Alith grooms her horse and walks him along beside her as she speaks with various members of the group. Some of these men seem anxious, others flustered, and some like this Shane Knight fellow seem overwhelmed by their situation.
Conner Gunsmith
Conner follows Cale away from the giant robot and to the market where he looks over all the things laid out in front of him and points out what he thinks looks good. When the lady says that she only trades in goods and not money, Conner offers up his services to see if he can help out his buddy.
"Maybe I can help here. I could do some repairs for you in trade for what ever my friend wants. Sound fair?"
Sir Benjamin Payne
Ben is excited to find the marbles and turns to the shop keeper to barter.
"I think these are worth significantly more than the marbles but I don't think I've ever used them before so there yours if you'll take them."
The old man smiles a largely toothless smile and accepts the trade.
"Fine doing business with you, young man."
(Deduct the goggles from your equipment post.)
Ben makes his way back to the town square where he engages Shane once again.
Logan Sharpe
Logan cleans his armor over near the stalls, whistling and singing while he works. The townsfolk, children excepted, seem to pay the Roughnecks little attention as they go about their daily business. Logan manages to get his armor cleaned thoroughly and, as he's donning the suit, an older woman comes over with a smoldering bundle of dried vegetation. Shaking the smoldering bunch and smacking him all over with the bundle she comments
"This lavender will take care of that stink. Quit crawling around in people's excrement, boy. We could smell you all the way over in the market." After the older woman's done, Logan smells downright
floral. No longer smelling like shit, Logan starts to mingle and speak with others in the village.
"I'll have to run back to the ATRV and get my extra spice packets I bought from New Lazlo. That is the only items I have for trade that you may want. But I'll be back for a couple of pounds of fresh string beans and a pound of tomatoes." Cale runs back to the ATRV which is parked just outside the city walls and returns with a satchel full of his spices for barter.
The older woman's eyes sparkle at the sight of Cale's spices.
"Young man, let's get down to some haggling, I think we can certainly come to a mutually beneficial arrangement this day. Make me an offer and tell me what you want and in what quantities."
Doc adds his usually eccentric two cents to the conversation swirling around Shane.
William Summers
William recognizes that Shane is quite busy managing things and so excuses himself in a collegial manner. He mingles with a few of the Roughnecks and begins to take note of some of their eccentric behaviors and interests.
Clay engages Logan and William in conversation as he relaxes and mingles a bit inside the relative safety of the walled town.
Shane Knight
Shane deals with his teammates and the newcomers while he patiently waits for the Patriarch to come back out of his robot. When the Patriarch emerges, Shane says
"I'm sorry, sir. I didn't ask your name."
The Patriarch descends the hand-holds of his unusual vehicle with a troubled look on his face. He smirks for a second and responds to Shane's comment.
"No, don't reckon you did...and you still haven't."
Shane asks about the Mayor of Lethbridge and her companions admitting that he accepted her job offer without much in the way of real information about what they were getting into. The Patriarch admits that he's mostly in the dark as well.
"She only came to power in Lethbridge less than a year ago. Her predecessor was deposed amidst allegations of collaborating with the monster kingdom up in Calgary. He hasn't been seen since, and Grisabella took up the mayorship without much complaint from the town. Seems as though they valued her strong leadership and light touch." The Patriarch shakes his head sadly.
Shane finally cuts to the chase and asks
"What did the other villages around say and what do you think will happen now?"
The old man's brows furrow as he responds
"Fort MacLeod said they are gearing up for a major conflict. They have closed their gates and are currently doubling their already substantial guard as they anticipate an assault. This is because I contacted them with the news about Lethbridge. You see, Shane, I contacted Grisabella first attempting to corroborate your story. She didn't take kindly to what I had to say...not at all." The old man sighs heavily
"I don't have the specifics of what she intends or how she'll do it, but she revealed her true colors to me over the radio. She intends to wipe out Bow she did Medicine Hat. Yes, she admitted to it. I can only imagine what's become of Lethbridge since last I was there in the spring." The Patriarch looks to Shane and says
"I'll understand if you want to get out of here as fast as you can, but I ask that you help us defend this village against whatever it is she has planned, " the Patriarch pauses and then adds
"either way, you'd best be quick in your decision, she indicated she'd be here before nightfall."
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