+5%)
Swimming -- 96% (+5%)
Basic Electronics -- 86% (+5%)
(PP) Robot Combat: Type III Exoskeletons
This skill provides the character with training using a specific class of robot: Type III Exoskeletons.
Type III Exoskeletons
Type III Exoskeletons
- +2 additional attacks per melee round
+2 to initiative
+2 to strike
+2 to dodge
L3 Appraise Goods -- 66% (+5%)
L3 Barter -- 61% (+4%)
L3 Computer Programming -- 66% (+5%)
L6 Salvage -- 56% (+5%)
L6 Sign Language -- 46% (+5%)
L6 Public Speaking -- 51% (+5%)
Basic Skills
Language: Arismal/American -- 131% (+5%)
Language: Imperial Trade Tongue (Les Iban) -- 111% (+5%)
Literacy: Arismal/American -- 106% (+5%)
Mathematics: Basic -- 111% (+5%)
Military Etiquette -- 101% (+5%)
Radio: Basic -- 111% (+5%)
Extraordinary Intelligence Skills
AoE Interrogation -- 101% (+5%)
AoE Impersonation -- 95/81% (+4%)
Find Contraband -- 76% (+4%)
Undercover Ops -- 91% (+5%)
Streetwise -- 65% (+4%)
I.D. Undercover Agents -- 95% (+4%)
Conversion Skills (L3)
Radio: Basic (see Basic Skills above)
Computer Operation -- 91% (+5%)
Language: Demongogian -- 96% (+3%)
Language: Dragonese/Elven -- 96% (+3%)
Pilot: Jet Packs -- 83% (+4%)
Pilot: Tanks & APCs -- 77% (+4%)
Pilot: Warships & Patrol Boats -- 81% (+4%)
Robot (and Power Armor) Combat: Basic
- +1 additional attacks per melee round
+1 to strike in HtH combat
+1 to parry in HtH combat
+1 to dodge
+1 to roll with impact
Robot (and Power Armor) Body Block/Tackle/Ram
Sensory Equipment -- 71% (+5%)
Weapon Systems -- 81% (+5%)
+1 to strike with integrated weapon systems
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Shotgun
Anthropology -- 66% (+5%)
Research -- 76% (+5%)
Combat Data
HTH Type:
Level 1: Starts with four attacks/actions per melee round, WP Paired Weapons, body flip/throw, body block/tackle and +2 save vs HF
Level 2: +1 initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact and +3 to pull punch. Backward sweep kick, used only against opponents coming up behind the character. Does no damage: it is purely a knockdown attack (same penalties as body flip) but cannot be parried (an opponent can try to dodge it but is -2 to do so)
Level 3: +1 on initiative, +1 to disarm, and Karate punch/strike (does 2D4 damage)
Level 4: +1 additional attack/action per melee and Karate kick (does 2D6). The karate-style kick starts with bringing the knee, folded up to chest level, then the foot is completely extended.
Level 5: +2 to automatic dodge and all foot strikes.
Level 6: +2 on initiative, +1 to strike, parry and dodge, and +1 to body flip/throw.
Level 7: +2 to damage, +1 to save vs HF, +1 to disarm, +1 to automatic dodge and +2 to pull punch.
Level 8: +1 additional attack per melee, jump kick, +2 to body flip/throw and +1 to roll with punch/fall/impact.
Level 9: Death blow on a Natural 18-20! +2 to pull punch.
Level 10: +2 to save vs HF, +1 on initiative and +1 to strike
Level 11: +1 to disarm, +1 to pull punch and +2 to body flip/throw.
Level 12: +2 to damage, +1 to parry and dodge, +2 to automatic dodge.
Level 13: +1 additional attack/action per melee.
Level 14: Can perform holds and is +1 on initiative.
Level 15: Critical Strike on a Natural 17-20.
Number of Attacks: 7 (6)
Initiative Bonus: +6
Strike Bonus: +3
Parry Bonus: +6
Dodge Bonus: +6
Auto-Dodge: +4
Disarm Bonus: +3
Body Flip/Throw: +2
HTH Damage Bonus: +2
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +9
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +6
Basic Moves & Special Techniques:
Body Block/Tackle, Body Flip/Throw, Disarm, Roll w/Punch, Pull Punch, W.P. Paired Weapons, Backward Sweep Kick, Karate Punch/Kick (2d6), All foot strikes
Zero-G Combat Data
Type: Elite
Number of Attacks: 8 (7)
Initiative Bonus: +7
Strike Bonus: +5
Parry Bonus: +8
Dodge Bonus: +8
Auto-Dodge: +4
Body Flip/Throw: +2
Disarm Bonus: +5
HTH Damage Bonus: +2
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +9
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +8
Other: +10 Spd.
Weapon Proficiencies
Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike Bonus
Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost
W.P. Blunt -- +3 to Strike, +3 to Parry, +1 Strike when thrown
W.P. Handgun -- +3 to Strike
W.P. Rifle -- +4 to Strike
W.P. Energy Rifle -- +3 to Strike
W.P. Heavy -- +3 to Strike
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons & Rail Guns -- +3 to Strike
L3 W.P. Energy Pistol -- +2 to Strike
L3 W.P. Shotgun -- +2 to Strike
Saving Throw Bonuses (if Mimic/revert to base stats)
Eye of Odin grants +1 save vs all (not included below)
Coma/Death: 28% (+4%)
Toxins (15+): +7 (+1)
Magic (varies): +7 (+1)
Magic (Illusions): +10 (+2)
Magic (mind-altering): +15 (+7)
Lethal Poison (14+): +7 (+1)
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +7 (+1)
Insanity (12+): +16
Psionics (12+): +7
Horror Factor: +13
Disease: +7 (+2)
Drugs (mind-altering): +8 (+6)
Possession: +13 (+6)
Post Templates
Code: Select all
Perception: [roll]d%[/roll] | 57%
JIC: [roll]1d20[/roll] | [roll]d%[/roll]%
[size=85][ooc=Constant Abilities][url=]Character Sheet[/url]
[list][*]Eye of Odin (left eye): 20/20 vision, Nightvision (600', constant, no cost)), See Aura (constant, no cost), See the Invisible (constant, no cost)
[*]Swallowing Limbo [600lbs nonliving] (0/12 people, 6d6 days)
[*]Instant Wardrobe [55lbs each slot] (2/6)
[list][*][url=]TFRC-02 FreeRunner Combat Exoskeleton[/url]
[*]NG Bush Pilot Armored Jumpsuit
[*]Instant Weapon [110lbs each slot] (2/3)
[list][*][url=]Wilks 1000 Pulse Laser Cannon[/url]
[*][inline=Instant Weapon Bundle][list][*]x2 NG-S2 Basic Survival Pack (10 lbs each, 20 lbs total)
[*]x5 All-in-One Utility Belt filled with assorted MREs, assuming 5 MREs per belt (5 lbs each, 25 lbs total)
[*]x1 Overland Harness and Frame Backpack filled with x10 Standard First Aid Kits (45 lbs total)[/list][/inline]
[inline=Stats][size=85][list]MDC: [color=green]297[/color]/297
PPE: [color=green]13[/color]/13
[/list][inline=Stored in Instant Wardrobe][b]TFRC-02 FreeRunner Combat Exoskeleton[/b]
[size=85][u]M.D.C. by Location:[/u]
[list][*]Helmet: 45
[*]Arms: 40 each
[*]Legs: 45 each
[*]Main Body: 100[/list]
Weight: 25 lbs.
Modifiers: +5% to prowl, +6 to P.S., +4 to P.P., +1 APM, +3 to initiative, +1 to parry and dodge, +3 to disarm, +6 to roll w/impact, -10% to electronic perception
[list][*]All Features of Triax EBA
[*]Molecular Adhesion Pads on hands and feet
[*]Impact Absorbing Systems (p.89, MercOps)
[*]Triples wearer's speed, fatigue reduced to 20% usual rate
[*]Increase leap ability by 50%
[*]Infrared & thermal masking[/list]
Book Reference: [url=]Kraus Imported Arms[/url][/size]
[b]NG Bush Pilot Armored Jumpsuit[/b]
[size=85][u]M.D.C. by Location:[/u]
[list][*]Flight Helmet: 35
[*]Arms: 9 each
[*]Legs: 20 each
[*]Main Body: 25[/list]
Weight: 6 lbs.
Modifiers: None
[list][*]Flight helmet includes built-in radio and nightvision goggles[/list]
Book Reference: p.77-78, WB33[/size][/inline]
[inline=Stored in Instant Weapon][b]Wilk's 1000 Pulse Laser Cannon[/b]
[size=85][list][*]Range: 3000'
[*]Damage: 5D6+3 M.D. per shot or 3D4x10 M.D. per 3-pulse burst
[*]Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-pulse bursts only
[*]Payload: 240 shots with a portable generator
[*]Weight: 40 lbs.; portable generator weighs 70 lbs.
[*]Features: W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons; Generator recharges at 8 shots per hour; 1 hour to charge when connected to nuclear power supply
[*]Modifiers: None
[*]Book Reference: p.104, MercOps[/list][/size][/inline]
[b][u]Saving Throw Bonuses (if Mimic/revert to base stats)[/u][/b]
[url=]Eye of Odin[/url] grants +1 save vs all (not included below)
Coma/Death: 28% (+4%)
Toxins (15+): +7 (+1)
Magic (varies): +7 (+1)
Magic (Illusions): +10 (+2)
Magic (mind-altering): +15 (+7)
Lethal Poison (14+): +7 (+1)
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +7 (+1)
Insanity (12+): +16
Psionics (12+): +7
Horror Factor: +13
Disease: +7 (+2)
Drugs (mind-altering): +8 (+6)
Possession: +13 (+6)[/size][/ooc][ooc=Active Magic and Psionics][list][/list][/ooc][/size]
HU2 Alien XP Table
1 0,000 - 2,100
2 2,101 - 4,200
3 4,201 - 8,400
4 8,401 - 17,200
5 17,201 - 25,400
6 25,401 - 35,800
7 35,801 - 51,000
8 51,001 - 71,200
9 71,201 - 96,400
10 96,401 - 131,600
11 131,601 -181,800
12 181,801 - 232,000
13 232,001 - 282,200
14 282,201 - 342,400
15 342,401 - 402,600
2 2,101 - 4,200
3 4,201 - 8,400
4 8,401 - 17,200
5 17,201 - 25,400
6 25,401 - 35,800
7 35,801 - 51,000
8 51,001 - 71,200
9 71,201 - 96,400
10 96,401 - 131,600
11 131,601 -181,800
12 181,801 - 232,000
13 232,001 - 282,200
14 282,201 - 342,400
15 342,401 - 402,600